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Realistic or Modern All Men Bleed


✨ honey i'm a queen ✨

"...as do pigs, though most men squeal a bit louder. Remember that."


December, 1883, in the throes of the American Gilded Age. Aptly named, this post-Civil War period was characterized by a shocking array of social ills masked by apparent prosperity of economy and the flourishing of industry and big business. Literature, the arts, and scientific discoveries were met with increasing fervor and interested participation. However, on another front, while so called "self-made" entrepreneurs like Carnegie and Rockefeller were rising through the proverbial ranks and building their fortunes and corporate conglomerations in the booming industrial cities of the North, factory workers were being exploited. Women and children were being denied fair wages, hours, and safe working conditions. Xenophobia ran rampant, as evidenced by the widespread hatred of immigrants and the passing of the Chinese Exclusion Act in May of 1882. Possibly most notable, and most horrendous of all, was the quite obvious institutionalized racism and its monstrous, oftentimes gruesome effects on a population of African American men and women "freed" from the bondage of slavery but two decades before, made a visible entity through the emergence of the Ku Klux Klan.

All points considered, despite the veil of glamour so often placed over the era now known as the Gilded Age, this milestone in American history proved in many ways, shapes, and forms to be the breeding grounds for hatred. Hatred, even, to the ends of murder.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A thriving industrial city in the heart of the American North. Interestingly, it was also America's first capital.
The American School of Science, while fairly small in its day, was large enough to be noted for its role in the pursuit of early American science. It is here, in the heart of Philadelphia City, that our killer conducts day in and day out his seemingly harmless research in the field of biology. Inspired by the story of H. H. Holmes, America's first serial killer, this roleplay will highlight a tale of deception, discovery, and a whole lot of murder.

Seriously. People will be murdered. A lot of them. Characters (further explained in the "Roles" tab) will range from fellow scientists, neighbors left unawares of the murderous goings on in the city, confused policemen, and murder victims from all walks of life. (Keep in mind that victims will have a substantial opportunity to contribute to the plot and flesh out their stories before ultimately dying, as the first couple to die, at least, will be NPCs.)
The Eccentric Killer


The "Unsuspecting" Assistant


Men (and Women) of Science




The Oblivious Authorities



Visitors and City Dwellers

*Or as they ought to be called, victims.




1. @AbstractAnnabella will be my co-GM in this endeavor. Any offense against her will be taken as an offense against me.

2. Please just don't be hurtful or aggressive. Drama and argument are meant to be saved for RP, and any words or actions that contradict this policy will not be tolerated.

3. For this particular roleplay, we will be looking for historically accurate characters whose stories and views coincide with the Gilded Age period. This certainly, though, does not mean that you can't be creative, and if you need any assistance or have any questions about the period, feel free to come to us.

4. Any other questions? We're here for you!

5. Thank you for your interest, and have fun!

AbstractAnnabella said:
I hope you know how amazing this fucking plot is, it looks beautiful.
Going to tag some people.


Thank you love. <3 I am glad that you like it.
Ah this looks awesome! I'm interested :) Tag me when the thread is up?
I cannot believe this role play hasn't recieved more attention. The plot is...killer. *ba dum tss*

I would love to be a part of this.
TheLovelyDead said:
I cannot believe this role play hasn't recieved more attention. The plot is...killer. *ba dum tss*
I would love to be a part of this.
Ahhh, thank you so much! We would certainly love to have you.
This is by leaps and bounds the most original idea I've seen brought to this site. I would be humbled to be a part of this, if you would have me.
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Doc said:
This is by leaps and bounds the most original idea I've seen brought to this site. I would be humbled to be a part of this, if you would have me.
This is a very high compliment, thank you enormously. Honestly, my day has been made. It would be an honor to have you along.
interested! i'd love to be a scientist!

(and btw i love the goo goo dolls. my mom actually got to meet them a few weeks ago)
killerqueenie46 said:
interested! i'd love to be a scientist!
(and btw i love the goo goo dolls. my mom actually got to meet them a few weeks ago)
And we'd love to have you! :)


SpacedOut said:
I absolutely love this. Please keep me updated!

Of course!

The thread will be up by tomorrow night. <3
Ooh, this is lovely. Not like, lovely. Because it's about murder and stuff. But it looks really cool and stuff. Anyway, I'm interested. Could you please keep me updated?

CrashCourse said:
Ooh, this is lovely. Not like, lovely. Because it's about murder and stuff. But it looks really cool and stuff. Anyway, I'm interested. Could you please keep me updated?

Most definitely! Thank you for your interest!
The party doesn't start 'til I show up, Jo. You, of all people, should know that. ♥

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