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Fandom Akame Ga Kill: A New Era (Still Accepting!)

I'm fine thanks, I've already done my time serving that shit hole~ but I guess we could come to an arrangement~

I'll cut you back bitch, your blood will become my weapon~

You could join us if you liked? Would save you dying like a dog:)
I'd say I'm excited to see your ashes, but I doubt you'd be worth the use of my Teigu, atleast you'll provide an interesting distraction. I hope you're a better swordsman than dear old daddy, Mindless Lapdog that he was~
Messenger said:
"I hope we see each other on the field of battle, where I will crush the life out of your worthless human form" - Commander Strax
Are you forgeting this ^
You wouldn't be able to catch me in order to turn me into ashes dearie~

And as for my skill, you can always look through the archives~ I'm sure you'll like what you see~ Or you can just wait and see? ^-^
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-9_8-54-54.jpeg.3cf64f049c596d4823463f6d84728ca0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-9_8-54-54.jpeg.3cf64f049c596d4823463f6d84728ca0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> I like this one :P



  • upload_2015-7-9_8-54-54.jpeg
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I know, but you don't need to do a lot to complete it, so she's accepted

Plus it also certified you a place:3
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]mmm, k.
accepting unfinished sheets is kind of a pet peeve of mine, but this place is comfy so whatevs. >_>

In that case I can un-accept you if you like? ^-^
Just a bit of an update so you know where I am in terms of making my character: As mentioned I stopped watching the anime extremely early, episode 2 to be exact, so after picking it up again I've watched up to episode 17 today. I have an idea for my character and will work on putting the sheet together. I'll probably finish the series tomorrow and then I'll be certain of my ideas and be able to fully finish.
Eh, when I set my mind to marathon an anime I can usually go at this pace unless the show in question is extremely slow, which basically causes my brain to melt out through my ears. Luckily this wasn't the case here.
To be fair when I marathon like this I can sometimes forget chunks of what happened as it all kind of melds together, so it's not always a good idea to rush through a bunch of episodes. There have been a few that I've tried marathoning and it's backfired completely.
That's not a problem, theres no rush so take all the time you need and enjoy the series!~

The only anime I've ever marathoned was Fate/Zero, and that was just draining to be honest..
I've marathoned almost every anime I've ever watched lol. I marathoned like 200 episodes of One Piece, fitting in as many episodes as I could in one day. I marathoned Akame ga Kill as well.

*quietly sits in the corner and waits for the roleplay to begin*
I've only read Akame ga Kill.

On Tv Tropes.

And I skipped some tropes.

But I know Bols is basically Maes Hughes from FMA.

That's good enough right


Bols is so great, so so friggin' great.

Also I never watched the anime, rather I'm reading the manga and waiting for the once every month-two months updates since its still sloooowly ongoing x3
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Trump card is up, personality should be there within an hour or two.

Okay!~ I look forward to reading the finished product^-^

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