• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Alcatraz for the Gifted and Insane CLOSED (RESTART)

McKenna Lily
Location: Auditorium
Mentions: Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee (SWAT team, Ryuu)

McKenna snuck from hallway to hallway, looking for an exit. She heard a door open, and three cops, one bleeding from the throat, brought a rather psycho looking girl entered the hallway. McKenna ducked into an opening and watched, stalk-still as they passed. They wouldn’t’ve seen her, they were too occupied with the freakish being they were escorting.
Once they entered the auditorium, McKenna dashed for the door. She opened the door with shaking hands and was greeted with sunlight. She grinned, eagerly, and knew she couldn’t fail this time. She ran to the nearby SWAT vehicle and began digging through it. Maybe she’d find something useful. A knife... a GUN, better yet... her body cried out for self-mutilation.
But she’d have to be fast.
INTERACTING WITH: A A Bottle of Memories

Adrian couldn't help but crack a smile at hearing the girls name. Lilith, a name he was always taught to fear as much as Lucifer himself. Yet here, this girl seemed to be a shining light in what was obviously the closest place to hell on earth. Maybe God did have a sense of humor after all. How cruel. He turned to the girl, who explained her situation, and why she used her radio to talk. Another example of god, he guessed. Gifted, with no voice to share the gifts with. "Ah, I understand. Though it's very unusual, isn't it? Using a radio to talk with? Though I suppose that's why we're all here isn't it?"

He sighed as she sat a respectable distance away, a good move for both of them. "My isolation is more to do with my abilities than my issues.. Let's just say, I already have a nick name. It's 'Iron Crucifix.'" Adrian looked to Lilly's shackles, they were made of steel. All of the patience's were. Except his, for the exact reason that they could not hold him. It would be like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. "I-I.. I appreciate your company. I haven't been around many people since.." His mind went blank, recalling the evening it all happened.
The swatt team had released her- but only because she wasn't their problem anymore. She had pushed them off of her with a feral growl, before watching a girl slip out the room rather quietly.
"Smart girl. But not smart enough- you can't run from the huntress!" She sang, skipping out the room. She had blood on her prison uniform, and orange was so not her color, but she knew she looked pretty good for a prison breaker.
Ryuu followed her, steps silent. Where was this girl going? She frowned- she didn't like this one's scent- too young. However, she had sparked Ryuu's curiousity, and she found her sniffing around the swatt-team van.

"You won't find anything to kill people with in there, baby girl. Trust me- that van holds no promise but caging in people with abilities. You gotta use your teeth." She snapped her jaws shut for emphasis, leaning against the side of the van. She did, however, look into her reflection in the rearview mirror, cleaning some blood off her cheek and fixing her eyeliner rather meticulously.
"So, why are you here in the slammer?" Ryuu asked. If it was a private matter, she didn't really care. Filter was not in her vocab.
Mentions: Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
McKenna Lily
Location: Auditorium
Mentions: Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee (Reizo)

McKenna whipped around and watched as the psycho girl from earlier approached her. She wanted to run and scream, but she didn't. She just responded to the girl's question.
"I killed my baby brother." She said it casually, like it was no big deal, even though the words tore her apart. She continued. "And I'm going to kill myself." She stared the girl in the eyes, and then remembered something important. I'm a genius. "Look. Do you by chance... do you... do you eat people?" She tried to stop stammering. "Are you a cannibal, I mean. Because I'm volunteering myself."
McKenna opened her arms. She was shaking. But she swallowed the lump in her throat. This might be my only chance. "Look. You do me a favour, and I'll do you one."
What am I getting myself into?
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Ryuu looked at her blankly- and a corrupt grin spread across her features.
"I don't typically like easy meals, but I'll honor you. You seem fearless, and devoted. I'll take away your pain. I am sorry about your brother, honestly. I know what it's like to become a monster- but it gets easier over time.." She paused. "But you don't want time. You wan't relief."
Her head tilted, and she opened her arms, as if performing a ritual, and she exhaled. Her scent was tantalizing, but she didn't need it. When she opened her eyes, she seemed in another state, state of a hunt. Then, with the reflexes of a killer, she charged. Her nails were sharpened to points, enough to draw blood-- not to mention her teeth.
There was the sound of flesh hitting flesh, the crack of knuckes against bones. However, it wasn't Mckenna- it was Reizo, having dashed from inside and intercepted her.
Ryuu had her fangs set on his shoulder, and Reizo flinched, but then grabbed her by her hair and slammed her face into the side of the SUV, eyes blazing with rage.
"That's the mark of the White Rabbit. STAY away from ali- No. Mckenna." He said quietly. Ryuu let out a screech of rage and charged again, but Reizo leapt up and kicked her in the face, combat boots meeting her jaw.
Ryuu took the hit, never moving, and then she attacked- tackling him to the ground and punching him. reizo responded by rolling, shifting his weight, and pinning her, both hands locked on her throat. She snarled and snapped weakly, needing oxygen, but weakening.
"Mckenna. All I heard was that she attacked you- I never heard why. Did she do it because she's crazy, or because you provoked her?"
(Mentions Natural Flavour Natural Flavour )
McKenna Lily
Location: Auditorium
Mentions: Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee (Reizo)

McKenna was confused. Confused and angry. How on earth did he?! How COULD he!? She balled up her fists and looked from one to the other. Then the emotion drained from her face and she shrugged, replying coldly. "I do what I have to."
Luc arose from his bed and stretched his arms. In many ways he was not a big fan of these orientation days, but all the new talents and desires are simply too alluring to render this day skippable. He grabbed his cane and used it to hoist himself up. The cane itself was a beautiful piece, with a deep and rich black body and a devil's head carved out of horn ontop. Using this work of art to hold his weight, he trundled over to the window and peered out at the newcomers. He spied, with his little eyes, a lady having shackles removed by a SWAT officer. His eyes widened in shock as she turned on him and ripped his throat out, before being subdued again. The shock faded to an amused grin, and a chuckle.

I could use an attack dog like that. I'll have to find her when I get down there.

With that thought he turned away from the window and towards his closet. About 15 minutes later, his dark brown hair was neatly combed and his was wearing dark pants and a black button down shirt. He took up his cane again and headed out the door and towards the auditorium. He heard a door swing open and shut again.

"We have a runner." He said to no one in particular. Luc opened the door and peered outside, "Hello there." He had seen the girl from earlier, the one who tears out throats. Before he could began his trek down to join them, he saw a blur of white, and his lady slammed against the hood of the jeep. Not wanting to deal with Dr.White, he decided to watch from afar. From his manner, Luc could tell he cared for the younger girl. That could make her useful. He made a mental note to talk to her later. He decided to watch the scene unfold further from his perch.

Mentions:@Ryoko Lee (Ryuu, White)
Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
"...Ami? Ami and BunBun!~" The albino sang in a sweet tone, looking pleased with the words. "I'm Silver Ferae! And this is Grey!" Not the most imaginative name for the small grey mouse she pulled out of her pocket, but she's not exactly a bright child so it can be excused. Then the mouse squeaked shrilly and - doing the opposite of what the mouse wanted (To run away) the silver haired girl twisted around in her seat, tilting her head to the side as she tried to pick up noises of a disturbance.
"Blood...Really? Is someone already dead?"

Silver herself is no stranger to ripping out throats with her teeth, though her ability is less useful for drawing prey to her. It's good for spying though, and she always has a good idea of what's going on around her by using the senses of the animals around her to tell her what's going on.
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Hecate would enjoy this place. He knew it very clearly, except at the same time Hecate knew of things going down somewhere in the back of his mind. It would be safer to gain the trust of other children like him. Killers... Ones that didn’t worry about ethics anymore.
Eventually arriving in the transport vehicle, Hecate stepped out with his assigned personel helping him out. 3 men. One in a full body armor, acting similarly to a tank. The second trained in seduction of hostages, skills learned from a private squardron in the military, who would ensure Hecate would be brought down with little to no force. And the third being for Hecate’s safety. It was Hecate’s request in fact, knowing that if someone who wanted to do something to him they’d do whatever they could do. That’s what this third person would deal with. Making sure no one except the trio would personally touch Hecate, exclude any nurses if it was desperate.

@ anyone who wants I guess
The armored man has a full auto rifle, the sedation man has a pistol and expertise in seducing (duh) and minor medicinal purposes, and the final man has a full/semi auto rifle and knife.
(Mentions: A Angelus Natural Flavour Natural Flavour

Reizo turned, eyes focusing on Mckenna- and it was a mistake. Ryuu struck out with her hand, tearing her nails across his cheek, and kicking up with all her might. He exhaled a shaky gasp as she hit his sensitive area, and Ryuu opened her jaws wide, as if preparing to lodge her fangs into his throat- and the scenery changed.

They were alone, in a room. It was a sad sight, the room devoid of color, walls peeling, and it gave off a sad feel. There was an empty rocking chair, a broken crib, and a piece of rope hanging from the- was that a noose?
Reizo had been so infuriated he didn't even think, he just made an illusion, and this illusion rose from the depth of his imagination.
It distracted Ryuu momentarily, and she did not bite, rather, looked around. It was quite a neat trick, making everyone see what you wanted- but what did his mind want them to see?
Reizo was stunned, and then angry, and the illusion peetered out, and he got off of Ryuu, standing up with a slight groan. Ryuu, irritated at having her face bruised, kicked out with her legs, and found his kneecap. Reizo buckled to the ground, but then got up once more.

"Mckenna. We're going inside- now." He said, and with great speed despite his now limping movements, he threw the small girl over his shoulder and headed for Alcatraz.

Ryuu yawned leaned against the van, before looking up sharply- there was an unfamiliar scent. She rose, smelling the air, and gazed right in the direction of the boy giving up the scent, and she grinned. It wasn't the fellow hunter scent, but it was still delectable, since she hadn't eaten in a few days. Ryuu exhaled a sigh, and she knew her scent was traveling up to the boy, becoming whatever he desired most. She knew, with time, he'd approach her- most did, especially when she used her ability.
Character: Dr. Loic Collins
Ah, an entire year had gone by already at the institution. And what a good year it had been too. But with all the new patients and staff members pouring in, he had no doubts that this year would surpass it by a long shot. He'd read through all the files on the new arrivals. Of course, he'd still need to make his own assessment of each and every one of them, but the files provided him enough to make an accurate prediction. It seemed like most patients wouldn't be a problem for them to handle, but he could tell at a glance that a few would be a pain to deal with. And that was exactly what he was hoping for.

"Let's make it a good year." the man responded calmly with his usual smile resting on his face as he took the glass. Though the man was as poised as always, there was a hint of restrained excitement hidden in his voice. He couldn’t help but let it slip in. Of course, there was no need to keep himself in check in the Dean's office. He was surrounded by his allies after all. But nonetheless, he didn't want to make it a habit in the future. Maybe it was just his paranoia speaking, but one could never know whether they were being observed. In fact, he reminded himself, he was being observed quite intently by his old friend at this very moment, no doubt. His mind-reading skill certainly was a tricky one, but nothing he particularly minded. After all, it wasn't as if his own ability was particularly non-intrusive. Besides, it allowed for a certain openness and honesty between them. Theirs was a true friendship immune to lies and dishonesty.

As for the younger man beside him, they had more of a business relationship than anything else. A sense of mutual respect for each other. They'd only worked with him that last year, but there were no doubts about his loyalty, and the doctor was showing plenty of potentials. Besides, he found the man amusing. There was something deliciously ironic about the resentment he carried towards those same STEM fields he himself had studied. He took a sip of the drink in his hand as he let his thoughts wander for a bit more, before bringing them to a halt again.

His piercing pale blue eyes soon came to settle on the view out of the window, and he couldn't help but let a grin creep onto his face as he saw the new arrivals pouring in. He'd have pitied them if he was capable of it, but alas, that was simply not in his nature. Instead, he found it difficult to contain a rather childish sense of excitement at the prospect of new puzzles to solve, new experiments to practice and new minds to break. "Let's make it unforgettable for us all", he added with a chuckle, fully aware of the irony of using that particular wording.

James returned the dean's gaze, he could feel Ian sizing him up. He had only been here a year, but he could tell he was already a part of the inner circle, or incredibly close to being so. The thought of the level of access he would soon have filled him with a certain anticipatory feeling, and dare he say giddiness. He was aware that not everyone knew about the more crucial experiments, which made his inclusion all the sweeter.

This must have been what Octavian felt like as Ceasar was raising him through the ranks of Roman society.

Dr.Stein picked up the glass of brandy and took a sip, "Are all years not good years when they're spent doing this work?" He smiled and raised his glass slightly to the other doctor and his statements. The Dean was not the only one here whose good graces he needed to stay in. He glanced down at the top file on his lap, marked 'high risk' by the Chief Orderly. Though Dr.Stein doubted that Owen Wilson actually made this determination himself, much less even looked at the file, he felt this one patient would make an excellent 'recruit' for their experiments. For one, the danger he poses mean he probably wouldn't be missed, and more importantly the boy possessed abilities that, if replicated, would be extremely useful and marketable. Most governments would do anything to have soldiers that never missed, a desire they share with many mob bosses. While he was sure Dr.Howard was already aware of his idea, he still felt the need to speak it into existence.

"As far as candidates for recruitment go, I do believe I have the perfect one to start with," he handed Hecate's file to the dean. "I think he won't be missed to badly. Of course there is also the girl, Amelia. Her powers are...intriguing."

Zayne1694 Zayne1694 A A Bottle of Memories

Character: Dr. Loic Collins
Addressing: Dr. Stein A Angelus
Mentions: Dr. Howard Zayne1694 Zayne1694

"True true.", the man nodded in agreement with the other doctor, as he took a sip and continued to reminisce about the years prior as the other continued speaking. "Ah, there's no need to be concerned about anyone missing him. Even if he manages to build up some friendships, I'll take care of everything if need be." How easily he spoke of erasing memories. It scared him sometimes. The human brain was so fickle. To think it was so easy to manipulate. Sometimes, it made him wonder whether his own memories truly belonged to him alone. But those sorts of doubts came with the job. He'd always simply push the paranoia out of his mind. There was no need for it. He was enjoying himself, and that was all that mattered to him.

"As for the ghost girl. My, she seems lovely no? What a pity about the schizophrenia. She might have actually been believable if it wasn't for that." The man let out a chuckle again. "Of course, every year there's at least a couple of staff who believe in the ramblings of the children. She might become a bit of a problem if the nurses take a liking to her. I'll keep an eye on the problem as usual of course, so leave her to me." He spoke casually, fully confident in the fact he'd be able to handle the child and any problems she may cause. Nonetheless, there was something more to his last statement that that. It was a claim. He'd gotten an interest in her, and as such, he'd be the one deciding what her fate would be.

"Nice to see you guys again, Doctors." He said, sitting down rather comfortably.

Dr. Howard
Interactions: Dr. Collins ( A A Bottle of Memories ), Dr. Stein ( A Angelus ), and Dr. White ( Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee )

Dr. Howard finished his tumbler of Brandy and reached for the file of the boy. He smiled somewhat darkly and placed his elbows on his desk, folding his hands together. "I believe you're right, Doctors. These two would be perfect candidates." He flipped through Amelia's file and placed both files back on the desk before turning his attention to the other doctors. "But we also need to see what the other students have in store. I'm sure there a child or two that we don't have a file for. It happens every year." He spun lightly in his chair facing towards the window, smirking at the sight of all children. He could sense that most if not all of the new students had made it to the auidtorium. He heard some shouting and shook his head. He watched as Doctor White appeared and settled himself in a chair. "Dr. White, how nice of you to join us. I see that you've already found a new toy." Dr. Howard was about to continue speaking when Reizo disappeared to handle the commotion that was going on outside. The Dean sighed and stood from his desk, reaching for his cane and looking towards his old friend and other colleague. "I suppose it's time we make our appearance gentlemen. Shall we start the new school year?" He smiled at them and walked towards the door, knowing that whoever is last out will close his door, and starts heading to the auditorium.

Lucious awoke to a cat laying in the same place as before. Right underneath his hand, as he would pet any animal under or beside him. Getting up, and taking probably a couple minuets of stretching, Lucious got dressed. Putting on black jeans and a black sweatshirt, Lucious patted the cat on the head lightly before heading out. Making his way to the restroom first, to get ready but not shower as Lucious was too hungry, and then over to the cafeteria however spies Him walking there as well. Walking in a quicker pace, Lucious catches up to him and whispers “Boo” with a quick kiss afterwards.
Zayne1694 Zayne1694

Interactions: Lucious ( vielpotato vielpotato ) and whoever else

Break jumped when Lucious came up behind him and he chuckled. "Hey Lucious, how did you sleep?" He asked softly and kisses him back. He finished up his toast with jelly, strawberry on one slice and grape on the other, before moving onto the coffee. He put four large tablespoons of sugar into the bottom of his travel mug and the poured the coffee on top, he poured the rest of the pot into Lucious' travel mug, knowing full well that he'd want some coffee as well. This would only last him about an hour or two if that, since coffee and toast were a few of the things he survived on. While stirring his coffee, he turned and leaned up against the counter. "So, are you ready to deal with the newcomers? There seems to be a lot more this time around." Break asked and cracked his neck once more. His head snapped towards the window at the sound of the commotion outside and he sighed. He figured that they'd better start heading towards the auditorium. It wasn't that the older students needed to go for the information, more so because they just want all of the patients in the same room. He happen to overhear one of the overnight staff complaining about how they were going to have to start keeping track of a bunch of medicine and how a lot of the new students where going to be harder to handle than those from before. Break groaned, looked at Lucious and put the lid on his travel mug. "Wanna walk with me to the auditorium?" He asked, grabbing his toast, piece in his mouth, the other three in his hand since he had sliced them in half. He turned and walked toward the front doors of the dorm building.

(Sorry for the shitty post and long wait everyone! >.<)
McKenna Lily
Location: Auditorium
Mentions: Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee (Reizo)

Letting out a pathetic squeak, McKenna found herself thrown over Reizo's shoulders looking down at the ground behind him.
"Put me down!!" She growled, pounding him on the back. "I'm sorry, okay?! I didn't mean for you to get involved, I thought you were gone!" She squirmed. "Put me down already! I can walk!"
( Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee )
Suzie had been watching the scene from the corner with great interest. She had even paused sewing up her left arm. She grinned a maniacal grin and laughed. This girl was promising. She would make a very interesting subject to present to her mama. She would even earn good girl points. She would make her mama proud. The thought of her mama happy made her happy. But she knew that she had to befriend her target before taking action. It was one of the essential parts of killing by her mama's rules. "Ooh, you seem like fun!" She tied off her thread and pocketed the remaining thread and her blood-soaked needle. She stood up and walked over to the girl. "What would your name be?" she asked as she knelt in front of her new target, her smile prominent.
Luc's attention was grabbed by the arrival another boy, a young kid, accompanied by three guards. Before he could get an inkling of an idea of how to get past those guards, a flurry of actions brought his attention back to the scene around the van. It looked like the fierce lady had gotten the better of Dr.White, a most impressive feat. Just as it seemed she was going to land a fatal blow it all stopped.

He must have shown her something, I wonder what.

Luc waited for the Rabbit of White to leave with the girl, noticing his limp. He couldn't help but smirk at the sight. He turned began to turn to go back inside when an alluring scent caught his nose. He couldn't help himself. He turned back around and made his way back to the vehicle, at a faster pace than he would normally go.

Once he get down there, he flashed her a smile. "I must say, I'm rather impressed with the way you handle yourself. It's breathtaking really. I'm Luc, fulfiller of all desires. Who might you be?" He offered his hand to her to shake.

Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee Natural Flavour Natural Flavour

Dr.Stein nodded in concurrence with the older doctor. He was about to add more but was interrupted by the arrival of Dr.White. Before he knew it, White wad gone and the Dean was heading to the door. He got up and followed him out. A smile crept over his face as, not only was this year going to be a good one for his expirements, he was playing a more active role in picking subjects.

A A Bottle of Memories Zayne1694 Zayne1694 (your post was great)

(I'm on my phone so this post may be kinda short)
(MENTIONS h2h0e h2h0e A Angelus )

So many people. Her attention was diverted between Luc, and the new girl, and she- it was her! That scent! Her mouth watered, but she clenched her jaw shut tight. This boy looked edible, but this girl- so- her scent alone was enhancing- it smelled of a predator, which were hard to find. If she killed her, she'd grow more powerful, but she longed for another killer, canibbal, by her side. A pack, if she were to revert to her old feral ways.
She smiled her beautiful smile, eyes glazed over with desire and arousal- so many delicous scents. She resisted the urge attack them, knowing it would be good to have allies at this point.
"Thanks, lovely. I'm Artemis-Ryuu, the...Hmm, how can I say this without sounding... crazy.." She smiled another smile, tilting her head.
"I'm the goddess of the hunt, perhaps. I'm always searching for my next kill, my next meal, and my next partner. You look so..." She inhaled, heart pounding. She hadn't eaten in days.
"Juicy." She reached out and ran a tantalizing hand down the center of his chest, stopping at his abdomen, and she turned to the girl. Her scent was prominent now, endearing and promising, drawing in people like flies to honey. Her hunger flared, which intensified it, but she wasn't currently looking to kill these two. That rabbit, however, could die.

"And you, the girl who smells like me- like a predator. So delicious... I do hope you survive. I'd like to have a fellow huntress by my side."
Ryuu did a little spin in her prison uniform, smiling.
"We'll be great friends, all three of us. Luc is obviously a mastermind, and I'm a decent fighter, and you, darling.." She swayed her hips, wrapping her arms around the girls neck, pressing her curves against the new girl.
"You could be more. So could Luc, but i'm not sure he could handle me."
Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
"I am going to tell you the things i never got the chance to tell my little girl." He put her down, arms on her shoulders. His voice was cold, hard, as if there was no emotion.

"1. You are worth something. You may not believe it, but I do. I see something you can't see. I see inside of you."
"2.Life sucks. How do you know death is better. You're chasing after death like cars chase pavements, not knowing death is slowly blossoming inside you. This isn't growth, this isn't you escaping, this is you having no care for anything in the world but this path to self destruction.
3. Somebody is here. I don't care if you killed your brother- I know everything, it's on file. I don't care. We all make mistakes- mine was never telling her she mattered.
4. Recovery is hard. I still haven't recovered. I haven't detached my mouth from bottles of wine, like I can't detach them from my memories."
A dark thought flashed through his mind- he could have them erased. Relief. But no- he deserved this.
"And five... I'm gonna be around for a long time, so get used to it."

He sighed, and stood up, lost in thought.
"I have to go now, Mckenna. I hope i got my point across, at least for the day. Try to not destroy yourself while I'm gone." He said, turning and walking down the hallway.
McKenna Lily
Location: Auditorium
Mentions: Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee (Reizo)

McKenna found herself standing alone in the hallway. Reizo's cold, harsh, and yet soft voice soaked into McKenna, and now she stood, alone, unsure what to do. Alice must be the name of his daughter. Being eaten suddenly sounded painful and frightening, and honestly she was scared. She was shaking. Tears threatened to pour down her face and she blinked them away. Deep, conscious breaths attempted to calm McKenna, but the girl couldn't be swayed. A million things flashed through her head. The... what was that? A vision? The empty room... with the noose. You deserve pain. McKenna bit her lip. She didn't feel safe anymore. Yes, she wanted to hurt herself, to die, torturously.... But there was a hurting, feeling soul in there who was afraid of pain. Reizo's first words. 'No breakdowns, psychotic episodes, try to appear sane- And submit willingly to treatment- that's how you get outta here.' And the mark. 'Tap it twice if you need me.' What was this feeling? Hope? The girl wrinkled her nose.

McKenna slipped back into the auditorium. It appeared as if things were about to begin. It was a weird feeling. Like the first day of camp. She shook her head, sighing. Sounds like you've got one more try left in you. She rolled her eyes. Fine. But you asked for it.
Amelia watched closely as the girl sang out her and her stuffed rabbit's name. She couldn't help but let out a soft giggle at the girl's playfulness. It was entertaining, at least to her. She smiled as the girl introduced herself and she perked up some as Silver Ferae had pulled out a small mouse, which took her a bit by surprise. "It's nice to meet both of you," Amelia watched the mouse for a few seconds, seeing how it obviously didn't want to be here and would rather run off in the distance somewhere. This cause Amelia to keep her eyes on the poor creature before the girl turned away and spoke about the possibility of someone having already died.

Amelia felt herself get a few goosebumps at the thought of someone dying. "Is someone hurt?" was all that barely made it out of her mouth as she looked the direction the Silver Ferae was looking, obviously not picking up whatever she was able to but still curious.
WillfulWren WillfulWren
"Goddess of the Hunt, eh? Enchanting."

And when I called myself King of the Crossroads, I'm a megalomaniac? Those don't understand those of us destined for greatness. Wait... did she call me juicy? Is she saying I'm THICC, or tasty like a tender rack of lamb?

He sucked in a sharp breath as she placed a mesmerizing hand on his chest, feeling it crawl lower and lower still. Then it stopped at his abdomen, a slight disappointment.

Luc is obviously a mastermind...
"It's so nice of you to noticed. And don't worry, I'm sure I can handle you plenty good." He smirked. She all desire, I like that. I might even need to use my ability. Though I'd be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity now. Plus I could get the other... huntress. He focused himself to draw out their desires and with a wide grin and intense stare, "Yes, I can tell we'll be amazing friends. They'll write about our endeavours for years to come. So in the spirit of comradary, what can I do for you?" The question was directed to both of them, though his attention may have been somewhat more on the goddess, something about her smell.

Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee h2h0e h2h0e
( Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee A Angelus )
"Oh, yes, a huntress! A huntress indeed!" Suzie danced around in a circle, even more excited than before. Now there were two targets. TWO! Her mama was waiting, yes she was. She was waiting....

Suzie bent over, nose to nose with Ryuu, her toothy grin even more crazy than before. "It's been so long since I have hunted with someone! My name is Suzuya!" Her face fell a bit, her smile smaller, and her eyes lost a bit of their sheen. "But no one remembers that, no." Her face went back to her normal craze as quickly as it had gone. "But most my subjects remember Suzie! Not to mention the fear when they say it! Oh! The fear is so delectable! So enlightening! So refreshing!" She looked between the two and threw her arms around their shoulders. "Oh, I can't wait! I can't wait to taste the blood of those who stand before us!
MENTIONS: A Angelus h2h0e h2h0e

Perhaps she could smell his desire, or she knew these things, but she felt accomplished. She didn't want to kill Luc anymore, she wanted to have fun! And then she'd let him live, so they could have fun over and over again...

"What can you do for me? You do the mastermind planning, make sure I get a cut- of meat. And, keep me satisfed- oh, i mean, satisfied. And what can I do for you?" She asked. This was going very well. She almost didn't want to kill them- this was good. She knew, if she kept her appetite in check, they'd bring her even more. Thank god she had a fast metabolism, or else she'd be huge!

Ryuu released the girl, though she enjoyed the contact- she hadn't been touched in a while.

"Prison is a bitch- nobody can see my curves in this getup. I definitely want some clothes- asap. I want them to see my good side before they die- I want my name on their lips, uttering my beauty with their last breath."

She posed a little, tossing her hair back. Her scent wasn't all she relied on to draw in prey- she needed to look amazing too. She wasn't narcissistic or anything, but she knew her best assets- not so much manipulating, but killing and seducing, yes.

Yes, definitely. These two were good enough to eat...

MENTIONS: The doctors... A A Bottle of Memories and Zayne1694 Zayne1694 (i think... Not thinking straight.)
"Yeah. A cannibal got the best of me, and I finally had to show her an illusion to subdue her."
He said gruffly, eyes filled with a darker image. He leaned against a wall, face devoid of emotion. This was so tiring- being nice. All the affection he had to show, when all he wanted to do was take out his anger on everything and anyone. He didn't get paid enough for this.
"I can doctor myself. Remember, I'm one of the best surgeons in the nation, after all. She just got a few scrpaes, but she'll be feel the pain in her face later, for sure."
He ran his fingers through his grey hair, orange eyes glimmering with the past.
Dr. Howard
Interactions: The Doctors ( A A Bottle of Memories , Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee . A Angelus )

The Dean stopped when Dr. Collins did, watching Dr. White. He could tell the man's mask was faltering slightly, he could see just how annoyed the man was becoming. He smirked and folded his hands on top of his cane, listening to the conversation, noting that Dr. Stein was behind him. If Dr. White was already out of sorts, and it was just the first day, then that meant this year was going to be full of potential. He turned his attention away from Dr. White, sensing that he was elsewhere in his mind and turned to Dr. Stein, gently taking his stack of papers. He slipped his documents on top of his stack when they were in his office, along with his record book. "Well gentleman, I believe it's time we introduce ourselves to the new students." He stated and began walking into the auditorium, and up to the stage, leaving the others to follow him. He looked out around the room, noting which students were with who, scanning each mind to gather at least a bit of information. His icy grey eyes stopped on the few previous students as they entered the auditorium and took a seat in the back, and off to the side of the stage stood the staff, including Nurse Marisol. He made a mental note to call her into his office so they could exchange information when it came to the medications for all of the students, maybe even some of the staff as well. He just hoped the Nurse Marisol was able to get to and decipher Nurse Tilly's notes and instructions that she had left before she took her leave of absence. ( HunterCameron HunterCameron )

The elder man cleared his throat and focused his eyes to where he was able to see everything instead of looking at everyone individually. "Hello new and old and welcome to Alcatraz, the school for the Gifted. My name is Doctor Ian Howard, and I am the Dean of this school." He started, banging his cane onto the floor to gain everyone's attention. "As I am sure you are aware, there are others here like you, not necessarily with the same powers, but powers all the same. Those powers do not just exceed to the students, some of the staff have powers as well." He stopped there for a moment, gazing at the crowd. He didn't need to give away that in fact the entire staff had powers, minus the part time help, and then again there weren't many of those present. He placed his record book down on the podium and opened it closer to the middle, to the list of names for the students in this years class. "Now before I go over roll, we shall go over rules. After the rules and roll, along with an additional announcement or two, there will be a tour of the campus.

- Breakfast and the time to be up is anywhere from 6 A.M. until 7:30 A.M. at the latest.
- Classes are everyday Monday through Friday 8 A.M until 4 P.M. with music and sports on Saturday at various times.
- Lunch and break is anywhere between 12 noon until 2 P.M.
- After class students are allowed to roam campus, but it must be stated with a staff member as to where they are going to be.
- Curfew is at 9 P.M. Students must be in the dorm building by this time. Students are allowed to stay up, but there must be no issues or these privileges will be revoked.
- All medication will always be taken in the morning, at lunch and at bedtime as needed respectively.
- There is to be no use of any tv, video games or electronics, besides the radios in the dorm build and in the music class and these are to stay where they are located.

Each teacher will have other rules that will need to be fulfilled and you shall be briefed on those with each of them." The man cleared his throat and looked to Dr. Collins, before turning his attention back to the students. "As for the announcements, there is a day trip to go into town to get any last minute clothing, supplies, hygiene products or anything else that you may need. The only requirement is that it must be on the approved item list, and if it's not listed anywhere then it must be talked over with the staff, along with your reasoning for needing such items. The other announcement would be the packets that you were to bring along with you. You shall be handing those into Dr. Collins. Dr. Collins and Nurse Marisol shall be meeting along with myself in order to go over the documents." He looked over at his fellow doctors and then back at the students before taking a step back. "Dr. Collins, Dr. Stein, Dr. White; do any of you have anything you would like to add?" He questioned, before opening the floor to them.
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Luc listened intently to them both. He couldn't help but smile at Suzie's enthusiasm. Planning the plans was definitely in his wheelhouse, and he could get her meat. Though if she did, and he was certain she did, mean human meat that would be a little more complicated. He thought back to the boy he saw earlier, surrounded by guards. If he were to free the kid he would need for them to...disappear. Though he couldn't send her after them just yet, even with Suzie's help they'd be outgunned. They need to wait or find a heavy hitter, maybe among the new arrivals. In terms of keeping her satisfied, there was no doubt in his mind he could do that, whatever that may entail.

"You can help me by carrying out my plans and offering me protection when necessary. " he tapped his bad leg with his cane. "I think with your help I can get us out of here in time. But I think we all know that none of us here are normal, we have gifts. I can draw out people's inner desires, make them tell me all those dirty little secrets. I am curious as to what your talents are." He gestured towards both of them with his free hand. "To better help me plan."

"As for clothes, I think I can help you. I know where they keep the clothing that is left behind by students who disappear, I can show you. At some point later in the week, there will be a trip into town. We can get you better clothes there. I do agree that it's a shame to cover up such beauty."

h2h0e h2h0e
Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee
Amelia 's eyes quickly darted toward the stage where the doctor's and the dean of the school all now stood. She kept her eyes fixated on the dean as he spoke, but her eyes seemed to go through him as if she was watching something or someone around him instead. She closed her eyes a bit and she seemed to come back to her senses and let a gentle smile form across her lips. Though she found herself clenched onto her stuffed rabbit, her skin gaining the all too familiar goosebumps that covered her skin when she felt a little more than nervous.

She continued to watch as one of the doctors moved forward, talking to everyone. He was definitely a much friendlier sight then the dean, but Amelia found herself becoming a bit bored with their introductions and her attention quickly turned to her stuffed rabbit, who she stared at as if it was speaking to her. She gave the bunny a nod and patted its head before hugging it close to her, playing with its ears and feet some.

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