Altissa IC

Luana's shadow like body floated out of her window as soon as that bell was rung. A black mist following the slight trail she left behind. It was easier for her. Way easier since she could blend into someone else's shadow and not use her powers. She assembled just like the headmaster said and blended into the dark. It wasn't very late for her considering Guardians don't need sleep, but do it to waste time. Her tail or 'legs' often flickered and brushed someone's leg or arm. So as usual Luana would float away if they look. It was too nerve racking. 

M-Missions!?!? Oh god. Who would partner with someone they can't see!? Oh no. Oh no. Trying hard to control herself and her unstable powers the shadow girl ended up bumping into someone and fell on her back. The rainbow eyes looked up and connected with another pair as the girl freaked internally, but said nothing. Just stared wide eyed. 

(Open for interaction)
Ughh. This is too late for this, I just want to go to bed. Euphrasie only had her sleeping dress and slippers while covering herself with a quilt, she was dreaming of being home with her parents again. She wished wasn't this weak, isn't homesickness suppose to hit a week or two away from home? Her body was shivering from the cold, she hoped she message was worth waking her up in the middle of the night. 

Mission. We're going to go on a mission! Eurphasie was disappointed that she had to work in groups, she was hopeful that she could find people that can keep up with her. I'll probably pick my roommate if she's up to it, probably a good opportunity for us to bond or whatever. We could pair with another group, but I haven't spoken to enough people actually rank their magic abilities. 






One does not simply wake a sleeping bear. Therefore, the entire time the headmaster spoke, he was being glowered at by said bear, who just wanted to go the fuck back to bed. Feather continued to glower at Headmaster Varrus, though at least she was sort of listening. The following was what she heard;


"Blah gems hairstyle green blue white yellow pink purple orange black pick your color, bonus team questions." The Maetzu gave him a blank look, then randomly transformed into a grizzly bear and plodded over to her roommate, Euphrasie. The bear stared at Euphrasie for a while, unblinking. 




Sh-Shut it, you. I'm not getting expelled on the first day. The bear-Feather poked it's head closer to Euphrasie, sniffing at her. 


Meat, it repeated. 


No, not meat! Roommate!




JUST HOW THICK CAN YOU GET?! Trapped inside her own head, Feather groaned. Why couldn't she be a normal person? This was so embarrassing....and on her first day too.



Fiery Bitch Tanis


"...Um..." The salamander raised her hand, her blazing tail swishing behind her. The snow at her feet had all melted into a neat little circle of wet grass as she 'struggled' to be seen. (I mean, the girl's six foot seven and on fire, she's hard to miss.) "I have a question."
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It's official. My roommate is a feral animal, but that doesn't mean crazy people can't be useful. "I honestly can't deal with this right now. How good is your tracking skills and do you have friends with decent abilities for this mission?" She didn't entirely dislike her, her abilities are a bit annoying but she can handle herself well. If her and her disgusting caws ever touch her, she's going to regret it.

"I have a person in mind ... although, I'm not sure that she will agree to be with me or even if she's even any good."





One does not simply wake a sleeping bear. Therefore, the entire time the headmaster spoke, he was being glowered at by said bear, who just wanted to go the fuck back to bed. Feather continued to glower at Headmaster Varrus, though at least she was sort of listening. The following was what she heard;


"Blah gems hairstyle green blue white yellow pink purple orange black pick your color, bonus team questions." The Maetzu gave him a blank look, then randomly transformed into a grizzly bear and plodded over to her roommate, Euphrasie. The bear stared at Euphrasie for a while, unblinking. 




Sh-Shut it, you. I'm not getting expelled on the first day. The bear-Feather poked it's head closer to Euphrasie, sniffing at her. 


Meat, it repeated. 


No, not meat! Roommate!




JUST HOW THICK CAN YOU GET?! Trapped inside her own head, Feather groaned. Why couldn't she be a normal person? This was so embarrassing....and on her first day too.


Fiery Bitch Tanis


"...Um..." The salamander raised her hand, her blazing tail swishing behind her. The snow at her feet had all melted into a neat little circle of wet grass as she 'struggled' to be seen. (I mean, the girl's six foot seven and on fire, she's hard to miss.) "I have a question."

Headmaster Varrus

Varrus had noticed Feather's rather...odd..demeanor though it was quite normal as not everyone was happy when missions such as these happened. He couldn't entirely blame him but it was needed. He failed to tell them the fact class would start slightly later than usual the following day to compensate...but he'd let them figure that out when they showed up to an empty classroom. He carefully watched Feather as she transformed just in-case he had to intervene. When Tanis spoke up he looked to her, "Yes?" He asked. He smirked just a little as she seemed to be trying her best to be seen despite being taller than most of the students assembled by a fair margin.



Shy had had a fairly hard time waking up if she was being honest. The bell did very little to wake her, in-fact the only thing that did was the little moonion that followed her around shoving her out of bed and onto the floor. She was of course upset by it but it was necessary she supposed. She tossed on her heavy coats and poked Phenel awake, if she wasn't already. After that she trudged down to the meeting area with her, now standing beside her and more or less staying glued to her side as she tried her best not to be seen. "A mission to find gems..? This should be kinda easy.." She said.


Briya Tilah

Briya had woken up relatively easy at the sound of the bell and gotten dressed by the time it finished chiming. She was quite used to having to wake up on the fly and this was no exception to that. While she didn't like the fact of waking up so early she didn't complain at all, simply silently making her way there and finding a quiet corner to listen to the Headmaster at. That was until Luana bumped into her, of course. She stumbled a little but didn't fall, turning immediately to look down at the short girl. She cocked her head to the side curiously and knelt down. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked.



"By teams...You mean bunkmates? Or are we being assigned to teams of four?" She asked, slipping into her fake accent almost immediately. If she was competing, the less threatening she appeared, the better. A hard feat, considering her somewhat imposing manner. 



Phenel seemed rather angry about being roused so early. Her eyes were slightly bleary yet narrowed in a disapproving squint. Only adding to this was the fact that she had barely been able to dress, evident by her wrinkled clothing and a slight bend in her hat's brim.

"This is ludicrous." She muttered to Shyilia, adjusting her hat for the umpteenth time. "If they want us performing at our best, we should be able to get some sleep. This is just...just...ludicrous."


Mikado Maxwell - Courtyard

While most of the school had been in bed, she had been hidden away in a shed that was out of sight and out of mind. Working late into the night was the norm for her and she had planned to stay up for a couple more hours. However, having her work disrupted by the summons still left her a bit miffed. Midnight classes weren't something she knew about and the whole thing seemed messed up as far as she was concerned. Nonetheless the rules were the rules and skipping class, even ones held at stupid hours, would only serve to get her in trouble. So with that in mind she quickly finished up her work and got to her feet, dusting off the legs of her orange jumpsuit before heading towards the courtyard. Her attire wasn't something meant for classes as she wore white gloves, a white tank top, and an orange jumpsuit keeping her warm in the outdoor climate. All of her apparel was covered in various grime and stains with her gloves appearing more black than white at that point. Normally she would have showered and changed but, alas, unexpected classes ruined her plans.

As she approached the courtyard she noticed many of the students had already gathered. They all seemed groggy and annoyed to one degree or another, which was to be expected she supposed. She made sure to stay on the edges of the crowd towards the back as she listened to the Headmaster explain what was going on. A mission in the middle of the night didn't seem entirely necessary just to gauge student's aptitude, but whatever. The only complaining she could do was in her own mind after all. However, many questions played out in her mind. The Headmaster said it was a team effort but he made no mention of how the teams would be sorted. Her gaze quickly drifted along the crowd at the though as she realized she didn't know anyone or have any friends, so if they were expected to team up themselves that would be an awkward problem she didn't want to deal with. Figuring she might as well ask she raised her hand and spoke up loud enough for the Headmaster to hear. "How are teams going to be decided?"

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Headmaster Varrus

Varrus had noticed Feather's rather...odd..demeanor though it was quite normal as not everyone was happy when missions such as these happened. He couldn't entirely blame him but it was needed. He failed to tell them the fact class would start slightly later than usual the following day to compensate...but he'd let them figure that out when they showed up to an empty classroom. He carefully watched Feather as she transformed just in-case he had to intervene. When Tanis spoke up he looked to her, "Yes?" He asked. He smirked just a little as she seemed to be trying her best to be seen despite being taller than most of the students assembled by a fair margin.



Shy had had a fairly hard time waking up if she was being honest. The bell did very little to wake her, in-fact the only thing that did was the little moonion that followed her around shoving her out of bed and onto the floor. She was of course upset by it but it was necessary she supposed. She tossed on her heavy coats and poked Phenel awake, if she wasn't already. After that she trudged down to the meeting area with her, now standing beside her and more or less staying glued to her side as she tried her best not to be seen. "A mission to find gems..? This should be kinda easy.." She said.


Briya Tilah

Briya had woken up relatively easy at the sound of the bell and gotten dressed by the time it finished chiming. She was quite used to having to wake up on the fly and this was no exception to that. While she didn't like the fact of waking up so early she didn't complain at all, simply silently making her way there and finding a quiet corner to listen to the Headmaster at. That was until Luana bumped into her, of course. She stumbled a little but didn't fall, turning immediately to look down at the short girl. She cocked her head to the side curiously and knelt down. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked.

Luana's eyes went rapid and turned every shade of color you could think off. it was a sign that the shadow was quite panicked at the moment. Breathing deep breaths the guardian got up and proceeded to rub her arm. "I....I am fine" She let out a ghostly whispered. Almost non-existent. Her tail swished in the darkness and softly wrapped around her body. "I-I'm sorry for b-bumping into you...." The small shadow apologized as her rainbow of colors seemed to calm and slowly change from time to time. From a soft light blue to a midnight blue. It was sign of her now growing comfort. Wow this girl was...nice. A lot nicer then her siblings that's for sure. They always bullied her and it wasn't fair. Shaking her head to get rid of the thoughts the girl had a sudden question in her head 'Who will be paired with who?' It was a   terrifying thing to think about. To have to work with someone. It wasn't her forte at all. Luana grew extremely uncomfortable with the idea.

Guardians work alone.    







The bear grunted grumpily, noticing the obvious disgust, and just continued to sit there, staring blankly at the fairy girl. Honestly, the only thing that registered was small, delicate food with yellow fur...while the real Feather was struggling to transform into her human self before shit got too crazy. There definitely was a look of indigence on the bear's face; human form or dangerous psycho bear form, Feather was still very perceptive of others. 


Does she realize that I can't talk back to her? The bear's look shifted to one that basically summed up her thoughts; a mixture of "what the fuck", "oh god why did I have to turn into a bear in front of my classmates", and "oh my god, I think my roommate is a little crazy". 


In other words, utter embarrassment and confusion. The bear grunted quietly, Feather's attempt at talking without losing control of herself again. Maybe she could try forming vowels?


The result of that was a very odd-sounding roar. Feather internally sighed. Nope. Didn't work. Maybe if she just calmed down....deeeeep breaths, in and out. Loud breathing. Of course. Feather plodded back and forth, pacing, then, after a moment, the bear transformed into a much cuter and less dangerous form. Chibi Bear to the rescue. 


Feather, now a tiny, much less harmless bear, looked at what was left of her pajamas, then, grimacing, looked away, mumbling to herself, "Those lasted three weeks. Three weeks," before walking off to where her bag was. It was always good to bring an extra set of pajamas, though it looked ridiculous as a two-foot-tall Chibi panda bear held onto a bulging messenger bag that was around the same size as her. She then turned to where Euphrasie was and walked back, dragging the bag behind her. "Dream manipulation and strategizing are my thing," she mumbled, picking her glasses up off of the ground. "Sorry about the grizzly bear, by the way. It's not a power that I plan on using on purpose, so if that happens again, just step back or make yourself look taller. Running makes the bear think you're it's prey. I give you permission to use bear spray on me." She said this all in a flat tone, almost as though it had been rehearsed several times over throughout her life, then the Chibi bear cracked a smile. "Luckily, in this form, I won't be able to hurt anyone. I'll be back to normal in about ten minutes. Sorry about that, Professor, I'll try to control myself better," she quickly added to the Headmaster, bowing hastily to him. 

Euclid woke at the sudden ringing of the bell, he was feeling groggy with a bit of drool on his face. He mustered a 'huh' when the announcement that stated all students should go to the court yard started. After which he got up and walked to the courtyard with a  face that expressed annoyance, he only thought of why the hell they would wake all the students up at the midnight hour and head to the court yard. Euclid eventually reached the court yard outside, and simply waited as the students came in.

Once the new announcement started, he had patiently waited for the reason of this assembly. Euclid listened and his only response for this was, why? Couldn't they've waited for the next morning when we would all probably be in our best condition for this damn surprise exam? Doing this in the dead of night is certainly something strange. And upon hearing the words 'team exercise' he probably wouldn't like this. Team mates would only slow him down. Though he supposes he'll just have to stick with it. Only thing is, finding a person to team up with is going to be hard. There weren't many people he knows, the only one being Feather. He couldn't pick his room mate as he doesn't even know their name. He hadn't bothered to ask. The idea of working with somebody he does not recognize made him feel a tad bit uncomfortable. He stood among the other students, looking around awkwardly. Euclid prefered to work like a lone wolf.


(Open for interaction.)


"By teams...You mean bunkmates? Or are we being assigned to teams of four?" She asked, slipping into her fake accent almost immediately. If she was competing, the less threatening she appeared, the better. A hard feat, considering her somewhat imposing manner. 



Phenel seemed rather angry about being roused so early. Her eyes were slightly bleary yet narrowed in a disapproving squint. Only adding to this was the fact that she had barely been able to dress, evident by her wrinkled clothing and a slight bend in her hat's brim.

"This is ludicrous." She muttered to Shyilia, adjusting her hat for the umpteenth time. "If they want us performing at our best, we should be able to get some sleep. This is just...just...ludicrous."


Shy yawned cutely and nodded in agreement, "I agree.." She replied. "I'm soo tired.." She whined. She very much was not used to getting up at random times of the night, or really anywhere before 8 AM. Even then that was a stretch for the girl though something she knew she'd have to get used to in the coming years. "It's freezing out here, even colder than earlier...I wanna go back the nice warm room.." She said, shivering and pouting. Why couldn't the school of been closer to her home?

Mikado Maxwell - Courtyard

While most of the school had been in bed, she had been hidden away in a shed that was out of sight and out of mind. Working late into the night was the norm for her and she had planned to stay up for a couple more hours. However, having her work disrupted by the summons still left her a bit miffed. Midnight classes weren't something she knew about and the whole thing seemed messed up as far as she was concerned. Nonetheless the rules were the rules and skipping class, even ones held at stupid hours, would only serve to get her in trouble. So with that in mind she quickly finished up her work and got to her feet, dusting off the legs of her orange jumpsuit before heading towards the courtyard. Her attire wasn't something meant for classes as she wore white gloves, a white tank top, and an orange jumpsuit keeping her warm in the outdoor climate. All of her apparel was covered in various grime and stains with her gloves appearing more black than white at that point. Normally she would have showered and changed but, alas, unexpected classes ruined her plans.

As she approached the courtyard she noticed many of the students had already gathered. They all seemed groggy and annoyed to one degree or another, which was to be expected she supposed. She made sure to stay on the edges of the crowd towards the back as she listened to the Headmaster explain what was going on. A mission in the middle of the night didn't seem entirely necessary just to gauge student's aptitude, but whatever. The only complaining she could do was in her own mind after all. However, many questions played out in her mind. The Headmaster said it was a team effort but he made no mention of how the teams would be sorted. Her gaze quickly drifted along the crowd at the though as she realized she didn't know anyone or have any friends, so if they were expected to team up themselves that would be an awkward problem she didn't want to deal with. Figuring she might as well ask she raised her hand and spoke up loud enough for the Headmaster to hear. "How are teams going to be decided?"







The bear grunted grumpily, noticing the obvious disgust, and just continued to sit there, staring blankly at the fairy girl. Honestly, the only thing that registered was small, delicate food with yellow fur...while the real Feather was struggling to transform into her human self before shit got too crazy. There definitely was a look of indigence on the bear's face; human form or dangerous psycho bear form, Feather was still very perceptive of others. 


Does she realize that I can't talk back to her? The bear's look shifted to one that basically summed up her thoughts; a mixture of "what the fuck", "oh god why did I have to turn into a bear in front of my classmates", and "oh my god, I think my roommate is a little crazy". 


In other words, utter embarrassment and confusion. The bear grunted quietly, Feather's attempt at talking without losing control of herself again. Maybe she could try forming vowels?


The result of that was a very odd-sounding roar. Feather internally sighed. Nope. Didn't work. Maybe if she just calmed down....deeeeep breaths, in and out. Loud breathing. Of course. Feather plodded back and forth, pacing, then, after a moment, the bear transformed into a much cuter and less dangerous form. Chibi Bear to the rescue. 


Feather, now a tiny, much less harmless bear, looked at what was left of her pajamas, then, grimacing, looked away, mumbling to herself, "Those lasted three weeks. Three weeks," before walking off to where her bag was. It was always good to bring an extra set of pajamas, though it looked ridiculous as a two-foot-tall Chibi panda bear held onto a bulging messenger bag that was around the same size as her. She then turned to where Euphrasie was and walked back, dragging the bag behind her. "Dream manipulation and strategizing are my thing," she mumbled, picking her glasses up off of the ground. "Sorry about the grizzly bear, by the way. It's not a power that I plan on using on purpose, so if that happens again, just step back or make yourself look taller. Running makes the bear think you're it's prey. I give you permission to use bear spray on me." She said this all in a flat tone, almost as though it had been rehearsed several times over throughout her life, then the Chibi bear cracked a smile. "Luckily, in this form, I won't be able to hurt anyone. I'll be back to normal in about ten minutes. Sorry about that, Professor, I'll try to control myself better," she quickly added to the Headmaster, bowing hastily to him. 

Varrus Shoal

@RoxasTheExalted@Shelter@Antqionette@animegirl20@Isune@Crimrose@Ahara@DarkSlayer@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit@NexusXV@Talon@Princess Ami@Deadsh0t@Aella @Olissa@MisfortunateDreams@Kiarsuke@Mistory


Varrus first looked to Tanis when she spoke, then to Mikado, and finally to Feather when she apologized for the bear incident. He chuckled lightly and shook her head, "That's quite alright Feather. If you had perfect control of your magic you wouldn't need to be here in the first place." He told her reassuringly. It wasn't uncommon to see shifting magic, after all. Next he addressed both Mikado and Tanis at once. "Teams of four, and they've already been decide." He replied. "Team A will be; Tanis, Feather, Euphraise, and Mikado. Team B; Phenel, Shyilia, Lucid, and Kuhl. Team C; Briya, Maria, Ivis, and Luana. Team D; Aiden, Tareek, Liane, and Aiday. Team E; Alexis, Blake, Kent, and Nerys." He told them, listing the teams off for the presented students.

Luana's eyes went rapid and turned every shade of color you could think off. it was a sign that the shadow was quite panicked at the moment. Breathing deep breaths the guardian got up and proceeded to rub her arm. "I....I am fine" She let out a ghostly whispered. Almost non-existent. Her tail swished in the darkness and softly wrapped around her body. "I-I'm sorry for b-bumping into you...." The small shadow apologized as her rainbow of colors seemed to calm and slowly change from time to time. From a soft light blue to a midnight blue. It was sign of her now growing comfort. Wow this girl was...nice. A lot nicer then her siblings that's for sure. They always bullied her and it wasn't fair. Shaking her head to get rid of the thoughts the girl had a sudden question in her head 'Who will be paired with who?' It was a   terrifying thing to think about. To have to work with someone. It wasn't her forte at all. Luana grew extremely uncomfortable with the idea.

Guardians work alone.    

Briya Tilah

Briya watched Luana's rapidly shifting eyes curiously, definitely very curious as to what she was at this point. She'd never seen anything like it and it was honestly pretty cool. She stood when she did, continuing to give the girl a gentle smile as she spoke to her. "Good, you should be a little more careful." She told her, mostly concerned for her safety instead of her own. At her apology she shook her head, "No, no it's fine really." She said. "No harm done to me, I was just worried for you." She said. She then stuck her hand out, "Names' Briya, nice to meet you..?" She told her, trailing off and indicating she was asking for her name. She could tell she was incredibly nervous and was doing her best to try and keep her calm and show she wasn't angry with her in the slightest.

Luana looked over at the little Souling perched on the girls shoulder. She noted that they were actually the same height, if not for Luana floating a inch above in shadow form. This girl gave her a gentle smile and she tried to smile back only to show a glowing white line as her mouth. The line curved up as a small awkward smile."I....I will" She whispered swaying a little at the confusing events. It made her even more baffled when this girl said she was worried for her. Worried. What. Oh this girls name was Briya. Oh...Oh no. Her name! A dark blue tint covered her face, the indication of a blush. "O-Oh...I...I am Luana....Luana Dife" She whispered before thinking. Oh teams...the headmaster put Briya in her team. She still wasn't thrilled with the idea, but didn't voice her distaste out loud. Lifting her small hands she made sign Do you know sign? She signed to Briya.
Blake wandered around, trying to find where everyone was supposed to meet for the exercise. 'This is an unearthly hour to be up.' He thought sorrowfully as he walked circles. He was pretty sure he was going in circles, that one door looked familiar. He took a right and found himself outside the dormitories. "Finally!" He exclaimed with relief. "Now to find the meeting area." He looked around before deciding that the main doors were his best bet at finding someone who might know where he needed to go. 

  Reveal hidden contents


Shy yawned cutely and nodded in agreement, "I agree.." She replied. "I'm soo tired.." She whined. She very much was not used to getting up at random times of the night, or really anywhere before 8 AM. Even then that was a stretch for the girl though something she knew she'd have to get used to in the coming years. "It's freezing out here, even colder than earlier...I wanna go back the nice warm room.." She said, shivering and pouting. Why couldn't the school of been closer to her home?

  Reveal hidden contents

Varrus Shoal

@RoxasTheExalted@Shelter@Antqionette@animegirl20@Isune@Crimrose@Ahara@DarkSlayer@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit@NexusXV@Talon@Princess Ami@Deadsh0t@Aella @Olissa@MisfortunateDreams@Kiarsuke@Mistory

Varrus first looked to Tanis when she spoke, then to Mikado, and finally to Feather when she apologized for the bear incident. He chuckled lightly and shook her head, "That's quite alright Feather. If you had perfect control of your magic you wouldn't need to be here in the first place." He told her reassuringly. It wasn't uncommon to see shifting magic, after all. Next he addressed both Mikado and Tanis at once. "Teams of four, and they've already been decide." He replied. "Team A will be; Tanis, Feather, Euphraise, and Mikado. Team B; Phenel, Shyilia, Lucid, and Kuhl. Team C; Briya, Maria, Ivis, and Luana. Team D; Aiden, Tareek, Liane, and Aiday. Team E; Alexis, Blake, Kent, and Nerys." He told them, listing the teams off for the presented students.

  Reveal hidden contents

Briya Tilah

Briya watched Luana's rapidly shifting eyes curiously, definitely very curious as to what she was at this point. She'd never seen anything like it and it was honestly pretty cool. She stood when she did, continuing to give the girl a gentle smile as she spoke to her. "Good, you should be a little more careful." She told her, mostly concerned for her safety instead of her own. At her apology she shook her head, "No, no it's fine really." She said. "No harm done to me, I was just worried for you." She said. She then stuck her hand out, "Names' Briya, nice to meet you..?" She told her, trailing off and indicating she was asking for her name. She could tell she was incredibly nervous and was doing her best to try and keep her calm and show she wasn't angry with her in the slightest.

Xavier dux Verdier

It was a bleak night... in the middle of the woods. I was being persued by people I do not know... All I remember is trying to catch my breath... Were words that I read from a book. I'd close said book as I would then look up and face reality. I was in a cab, whose driver I... *convinced* to take me to Altissa because I enrolled there, for free. Naturally, I had all my bags in tow. As the car pulled up, I'd thank the driver and offered a generous tip, of nothing! I'd then open the trunk and take out all what I needed. My baggage... disappeared, as if it were being stored in another world, because no one likes to carry that. In reality, I just made them disappear and have some invisible clones put them wherever my dorm is. Naturally, I'd make my way into registering and learning my dormitory. However, the recepitonist was on break. Oh well. I'll figure it out eventually. I'd then see a large group gathering at the courtyard. As I am a mere jester, I go where the crowd is. Because of the order of the events, it can be said that I have done this before the head-honcho even talked about the teams. Perhaps it was very... plot convient for me. I was a bit disappointed that my name was yet to be said, but hey, I came a bit late. So naturally, I spoke up. "Ah, greetings and salutations people I have yet to know about!" I would then take a bow, like the eccentric being I am. "I am Xavier dux Verdier! Perhaps there be room for one more on a team?" I'd ask lightheartedly.


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Shy yawned cutely and nodded in agreement, "I agree.." She replied. "I'm soo tired.." She whined. She very much was not used to getting up at random times of the night, or really anywhere before 8 AM. Even then that was a stretch for the girl though something she knew she'd have to get used to in the coming years. "It's freezing out here, even colder than earlier...I wanna go back the nice warm room.." She said, shivering and pouting. Why couldn't the school of been closer to her home?




Phenel nodded, impatiently tapping her foot. "We'll have to make sure our team knows we need to do this fast. Otherwise we're done for." She muttered, crossing her arms as her gaze flitted to the other two members in her team.




"..." The salamander lowered her hand and nodded, before searching for her teammates in the small crowd. I just hope they can keep up. She thought to herself, a tiny grin spreading across her face. "Thank you, sir."

Mikado Maxwell - Courtyard

With her question out of the way she allowed her arm to fall back to her side as she listened to the Headmaster's reply. A team of four seemed standard enough. Truly her team would be victorious for they had the mighty Euphraise, venerable Feather, courageous Tanis, and of course the magnificent and ever beautiful and intelligent Mikado! Now the only question was figuring out who those other people actually were. A name was only worth something if you had an object to attach it to, a fact the old man seemed to have forgotten in his old age. Her eyes started scanning the crowd instinctively, trying to get any clue as to the identity of her future teammates. Alas any buzz of activity was lost in the fact that all the studies were trying to organize themselves. It was times like this that reminded her she should have spent more time socializing during the day instead of tinkering away in a shed. With that thought combining with her inability to locate her teammates she let out a long sigh as she once again raised her hand and raised her voice so that the headmaster could hear. "I don't know who those people are." Her expression was flat and her tone matter of fact in her delivery. While others might be embarrassed making such a declaration in front of the student body, she had no qualms whatsoever. If anything it was the old man's fault for expecting her to memorize every student in the first day.


Luana looked over at the little Souling perched on the girls shoulder. She noted that they were actually the same height, if not for Luana floating a inch above in shadow form. This girl gave her a gentle smile and she tried to smile back only to show a glowing white line as her mouth. The line curved up as a small awkward smile."I....I will" She whispered swaying a little at the confusing events. It made her even more baffled when this girl said she was worried for her. Worried. What. Oh this girls name was Briya. Oh...Oh no. Her name! A dark blue tint covered her face, the indication of a blush. "O-Oh...I...I am Luana....Luana Dife" She whispered before thinking. Oh teams...the headmaster put Briya in her team. She still wasn't thrilled with the idea, but didn't voice her distaste out loud. Lifting her small hands she made sign Do you know sign? She signed to Briya.

@Crimrose@Princess Ami

Briya Tilah

Briya smiled wide at that, "Ohh! Good you're on my team then." She replied. She giggled a little at her blush and continued to smile. When she signed to her she nodded, I do. She signed back. You prefer using sign then? She asked, tilting her head a little. THe girl was definitely a curious being, something she'd never come across. And undoubtedly shy. She looked at everyone and decided to perk up a bit, "If your names are Maria and Ivis your team is over here!" She called out.



Phenel nodded, impatiently tapping her foot. "We'll have to make sure our team knows we need to do this fast. Otherwise we're done for." She muttered, crossing her arms as her gaze flitted to the other two members in her team.




"..." The salamander lowered her hand and nodded, before searching for her teammates in the small crowd. I just hope they can keep up. She thought to herself, a tiny grin spreading across her face. "Thank you, sir."


Shyilia nodded, "Yeah.." She replied. "I hope they do too..I wanna sleep.." She whined. Noticing Briya decided to call out to her teammates Shyilia did the same, "U-Um...Lucid and Kuhl please come over here!" She called out, hoping they'd follow her voice given how short she was.

Mikado Maxwell - Courtyard

With her question out of the way she allowed her arm to fall back to her side as she listened to the Headmaster's reply. A team of four seemed standard enough. Truly her team would be victorious for they had the mighty Euphraise, venerable Feather, courageous Tanis, and of course the magnificent and ever beautiful and intelligent Mikado! Now the only question was figuring out who those other people actually were. A name was only worth something if you had an object to attach it to, a fact the old man seemed to have forgotten in his old age. Her eyes started scanning the crowd instinctively, trying to get any clue as to the identity of her future teammates. Alas any buzz of activity was lost in the fact that all the studies were trying to organize themselves. It was times like this that reminded her she should have spent more time socializing during the day instead of tinkering away in a shed. With that thought combining with her inability to locate her teammates she let out a long sigh as she once again raised her hand and raised her voice so that the headmaster could hear. "I don't know who those people are." Her expression was flat and her tone matter of fact in her delivery. While others might be embarrassed making such a declaration in front of the student body, she had no qualms whatsoever. If anything it was the old man's fault for expecting her to memorize every student in the first day.

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Shy yawned cutely and nodded in agreement, "I agree.." She replied. "I'm soo tired.." She whined. She very much was not used to getting up at random times of the night, or really anywhere before 8 AM. Even then that was a stretch for the girl though something she knew she'd have to get used to in the coming years. "It's freezing out here, even colder than earlier...I wanna go back the nice warm room.." She said, shivering and pouting. Why couldn't the school of been closer to her home?

  Reveal hidden contents

Varrus Shoal

@RoxasTheExalted@Shelter@Antqionette@animegirl20@Isune@Crimrose@Ahara@DarkSlayer@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit@NexusXV@Talon@Princess Ami@Deadsh0t@Aella @Olissa@MisfortunateDreams@Kiarsuke@Mistory

Varrus first looked to Tanis when she spoke, then to Mikado, and finally to Feather when she apologized for the bear incident. He chuckled lightly and shook her head, "That's quite alright Feather. If you had perfect control of your magic you wouldn't need to be here in the first place." He told her reassuringly. It wasn't uncommon to see shifting magic, after all. Next he addressed both Mikado and Tanis at once. "Teams of four, and they've already been decide." He replied. "Team A will be; Tanis, Feather, Euphraise, and Mikado. Team B; Phenel, Shyilia, Lucid, and Kuhl. Team C; Briya, Maria, Ivis, and Luana. Team D; Aiden, Tareek, Liane, and Aiday. Team E; Alexis, Blake, Kent, and Nerys." He told them, listing the teams off for the presented students.

  Reveal hidden contents

Briya Tilah

Briya watched Luana's rapidly shifting eyes curiously, definitely very curious as to what she was at this point. She'd never seen anything like it and it was honestly pretty cool. She stood when she did, continuing to give the girl a gentle smile as she spoke to her. "Good, you should be a little more careful." She told her, mostly concerned for her safety instead of her own. At her apology she shook her head, "No, no it's fine really." She said. "No harm done to me, I was just worried for you." She said. She then stuck her hand out, "Names' Briya, nice to meet you..?" She told her, trailing off and indicating she was asking for her name. She could tell she was incredibly nervous and was doing her best to try and keep her calm and show she wasn't angry with her in the slightest.

Xavier dux Verdier

It was a bleak night... in the middle of the woods. I was being persued by people I do not know... All I remember is trying to catch my breath... Were words that I read from a book. I'd close said book as I would then look up and face reality. I was in a cab, whose driver I... *convinced* to take me to Altissa because I enrolled there, for free. Naturally, I had all my bags in tow. As the car pulled up, I'd thank the driver and offered a generous tip, of nothing! I'd then open the trunk and take out all what I needed. My baggage... disappeared, as if it were being stored in another world, because no one likes to carry that. In reality, I just made them disappear and have some invisible clones put them wherever my dorm is. Naturally, I'd make my way into registering and learning my dormitory. However, the recepitonist was on break. Oh well. I'll figure it out eventually. I'd then see a large group gathering at the courtyard. As I am a mere jester, I go where the crowd is. Because of the order of the events, it can be said that I have done this before the head-honcho even talked about the teams. Perhaps it was very... plot convient for me. I was a bit disappointed that my name was yet to be said, but hey, I came a bit late. So naturally, I spoke up. "Ah, greetings and salutations people I have yet to know about!" I would then take a bow, like the eccentric being I am. "I am Xavier dux Verdier! Perhaps there be room for one more on a team?" I'd ask lightheartedly.


Varrus Shoal

Noting that a number of students seemed to have a problem finding their teammates he decided to take severals' ideas who were following after Briya. "If everyone could group up to the side, please do so. It will make things much easier for everyone to find each other." He said. Soon enough Xavier had came, asked about there being room on the teams. Several other students seemed to have came late as well, so rather than grouping them in the already exsisting teams he gave them their own. "Given more students have arrived a new team will be made. Team F: Xavier, Yuni and Yumi, and Yala." He spoke.
He listened carefully as the headmaster  said the names of the members of each team. Though once it was over, he didn't hear his name at all. Calling back each name of the teams, he had noticed a thing that seemed similar to his name. "My names Euclid, not Lucid..." he muttered to himself when he realized the hesdmasters possible mistake. "Team B huh? Ok. My team mates are... some people named Phenel, Shyllia and Kuhl if I remember correctly. Alrighty then," he said to himself. Now, the only problem is finding the others. He could ask around, though nobody would probably know. So he just searched.

As he searched, he heard somebody calling him and from he could tell it was a girl. Just with the name Lucid rather than his actual name. To which he turned and looked over to the person who called out. And ran over immediately, "This where Team B is? I'm uh... Lucid," he asked the girl.




"Team B? Is that really the name we have?" Phenel muttered, crossing her arms with an expression of disappointment. "Boring name. We didn't even get a mascot."
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@Crimrose@Princess Ami

Briya Tilah

Briya smiled wide at that, "Ohh! Good you're on my team then." She replied. She giggled a little at her blush and continued to smile. When she signed to her she nodded, I do. She signed back. You prefer using sign then? She asked, tilting her head a little. THe girl was definitely a curious being, something she'd never come across. And undoubtedly shy. She looked at everyone and decided to perk up a bit, "If your names are Maria and Ivis your team is over here!" She called out.


Shyilia nodded, "Yeah.." She replied. "I hope they do too..I wanna sleep.." She whined. Noticing Briya decided to call out to her teammates Shyilia did the same, "U-Um...Lucid and Kuhl please come over here!" She called out, hoping they'd follow her voice given how short she was.

Varrus Shoal

Noting that a number of students seemed to have a problem finding their teammates he decided to take severals' ideas who were following after Briya. "If everyone could group up to the side, please do so. It will make things much easier for everyone to find each other." He said. Soon enough Xavier had came, asked about there being room on the teams. Several other students seemed to have came late as well, so rather than grouping them in the already exsisting teams he gave them their own. "Given more students have arrived a new team will be made. Team F: Xavier, Yuni and Yumi, and Yala." He spoke.

Luana blinked once Briya signed back at her and felt much more comfortable with this girl. She nooded once Bryia asked if she prefered sign. A small squeak left the shadows lips once the elf-looking lady spoke up. Anything above gentle talk scaried the small Dife and it made her feel weak. Scaried of a small noise such as speech. Shaking her head she signed with a bright blush of embarassment I am sorry about that....I get easily scaried by the most pathetic things....I won't be a very good teammate to have. I can however light the way I guess...? She then closed her palms together and opened them again to reveal a small light. Just enought to light both their faces, but not so much to the point where they were blinded by it.


  Reveal hidden contents


Shy yawned cutely and nodded in agreement, "I agree.." She replied. "I'm soo tired.." She whined. She very much was not used to getting up at random times of the night, or really anywhere before 8 AM. Even then that was a stretch for the girl though something she knew she'd have to get used to in the coming years. "It's freezing out here, even colder than earlier...I wanna go back the nice warm room.." She said, shivering and pouting. Why couldn't the school of been closer to her home?

  Reveal hidden contents

Varrus Shoal

@RoxasTheExalted@Shelter@Antqionette@animegirl20@Isune@Crimrose@Ahara@DarkSlayer@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit@NexusXV@Talon@Princess Ami@Deadsh0t@Aella @Olissa@MisfortunateDreams@Kiarsuke@Mistory

Varrus first looked to Tanis when she spoke, then to Mikado, and finally to Feather when she apologized for the bear incident. He chuckled lightly and shook her head, "That's quite alright Feather. If you had perfect control of your magic you wouldn't need to be here in the first place." He told her reassuringly. It wasn't uncommon to see shifting magic, after all. Next he addressed both Mikado and Tanis at once. "Teams of four, and they've already been decide." He replied. "Team A will be; Tanis, Feather, Euphraise, and Mikado. Team B; Phenel, Shyilia, Lucid, and Kuhl. Team C; Briya, Maria, Ivis, and Luana. Team D; Aiden, Tareek, Liane, and Aiday. Team E; Alexis, Blake, Kent, and Nerys." He told them, listing the teams off for the presented students.

  Reveal hidden contents

Briya Tilah

Briya watched Luana's rapidly shifting eyes curiously, definitely very curious as to what she was at this point. She'd never seen anything like it and it was honestly pretty cool. She stood when she did, continuing to give the girl a gentle smile as she spoke to her. "Good, you should be a little more careful." She told her, mostly concerned for her safety instead of her own. At her apology she shook her head, "No, no it's fine really." She said. "No harm done to me, I was just worried for you." She said. She then stuck her hand out, "Names' Briya, nice to meet you..?" She told her, trailing off and indicating she was asking for her name. She could tell she was incredibly nervous and was doing her best to try and keep her calm and show she wasn't angry with her in the slightest.

Xavier dux Verdier

It was a bleak night... in the middle of the woods. I was being persued by people I do not know... All I remember is trying to catch my breath... Were words that I read from a book. I'd close said book as I would then look up and face reality. I was in a cab, whose driver I... *convinced* to take me to Altissa because I enrolled there, for free. Naturally, I had all my bags in tow. As the car pulled up, I'd thank the driver and offered a generous tip, of nothing! I'd then open the trunk and take out all what I needed. My baggage... disappeared, as if it were being stored in another world, because no one likes to carry that. In reality, I just made them disappear and have some invisible clones put them wherever my dorm is. Naturally, I'd make my way into registering and learning my dormitory. However, the recepitonist was on break. Oh well. I'll figure it out eventually. I'd then see a large group gathering at the courtyard. As I am a mere jester, I go where the crowd is. Because of the order of the events, it can be said that I have done this before the head-honcho even talked about the teams. Perhaps it was very... plot convient for me. I was a bit disappointed that my name was yet to be said, but hey, I came a bit late. So naturally, I spoke up. "Ah, greetings and salutations people I have yet to know about!" I would then take a bow, like the eccentric being I am. "I am Xavier dux Verdier! Perhaps there be room for one more on a team?" I'd ask lightheartedly.


"Make that three more!" Two voices chimed in before attacking Xavier with big hugs. One on the left side of him and one on the right. "Ohhh!! Yuni we have such a cutie on our team! Look at him!" Yumi giggled and examined his face as if he was the most interesting life form on this planet. "Yes indeed! So your names Xavier huh~? He even has a hot name to go with his looks! This night is positively the best! A school full of drama and hot people! Oh my gosh look Loli's!! Sis they even have Loli's!" Yuni squealed out and cupped her cheeks with her hands. The hearts in her eyes practically pumping in delight of the situation. "Ahhh!! This night is just getting better!" Yumi squealed doing the same thing as her sister. "Oh we have yet to introduce ourselves! Hiya Mr Xavier~ Were the Goss-Ip twins" "I'm Yuni. The more fun and outgoing sister!" "And I am Yumi. The more flirty and.....seductive sister" Both girls introduced themselves.

Mikado Maxwell - Courtyard

With the Headmaster once again giving her a response she dropped her arm back down to her side. However, this time a small frown tugged at her lips. His response was a little more helpful but it still left her too lost for her taste. Even with students grouping up on the side it still left her unable to figure out which of the remaining students where her teammates. With a sigh she shoved her hand into her jumpsuit's pocket, fingering a small device as she thought about testing it then and there. After a few moments she decided against it. It wasn't like it would help that much anyways. Instead she decided to do it the good old fashioned way. She made her way over away from the crowd, making sure she stood out in isolation as she turned to face the remaining students. She took a deep breath, in and out, before quickly bringing her hands up to her mouth and letting out a loud shout for all to hear. "I'm Mikado!" The Headmaster had given them their teams by name, so surely her teammates would be able to congregate on her now that she made it clear who she was. If that old coot wasn't going to get them together then she'd be the shining beacon to guide her three lost lambs. She brought her hands to rest on her hips as a rather smug expression formed. Truly she was a genius in more things than just engineering.

@NexusXV @FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Shelter
Euphrasie was quite perplexed at the sight of her roommate, her eyebrows wrinkled as she saw the bear regurgitate sounds similar to words. Well, at least you're trying. Then the bear turned into a tiny, cute bear. Euphrasie listened as Feather spoke about her powers and what Euphrasie could do if her wild, bear side attacked her. "I can't really make myself taller other than flying, but you're going to have explain more on dream manipulation. I can manipulate air and sound."

Euphrasie eagerly showed how she could create an air ball, but she stopped when the headmaster assigned the group members. "Great. I hope our members are decent, I wished I had time to scope out the competition." Then she turned and heard of the group members call out their names. Ugh.

@FemTheHufflepuffRabbit @Colt556



"..." There was a Mikado in my group, right? The salamander wondered to herself, before shrugging and heading over. "Well hello there!" She said, her voice laced with a heavy southern accent as she gave the girl a small smile before leaning down to look at her face-to-face. "My name's Tanis. It's a pleasure ta' meet you, doll. I'm sure we're all gonna get along swimmingly!"
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There wasn't much of anything new under the sun. And the fifth year in this school was no different. Yes, there were new students, new people, but if you took a look at the list of species or even personalities you'd find that most of these had come and gone in all the previous years and would be in all the years to come.

Of course there were exceptions to the rule, though she hadn't personally met any this year.

Without much of anything truly interesting happening throughout the first day Yala had stayed inside for the majority of the day. Walking through the main building, checking if there were any changes, going through the dorms' hallways to see who and how many students there were.

By the time it was night Yala made her way to the side of the courtyard. Being (half) a creature of the night meant that Yala would have to adapt again to the daytime rhythm the school upheld. This usually meant that she would have jetlag the first day or two before her body would respond properly to waking in the day and sleeping at night. Plus, there was the usual first day test. Each year it was held to test the strengths and levels of the students. She wondered what the test was going to be this year. Either way, she figured she might as well wait till the call would come at the spot they were supposed to meet.

Sure enough, at the stroke of midnight the bells went off, followed by the announcement to come to the courtyard. After five of these tests things got pretty predictable. And quite frankly, she didn't mind that. Predictability was easy, it was safe. It gave clarity and structure.

It didn't take long before the students all came together and the headmaster informed them of the mission. Getting a few gems out of the forest while working in teams. Simple enough, and dreadful. It meant she'd have to interact with the new students. Assuming she'd be placed in a group with people she hadn't met.

Once she got the news she was on team F with a guy named Xavier and two girls named Yuni and Yumi. She figured they might be twins. That's usually the case with very similar names.

Sure enough, a guy who had announced himself as Xavier was surrounded by two very similar looking female figures, in very bright colors, and a certain attitude and bouncyness that made shivers run up Yala's cold spine.

Right. Time to meet her teammates in the only way she knew how.

She stepped forward from her spot to the side and made her way over.

Head held high, shoulders back, and presenting an aura of authority. Or intimidation. Depending on how you viewed it.

"It would be wise for both of you to calm down. We have a mission to prepare for." She stopped a few steps away from them and took them in from a closer distance. This was going to be... interesting.

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