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Realistic or Modern Ameqran

"Well it can't be as dumb an idea as you make it sound if you left your shade to come join me." Pangaea replied, the irritating residue of lingering sleep making her voice come off sounding a bit flippant even if she hadn't meant it that way. Quickly she tried to amend. "Anyways, I've always liked the sun better than the shade. It's just a personal preference, is all." Shifting slightly as she talked Pangaea peeked one eye open so she could see who had spoken to her. She knew she relied too much on her sight alone but she had never had much talent in recognizing others simply from their voices. As it turned out it was Kanode who had spoken; she was charmed by his concern even if his words did make her feel foolish.

Shekira got bored, and quickly decided to fuss her brother, Talon, who was sleeping. She jumped on him and then started roughly biting his ears playfully. All he did was shake her off to the side. Shekira chuckled, "You should be more active, Talon! You never do anything... Just sleeping, and sleeping, and sleeping. Even I would have got tired of so much sleeping!" She joked. Instead of taking in her words widely, Talon said, "I know, but I am steel too tired, but I would go for a hunt or two."
Monifa giggled at the sound of Jiwe’s laughter, excited to finally be playing with someone close to her own age. She circled the other cub and pawed at the ground, feeling the urge to run course through her muscles. “Bet you can’t catch me!” she challenged Jiwe, quickly sprinting away from him and past Anaki. Monifa looked behind her as she ran, trying to see if Jiwe was following her. Unbeknownst to her, she getting closer and closer to Akita’s tree.


A small pout formed on Kanode’s face and his ears drooped slightly at the response from Pangaea. He didn’t mean to come off as foolish. However, as she continued, he came to realize that maybe it wasn’t an idiotic idea for him to come over here and bother the female. Maybe the heat was just getting to her. “You prefer the sun? I didn’t know that…sorry if I offended you, Pangaea.” Kayode responded, looking into the bright eyes of the lioness next to him.
The young lioness was twitching in her sleep, as if unsettled. She was having horrible nightmares of late, and this made her twitch and roll around in the dirt. It was a horrible reenactment of that night she found her father murdered. The others that came in, that stupid Gorban shouting," She killed him! She killed the king!" She had pleaded with them, it was a lie, a lie, but they didn't listen. The tearing began, and right then, she woke up, with a start, sitting up and looking around, heart pounding, before she sighed and calmed herself down. Just another nightmare.

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"Oh no no no, I'm not offended. And don't apologize either, someone was bound to point out my folly sooner or later. I just count myself lucky that it was someone polite who told me off." Pangaea responded, her voice finally clear of sleep and sounding sharper like her normal self. Opening both eyes and blinking against the sun she stretched her back slightly before using her front paws to push herself up so she was sitting on her haunches. "The sun probably has addled my mind, a good scolding would do me good." Pangaea added, meeting Kanode's honey eyes, speaking in all seriousness. "I wouldn't have blamed you if you had been harsher on me to tell the truth. As much as I love the sun I'm still not immune to sunstroke, I should know that." she finished, not entirely sure why she felt compelled to apologize for her actions so much. Perhaps it was because she had been in the wrong and she hadn't realized it herself.
Jiwe's eyes lit up at the challenge. "I bet i can!" The young lion shot after his friend, having longer legs was an advantage, but they weren't much loner than Monifa's, seeing as he was only a month older than her. His brown gaze focused on her as the distance between them shortened. He was so focused that he wasn't aware of where they were going, or how far they had gone, he was only focused on catching Monifa.
Akita looked up and blinked at the cubs rushing at her, sitting up and looking at them more, even when they ran straight into her flank, then narrowed her eyes, glaring, "Excuse me..." She growled, her fur standing on end.

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Kanode turned away as Pangaea stated at him, her eyes seeming to pierce his heart. He tried his hardest not to blush as she directly gazed upon him, trying desperately not to give away his inner feelings as her silky voice rambled off. Her apologies raddled on and on, but he didn’t mind. Maybe it was a bit excessive, but she was right about one thing: maybe the sun had addled her mind. She needed to cool off somehow and Kanode was still thirsty from earlier that day. “It’s ok, Pangaea, I was just worried about you...no need to apologize so much.” he mentioned as he playfully pawed at one of her ears, trying to displace the tension. “What do you think about going and getting a drink together? It’ll cool both of us off a bit.” he continued, hoping she’d accept his offer.


A soft wall of fur blocked Monifa from running any further, her head colliding with it. She stumbled to her feet, unsure of what just happened. The small ears on her head tilted towards a deep, annoyed growl coming from nearby, not knowing what she ran into. A scared yip came from her tiny mouth as she scampered backward, trying to get an eyeful of what was making that scary noise. It only took a moment to realize the horrible mistake she’d made: she bumped into Akita.
Jiwe skidded to a halt just before running into both Monifa, who was backing away, and Akita, whom Monifa was backing away from. "Sorry." He apologized, he wondered why Monifa was afraid of the lioness, sure she had a few scars, but as far as Jiwe knew, she hadn't hurt anyone. His gaze slid from Akita to Monifa and back again.
The young lioness growled and raised a paw to swipe at them, but then let it fall again with a thump against the dry, cracked earth. I must not attack the cubs... Lest I want to be skinned. she grumbled in her mind, and laid back down, grunting to the two cubs, "Get away from me now, I'm in no mood to entertain you.." She grumbled, a single eye open and staring at the two.

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Jiwe dipped his head to the lioness. "Sorry again, we weren't paying attention." He kept his tone respectful, hoping he could get out of this with ought making a scene, or having to be scolded by his uncle. At the thought of his relative he looked over his shoulder, hoping he wasn't paying attention.

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