~Alone~ (RP)

Jason would nod " ok you dont have to.. if you dont want to but just let us patch you up and we will let you be on your way "
He mumbles something under his breath to himself. "We will see when we get there." He gestures for you to start walking. "Lead the way..."
Jason would nod and start to walk towards the shelter and would look around walking up the rubble and down trying to make sure no one had followed him and he would then look down the road seeing the shelter but couldnt tell if Jasper and the two girls were there or not
Mark walked around covering the sun with his eyes looking over the barren wasteland which used to be his home city. " So where are we going next Scrapes" he asked petting his cat as it popped his head out of his jacket mewing lightly. He smiled and jumped hearing a car alarm. He quickly turned around heading for the noise. He quickly ducked behind some cars to see two people one with weapons and the other one limping. He wasn't sure what to do but decided to follow them ducking in the shadows right behind him making as little noise as possible.
((Uh, Tamika and Sara were waiting for Jasper to show them where their shelter was, while Jason went off finding what caused a car alarm to go off I think!))

Jasoer walked up to them and pulled his hand off the handle of his dagger. "This way." he said, leading them in the direction of his home.
"Right You want some food?" Lee asked before chopping up some meat with a knife he took from the table next to him.
Mark thought about what he was doing and finally remembered some common sense. "If that one person has two swords and he's going back to a group what do you think the rest of them will have" he asked looking down at his cat which gave nothing more than a meow in response. He sighed patting his cat's head and began going down an alleyway kicking empty cans as he went by not caring about the noise he made since he thought he was the only one close to his location.
Aria sits in a tree in the middle of the baren city. Moondance mews from the branch above. "no Moondance. i dont have any food right now. you just ate anyway. if you get fat how are you going to help me hunt.?"
Tamika giggled slightly and Sara nudged her. Someone's got a crush!! Sara mouthed and Tamika shook her head violently. Oh come on, you never giggled before!! Sara pointed out as Tamika blushed. Sara knew that Tamika was crushin'! "Anyway, I forgot your name," Sara said, "Whose cat was that? Is it yours of the other guys?" she asked,
Jason would then turn down the road seeing them way ahead and would then look back at the man he found " its not to far just a bit farther " he said calmly and would then start to walk on top of the rubble trying not to make a mistake which will also get him injured..
Jasper turned around and walked backwards. "Name's Jasper, and we both have a cat. Mine's name is Jinx." he said just as a black cat ran up to him and padded beside him. "Oh, there he is!"
Aria motioned to the cat and it jumped onto her shoulder. she drop nimbly out of the tree and walked through the streets of the baron city. its been so lonely since.... she felt a lump rise in her throat as she remembered the last time she had seen Chase.

((chase is just part of her backround he is not an actual character))
Sara smiled, "Sooo cute, hello Jinx!" she said smiling and the cat nuzzled her hand.

Tamika sighed, lovestruck, but made sure Jasper didn't take it that way. She had to keep up her sarcastic guard, no matter who around. Even Sara.
Jason would then see Jasper and the two girls and he would then start to walk up to them and smirked " found the source of the sound that made that car go off " he would then sit down and pulled out his back pack and pulled out Medical supplies and would then reach for antibiotic cream and bandages " ok here you go.. " holds out the antibiotic cream and bandages
As Aria continued to walk, she listened for any signs of people. MoonDances ears twitched and she mewed. "did you hear something girl?" she took MoonDance off her shoulder and held her. the small black cat pointed her nose to the east. "ok. we will go that way then." she stroked the cat gently.
Mark looked around curious wondering if there was any signs of life around the area. He thought about going back to the base where those people seemed to live but decided against it until he could make sure he wouldn't die. As he was walking down the street his cat Scrapes poked his head out mewing "Whats wrong want to head west" he asked pointing towards the direction as the cat mewed again. He sighed turning and began walking" If you say so" he said patting the cats head.
Toa walks out into a crossing area that was fairly clear with his water python slithering right beside him. Hes looking around for something to eat. As he scans the area he sees something that looks like a cat. He gets his pythons attention and points at the black cat. The snake took the hint and started to slither towards the cat.
TheCreativeUsername said:
Sara smiled, "Sooo cute, hello Jinx!" she said smiling and the cat nuzzled her hand.
Tamika sighed, lovestruck, but made sure Jasper didn't take it that way. She had to keep up her sarcastic guard, no matter who around. Even Sara.
Jasper smiled at Sara. "Ya, I've had him since he was a kitten. He's my lucky feline." he winked then turned around, continuing to walk towards his shelter.
After watching the cat start to move away he gets his snakes attention and points the direction their going. Toa is about 30 feet away from the group of people waiting for his snake to strike
Sabrina sat up. She couldn't fall asleep. She headed outside and accidentally ran into Toa. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she apologized, then thought, -Wow....another guy? And he's hot...-
"Sorry Wahina" continues following the cat as the snake strikes the cat and starts to constrict it. Suddenly realizes there was just a girl there and runs back to see her. "so where did you come from" the snake comes back with the cat already swallowed and slithers up Toa's body and around his neck slowly flicking out its tongue

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