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Fantasy ambrosia on your lips [IC]


short king

  • Ciene had no idea what she was doing.

    She shouldn't be here. She didn't drink, as a rule--too many mistakes made--nor did she ever participate in night life. On any other night, Ciene would be at the beach, relaxing in the waves, or working the graveyard shift at the aquarium. Regardless, she wouldn't be here.

    But there was an electric feeling inside of Ciene's core, an urge to move towards this building, to find whatever was within.

    The bar was called Mount Olympus; Ciene laughed a bit at the title, knowing how it sounded to a goddess like her. But her smile melted as she stepped into the building, worry taking over her.

    Ciene could tell she was underdressed for the building, in her simple shorts and tanktop. She stepped in hesitantly, but the electric feeling inside of her didn't disappear. The ache grew stronger, calling her toward the bar.

    So she sat down at the bar and flashed a nervous smile to the man serving drinks. Something about the man seemed... Strange, to her. Familiar in a way that she hadn't felt before. But she couldn't put her finger on it, so she simply crossed her arms and waited to be served.



  • The night was supposed to be average for Sesmu. He should've been having a normal evening, assisting customers with drinks and forcing laughter at the bad jokes the drunks told, maybe even picking up a person or two, if he played his cards right. He would work, go home--hopefully not alone--and sleep the next day away, then do it all over again. It was routine for him.

    Something told Sesmu that tonight would be different.

    There wasn't anything that had changed, really. If he looked around, everything was ordinary. There were the same giggly drunks, the same bad dancers, the same men and women waiting to be wooed. But there was a feeling in his gut that this was different, an electric feeling telling him something was going to change tonight.

    Sesmu tried to ignore it, because he was a bartender first, and he had to push down his distracting thoughts to entertain the customers. He put on his usual lofty grin and looked out to the people sitting at the bar. "So," he said, as he grabbed a bottle of water from below the bar and held it up to the customers, "who wants a drink?"

    The regulars cheered, excited for Sesmu's usual party tricks. Of course, he let the customers think his tricks were just that, tricks--that they weren't real magic, just a trick of the light. Still, the customers cheered as they watched him pour the water out, seeing it turn into alcohol right before their eyes. It was a cheap trick to use for tips, but it worked, especially on drunks who were particularly amazed by his magic.


“The drinks here are bloody awful. Why’d we come here anyway?”

Luctus, on her third shot of vodka, was in a terrible mood. “Just because you get one of your feelings, it doesn’t mean we should go to a rubbish place like this.” she continued, still jabbing at her companion. Quetzalcoatl rolled his eyes, sipping from what was most likely just a glass of water. “Why are you ignoring me?” she put her arm around him. “And why aren’t you having any drinks?”

“Why do you ask so many questions?”

Luctus shut up immediately. Boss rarely ever spoke, much less to her. “Besides, my gut is always right. If we didn’t need to be here, I would know.” he sat back, still sipping from the glass.
"goddess of love, protector of animals"
@esmethecupid has set their status to:
excited to party, but also getting weird vibes

@esmethecupid has set their outfit to:

@esmethecupid has set their location to:
mount olympus bar

@esmethecupid is interacting with:


The bustling streets of L.A were far different to the Scottish Highland, Esme had decided. The young goddess had expected as much, but culture shock always seemed to hit her hard. She had travelled a lot around Europe in her years, but never America. People seemed to be a lot louder here, always in a rush. There was no human connection, just work on the mind. Esme had been born into a sheltered life, in a sheltered place, so the brutality of the city streets always felt strange. The goddess couldn't help but feel afraid sometimes, despite her divinity. There was something frightening, yet beautifully tragic about the human race. Maybe that was why love existed, to round down the sharp edges of life.

Clasping her hands in front of her skirt, she paused outside a rowdy looking bar. A man accidentally shoved into her as she paused, Esme frowning as she adjusted the collar of her shirt. Esme wasn't really sure why she was here, there had been an itching feeling in the back of her head for days now. She couldn't quite place the urge, even once she arrived in L.A that itch still didn't feel gone. Something big was going to happen, but she was unsure what exactly that big event would be. Perhaps it was her goddess senses, telling her of an important match to make... or even someone destined for her.

The young goddess bit her cheek as she smiled to herself, rocking on the heels of her clean white shoes for a moment. Grasping the strap of her purse, and adjusting her skirt she finally took the leap of faith.

Esme was known in her home town for being a bit of a party girl, so what? She was young, presumably immortal and liked to have fun. The bar fit her scene pretty well, dancers, drinking, loud music. She could feel the bass in her chest as she grinned at a nearby dancer. Maybe it was the setting, the coloured lights or the smell of alcohol but something felt right. Fate was a strange thing, but she tried to follow its lead.

The feeling that had plagued her for days grew stronger as she grew closer to the bar, she almost felt queasy with anticipation. Sliding into a free seat, she sat next to a woman around her age in looks. Esme could feel she felt anxious, but also special. A lot of the people hanging round the bar had that same feeling, she couldn't quite place what the aura was. Looking to the bartender, Esme smiled once more.
"Do you have a cocktail menu? Or is it just free game?" She asked, her thick Scottish accent showing.
º º code by ditto º º
mood :
grounchy, wants a drink, a little bit curious

location :
mount olympus bar
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
reincarnation, trickery
;; strophia

Strophia didn't visit the mortal world often, unless she was collecting spirits. There was a sad feeling to the place, maybe she knew to much of suffering but it just unsettled her. The goddess had once been a mortal, and she knew the pains of the mortal life and emotions far too well. She didn't know if it was a goddess thing or a her thing that lead her to no longer feeling the same. Maybe she had matured over her 100 years of like, mellowed out a bit. She didn't care as much, she let things slide. Most of all, she had started to joke and laugh again. It had been awhile since she had done that, when the war started that took her life there hadn't seemed to be but room for laughter.

Strophia had been tending the Pegasi out in the Champions Hall. Recently she had recruited a group of spirits to help her with the collections, human kind was feral and constantly providing them with more souls. She had been feeding her stallion, who she had been reluctant on naming. Not everything needed to be claimed and put into a descriptive box. She had plans for the day, but something quickly changed.

Strophia had learnt quickly that it was best not to ignore her senses. Usually it was callings of death to help her do her job, but this calling felt different. Shivers had run up her spine, it was a call? A summoning even? Strophia had no idea who from, she had met the occasional other deity but never for long. Divine rulers were strange in their own ways, most preferred to live their lives secluded than dealing with others. Plus, being a deity tended to give you a inflated idea of self importance. Usually she wouldn't feel up for a pissing contest, but something about it uneased her.

So there she stood, outside a bar named Mount Olympus. Strophia tilted her head at that one, adjusting her jacket with a frown. She wasn't a fan of mortal clothing these days, she much preferred her riding leathers. Sucking in a breath, the goddess entered. She figured living out in the in-between for so long had killed her sense of fun, looking at all the lights and people made her even more uneasy.

Stuffing her hands in her pockets, she moved towards the bar. With a frown, she realised Quetzalcoatl and Luctus were already sitting there. Pausing a few feet away, she assessed the situation. Everyone at the bar felt... strange. They didn't fit in with the environment, except for the bartender who had his own strange aura to him. Squinting, Strophia walked over.

Leaning her elbows on the bar, she glanced over at Quetzalcoatl and Luctus, then the others whose names she didn't know.
"What is this about?"
coded by reveriee.
“Reading is an act of civilization..."
  • .
Mount Olympus
Luctus - Sesmu
Ciene - Esme
holdenjc holdenjc artfvlly artfvlly
Fable stepped out of the small indie bookshop and onto the busy L.A. streets. Tucked under his arm was his latest purchase of a murder mystery novel he didn't actually need, as his own Library already housed a copy. But he while he was in town he had made it a priority to stop and give the small businesses a bit of love. Was he procrastinating calling attention to the sensation bubbling through his being? Oh, absolutely. But this small shop was the last on his list, and Fable found he no longer had any good excuse to put off following the thread of destiny that had been tugging at him for the past few days.

Fable navigated the labyrinth of concrete until he felt the urge to stop in front of what appeared to be a bar named Mount Olympus. What an interesting name. Would the inside be decorated like old Grecian halls? Fable secretly hoped so, that sounded far more interesting than the usual bar or dance club. Upon entering his hopes were dashed as he was greeted by the usual dive bar decor, complete with brightly clad dancers and enough flashing lights to hypnotize a person.

I should go to the bar...

The thought came from seemingly nowhere. Perhaps it was from whatever force had guided him here to begin with. To be honest, he couldnt wait until the feeling left. It was almost anxiety inducing. Pushing past the lively dancers, Fable found the bar at the far end of the room. Many of its seats were already taken, one woman in particular dressed like a Victorian doll come to life. Fables attention was taken away from the girl when the bartender asked the patrons if they were interested in seeing a trick. The people cheered on as the bartender, a young and good looking man, poured water into glasses where it was transformed into alcohol.

"I didn't realize the second coming of Christ was already upon us..." Fable muttered to himself as he took a seat between two young women at the bar. On one side sat a young girl in the Pacific attire of a tank top and shorts to combat the sun, while the other girl was dressed almost academically. Fable noted she spoke with a Scottish accent as she asked if there was a cocktail menu for her to browse.

When it was his turn to order Fable found himself suddenly at a loss for words. "I'll uh...I'll have an Old Fashioned?" Fable did not know what was in an Old Fashioned, but he had heard the name before. He thought he had seen an actor drink it in an old film noire. Fable felt awkward sitting there, technically by himself, waiting for a drink he wasnt even familiar with. He looked over to the girl in the shorts and gave her a polite smile and a slight wave, and repeated the process for the Scottish girl. There was something about the two women he couldnt quite put his finger on, as if he should know the them...
coded by reveriee.
Mentions: Fable, Esme, Sesmu
Interactions: thorspuddingcup thorspuddingcup holdenjc holdenjc

“Terrible choice!” Luctus shouted from across the bar. Quetzalcoatl smiled, setting his glass down. “Don’t worry, I’ll fix it.” the god of death strode over to Fable. “Gin fizz for my good man here.” he told the bartender. He had sensed an odd aura around both the bartender and the clueless man. And the girls next to him. “So what’s your name, stranger?”

Meanwhile, Luctus was giving a drunk one nasty hangover. “And that’s what you get for cheating on your girlfriend.” she grumbled, taking another shot. She could hold her liquor fairly well, but she was rather angry at the moment. She watched as Quetzalcoatl spoke to the odd young man with terrible taste. “Why does he have to be so adorable...” she mumbled.

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