Alcott [Inactive]

- - tyler flynn - -

"Clara, will you come over tonight? It doesn't have to be like a date or anything, just so we can talk about things," Tyler asked, looking over at her.
- - tyler flynn - -

"Can I tell you something, Clara?" Tyler asked, locking eye contact with her.
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"You have full permission to smack me when I say this," Tyler said. "I think I love you." Tyler shook his head immediately after saying the facts. "I'm sorry, I have no idea why I just said that."
- - clara - -

Her eyes widened and her mouth went agape. "What? You don't know my favourite colour or book or anything, how can you be in love with me?"
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler paused for a moment. "I have no idea at all."

ooc; g2g byeee. reply to this post tho.
- - clara - -

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I am already having two kids, I do not need someone being in love with me."
- - tyler flynn - -

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything," Tyler apologized, shaking his head.
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler walked towards the door, not bothering to look through the peephole because he knew exactly who it was. He swung open the door, meeting eyes with Clara. "Hey," Tyler greeted through a sigh.
- - tyler flynn - -

"So, like how long have you been pregnant for?" Tyler asked after slightly grabbing Clara's wrist to direct her to sit on the couch with him.
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"I can't believe you waited so long to tell me." Tyler reached out to gently touch her stomach, but took back his hand quickly. "Sorry, sorry."
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler smiled and placed his hand on her stomach. "I never thought I'd ever have kids, let alone two with a girl that hates me."
- - clara - -

"Well I never thought I'd be pregnant with twins but here we are." Clara said and placed her hand over his on her slightly rounded stomach.
- - tyler flynn - -

Tyler looked down at their hands for a moment, a smile growing on his face. "Clara, what is your favorite color and your favorite book?" Tyler asked, referring to their conversation at the park.

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