AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) [Inactive]


~Dancing in the wind~
MADZ submitted a new role play:

AMU (Assassination of Magic Users) - Who will be assassinated next? Will it be you? Or will you be assassinating someone?

The Assassination of Magic Users or AMU is for the best assassins in the world. They will track down the best magic users in the world and then assassinate them. Another thing is, the magic users are not just any ordinary magic users, they have all used their powers for evil. The Magic users are almost impossible to kill, but, so are the assassins.
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( I am in the assassin's meeting that I am in, Magic users you can have your own meeting right now. Sayu is your leader.)

Rin was in the meeting room for the AMU. She was setting up a white board for the meeting and other things, making sure everything was perfect. Once done she checked the time on her watch.

A have a few minutes until they should arrive...
Zash calmly walks into the meeting room. As he greets Rin, walks to the table. He puts his sword onto the table, and then waits in the chair silently.
Airi leaned back in her chair, waiting for the other Magic Users to enter the meeting room. She didn't think she had to get ready for anything. After all, they were only discussing a few things. I wonder if anybody will show up. Well, we'll see.
Rin sat towards the head of the table. She looked at Zash.

"Do you know who all is coming?" she asked.
Mai paused for a moment, looking down to fix her black miniskirt. She tugged on her fishnet tights and then flipped her hair over her shoulder. She made her way into the conference room and fell into a chair, crossing her legs. "Hey Rin. Zash." She nodded.
Hm...I think Code will come for sure, along with Kiseki, but i don't know if Mai will come. We haven talked for a time now. Do you know something about her?
Code then walks in, acting as if he wasn't late at all. He then takes a seat at the table, waving to everyone. "Hey guys."
"Yeah, a little bit. Something happened. But everything is good now." Code said as he looked at them all. "Now why did you assemble us? Must be a good reason."
"I am doing good Mai thanks for the question." After a little brake he adds: "What's with those clothes? Are they not too provoking?"
Yin walked into the room, taking light bouncy steps as she did so. She was in a good mood today, after three years by herself any day with other people was a good day. She nodded towards Airi and took seat.

"Hello Airi." Glancing around the empty room she continued in her naturally soft voice, "Is anyone else coming?"
Rin checked her watch.

"The others are late. Shall we start without them? We have much to discuss."
Mai narrowed her eyes at Zash. "Since when did you start caring about how I dressed?" She snapped. She slammed her hand down on the table. "Can we just start this already? I have things to do." Mai growled.
Airi looked at the girl who had just entered and let out a soft sigh. "Hello, Yin. I'm not sure if anyone else is coming. We'll see. " She tilted her head enough to the side for it to crack.
Zash puts a smile on his face as an answer to Mai, and as he crosses his arms and closes his eyes he says: "Since the majority of us is here i think we should start it right away."
Kaoru walked briskly to the Magic User's conference room, quickly pushing his hair away from his eyes. He walked in and took a seat directly across from Airi. "Hello girls." He smiled.
"Ah... Hello, Kaoru. " Airi nodded towards him as a greeting. Is anybody else coming...?

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