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Realistic or Modern Alcatraz for the Gifted and Insane CLOSED (RESTART)



Just A Fucking Mess
Sanity it is a thing beyond our grasp. An illusion. What does it mean to be sane? What does it mean to harness this control of self? The voices that laugh at us, curse us and utter their disgusts..they claim sanity. Yet they won't share it with us. For we are the children created in sin, birthed into deceit and hate. We are cursed for their downfall but we can't escape the label that they have ironed upon us; nor can we escape the cage that they've thrown us into.

A school. It is an academy of lies, a prison. Into Alcatraz for the unreasonable. Insane. For we are unnecessary and unclean. We must be separated..

Children of abuse, forced into this mental instability they had no choice. Their maulable young minds tainted by the memories of childhood. Fun. What was fun? Was fun when duct-tape tore sensitive lips? Was it to feel icy water hitting your naked body as you were treated like no more than a mangy cur that needed to be broken? What was it love that demanded that her child be burned so that she wouldn't have to live with her own mistake? Circumstances molded them into the unstable beings that they are.

Children with powers that make others fear. Powers that make others lock them away so they are unable to catch their self proclaimed disease of insanity. Powers to control the uncontrollable.

Society has definitions. A herd of sheep that casted out newborn wolves.

Now these people, these children, are forced away from society. The rules are simple. Obey. To do so is to live. Those that break it..will then break themselves. The words "special" and "gift" glaze the truth.

Here in Montana lies the modern Alcatraz, our cage.
Welcome...to our hell.


Set far out in the woods of Montana, stood two large brick buildings along with a smaller brick building. The land also held a track, a tennis court, and basketball court, the latter of the three newer and more up to date. A trip into the older brick building brought you to the dorms, the inside having been updated and modified to have just the basic of amenities. Each room held a bed, a closet, a three drawer dresser, a lamp, and a desk. The bathrooms, two on each of the three floors, held a tub/shower, a toilet and a sink. The main floor held the kitchen, dining room, and a living room the doubled as a small library. There were no tvs, laptops, or video games permitted. There was a small portable radio on each of the floors that held a disc drive, so the ability to listen to music was not lost. The kitchen was on the larger side due to the size of the building and the ability to hold many students, but after the school went from a regular boarding school to one for students with more extreme circumstances, the staff was eliminated down to one per floor. Theses people would make food for the other students but most of the time the students prepared their own meals, cases depending of course. The dining room held three large tables with the ability to hold more but again due to the change in students tables were removed and replaced with more bookshelves of books, board games and puzzles.

The other large brick build held all of the classes and offices. The main floor held the auditorium, where all meetings and rallies where held. This floor also held an old gym, before renovations where made, along with the Dean's office, Nurse's office and the teacher's offices. The final, smaller building was the new renovated gym. This gym held showers, a locker room and a storage room. The storage held all the equipment for each sport played.The land held a small pond and a small garden that was open for the students to use, but they are considered privileges over tasks, and can be taken away as such.

Leading from these buildings was a long road where trees arched over, shadowing the road when full of leaves. This road ran out into the main road, taking one to town. The only indication of anything to keep the children held at the school was the gate and fence that ended up disappearing into the trees the surrounded the land, while on the campus closes to the buildings there were no fences in sight, but that did not mean they were not there. All doors except a few are controlled by key cards due to students sneaking out after hours and such.

Breakfast and the time to be up is anywhere from 6 A.M. until 7:30 A.M. at the latest.

Classes are everyday Monday through Friday 8 A.M until 4 P.M. with music and sports on Saturday at various times.

Lunch and break is anywhere between 12 noon until 2 P.M.

After class students are allowed to roam campus, but it must be stated with a staff member as to where they are going to be.

Curfew is at 9 P.M. Students must be in the dorm building by this time. Students are allowed to stay up, but there must be no issues or these privileges will be revoked.

Any and all medication will always be taken in the morning, at lunch and at bedtime as needed respectively.

There is to be no use of any tv, video games or electronics, besides the radios in the dorm build and in the music class and these are to stay where they are located.
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Dr. Howard

Dr. Howard flipped through the record book of new students entering into the school this year. He pushed his glasses up his nose gently and leaned back into his chair. Being the Dean, he received all information possible, and it was a good hall this time around. To him, this school was seen as a haven to families and parents who needed a place to turn to when things got rough with children. The school was a place to send children who no longer had families, or those who had no family from the start. Those with powers no one could explain, no one could comprehend and no one could control. He stood and walked to the window, he reflection showing lightly in the glass. Clasping his hands behind his back, he sighed. "It's the start of a new year. New prospects, new extremes, and new children." He looked back down as a car pulled up to the school. "Let's begin shall we?" He asked, to no one in particular, ignoring the two that was in his office. The car parked and he sighed, walking back over to his desk. He poured three glasses of Brandy and picked up one of the sheets that was sent to each of the incoming students.

New Students of Alcatraz

Inside there is a set of forms. All are to be signed and dated accordingly.
There is also a list of approved items, limited items and restricted items.

All are to meet in the auditorium upon arrival.
The auditorium is located in the main building. This is marked on the layout sheets also included in your packet.

All rule shall be explained and shall be followed accordingly. Those who don't will be dealt with accordingly.

As always, Welcome... to Alcatraz.
Ian took a seat at his desk and took a sip of his drink after setting the other two near his two guests. He chuckled, slightly dark, glancing at his long lost college friend. He smirked at the previous years and how they had recently met once again since he became the Dean of this school. His gaze then slide to the other doctor seated in front of his desk, stack of papers in his lap. He's been at Alcatraz for a year, but he's one that can be trusted, at least in his eyes. Hopefully his friend feels the same, minus the fact that they've already met. He never really got what he felt about the man from his friend.

A A Bottle of Memories A Angelus
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Another day, another child, another death, another pay. Yes, it was finally back in session: Alcatraz was back. Reizo strode down the halls of his prison, confidence radiating from his every move. This was his domain, and nothing would change that. It had really improved over the period, having attained new workers, patients, and technology.
Beneath the bright lights, Reizo looked somewhat menacing, shadows falling over his face despite the illumination. His eyes were an orange gold, like two fiery suns within his skull, his gaze narrowed and focuses. He wore a plain tank top, army pants, and combat boots; the dog tags around his neck clinking against his well-defined chest.
A figure was standing in the hallway.
As he walked closer the figure attained more features- and he determined it to be Mrs. Marisol. The name tasted bitter on his tongue, and he sneered.

"Good evening, Doctor White." She said, and he glanced at her, slowing his pace. Despite her friendly and respectful greeting there was disgust in her eyes. Reizo felt a hot rage in his chest, liquid and burning.
Suddenly, her eyes widened in horror, and Reizo grinned. He was showing her an illusion, and soon it became visible to everyone in the hall. To some it wasn't terrifying, but Reizo knew Marisol's dislikes and fears. He knew what she wanted to forget most.
The hall vanished for a moment, replaced by a hazy jungle, and the humidity stuck to Reizo with an annoying clarity. The nurse closed her eyes, not wanting to relive this. There was a movement in the depth of the forest, moving trees and shaking limbs. Something was coming.

"Not this, Reizo! I will not go back to that day!" She snapped, shaking her head.
"But you have. And you are- you go back every, single day. The only thing that helps you forget are the kids."
Her ginger curls shook with her body, trembling in fear. Reizo leaned back, watching her slowly open her eyes. A man came from the forests, and he was looking down a smaller Marisol, eyes wide with fear. He grabbed her by her wrist, bound her in rope, and began to drag her away.
"Reizo, stop it! Reizo!"
Her fist flew out, and Reizo was filled with immense pain. The vision faltered, leaving Reizo and Marisol in the old hallway. Her face was one of pure agony, and his was contorted with discomfort as she rested her hand on his shoulder. He felt the affects of a drug, a painful sensation created by the very facility. Reizo snarled, exposing white teeth and canines, slamming her against the wall with all his strength. She dropped her hand, and the pain ended.
"If you ever, I mean EVER, touch me again, I will kill you. You will disappear, faded from everyone's memories, and you'll never had existed. Touch me again. I dare you."
Marisol cringed, and Reizo strode off, headed for the auditorium. He composed himself, smiled, and entered the room, hands in his pockets. The pain of the drug had faded, but now he was irritable. Hopefully he could get his anger out later.
McKenna Lily
Location: Auditorium
Mentions: Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee (Reizo)

McKenna wanted nothing to do with this. The stupid escort- a social worker, but more like a heavyweight guard- dropped her off here and then turned to an adult in the room and told him to watch her carefully. Then he left.
The auditorium was full of a stupid amount of stupid people. Insane people. I'm not insane. I'm just different. I lose it sometimes. But I'm not insane. She took a deep breath. And I won't be here long, either. But McKenna was careful of the thoughts she let herself think. She could hear other people's thoughts, adding to her inner anxiety and mental chaos. But that also meant someone else could probably read hers. Especially in a place like this. See? You really belong here. McKenna rolled her eyes. Her first plan was to escape and kill herself before security could really be explained and established. In the glorious chaos of a first day. But now someone had been assigned to watch her. McKenna turned around in her chair to look at the adult the social worker had told to watch her.
He had dirty blonde, somewhat shaggy, short hair. And he looked amused, like this was fun. Probably a creep. He had orange-gold eyes. An unusual colour.
McKenna didn't spend long looking at him, only about 3 seconds. Her photographic memory would do the rest. He seemed intelligent. McKenna would have to wait to escape until he wasn't looking.
Anaïs Munroe
「Why can’t I be okay? 」

The entire trip has been spent talking. A mix of nerves and fear made her chatty. For the first time she’d be away from her family. For the longest time Anaïs had lived with her aunt. The two of them had gotten close. It was only natural that she didn’t want to let go. A little pep talk had calmed her nerves a little. She’d come to get the help that she needed and wanted. Anaïs was determined to return as a better version of herself.

Before she knew it they had reached Alcatraz. Anaïs had been expecting something far worse once she arrived. She blamed it on the movies that she watched and the stories she’d read. Instead of a old, creepy building Anaïs was brought to a building that looked relatively normal. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She watched as people headed to main building. After a heartfelt goodbye and a few stray tears the young girl left the car and headed off. Anaïs followed the crowd until she reached the auditorium. The young woman took a moment to take in her surroundings. She then took a seat towards the middle of the auditorium. Anaïs crossed one leg over the other and folded her arms across her chest. Her face has already adopted her usual scowl.
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Carina Azikiwe
Just a little bit dramatic.

Carina was excited and nervous. After years of being taught it was time for her to teach. She had been looking forward to this moment for years. Many found it odd that she chose to teach rather than become an actress or musician. Carina was fine with her job, the glitz and glam of celebrity life wasn’t for her. Carina preferred to stay in the background most of the time. Not to mention how public one’s life became after becoming a celebrity. She was looking forward to teaching her students about the preforming arts. Carina hoped that with her teaching they’d come to love it.

Carina was so deep in thought that she didn’t realize that she’d reached the auditorium. Already there were students and teachers inside. She looked around, the smile on her face and the twinkle in her eyes seemed a little out of place. Carina looked around the room. She knew that the auditorium was now her favorite place. She could just imagine all of the plays and performances that she would like to put together.

template by astraea ∙ beware hidden scrolling
James returned the dean's gaze, he could feel Ian sizing him up. He had only been here a year, but he could tell he was already a part of the inner circle, or incredibly close to being so. The thought of the level of access he would soon have filled him with a certain anticipatory feeling, and dare he say giddiness. He was aware that not everyone knew about the more crucial experiments, which made his inclusion all the sweeter.

This must have been what Octavian felt like as Ceasar was raising him through the ranks of Roman society.

Dr.Stein picked up the glass of brandy and took a sip, "Are all years not good years when they're spent doing this work?" He smiled and raised his glass slightly to the other doctor and his statements. The Dean was not the only one here whose good graces he needed to stay in. He glanced down at the top file on his lap, marked 'high risk' by the Chief Orderly. Though Dr.Stein doubted that Owen Wilson actually made this determination himself, much less even looked at the file, he felt this one patient would make an excellent 'recruit' for their experiments. For one, the danger he poses mean he probably wouldn't be missed, and more importantly the boy possessed abilities that, if replicated, would be extremely useful and marketable. Most governments would do anything to have soldiers that never missed, a desire they share with many mob bosses. While he was sure Dr.Howard was already aware of his idea, he still felt the need to speak it into existence.

"As far as candidates for recruitment go, I do believe I have the perfect one to start with," he handed Hecate's file to the dean. "I think he won't be missed to badly. Of course there is also the girl, Amelia. Her powers are...intriguing."

Zayne1694 Zayne1694 A A Bottle of Memories

Break groaned and sat up in his bed, cracking his neck. The black and grey striped cat that slept on his bed, jumped down and over to the food dish on the other side of his room. He looked over at the calendar hanging above his desk and sighed, it was new admissions day, which meant newbies to deal with.. He reached over and grabbed his eye patch off of his nightstand and slipped it on while getting out of bed. He wondered if Lucious was awake yet. The guy slept all the time despite all the coffee he drank. Break shook his head and got dressed in his normal attire of jeans, half sleeved black shirt and his boots. He grabbed his hoodie and ran a hand through his hair, walking out and locking his bedroom door. He knocked on the door next door and sighed when the door swung open and the cat that was on the man's bed jumped down and walked over to him. Break bent down and pet the cat. "I take it that he's already up and on the prowl, eh S'mores?" He asked the cat who mewed back at him. He sighed for the umpteenth time that morning and began to make his way down the stairs to grab a cup of coffee before he had to go to the auditorium.

vielpotato vielpotato
Mentions: erzulie erzulie
Finally, it was over. She felt extreme hatred in her heart then, making her relive the most traumatic moments of her life. Placing a hand over her heart she let out a small sigh as he walked off, before centering herself and walking down the hall. She truly despised that man, despite what he had done for her in the past. Once upon a time, he was a good man, but he became twisted with grief and it changed him.
She smoothed down her labcoat and pulled her hair up and away from her face, and pushed her glasses up upon her head, exposing some faint freckles. This was the year where she saved more lives then she's ever taken.
Marisol entered the auditorium. People were just settling down, and she frowned- she hated this part the most. This is where they lied, and said, we're awesome, we're here to help!
The helping part was true, but it only applied to some people. Reizo was excluded.
Also, their means weren't the most child-friendly; giant syringes scared kids. That was one thing she loved to change- the fear. With a brief touch she could take away their pain, as well as dish it out. A gift fitting for a nurse- the ability to give drugs through touch. It was quite a blessing it was given to her and not someone else- other people wouldn't have used it responsibly...
Ah, so many kids! Her heart filled with sadness. This many kids couldn't function properly, went through trauma, and developed strange abilities like her own. They were sick, and needed to be cured, they needed to be happy. They deserved this much- everyone did. Well, everyone except Reizo, the stupid brute.
One girl stood out from the rest- she seemed to know something was wrong about this place. It had a very scary feel, and the girl seemed to sense it. She had ebony skin and a large amount of wild yet beautiful hair. She seemed to look at the world with a scowl, as if she personally knew how terrible the world really was. Poor thing, she thought. So young. How young was Marisol when she realized this? Ah, yes, when she was 12 and stolen from her family to be sold-
Marisol swallowed this thought and approached the girl. She sat next to her, turning to face her, eyes full of compassion. Not sympathy, she knew kids hated that. But nothing but longing to help. Her green eyes filled with emotion, and she spoke, reaching out and placing a hand on her own. She made sure no drugs entered the girls system, as it was not needed- yet.

"Welcome to Alcatraz... I'm sorry you had to come here." Oh god, that sounded terrible, didn't it? "I mean, I'm sorry that the circumstances caused us to meet this way-" That was wrong too! Her gaze narrowed as she tried to form the right words.
"Anais, correct? My name is Nurse Marisol. I'll be working with you." She tried to communicate
It's okay... I'm on your side.

Mentions: Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
Oh yeah! He had to mentor some kid. He faced her kinda awkwardly, and so many thoughts ran through his head. Alice?
No, not Alice. His heart broke then, as he realized once more it was impossible. Her lips were a shade darker, and her eyes a little closer. Her hair was the same tone, just lighter, but otherwise, they had a startling similarity. To hide the pain he spoke roughly.

"I know why you're here, and it's not gonna work, kid. We have eyes everywhere, and I'm a hard one to trick." He looked at her appraisingly.
"You look smart, so I'm not gonna dumb anything down for you. This place is gonna suck. But if you play your cards right.." he waved his hand, and a deck of cards flew out, assembling themselves into a castle before her eyes.
"You can go the hell home- wherever that is. Listen to me- that's all. Do what I say, and the fun will come your way. No breakdowns, psychotic episodes, try to appear sane-" He paused. "And submit willingly to treatment- that's how you get outta here. Fight the system, and you end up broken. I don't wanna clean up another corpse this year- not in the mood." His orange/gold eyes betrayed nothing, but the dogtags seemed to shout a testament to pain. The names of the lost... Alice. Alice.
The cards vanished, as if they were never there. However, in the reflection of his eyes, there was a girl, falling down a hole, and and a silhoute of a family. But then the image shattered.
Reizo's face hardened.

"The name's Reizo. You can call me anything, just not Papa." He joked- or maybe it wasn't a joke. That word seemed to hold a lot of pain, coming out his mouth. Like it tasted bitter.
Amelia had been spending her time skipping up and down the halls of the building, giving little waves to those she passed and genuine smiles to all others around her. She held her little bunny tightly in her arms as she slowly made her way toward the auditorium. "It's so pretty outside, ain't it Bun-bun?" She paused as she looked out a nearby window and stared for a few seconds in silence. She looked down at the stuffed bunny and chuckled. "Oh, you're so silly. It's not gonna rain today" She shook her head a bit before patting the stuffed bunny on the head and continuing to joyfully skip down the halls.

She quickly made her way to the auditorium to find a seat. As she walked through the auditorium's doorway she looked around at who had already made it there and sat. Amelia paused mentally counting the students, though her number would have been much higher than the amount that was actually there. She gave a wide smile before going to sit with everyone, her bunny held firmly on her lap as she continued to look around curiously, not a bit of anxiety in her mind.
Haiden Hicke

Cold handcuffs were attached tightly to Haidens wrists as he rode backseat in a police car down a tree infested path. He kept his head down, his dirt-filled hair dangled down the front of his face, meeting just below his chin in length. Frustrated by his restraints, he thrashed around violently hitting both sides of the van with his shoulders. He knew if he dislocated just one shoulder, he would have the flexibility he needed to execute his escape.

Haiden was coming from a previous facility where he was involuntarily admitted after torturing and slaughtering his entire family and once he was arrested began kicking and screaming “The demons took my family! The Demons took my family!” However, upon the facility realizing his abilities after he tortured a nurse with his mind, believing that she was trying to control his mind and take his soul, he was sent immediately to the Alcatraz with two heavily armed policemen to watch his every move.

“Get out!”
“Get out, now!”
“They are going to kill you.”
“We’re going to watch you die.”
“It’ll be fun to watch too.”
“They want your flesh.”
“Summon us to help.”
“We’ll kill them.”

Haiden began to scream as the voices began pumping thoughts into his head. The van then came to a halt. His face completely red with frustration and rage. His heart began to beat faster, by just the sight of the building. The guards open up the back door of the car and grab a hold of a fidgeting Haiden, trying his hardest to escape with no exit in sight. He still yelped as the voices continued to warn him of his impending doom. Both guards grabbed one of Haidens arms and they dragged him through the building and into the auditorium.

Haiden suddenly became silent by the sight of the other kids. He stops yelling and resisting. The guards force him down into the nearest seat they could find and proceed to take off his handcuffs. Haiden rubs his wrists as deep red marks are left behind from the tight cuffs. With his newly freed hands, he takes the opportunity to flip both the guards off. One guard scoffs at the sight and then both proceed to exit the auditorium. Haiden looks around with worried eyes catching a few glances from some of the other students.

“They are all staring at you.”
“You are such an embarrassment.”
“They are watching you.”

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL STARING AT?” He shouts aggressively to everyone in the auditorium.
Adrian had been in chains since he first turned himself in. It was strange, since arriving at this place, they game him ceramic manacles, making it impossible to manipulate them. He felt like he had been awake for days, unsurprising. How could he sleep knowing all he'd down, what he was... It swam in his mind and made his very soul slink into melancholy. He finally came to an auditorium, where there were many other children and teens like himself. He was made to sit alone in a corner, which drew several eyes to him.

As he sat alone, he couldn't help but look around. There were guards and children, though it seemed no one of authority was there. That unnerved Adrian, as he could only image what the people who ran a place such as this would be like. He did notice a peculiar girl, who seemed to have different colored eyes, and lovely blond hair. Adrian was a little transfixed, as he hadn't had many interactions with girls in his life, due to his upbringing.

Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
McKenna Lily
Location: Auditorium
Mentions: Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee (Reizo)

McKenna took in the man, Reizo, for a long time before speaking. How did he know my plan? Maybe he's bluffing. Trying to get me to spill. The part about the corpses unnerved her. Still, he could be trying to scare me. I don't trust people anymore. She looked at his castle of cards. Visuals were good. They helped her to think. Lastly, she stared into his eyes, focusing to read his mind. It didn't always work, and this room was too busy to see much. A name. Al... Alice? Who the hell is Alice? But she put the thought of of her mind, just incase he, too, could read minds. Keeping her face void of emotion and her voice cold, she spoke.
"And why do you care so much what happens to me." The cold of her own voice frightened her and she amended it. "R-Reizo, sir." She felt herself blushing at her verbal stumbling. Goddammit, one sentence in and you're already screaming 'geek'.

Some boy entered the auditorium and screamed at everyone. McKenna couldn't keep up with the emotionless act very well anymore. She looked around, nervously, and eventually centred her focus back on Reizo. She licked her dry lips, and tried to swallow the frightened lump in her throat.
"I'm McKenna."
Mentions: Natural Flavour Natural Flavour (Mckenna)
An arrogant and pleased smile spread across Reizo's features. She had a mouth on her! So different from- He refused to think of it. Why did he care? Because he didn't want to see Alice Reincarnate die again? He didn't want to lose his paycheck? He didn't want to... What? He struggled with the answer, but only a mixture of emotions came up- anger, regret, agony, and grief. So much grief.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mckenna. No need to be frightened- As long as I'm around, no one should mess with you. You're too young to be marked, so..." He held out a hand, gesturing her to put out hers as well.
"I'm sorta the big bad guy here- or good- depends on your point of view. Nobody messes with me. Besides the nurse, but she's not really a problem."
He reached out, out of reflex, and ruffled her hair. Suddenly he drew back, as if he was burned- this wasn't Alice. Reizo cleared his throat.
"Anyways. Give me your wrist." Reizo said, quietly yet sternly.
McKenna Lily
Location: Auditorium
Mentions: Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee (Reizo)

McKenna suddenly felt uncomfortable. She didn’t mind that he tousled her hair. Physical touch of any sort was something she usually enjoyed. But something was wrong. What does he want with my wrist? She kept her arm close to her body. But most of her questions were for herself. Why are you so scared? Why are you looking around to see if someone will rescue you if something happens? She usually was looking for a chance to show off her self harm cuts anyway. But something was up. She was sure. She felt it.
“Why.” She stated, still trying to act tough.
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Anaïs Munroe
「Why can’t I be okay? 」

Anaïs was deep in thought, so deep that the feeling of a hand on her shoulder caused her to jump a little in surprise. The young girl looked at the hand and then to the person attached. Her surprise caused a small surge of power to escape, it was enough to cause a small loss in thought but nothing major. Anaïs observed the woman beside her. She couldn’t remember seeing such a vibrant shade of red hair before. Her eyes were kind and full of compassion. They reminded her of her aunt too much. She was once again reminded that she was alone in this place.

Anaïs simply listened as she tried to find the right words. Once she seemed to finish Anaïs spoke. “Hello...it’s nice to meet you Nurse Marisol.” She continued to eye her warily despite her polite tone. Anaïs opened her mouth to say more but paused once she heard shouting. Instead of turning to look Anaïs decided that it would be best to mind her business. She turned her attention back to the nurse. “I’ve never been given any medicines for my condition...I won’t take anything that will make me numb or zombie like.” She said bluntly.

Tags: Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee , The Tragic Hero The Tragic Hero

template by astraea
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Silver Ferae (Scarlett Felis) - Auditorium - Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
The silver haired teen quietly entered the auditorium, red eyes darting wildly as she mentally tallied up the amount of people - the amount of threats - there was. She listened intently as the grey mouse hidden in the pocket of her shorts squeaked something, and she nodded absentmindedly, murmuring something back to it. Her talent for communicating with animals would probably be useful in a place like this - animals could sense lies and fear, after all.

And there was plenty of both in this place.
Silver tilted her head to the side as she watched the assembled people, humming quietly to herself, before making her decision and going to sit next to a girl holding a stuffed rabbit.

"I like your bunny!" She said, with a sweet smile that showed teeth that looked as though they had been filed into points. Of course, she would have preferred a real bunny, but the toy was cute enough.​
Amelia had jumped slightly when the boy had yelled startling her some. She hadn't even been looking his way, nor had she noticed him much until now. She paused looking his way for only a brief second but turning her head away again. "I wasn't-" she stopped herself, not wanting to upset the boy more. He obviously didn't want to be looked at, so she would keep her gaze away from his.

She instead looked down at the stuffed bunny on her lap and gently pulled and played with his ears, the kind smile returning to her face as she did. She began to hum a bit, trying to pass the time, though she quickly found herself getting bored and began to look around a bit, still trying to keep her gaze away from the boy who yelled. "Whos that?" She muttered to herself seeing a boy sitting in the corner of the auditorium instead of with anyone else. She began to wonder why and after a bit of time passed her curiosity grew a bit, but before her curiosity grabbed ahold of her, an unfamiliar girl sat beside her.

"Thank you" Amelia smiled kindly at the girl, taking a bit of time to look at the girls features. "His name's Bunbun" Amelia paused as she held the stuffed bunny even closer to her. "I'm Amelia, but most just call me Ami"
Lucious awoke to a cat laying in the same place as before. Right underneath his hand, as he would pet any animal under or beside him. Getting up, and taking probably a couple minuets of stretching, Lucious got dressed. Putting on black jeans and a black sweatshirt, Lucious patted the cat on the head lightly before heading out. Making his way to the restroom first, to get ready but not shower as Lucious was too hungry, and then over to the cafeteria however spies Him walking there as well. Walking in a quicker pace, Lucious catches up to him and whispers “Boo” with a quick kiss afterwards.
Zayne1694 Zayne1694
Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
A Angelus
A A Bottle of Memories
Zayne1694 Zayne1694
Reizo raised an eyebrow- and then he realized what she thought he meant. His face softened for a moment, and he leaned back in his chair. Finally, he grew annoyed, and his hand snapped out quick, grabbing her wrist. He turned it over, eyes never leaving her face.
Ah- cuts. His face didn't soften, rather it hardened with the memories in the back of his skull. His face seemed intense, as if he was imagining something.

"I don't care about your secrets. My job is to keep you alive." He said, lying. His job was to learn and improve, even if they all died. However, his face was unreadable, and his thoughts immediately drifted to old memories. This girl would be difficult...
There was the smell of burning flesh, as if he had burned her, but there was no pain.
On her wrist was now the silhouette of a girl, facing away from Mckenna.

"Don't worry- it's only permanent if you want it to be. Everyone know's you're my kid now, you've been marked. If you need me, just tap the marking twice."

The lights above flickered, and suddenly, Reizo was gone.

Reizo reapperaed with the other doctors, dipping his head in a respectful greeting.
"Nice to see you guys again, Doctors." He said, sitting down rather comfortably.

McKenna Lily
Location: Auditorium
Mentions: Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee (Reizo)

Before McKenna knew what had happened, Reizo had... what had he done? She looked down at her wrist. The silhouette of a girl. She looked back up at Reizo, only had disappeared. Fear clutched her heart. Who is this guy? She pulled her sleeve back over the marking, and looked around. It's time. She left her seat and entered the crowd of people going various directions. She was right by the auditorium doors when she took one last careful look. Nobody was watching her. She slipped out.
She hurried, quietly, down the nearest hall. Her campus map had unfortunately been left in her backpack in the auditorium. No turning back. This was the biggest break she had had in months. She grinned. Sweet, sweet freedom.

Now, she just had to find the way out.
Character :Levi

Location: Hall --> Auditorium

Young Levi absently strode through the halls, caught in a dream. Her face was nearly expressionless, except for a hint of fascination and an ever so slight smirk as she began meddling with the dream. she highly enjoyed meddling in dreams even though she had no idea whos dream it was. though nonetheless she continued manipulating it and making the once peaceful dream dark.

Dream Sequence

There he was, sitting in the grassy meadow, smiling as he watched the sunset, my father, not seeming to note my presence. As I slowly approached a burning hot hand smacked me across the face and I stumbled back and when I got a look at him: he was melting! i took off running but my legs wouldn't move fast enough as he advanced and he tortured me, I felt my skin burning away it was terrible.

-dream sequence ends-

Levi was booted back into reality once the girl woke but she found she was sitting in the auditorium "huh...weird I must have been walking while I was in the dream... oh well" she murmered to herself before turning to the person next to her (Haiden) "sir, has the assembly started, I'm sorry if I'm a bother" She said, she was softspoken but loud enough for him to be heard "I'm afraid I was in a dream and I was booted out and I was here" she said softly
The hunt is on.
Mentions: xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx (The girl who smelled like prey) h2h0e h2h0e (The scrumptious scent of a hunter.)
"So many scents- so many possibilities. I knew I made no mistake when I let them catch me. This is where the real hunt starts." Ryuu sang, getting out the swat-team van that had transported her. She had on several handcuffs and a demented smile on her lips, her blue eyes glazed over with bliss. A pink tongue darted across her lips, and she gave a little shudder.
The wind blew, sending her scent into the facility.

"Oh, hush. You'll do no such thing-"
The swat-team man never finished his sentence, because Ryuu had spun and charged at him, opening and shutting her mouth with a clack, and smiling rather oddly. The swat team gulped, and she nodded her head, as if agreeing with something- like this dude was so not worth her time, and way to easy. She walked over, swaying her hips, and tossed her hair- the scent entering his nose.
"Can you take the cuffs off? They are hurting my wrists."
The man struggled- he had forgotten his gas mask in the vehicle. She watched his eyes dialate, and she chuckled, coming closer.
"I can touch you better, officer." She said, and he quickly uncuffed her- which was the last mistake he made. She tackled him, teeth slamming down on his throat, her sharpened canines- both bottom and top- entered his flesh. He let out a gurgled scream, and two more officers charged out from the car, slamming her into the hood of the van. Her lips curled back in a snarl of pain.
"Ooooh, yes! I love it rough!" She shouted, and they spit on the ground, escorting her into the auditorium. There were so many scents, so many- her eyes widened, and she smelled someone she had to have. People turned at the several swatt-team members escorting her, as well as the man holding a bloody towel to his throat. She licked the blood off her lips, raising an eyebrow,
"We're gonna be GREAT friends, everybody!" Ryuu sang, and her eyes lay on levi. But there was still that other scent, that delicious scent that didn't smell like prey- it smelled like a hunter. It wasn't on Levi, but someone else... She swore she'd find the wearer of that scent, and even, claim it for her own.
Lately regular food was unsatifyimg, she wanted something more...something meatier...like a person possibly
Adrian was startled as a girl, who looked surprisingly his age, started looking at him. It was instinct to look away. He had been separated from the rest for a reason. Whatever their abilities, they probably didn't come close to how dangerous he was, at leas in Adrian's mind. Adrian didn't pay much attention to her as she seemed preoccupied with analizing the crowd. It was smart, but not something Adrian found he needed to concern himself with. After all, he'd surly be secluded from all those staying in cells with iron bars.

Adrian jumped when the girl he had noticed came up to him, ignoring his self imposed isolation. He was taken aback when a voice came from her radio, instead of the girl herself. She inured to his name and, shocked, he found himself answering. "O-oh um.. I'm Adrian. Adrian Cross." Reluctatnly, though really as a show of good will, he stuck his hand out for her to shake. "and.. Um.. Who would you be? Also feel free to sit, I think we'll be here a while longer." Adrian's ceramic shackles were very obvious now, though he doubted anyone could work out his mutation just be the shackles he wore.

Interacting with: A A Bottle of Memories

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