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All is not as it seems


HEAR ME RAWR!....mew :3
"Another body turned up O-on the shore today" The static rang from the speakers, constantly cutting in and out. "They were mangled and almost unable to identify" It blacked out again, the fuzz almost overwhelming "No report on who did this, only T-T-The words "you don't love me anymore" engraved on the chest" Then it fully went out, a hand smashing against it.

"goddamn it why is this thing so shitty during the storms" A male said, looking now out at the grey sky filled with rain. His expression gone as he listened to a girl whispering in the other room. Her name was melody, and she was a thirteen year old girl. A loner at points that always seemed to stay with her brother, constantly bugging him. Her hair was long and a drained out white, her skin was also paler then her brothers. She had a soft smile but there was a patch over one of her eyes, but no one spoke of it...or noticed it. She wore a grey sweater, with green undershirt and a black mini skirt also green knee high socks falling off her thin legs.. She was thin and small, like a doll at some points but she skipped into the kitchen. not even noticing how he looked frustrated. "Whats wrong now big brother?" She said softly, a small grin playing on her face. As she watched the rain fall rough against the ground, making huge splash noises from the dark home.

"The TV stopped working again all because of the stupid storm" Simon sits down breathing heaviely staring at the empty screen. "What are you doing over there? Dont make a mess okay?" He grabs a book of to the side of him about anger managment and reads slowly looking over towards the kitchen making sure melody wasn't doing anything dumb "Is there something special over there that makes it intertaining to be in the kitchen?"
Melody finished at how rash he could be, then shook her head " I was just coming to see if you were okay, and to get Ashly" after that she went to the cabinets and crawl under them to retrieve a doll. coming out to the living room and sitting with the small thing. its hair was a curly black, and pale green eyes. wearing a simple play dress, while Melody held it. her eyes tracing out to the storm "it will be better by tomorrow I bet" a small comforting smile went across her lips.
"You think so" He laughed with a sigh "I was trying to watch the news when it just cut out on me, maybe I can catch it tomorrow" setting his book down he sits down on the ground next to melody "Do you think that she would be able to fix the tv for me" pointing at the doll. "Im not really sure what to do now that the tv shut off again, have any ideas?"
melody shook her head "I don't think Ashly could do anything" she looked over at he Tv and puffed in confusion "try getting out on of though old rabbit ears, might be able to catch something on them" She meant the old cable boxxs but they always looked like bunny ears to her. then she got up and went to the addict /upstaires area to look for it for him. wondering were it went now.
Simon gets up and follows to make sure she doesnt hurt herself "You know its not that important to turn the TV on we can just wait til tomorrow" walking up the stairs looking around for where melody went, annoyed that the tv wasnt working but was more worried for melody that she might get hurt being in the attic. "You can come down I am just gonna read more then fall asleep anyway"
" I dont mind, I'm sure its by the other mirrors and wooden boxxes" she climbed her way up not really listening, she could do what she wanted. Or at least thats what she thought. Rummaging around for a minute she found what she was looking for. Then started to head back, but something snagged her stocking. Making her fall onto the wooden floor and cut her leg, she dint want him worrying about it though so covered it with the ripped stocking and headed back down. Trying not to limp" see found it" and gave it to him.
"Thank you" takes it and walks over to the TV to attach it to the TV "Sorry for worrying so much I was just worried that would get hurt up there"

sighs moving around the wire for a signal, finally get it and sitting back down watching the show though its not as clear as he would like "I wish the weather would stop, its so annoying whenever the tv doesn't work" Hitting the side of the tv not really doing anything to help though.
She watched him and nodded in replies when he thanked her, then took her leave to the bathroom. She wrapped her leg, the cut being pretty bad. But never the less took care of it her self "that was naughty of you Ashly" she whispered not sure if her brother could hear. "I'm trying to help you" she hissed before throwing the doll to the laundry bin and coming back out. "I don't think hitting it is helping much" she laughed and sat waiting for her brother to finish.
"Probably not but it sure feels like it does" hitting it one more time before sitting back the news playing, grabbing my book and reading it quietly "Do you think that it wont storm for a while after this? There isn't much to do around here besides watch TV is there?" sliding down into his chair falling asleep "I will see you tomorrow"
For a moment she played with her hair, after her brother had sat down. "I'm sure it will" she smiled at him as he went to sleep, finishing with her hair and going to get the doll. Then go to her room for the night, even though some parts of the house didnt have electricity cause of the storm. It made it kinda weird and spooky but she didnt mind. Just took her self to bed for a better day tomorrow

Later on in the night the storm seemed to take the rest of the electricity with it, the street was dark and the only light came from lightning and a sorta moon trying to play peek a boo. In the back of the house, it sounded like someone was crying. Were Melodys room was, it didn't seem to shut up for at least an hour. Just a faint cry between the thunder, and rain
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