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Amori High

He sighed heavily and headed to lunch, sitting at the unoccupied table. "They HAD to die...just HAD to." Chris shook his fist angrily.
Akemi sat under the shade of a tree and looked at the cafeteria building from her spot. Not to many people sat out in the grass behind the cafeteria so she had a nice quite spot. "I wonder what my new partners deal it... I mean it's no of my business but I can tell he's no happy and heavy thoughts are on his mind." She murmured softly as she ate her mothers home made Chow mien.
This food fucking sucks. Chris thought, trying to eat it. When he was finished, he laid his on the table. At one point he thought he heard a laugh coming from Akemi's area.
Akemi notice a small group of girls not to far off from where she was glancing over at Chris and giggling like ninnies. She shook her head and stood to her feet checking her bag for any extra treats before wandering down to the cafeteria and buying a soda. On her way back she stopped by the table that Chris was at. "If you're still hungry I have stuff my mom made from home.... it's not much but it's better than the food the serve here." she said softly as she glanced down at him and sipped her soda.
"No thank you.." He sighed getting his stuff and walking out of the cafeteria to his next class early. The teacher asked what he was doing. "I'd rather be in a class than lunch."
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Akemi shrugged her shoulder and wandered around a bit more before wandering off to class. She meandered in quietly and took her seat not saying a word to him. 'I'm done trying for the day.... maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow or some crap.' she thought to herself as she tied her wavy hair into a ponytail. She didn't realize that with her hair tied back that a bit of the scar she had going down her back was showing.
"Hun? What are you talking about?" she asked as she glanced over to him only seconds before noticing the line of his gaze. "Oh, the scar.... I got it when i was 11 after my grandpa died..... I didn't take his passing well and was being stupid and reckless and that happened." she said softly as she rubbed her shoulder.
"You know I don't remember exactly what happened for me to get this scar..... my mom and twin sister don't talk about when ever i ask them they get all upset and teary and stuff.... and my dad is usually to busy teaching at the University for me to ask him..... I think it happened during one of my explorations with my sister Emiko.... the last thing i remember before waking up at the hospital was falling while trying to climb up the side of a really steep hill. The scar goes all the way down." she said softly as she pulled up a bit of the lower half of her shirt showing him the lower part of the scar. (It starts on her right shoulder and ends just above her left hip.)
"It wasn't really that big a fall but the rocks at the base of the hill were pretty bad I guess." she said softly as she shrugged her shoulders and pulled out a few sheets of paper and a pencil so that she could take notes. "And you don't have to apologize for being secretive or whatever.... your business is none of my concern unless you want it to be." She said softly as she wrote the date and class name in the top left hand corner of the paper.
Chris did as the teacher instructed him to as he wrote his notes down. The teacher came over to Chris and welcomed him to the school, he only sighed back. "Thanks..."
After the teacher wandered off a few of the students leaned over and murmured somethings to Akemi. She shook her head in response to a few of their mutters and and handed one a pencil. "It's like they didn't know that there was class today." she grumbled softly before returning to her notes.
"Hehe you don't have to be so bleak about it." she murmured with a small soft smile as she glanced over at him. At this point she was unsure of how he would react to anything that she said or did so she would just try to be upbeat in hopes that it would either rub off on him or help him relax.
Akemi sighed and shook her head softly before excusing her self to the bathroom. "Never, been called that before..... let alone for saying that someone shouldn't sound so cold about how they state something." she murmured to herself as she stood in the restroom stall looking out the window only leaving the class room to get some air. "Is there even any point in trying to talk to him, I mean i don't try with anyone else cause I don't really care... and the only reason i ever did with partners is cause we have to work together for the semester...." She muttered out as she ran her fingers through her hair. Eventually she snapped back to reality and wandered back to the classroom taking her seat.
After two bells had rung, school was dismissed and Chris got on his daily bus, lying there listening to music. "I walk this lonely road, the only one that I have ever known....." He mumbled/
Akemi stayed on campus for a while longer. She sat on the wall outside of the school and just watched the cars go by for a while before wandering home. "I dun know why I thought that he might be any different. Self absorbed a like all the rest even if it's in a much different way." She murmured as she wandered down the road.
He sighed, walking off to bus to his aunts house. "How was your day at school today?" She asked, "It was freaking awesome!" He replied not-seemingly sarcastically.
After about 30 minutes of walking Akemi wandered into her house. It was empty today, with her sister out of state and her mother and father both at work Akemi was left to her own devices. After getting her homework done she made herself some lunch and went up to her room and sat next to the window looking out.
He stood up, preparing a meal for his aunts family like a chef. "This is from America, it's called a HAMBURGER!" They laughed with Chris as he shaped the hamburg into a round thick circle
Akemi didn't have much to do with herself so after she finished up lunch she wandered out of the house and out to the park. Armed with a pack of twizzlers and her ipod she trudged out of the house leaving a note for her mother just in case she came home while Akemi was out.
"Hey guys! Do you want to go to the park!" Chris exclaimed to the three young ones, they jumped on his legs and screamed "Yesss!" after they were done the dinner he had made himself for them.

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