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Realistic or Modern All-Boys School [ooc]

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun I can't see your picture? D:
Oops, I seem to have linked the attachment wrong and Apfel could probably still see it because they're a mod XD (I assume they could because well, they liked the post and didn't say anything about missing pictures?)

It should be fixed now ^^' Sorry about that~
yeah i can't see it.
theres just a blank space on the left??
Welp, that is truly... odd. It is the first time that I've had issues with this method...
I'll accept defeat and attach the actual file in the actual post then. Weird.
Okay! If it doesn't work now I'm calling bullshit XD
File is actually attached on the post ^^'

EDIT: Okay good, it works.
That was freaking weird O.O
I love everyone’s characters so far <3
I’ll work on mine once I get home from work - and hopefully I’ll finish before tomorrow ovo;;
Okay i've finally finished reading through everyone.
Clouds Clouds Will the female students know each other on principal? If so.....
ApfelSeine ApfelSeine I just image Akira constantly trying to put makeup on Charlotte and her constantly trying to hide her face from Akira because of it.
Okay i've finally finished reading through everyone.
Clouds Clouds Will the female students know each other on principal? If so.....
ApfelSeine ApfelSeine I just image Akira constantly trying to put makeup on Charlotte and her constantly trying to hide her face from Akira because of it.

Akira would totally be one of those girls who tries to doll up their friends with makeup and clothes cause it's fun. Though she's be more likely to try to cajole her into it than launching an assault with a makeup brush lol

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