~All Around the World~

Bella smiled, wiggling about as she gently placed her feet on to the ground. "I dont want fruit salad." She stated boldy, crossing her arms.

The Conductor blushed. "Y-Yeah.... I guess....Sorry about that." He croaked, at a loss for words. I called her a whore. Damn, I am TOO FUNNY!

(The Conductor sometimes reminds me of me when he thinks like that..... I'm so terrible.)
(@NebualaSkies Oh, I know you think like that. I love you anyways, though.)

"No, it's fine, really!" Jenna sweetly replied, nodding a bit too quickly. "Uhm, anyway, will you..." Jenna was cut off by her own growing blush. "Maybe tell me about yourself? I understand if you don't want to, though."
Sanz shook his head and knelt down next to the stubborn girl

"Well, if you won't eat fruit salad, then what will you eat?"
Bella smiled. "I want peanubuddernjell." She replied happily, saying 'peanut butter and jelly' as if it were one word, as she was taught. "With lenomade. Len, leno, LEMONADE." She finally blurted, finding herself to be very tongue tied.

The Condcutor looked at her anxiously. "Uh, don't know what you want me to tell you." He whispered, his eyes darting around the room. "Well, uh, I was beaten senseless in order to recieve amnisia from my past. That's all I can really tell you." He mumbled, taking off his shirt awkwardly. He grabbed her finger and gently traced her finger across a large scar on the side of his back, and a rough scar that went around his neck like a necklace. The last place he had her trace over was a light scar that went from his left peck down to the right side of his waist. "Most people don't notice it, luckily enough." He mumbled.
(Wow, you would give him the Soul scar. Typical Nebs.)

Jenna looked, uncomfortably, at The Conductor's scars. Hesitantly, she extended her hand, Jenna put her right index finger on the scar that covered his abdomen. Slowly, she dragged her finger across it, cringing at the thought of how The Conductor could've gotten them.
These look so painful... She thought to herself, reaching the end of the scar. Going back down, Jenna noticed how defined The Conductor's abs are. "Wow." She muttered under her breath, blinking in surprise.
The Conductor followed her gaze with a blank expression. He pointed to the one on his neck. "Rope." He stated, moving his finger to the one on his side. "Baseball bat. It's a long story how it came to be a small little cut that became a scar." he said, directing his finger to the long one on his abdomen. "Shard of glass." He finished. "The baseball bat on the head and the side was what did the trick."
"Th-they did that t-to you?" Stuttered Jenna, a small shiver enclosing her body. "Wow. That's just... Terrible. I came here wanting to escape life as I knew it." Jenna rested her hand on the bottom of The Conductor's stomach as she looked back up into hid eyes, quivering under his smoldering gaze.
The Conductor quickly brought her in to an embrace and stroked her hair. "I'm fine. You're fine. We'll make it through." He attempted to comfort her, yet failed.
Sanz let out a sigh

"All right, all right."

He stood up and looked over ate Sage

"Maybe pulling out sandwich fixings would be easier."

"N-no... I'm not fine... I'm not fine..." Jenna repeated, shaking. "I-I-I-I..." Jenna stuttered, tying to pull away from The Conductor. "I can't take this anymore!" The sight of The Conductor's scars made Jenna snap inside. Jenna covered her face, starting to sob. "Please... I want to leave, Conductor..."
Sage glanced up, slightly lost in thought for a moment, "Ah... I was. I can make anything." She said, he head still hurt, and cooking was rather therapeutic. "Ah, and Peanut butter and Banana is easy, as well as Peanut butter and Jelly. However I am feeling to lazy to make lemon aid... though I am sure you can find pre-made Lemon aid somewhere in the content of the train's supplies." She said, mindlessly making the fruit salad.


Rhea smiled a bit
, 'It would be easier to tell. Signing is hard on my hands. When I try to talk it hurts me.' Rhea thought for a moment, 'I lived with my brother. He was a doctor. My parent's were mentally abusive and there was a long struggle for my brother to legally take me away from them.' She nodded a few time, 'I am very smart, I skipped several grades and graduated early. I however have not started college.'

'May I'
She paused, contemplating asking the question. 'May I asked for your babies name? How old was he or she?'
Bella opened a small drawer that she could just barely reach and searched its contents. She quickly yanked out a packet of instant-lemonade that you would just add water to and mix. "I need water!" She yelled.

The Conductor looked at her, confused. "I don't think anyone wants to stay here, really. Everyone wants to go home. But that's not going to happen, technically speaking, none of us are even alive, really. If this train ever does stop, odds are we'll be given new identeties and be seperated."
Ashley blinked as the commotion broke out around her, Sage stating that he would throw together some form of food, the people around her chatting mindlessly. She took a step back, hitting her already bruised head against the cabinet in the process, wincing and rubbing her hand over the bump. "Ow..." she muttered quietly, listening to the variety of conversations around her. She tuned in on the conversation between The Conductor and the girl, blinking as TC stated the harsh truth. They would be separated, which didn't bother her too much considering she hadn't really put up the effort to get to know anyone on the train. But the reality of knowing that she would never get her life back, the life she worked so hard to put together, was like a slap in the face.
Sanz shook his head at the young girl

"Don't bother with that."

He pulled out a large pitcher and filled it with water

"How sweet do you want it?"

Jenna sniffled as she wiped her eyes. "What happens if the AATE doesn't stop? We just die here? That's so cruel!" She screamed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Why am I here? Why is anyone here?! Why us?!"
The Conductor sighed and sat down. "Look, I'm sorry you expect comfort, but I don't think anyone on here has room to talk. We're all scared. No one here could possibly be superior when we all are fearing of the same fate. So, I really have no room to comfort or speak as if everything is guaranteed to be okay, because I don't know. No one does. All we can do is not ask for comfort in others, but ourselves." He muttered, his eyes fixed on a faraway distance.
Jenna blinked, taking The Conductor's words in. "I... I understand." Jenna whispered softly, sitting down next to The Conductor. She rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to... Vent, maybe? I don't know." Sighing, Jenna shut her eyes, breathing deeply.

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