Altissa IC

Maria grinned, but it was obvious she was highly concentrating. "If this wouldn´t be fencing, this would be easy.", she muttered. She looked at both of them and shrugged. "I guess you cant change the fact that i only got on weapon for two targets, right?", she said and brought her hand behind her back, backing away a bit so she could still keep both front to her and they would not get out of sight. "You dont think i will engage an attack against two targets, right? I´m not dumb."

At the sight of the now transformed Feather, Euclid had no initial response. He only stared at her, trying to make sense of this situation. A nervous habit? What would that have to do with this? Unless this is her magic. Transforming into a small panda bear probably wouldn't be useful in one of those practical missions at all. That is if this is all she can do. He continued to think long and hard as he stared at Feather. And after a moment, he finally spoke.

"Okay... I'm guessing this is what your magic is. Transformation ey? Cool, I guess. Anyways, let's get going," he then paused and asked, "And uh... need any help with carrying your uh... clothes?"


Maria grinned, but it was obvious she was highly concentrating. "If this wouldn´t be fencing, this would be easy.", she muttered. She looked at both of them and shrugged. "I guess you cant change the fact that i only got on weapon for two targets, right?", she said and brought her hand behind her back, backing away a bit so she could still keep both front to her and they would not get out of sight. "You dont think i will engage an attack against two targets, right? I´m not dumb."




Both kitsunes chuckled, shaking their head.  "Two? But Maria, there is only one of me here." They said, advancing at a rather slow pace. "I wanted to see if you could guess which was real...And which wasn't." With a small grin, both lunged forward, blade aimed straight for her heart.



Both kitsunes chuckled, shaking their head.  "Two? But Maria, there is only one of me here." They said, advancing at a rather slow pace. "I wanted to see if you could guess which was real...And which wasn't." With a small grin, both lunged forward, blade aimed straight for her heart.

Maria still kept backing away, as they came closer and closer. "I could not know if it was illusion or creating clones.", Maria said and kept her hand hidden behind her back. When the two lunged at her, she suddenly disappeared again, but she did not instantly reappear. She was simply gone, until she reappeared between both attackers. She parried the left strike with the blade, which would have let the right one hit her for free. But she suddenly had a parrydagger in her right hand, held perfectly to parry the right strike. No matter which one was the real one, both would be parried.


The kitsune on the left yelped, the other one disappearing from sight. "Ah...A lucky guess." She said, recomposing herself and beginning to circle around again. "Maybe I did underestimate you, miss Maria." She said with a little shrug.


 kiarsuke dragged her tired self across the snow, her excitement shadowed by fatigue from her long flight. Her usually magestic wings trailed behind her ,bedraggled and limp. She reached the school grounds and looked around the empty grounds in confusion. Then it dawned on her, she was late... Like really late. Kiarsuke fell face first in the soft snow and outwardly groaned, frustrated. "I'm done for" she muttered, feeling that she was over everything. Kiarsuke suddenly tasted the frosty snow in her mouth that she had let in from her previous statement and jerked upright, spitting out the freezing mush of snow, biting her tongue in the process. "Owwie!" She snapped and started stuffing fresh snow into her mouth. Midway from stuffing another handful of snow in her mouth she stopped, thinking, I probably look like an idiot 


A small girl that at this point looked more like a walking bundle of clothing with eyes poking out at the top slowly made her way up the school walkway. She'd missed the entirety of the announcement and at this point was trying to find someone to ask what she was supposed to do while also slowly making her way inside the building. She was already covered in enough clothing for five people but she was still cold. Snow was a rarity for her forest so she wasn't used to the climate at all, it barely ever dropped below seventy degrees year round. 


She soon happened upon Kiarsuke outside the school...eating snow? She glanced to the funny little creature beside her curiously who just shrugged. She slowly walked up to the girl and poked her with her staff, "Um..Miss..are you okay?" She asked in a soft voice. Maybe she had the information needed or maybe she was a crazy person eating snow. Who knew.

Briya Tilah

She was just about to walk off to figure out who she was going to room with until Kuhl walked back up, "Uhhh...well I was gonna go get my dorm stuff." She replied with a shrug, giving her a smile back. She then looked to her bags, "If you'd like we could all go get our information and walk to our rooms together?" She suggested. "I'm sure that stuff is heavy and uncomfortable, plus I dunno about you guys but I'm excited to see the room." She said. "Not to mention I'm starving..the jerky I ate before arriving here is long gone." She added with a slight giggle just as her stomach growled to seemingly emphasize her point.


"That works. I'm curious as to who I've been paired with..." The zombie replied, turning to face the building. She didn't expect anyone too out of the ordinary, at least from what she had seen. Kuhl could adapt in the worst case scenario, though she would prefer to avoid someone with too many outlandish tendencies. Beginning to walk, she checked behind her, albeit with difficulty due to the polearms. 

(Not really much in my mind right now.)



The kitsune on the left yelped, the other one disappearing from sight. "Ah...A lucky guess." She said, recomposing herself and beginning to circle around again. "Maybe I did underestimate you, miss Maria." She said with a little shrug.

Maria followed her opponent with her eyes. "Indeed, maybe you did." Once again, the girl became invisible and lunged at her opponents side, becoming visible while attacking. She aimed at the head, ready to stop before hitting, once it was clear her point was won. But she was just as ready to react to a counter from her opponent.


To this...The kitsune seemed to melt into flames and move back, reforming completely unharmed. "Almost!" She said, holding her sword up again. "I must commend you. Not many have made it this far in a duel against me."


To this...The kitsune seemed to melt into flames and move back, reforming completely unharmed. "Almost!" She said, holding her sword up again. "I must commend you. Not many have made it this far in a duel against me."

Maria clenched her fist tighter around her dagger, hopping back once. "Hm, close.", she said. 'Three, three', she thought to herself. "Hm, maybe i should just get a little more proactive." Maria did not wait for an answer, charging at her opponent, attacking over the left side, swinging her sword at her opponent. But the moment she would hit, she suddenly was at the right side, swinging both, dagger at the heart height and the sword at the head.


"Perhaps you should." The kitsune shook her head as she charged, before dropping to the ground and sweeping her her legs with a kick. "I know I will!"


"Perhaps you should." The kitsune shook her head as she charged, before dropping to the ground and sweeping her her legs with a kick. "I know I will!"

Maria saw it too late and got swept of her feet, but she managed to roll backwards, out of any danger range. She immediatly jumped up to her feet again, ready to parry any incoming attack as good as possible. 


Phenel yawned, covering her mouth with one hand.  "My, you're doing quite well." She said after a moment, wiping the tears from her yawn out of her eyes. Her free hand seemed to catch fire as she spoke, as well as a haunting grin forming on her face. "But we should really end this. First to one wins."
The ground shook from beneath, signifying something massive moving beneath the soil.
 Afew meters from the path leading up to the school, the dirt began to shift, before rising. What burst free could be considered horrifying. A massive beast, looking like a demon of an insect, stood there, shouldering several tons of dirt. From its "lap", something stepped forth.  Humanoid in appearance, it turned, carrying an old bag on its shoulder.
 The two bizarre creatures repeatedly clicked, the much smaller of the two geasturing as it made noise. The much larger simply cast its gaze around, snarling. In the end, afew somber clicks were shared, and the large bent down, the two tapping foreheads together before the smaller turned and headed for the school.
 The massive beast grumbled,before vanishing beneath the surface of the soil. The only evidence it was ever there was some upturned dirt.


Aiden had been late. He knew it. But the queen wanted a "farewell party". It had been fun, but forced him drastically late...

 Aiden slipped into the building, and shivered. Cold. Very very cold. He didnt like that...

 He let his wings streatch and flap to warm them. Before looking about. The school was beautiful. But he needed to find out where he was to go...

He couldnt help but sigh, kncoking on the first door he came to. Luckily, he had found the office without knowing...

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A small girl that at this point looked more like a walking bundle of clothing with eyes poking out at the top slowly made her way up the school walkway. She'd missed the entirety of the announcement and at this point was trying to find someone to ask what she was supposed to do while also slowly making her way inside the building. She was already covered in enough clothing for five people but she was still cold. Snow was a rarity for her forest so she wasn't used to the climate at all, it barely ever dropped below seventy degrees year round. 


She soon happened upon Kiarsuke outside the school...eating snow? She glanced to the funny little creature beside her curiously who just shrugged. She slowly walked up to the girl and poked her with her staff, "Um..Miss..are you okay?" She asked in a soft voice. Maybe she had the information needed or maybe she was a crazy person eating snow. Who knew.


"uummm..." Kiarsuke felt her face heat up with embarrassment. Quickly she spat out the sludge like snow and winced at her behavior. "Uh, yeah, I'm good..." Kiarsuke trailed off as she looked at the pair in front of her, she scratched her head quizzically at the little plant animal standing beside a small, light-green haired girl. Although 'girl' was an understatement; She was tiny! Kiarsuke smiled warmly at the shy girl, her bitten tongue forgotten. Maybe this girl and her queer monster would be her first friends. "That's a cute little guy you have there," she said, gesturing to the plant monster. "Can he photosynthesize?" Kiarsuke leaned closer, trying to get a better look at the little being.


Phenel yawned, covering her mouth with one hand.  "My, you're doing quite well." She said after a moment, wiping the tears from her yawn out of her eyes. Her free hand seemed to catch fire as she spoke, as well as a haunting grin forming on her face. "But we should really end this. First to one wins."

Maria nodded. "We should." She appeared not impressed at all by the flames. She was not bothered by the yawn either. She grabbed her dagger differently, more to deliver strikes than to parry, holding it backhandedly now. She started to sprint towards her opponent, when she suddenly got invisible. A strike suddenly came from the right, then suddenly from behind and the right. She then disappeared again, bringing a bit of distance between them. 


The kitsune dissolved into flames, 'leaping' back before reforming into Phenel mid-air. The fencer dropped, landing on Maria's shoulders before boosting off her and hitting the ground without so much as a stumble. "Good!"
No answer,sadly. And with no one around, Aiden needed to think. How would he find the students...

Sound would be his best option. Letting his eyes slide shut, he gave a sigh,taking in the sounds around him...

"This way!" Eyes opening, the Kavash started walking, unknowningly heading for the dorms. Seemed to be the loudest area...

(Open to interaction)
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The kitsune dissolved into flames, 'leaping' back before reforming into Phenel mid-air. The fencer dropped, landing on Maria's shoulders before boosting off her and hitting the ground without so much as a stumble. "Good!"

Maria shook her head. '0,2.' "I think this is a draw, Miss Phenel.", she said and lowered her sword, yet still ready to react to attacks. "I am pretty hungry and we are pretty even. Let´s say draw and end this. We can grab some food together."


"...Alright then. Toss me my sword, please." She said, gently lowering her blade. "I must admit, you are a very skilled opponent, miss Maria." The kitsune admitted, flashing her a toothy grin.


"...Alright then. Toss me my sword, please." She said, gently lowering her blade. "I must admit, you are a very skilled opponent, miss Maria." The kitsune admitted, flashing her a toothy grin.

Maria spun the blade in her hand a few times and then held it out for Phenel to grab by the hilt. "I´m pretty sure you would have bested me if you would have gone more aggressive, i suppose you did not go all out because it was a friendly spare. Though then i must admit, I´m more comfortable with daggers anyways." She smiled. "What do you think about my offer to eat?", she said and created a bar of chocolate out of nothing, biting it and grimacing. "EW! Dark choclate? What the heck?" She threw the bar into a nearby bush and created another, lighter bar. "Seems way better.", she said and started eating.

"Mm...I could eat." The kitsune said as she sheathed her swords, a tiny smile on her face. "And, if I may, with a bit of practice you could become a master." She said, tapping one sword's hilt for emphasis. 




Feather nodded rather bashfully at Euclid's question. Her clothes were pretty heavy at the moment, and she would have been able to carry them in her grizzly form. But in that form, she had no self-control. It had taken a lot of her willpower to avoid turning into a killer demon bear.


Which was part of why she hated her powers so much. Feather began to walk over to where she presumed the front desk was, though of course she was slow as hell. So she transferred her energy so that she could turn into her Chibi Flying Bear form. "Yeah....I can turn into bears, specifically..." she said awkwardly, floating up a bit so that she could actually look Euclid in the eyes. "It's not really a thing that' where I'm from, though." Once again Feather didn't elaborate, but she had a feeling that it was painfully obvious at this point. 


"Mm...I could eat." The kitsune said as she sheathed her swords, a tiny smile on her face. "And, if I may, with a bit of practice you could become a master." She said, tapping one sword's hilt for emphasis. 

Maria shrugged. "Whatever...", she muttered and then looked at the main building. "What´cha think, go to the cafeteria and grab some food? My roommate wanted to go there anyways." Maria looked around for Emily, but didnt immediatly see her. "OI! EMILY? WHERE YA AT?"



Phenel let out a short shriek as Maria shouted, covering her ears. When she uncovered them, she glared up at her ears in annoyance. "That was a bit...Loud." She muttered, readjusting her hat as she spoke.

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