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Realistic or Modern Alcatraz for the Gifted and Insane CLOSED (RESTART)

INTERRACTING: h2h0e h2h0e A Angelus

Whenever he kissed her, for a second, her questions were answered. Goosebumps appeared on her skin, erecting at his touch, sending minerature bolts of electricity at his touch, and suddenly, he whispered a promising prospect in her ear, soft lips grazing the flesh. Yes, Hunger, once more, yawned and awakened from inside her, and her pupils dilated with lust. However, she shook off the feeling when a woman approached.
She turned, and raised an eyebrow at her proposal. Why would they help her? However, Luc was going about this the wrong way.

"Yeah, we'll help. But you gotta do something for us too." She said, holding out a hand.

"The name is Ryuu. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Now, Let's get down to business. We have a friend detained- we'll need your help to access her. And then, we want a way out. Promise us this, and we'll complete any job you throw at us- and if you lie about our transaction or refuse to pay up, I'll kill you."

She said, placing a hand on her hip.

Interacting with xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx

Jason didn’t wait for a reply before standing off the table and motioning for the girl to follow him.

At first, he looked around the room. He wished he could know everyone in here and around. God, he knew none of the doctors. Nobody seemed to care about him. Maybe that was a good thing. But Maybe it was time for a bit of fun now.

He smirked to himself, then walked through the door, looking for an important looking office.
character: Ollie

interacting/mentioning: Jason

Ollie soon reached doctor howards office, now completely overcome by her feral instincts and a sick grin spread over her sharpened teeth as she stood at the door, planning in her mind exactly how she would strike. 'Perhaps the jugular?' she thought to herself 'no that would kill him to quickly, perhaps sharpening my nails on the door to give him a sense of unease And then enter and pin him digging my newly sharpened claws into the veins of his arms, not killing him but wounding him, then tourtureing him in various ways, i mean you've gotta have some fun too right' Ollie chuckled to herself as she began sharpening her long nails on the door
“Jesus!” Jason exclaimed.... “I wasn’t gonna kill ‘em. Just create mayhem.... like crappy pranks.... I think you and I have different definitions of fun!!”

He laughed heartily. It wasn’t as if he found her uncomfortable to be around. He was more understanding of people’s differences. That’s how he saw the funny side of the misunderstanding. Anyone else may have ran a mile.

“I was thinking more along the lines of buckets of water propped on the door. But maybe have it as custard... or glue. Sounds childish. But fun!”

Sorry I forgot to tag xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx
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Interactions: A Angelus Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee
Augustine extended her hand. "Well, I can certainly help you with her. I, myself, have a fellow doctor in detainment, he's actually my brother... But I can grant you your freedom, seeing as once he is free, we will need to escape as well." She smiled again, a little more mischievously than last. "And I'm Augustine. Don't bother with the "Doctor" thing with me. You guys on board?"
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Mentions: A A Bottle of Memories Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee A Angelus
Suzie's face fell at the mention of her Mama; a rare occasion. She barely noticed that her food arrived. She kept her eyes on the therapist until he left the room. She didn't know how to feel after that conversation. She felt almost exactly how she felt when her Mama... She shook the thought from her mind. She glanced down at the food in front of her. She didn't feel so hungry anymore.

She stood up and shuffled to the door, a tear forming in her eye. She held it back and forced a smile. She opened the door and walked back down to the dining hall to find Luc and Ryuu.
Character: Ollie

Interactions/Mentions: jason

Ollie shook her head, coming back into control a she backed away from the door, tears streaming down her cheeks "N-no...was i going t-...no way i could have been...oh my god...." she said as she sat against the wall her knees drawn into her chest crying and shaking her head "no...no im not like him....no no no i won't be him..." she said her voice panicked and shaky as hot tears streaming down her cheeks.
Interacting with Ollie xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx

“What... what!” Jason say next to the crying girl and put his arm around her gently. “What’s going on? What do you mean? It’s okay... you didn’t. You haven’t done anything wrong. You controlled any feelings.”

Jason didn’t even know who she was talking to. But it didn’t even matter at that moment.
character: Ollie

interactions: jason

Jason....I-I need to go... lock myself away for a bit...im a danger here..." she said getting up and broke into a jog heading to her room reaching it in about 10 minutes and she then sat against the door as a sort of blockade crying quietly "im a danger to everyone...im going to end up like my father.... my mother would be so dissapointed...i'm sorry mom...jason... staff and students of alcatraz...i am just to dangerous to leave this room..." Ollie said, her voice shaky from tears

(sorry for not waiting i didn't know when i would be able to post next, im going to be busy for the next week or so since im going on vacation to florida tommarow)
Luc raised an eyebrow at Ryuu's .... moxie. It was a bit aggressive for his taste, but it seemed to get the job done. Though the faster this gets done, the better. Something was offputting about this doctor's words, she was too open about the whole ordeal and Dr.White didn't seem like he was here against his will.

This might be a trap.

"Sure," Luc responded non-committally, "we would love to help. But how?"

Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee h2h0e h2h0e
Interactions: None
Suzie slouched against the wall. She looked at the floor, her smile long gone. Doesn't that idiot know she's dead? Doesn't he know I can't see her again? She slid down the wall and hugged her knees. He knows everything else about me. How come he doesn't know that? Tears were rare for Suzie, but as she replayed both the short session with Dr. Collins and the last time she saw her mother over and over in her mind, she felt them well up behind her eyes. She didn't have the willpower to hold them back. One fell, hot on her cheek. She sniffed and hugged her knees a little tighter. Another tear fell, then another, until she was silently weeping waterfalls. The occasional nurse walked by, but each time she ignored them and stared at her knees, knowing that they couldn't bring back what she had lost. No one could.
Interactions: A Angelus Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee
She thought for a second. "Well, first off we need to make a diversion to get Marisol out of the room. I can lure her away and... take care of her..." She crossed her arms and furrowed her brow. "You two need to get into the room and get Reizo out before they wipe his memory. Ryuu, don't you have some sort of pheromone control?"
character: Ollie

interactions: jason

Jason....I-I need to go... lock myself away for a bit...im a danger here..." she said getting up and broke into a jog heading to her room reaching it in about 10 minutes and she then sat against the door as a sort of blockade crying quietly "im a danger to everyone...im going to end up like my father.... my mother would be so dissapointed...i'm sorry mom...jason... staff and students of alcatraz...i am just to dangerous to leave this room..." Ollie said, her voice shaky from tears

(sorry for not waiting i didn't know when i would be able to post next, im going to be busy for the next week or so since im going on vacation to florida tommarow)

“But you’re all I have” Jason shrugged from the other side of the door. “You are literally the only person I know in this world. And the only person who doesn’t hate my guts. Please. You’re not dangerous, you can control it. Look how you didn’t eat me!”

Jason felt sick and sad. He felt guilty that he’d somehow caused Ollie to feel this way. He sat, his back to the cell door.

“I’m sorry” he sighed. “I’m sorry”
Character: Ollie

Interactions: Jason

Ollie sat aginst the door, soft sobs could be heard "I just need sone time to cool off, Okay?" she said, trying to compose herself as she got up, walked over to the bed and curled up on it, murmering to herself trying to calm down, forgetting the door was now accsessable and she called weakly from where she was curled up, praying jason could hear "nothing thats happened was your fault, It's mine, I don't know what came over me, one second I heard voices screaming at me and the next I'm at the deans door planning to kill him.... I'm sure you could make friends better than me...im to unstable...the only reason I didn't try to kill you is because you don't smell like food to me"
After a lot of discussion between me and the others, I'm saddened to hereby have to inform you all that we'll be closing down this RP.

We have several reasons for making this move, including but not limited to:
  • The many people who joined but never posted in the RP
  • The many people who ended up leaving the RP
  • The behavior, rule-violations, and quality of posts of the current members
We will be restarting this RP in time, but most likely not here on RPnation. We've learned from the second round, and there will be several changes the next time around:
  • Fewer people in total, more people with an interest
  • Long-term availability is to be expected
  • Regular (think 4 times per week) posting
  • Age-restrictions (16+?)
  • A writing sample required upon joining
Some people appear to forget that this is a serious RP, and we expect some degree of effort to be put into sticking to the plot, sticking to logic within the setting and sticking to the rules.
This is an RP where children arrive with hopes of a better future, at the price of being experimented on. The staff isn't evil at first glance, maybe unusual, but they have a job. Overall, the lessons are boring, the homework is boring and the experiments are a daily annoyance. But the interactions are fun most of the time.

Yet, there are things going on in the background that will slowly start to become apparent. Children going missing, signs of darker experimentation, a plot going on involving the entire staff. It's a crime story. One where tactics and deduction are important.

We didn't advertise it as anything else.
If you can't respect that, if you came here looking for anything else, you've come to the wrong place.

Thank you for sticking with us and reading this post!
Hopefully, you'll join us next time around

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