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Fandom Akame Ga Kill: A New Era (Still Accepting!)

Personality is done. Backstory should be done soon, but it's pretty late here, and I have to head off to work tomorrow. I'll try to squeeze in my edits here and there. No promises though.
Yesterday had to go to my aunt's garden, which isn't a garden, it is more like a green house that takes up the entire backyard =.= The one thing I remember the most ----> Apples are related to roses.
That Trump Card on Akiko, I am looking forward beyond belief to seeing that.

If Rika and her Trump Card at the same time, there won't even be ashes. On the other hand if Rika sees Akiko's Trump Card, she'll be forced to try and devour her x3, #Fenrisproblems
Hey everyone~

Just a quick thingy, since we have an even number of people on both sides, do you guys want to start the roleplay asap? I mean, we are probably sick of waiting for it to start and I think that with an even amount of people on each side it makes sense to start it.

Of course, the other spaces will be available for others should they join. I will tag those watching the thread soon to see what they are doing and if they will make a sheet any time soon~
Shit he's on to me


Imperial here. Feel free to start without me. I haven't been devoting as much time as I should to actually finishing this CS despite having it like, half done already.
Alright, I'll get some kind of starter post up soon then~

@cojemo @Sternritter @Baron Cimetiere You guys are watching the thread so I assume you are still interested in this? The roleplay will be commencing in the next hour or so.

You three still need to submit a character though, that is if you do still intend on joining us crazy people, if not then that's fine, but do please tell me! :)
Im planning it now as we speak ^-^

I just need to think of a name for the settlement for the Revolutionary Army then I shall get started~
Bunny said:
*is still waiting*
The starter post will be up soon, I'm just starting the Imperial one now then it will be posted! ^-^

Hey there @Atto are you interested in this? ^-^
I might change the personality a bit, heads up. I'm feeling a more Knight Templar personality is more fitting of Rowan, rather than just being a regular person outside her armor.
simj22 said:
I might change the personality a bit, heads up. I'm feeling a more Knight Templar personality is more fitting of Rowan, rather than just being a regular person outside her armor.
That's fine, you can change it as much as you want, just notify me when all the changes have been made and I shall read through it.

Starter post is up! It's pretty basic but it's just so we can get this show on the road~
I edited and changed quite a few things on Rowan. Background a little, personality quite a bit, and no more music loving. Her themes have also been changed. Yoko Shimomura best.

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