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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
"Remember Valentina Tejera? I want you to check and keep an eye on her. Let her know why you're doing it, alright? Besides, she's a good woman who won't hurt you. At least I hope."

James would remember his encounter with Valentina and nodded on the phone. "Alright then I'll keep an eye on her. I'll keep in touch if I need to update on anything." He would hang up the phone and would start heading out. From there he would be on the lookout for Valentina.

Meanwhile, Valentina was trying to find a way to leave the company of her bodyguards. Which... Was proving to be incredibly difficult, of course.

"Let's go somewhere else," Valentina said. One of the men looked up, sucking on his barbeque sauce stained fingers.

"I'm getting tired, let's head back to the suite." The other man nodded. Valentina shook her head and stood up.

"I want to get some shopping done. Then I want to go to a club," she said, a tone of finality in her voice. She hurriedly left the restaurant.

rosehearted said:
Meanwhile, Valentina was trying to find a way to leave the company of her bodyguards. Which... Was proving to be incredibly difficult, of course.
"Let's go somewhere else," Valentina said. One of the men looked up, sucking on his barbeque sauce stained fingers.

"I'm getting tired, let's head back to the suite." The other man nodded. Valentina shook her head and stood up.

"I want to get some shopping done. Then I want to go to a club," she said, a tone of finality in her voice. She hurriedly left the restaurant.

James would spot Valentina with some guards as he noticed she left a restaurant. It was his chance so he would approach her steadily and would show GLASS identification to the bodyguards. "Hi there Valentina. Remember me? I was asked to watch you at all times. You don't mind do you?"

Valentina's bodyguards rushed after her, stepping in front of her when they noticed James approaching. They saw the GLASS identification and though hesitant, they stepped behind Valentina.

"Watch me at all times huh? Sure, I don't mind, though it'll be an incredibly dull experience." She eyed her body guards, then looked back at James. "Do you think I can get rid of these two? Don't want them here."

rosehearted said:
Valentina's bodyguards rushed after her, stepping in front of her when they noticed James approaching. They saw the GLASS identification and though hesitant, they stepped behind Valentina.
"Watch me at all times huh? Sure, I don't mind, though it'll be an incredibly dull experience." She eyed her body guards, then looked back at James. "Do you think I can get rid of these two? Don't want them here."

"If you wish then GLASS can permit that." James said as he would begin his watch on Valentina. It shouldn't be a problem if someone from GLASS was watching her right? Surely her father wouldn't mind? These were thoughts that ran through James' head.

"Yes I wish that!" Valentina whirled around to face her bodyguards. She pointed behind them and started telling them something in Spanish. They stared at her confused, but she kept pointing and repeating herself.

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rosehearted said:
"Yes I wish that!" Valentina whirled around to face her bodyguards. She pointed behind them and started telling them something in Spanish. They stared at her confused, but she kept pointing and repeating herself.
James looked at her confused as well. "Erm... Valentina your supposed to tell them to go under orders of GLASS. They don't understand what your saying."

YoungX said:
"Well I'm not sure on that. For now we should try and find out more about GLASS."
James would answer Katherine quickly. "Well there's this panda that wants to see Tristin and Thomas. His name is Hugo, the one from TEST."

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali
Akira nods. "Well, were gonna have trouble with the computer, but maybe once everyone is asleep and there's less of a risk that someone could come by, I can try to hack through their firewall. For now, let's see what information we can get from the people working here. Let's try to figure out who they claim to be, and maybe how they managed to replace the police force so smoothly." @YoungX
Sky nods to Akira. "We can do that, but it won't be easy. Do you have a way to get information from those working here? As you remember I asked one of them about crime in the city. He called me a conspiracy theorist."


James sneezed. "Someone talking about me?"

@Crystal Cali (James is actually far away from now. It's a joke hue.)
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(How people think Katherine overtook police:

Katherine: *professionally walks into building and turns police into GLASS*

How Katherine actually did it:

Katherine: ~Lewd activities present involving neurotoxic lipstick~)
"Right, right..." Valentina kept pointing. "All right guys, leave me alone. You're under GLASS orders to go. Where you may ask? Where ever I am not, thank you."

The two bodyguards looked at each other before running off.

rosehearted said:
"Right, right..." Valentina kept pointing. "All right guys, leave me alone. You're under GLASS orders to go. Where you may ask? Where ever I am not, thank you."
The two bodyguards looked at each other before running off.

"Well then... what are you going to do now?" James asked as he would check his holsters to make sure his weapons are in good working order. Then he would shine his helmet to made sure it sparked.

"Well... I was thinking about going clubbing maybe. But that's a pretty big maybe," Valentina said. She shoved her hands into her pocket and slowly started walking down the street, the opposite direction from where her bodyguards ran off to.

rosehearted said:
"Well... I was thinking about going clubbing maybe. But that's a pretty big maybe," Valentina said. She shoved her hands into her pocket and slowly started walking down the street, the opposite direction from where her bodyguards ran off to.
James nodded and would follow Valentine to wherever she took him. As he did he was inclined to ask her a question or two. "So Valentina... you must come from a rich family huh? You have personal body guards with you."

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Valentina sighed heavily. "Yeah... I do come from a rich family..." When Valentina was younger, she would have exclaimed this with no problem. But things had changed so much over the years. Didn't help that she felt a huge chunk of her life was missing from her memory, making the contrast between then and now even more obvious. Back then, she had a mom, and a nicer dad and maybe a sister and things were happier. Now things seemed bleak and sterile and her dad was an awful, abusive person.

rosehearted said:
Valentina sighed heavily. "Yeah... I do come from a rich family..." When Valentina was younger, she would have exclaimed this with no problem. But things had changed so much over the years. Didn't help that she felt a huge chunk of her life was missing from her memory, making the contrast between then and now even more obvious. Back then, she had a mom, and a nicer dad and maybe a sister and things were happier. Now things seemed bleak and sterile and her dad was an awful, abusive person.
James noticed her sighing and decided it would be best not to go further on the topic. He decided to ask something else in the mean time. "Alright well... in any case... where to now?"

Thomas tiled his head "Why does she want to use my body? How do I even....give up my body?" He asked looking up and down himself "Are you Tristin again?"

Threat laughed "They seem like such a handful on one person." He floated off the bed and onto his feet "Now I really want Ann to meet them, probably would be fun.


"Let's go see if GLASS is hiring....maybe they would accept us. Then again they may not be there since now they have a giant carrier flying over the city," he said still holding Bones like a baby.

"I—Jesus fucking christ," Valentina muttered, waving the hot air around her. She stopped short, noticing a place where she could get something to wear. Without even informing James, she decided to head on inside.


"Well, cause you look like Threat. And what you do is you just hold your breath and just let it happen. How long can you hold your breath anyways? I have enhanced coordination and girl lungs so I can do, say...seven minutes if I tried my hardest. You have guy lungs and...well you're fast and somehow you don't get hurt too much. I think you can probably do that long too." Tristin smiled and hugged Thomas. "Both of them are very powerful, don't move around too much. Kirstin has super strength. And when I say super strength I don't mean Katherine being stronger than Igor, I mean SUPER strength. Like, lifting sperm whales. I'm not sure about Threat...just don't move around too much." Tristin smiled and gently pecked Thomas on the lips. "We can go practice now while doing our homework. All the GLASS stuff is waterproof anyways."


Kirstin violently shook her head.
"Oh no. Peace and Threat can run at nearly the speed of sound and they can shoot two thousand volt laser beams out of their eyes. On top of that, Peace can lift a pick up truck and Threat can, well, he ripped apart the same truck." Kirstin smiled and stood up, floating the same way Threat did, except her motions were slightly less smooth. "I finally did figure it out."

@Shammy the Shamrock
rosehearted said:
"I—Jesus fucking christ," Valentina muttered, waving the hot air around her. She stopped short, noticing a place where she could get something to wear. Without even informing James, she decided to head on inside.
James would turn around as he sees Valentina head into the store. He put the condom in one of his pockets and followed her. "Erm... wait for me... I guess."
Jillybear265 said:
Katrina looked uncomfortable at that suggestion, but went along with it anyways.
@Shammy the Shamrock
(Katherine vs Katrina is probably going to happen. Two women standing face to face (or boob to boob HEHEHE) and fight to the death. @Shammy the Shamrock thoughts? EDIT: I just realized I wrote Katherine as 6'2, not 6'0. THEY'RE PROBABLY THE SAME EXCEPT KATHERINE'S 5 YEARS YOUNGER)
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Valentina had never gone clubbing before, but she was aware that her style of dress would be important. She wanted something that said she was fun and cool, but not something and not something that would attract the less savoury types to her.

"Hm?" She did spot one emerald green dress that probably would stop at mid thigh length. Paired with black stocking and glittery black shoes, it might look cute. Valentina ran her thumb over the shimmery material. "Looks kinda cheap."


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