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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
rosehearted said:
Valentina had never gone clubbing before, but she was aware that her style of dress would be important. She wanted something that said she was fun and cool, but not something and not something that would attract the less savoury types to her.
"Hm?" She did spot one emerald green dress that probably would stop at mid thigh length. Paired with black stocking and glittery black shoes, it might look cute. Valentina ran her thumb over the shimmery material. "Looks kinda cheap."

"Well it's up to you on what you want to buy. It's better to buy something you like right?" James wasn't a fashion expert, but he felt that it was better to wear what you like.
rosehearted said:
her style of dress would be important
(Tristin: Here put on a swimsuit. *slathers glue all over the 'cups' and the 'triangles' before splashing sequins all over. THERE YOU NOW HAVE DISCO BALLS)
"True." Valentina took the dress. She then scrambled to find her other desired items before having it rung up at the cash register. Bag in hand, she walked over to James, and in all seriousness said, "I'm going to go change in the park right quick."

rosehearted said:
"True." Valentina took the dress. She then scrambled to find her other desired items before having it rung up at the cash register. Bag in hand, she walked over to James, and in all seriousness said, "I'm going to go change in the park right quick."
"Alright. Just be careful. If anything happens then yell. I'll come immediately," he said as he waits for her.
JPax42 said:
"Well, cause you look like Threat. And what you do is you just hold your breath and just let it happen. How long can you hold your breath anyways? I have enhanced coordination and girl lungs so I can do, say...seven minutes if I tried my hardest. You have guy lungs and...well you're fast and somehow you don't get hurt too much. I think you can probably do that long too." Tristin smiled and hugged Thomas. "Both of them are very powerful, don't move around too much. Kirstin has super strength. And when I say super strength I don't mean Katherine being stronger than Igor, I mean SUPER strength. Like, lifting sperm whales. I'm not sure about Threat...just don't move around too much." Tristin smiled and gently pecked Thomas on the lips. "We can go practice now while doing our homework. All the GLASS stuff is waterproof anyways."


Kirstin violently shook her head.
"Oh no. Peace and Threat can run at nearly the speed of sound and they can shoot two thousand volt laser beams out of their eyes. On top of that, Peace can lift a pick up truck and Threat can, well, he ripped apart the same truck." Kirstin smiled and stood up, floating the same way Threat did, except her motions were slightly less smooth. "I finally did figure it out."

@Shammy the Shamrock
@Shammy the Shamrock (FEEL THE WRATH OF MY 128 WPM TYPING SPEED. Which will go away. In a few hours. Cause I'll get drunk.)
Across the street, Valentina managed to discreetly change into her clubbing clothes. After waiting for a few minutes, she peeked out of the bush she was behind and looked around.

rosehearted said:
Across the street, Valentina managed to discreetly change into her clubbing clothes. After waiting for a few minutes, she peeked out of the bush she was behind and looked around.
James would notice Valentina peeking out the bush. He gave her a look that said, "Are you alright?"

rosehearted said:
(lol you sound like my friend jessica)
For some reason, Valentina halfway expected James not to be there. She stood up silently, and gave a thumbs up.

"I don't really know of any clubs around here. Do you?" If he didn't Valentina would be perfectly find walking around until she'd find something.

rosehearted said:
For some reason, Valentina halfway expected James not to be there. She stood up silently, and gave a thumbs up.
"I don't really know of any clubs around here. Do you?" If he didn't Valentina would be perfectly find walking around until she'd find something.

James looked around and shook his head. "None I'm afraid. We could walk around and find one?"

Akira sighs, tapping a finger on her chair as she thinks. "If we try to blend in, and act like we want to be here, we might be able to get someone to let their guard down. Also, it could buy us more time for me to figure out how to get past their firewall, since I can't be trying during the day when we might get visitors. This is likely not going to be a very quick process, though."

JPax42 said:
(lol my jessica does have black hair but she's turning 17 in sept. and she loves memes, eggs and not much else)
rosehearted said:
(lol my jessica does have black hair but she's turning 17 in sept. and she loves memes, eggs and not much else)
(I hate eggs. Unless they're used as projectile weapons. One time I had an egg fight. Long story, long night. *Shudders*)
"Huh... Have you never partied in your life?" Valentina figured that if he didn't know any clubs, he must've not lived a very fulfilling social life... and this perception was exclusively based on her own personal life.

Sky nods to Akira. "Sounds like a plan. Then we should probably find a local GLASS soldier. One that doesn't know us."

@Crystal Cali

rosehearted said:
"Huh... Have you never partied in your life?" Valentina figured that if he didn't know any clubs, he must've not lived a very fulfilling social life... and this perception was exclusively based on her own personal life.
"Who me? Oh no never. As GLASS I do my best to serve... plus Katherine usually doesn't let me.

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Katherine was playing table tennis with four balls and two paddles. In her mouth. She was doing acrobatic flips and sideways twirls and cartwheels, open for GLASS related calls. The two officers against her were crying under their helmets.

(OPEN call only)
"Alright, guess if it helps someone with figuring out there dad." He got up and looked down at his books "I'll do them later." He ran to the pool before jumping in "I think my best is 5 minutes but then again that's with you bouncing on my chest and stomach."

"At least now I can do this," he floated above her and turned so that he was face to face with Kirstin. He kissed her for a minute before pulling away "I prefer doing this over swimming any day, remember when we took that bleach bath.....good times."


Jason walked to the GLASS building before looking back at Katrina "Come on in," he said before walking inside and opened the door for Katrina, looking at the front desk.

"I guess I'm in the same boat then," Valentina said, as she started to get a move on. Now, she didn't know the first place to go to for a party, but she figured that following the... more scantily clad figures and out there individuals would lead them to the party places in the city.

rosehearted said:
"I guess I'm in the same boat then," Valentina said, as she started to get a move on. Now, she didn't know the first place to go to for a party, but she figured that following the... more scantily clad figures and out there individuals would lead them to the party places in the city.
James just followed Valentina as he kept a close eye on her. For now her safety was top priority for him.

Tristin smiled. "You have a nice chest and stomach." She then ran back and dived into the water as gracefully as she could holding four textbooks and a tablet. She then sank to the bottom and started studying, expecting Thomas to mess with her in a minute.


Kirstin shrugged and floated up. "Well, we'll just wait until Ann gets in the water and then we can do the possession. Although I'd prefer Katherine to be there."

@Shammy the Shamrock

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