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Fantasy Aisha's Slave Manor

Nazar Keller

The Manor

Nazar nodded to himself. "It's a simple price to get powerful. Just sell your soul and humanity," Nazar said before closing his eyes as his snake flicked its tongue out, tasting the air around it. "This is Cain," he said as he lifted his arm. "I've been summoning him off on for a quarter of a century. Quite the useful little friend to have around." The snake hissed like it was laughing and Nazar shrugged. He was thinking on if he would go home or not when he bought his slave. Might be a good idea to go home or maybe to one of the other places he knew. Nazar settled in to wait to be called. @Inritz
"As my mentor told me I was never meant to be human. I was born to be a devil, and I've yet to disagree with his wisdom." Tiro said sitting back in his chair. "Hello, Cain, you are a beautiful creature." Tiro marveled. "However, as useless as they are, humans hold a wisdom and a certain charm. Back when I was young I had a harem of 50 young women that captured my tastes. I've matured since then but the nights were wild. Now I keep contracts rather than slaves, save for the occasional one personal servant."

Alexandra Smith

Alexandra had enough of his antics, she had enough room to do what she wanted to do since he first spoke to her. Turning around she grabbed his big, dumb wrist and heaved him over her should, throwing him to the ground on his back. Dusting off her hands dramatically, she turned around and smirked at his upside form on the ground below her. "And you tell Andre to chill, you're the worst." she said nonchalantly. She looked back up to Andre and shaked her head at Donathan's actions. Leaving the van doors open, she walked over to the passenger side door, opened it, and sat inside. Carefully watching for anything that shouldn't be there. She casually inspected her nails as she waited for Donathan to get his ass up and into the driver's seat.

Jeremy Lave

Jeremy plopped back down into his seat with a laugh "Yeah it is." Getting out, he quickly stretched and waited for Sasha to get out and close the doors. Locking it, we walked around the front of the car to Sahsa. Opening the door to the Apple and Orange Coffee House, he motioned for Sasha to walk in. Jeremy walked in after Sasha and stood in place for a second, inhalling the strong smell of fresh coffee. Walking over to the counter, he took a seat and waited to for service. The had the feel of a relaxing, family dinner.

@SachiGrl @galaxyflames @Polefox
"Why are we here Jeremy?" Sasha asks, siting next to Jeremy. The smells were overwhelming, and the large amount of npoeple didn't help either. Looking around, he didn't notice anything worth wondering about, so instead, he looked at the people, wondering why they would be in a place like this. Wouldn't you get food from a store?

Anais sat by herself, eating her food quickly, but not sloppily. Her red hair hung in her face, and she kept blowing it out of her way grumpily. If she were to escape from this damned place, she simply couldn't starve herself. She needed the energy. With everything under such tight maintenance, she was starting to loose hope. She would never admit that though, not even to the little girl she was stuck rooming with. Anais hadn't even spoken to her as of yet. She was always crying. Personally Anais knew she had a gentle side, she juts didn't know where. She didn't know the girls story, but that didn't make her want to say 'Get over it.' any less existent. She missed Tali. The slime had actually grown on her as the only sane person within what was the maddest environment she'd ever found herself in. It had become clear to her that she would do better to stick to herself. She'd also heard rumors of potential buyers, and that made her stomach churn. Why couldn't anyone understand that she wasn't a damned slave? There was literally no way she would be beneficial to anyone. Unless they wanted an unwilling boxing partner, that is. Not to mention the outfit she was wearing. A mental funeral was held for her favorite leather pants. These adjustments weren't too bad though. She was able to get out more, and hopefully find a chance to get the hell out of there.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.3a0417434b4e33311beb70c77e2d3474.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71997" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.3a0417434b4e33311beb70c77e2d3474.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ashley Carbon


Ashley followed Indigo closely and sat down next to her before leaning on the other girl.

"Do you think I could ever be a perfect doll for Mistress? She loves her dolls."

Ashley paused for a second "Does she really....Love? Mistress shows no emotion...Right...So...You could say she doesn't even care. You love? That feeling...You have it?" she asked with an almost child like curiosity.




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Andre Zeklos

Don's Van

Andre laughed at Don's misfortune of being thrown to the ground and looked in amusement at Alex as she looked at him and shook her head before getting into the passenger seat. This is why I do not flirt with my co-workers or people I happen to get along with, Andre thought. Smirking, Andre checked his phone for any other orders but found nothing new so went back to watching the two slaves. "There's no movement from the human slave or any move of the demon towards the human's room. The Neko and Jasper are at a counter in Apple and Orange Coffehouse. There's a young woman there and an elderly lady," said Andre to Alex. Whether Don heard him from being on the ground, Andre didn't care too much. @SachiGrl @RefundTheLemons

Indigo Soulton


Indigo shrugged. "It doesn't seem like she is capable of emotions or love to me," Indigo said. "I'll be happy when I am bought. I need to hunt something." She considered Ashely's question. "Have I ever felt love or do I have it? I haven't felt the love that comes from being in a relationship with someone but I did have love towards my little sister and I regret what happened to her. The guilt eats at me every day only it gets worse on the anniversary of her death. I'm not sure whether you can ever become the perfect doll for the mistress. I know I'm not interested in pleasing her. I'm only here until I am sold." She was given her food and downed the rat blood. "I don't know how they expect us to survive on animal blood. Human blood is so much better." Putting the glass back on the tray she began eating. "Want to know why I'm here?" Indigo asked with a sadistic smile on her face. @TerrinX


Time of day: Afternoon

Weather: Sunny with some clouds



Gunner3PO Gunner2GB Gunner1FZ

They all stood in opposite corners of the cafeteria. Their guns held high. Their head turning side to side like surveillance cameras.


Surveillance504 saw the two guest re-enter the waiting room. She approached them accordingly. "You may now select your slave," she said to them then looked at Nazar, "First come, first serve, Nazar Keller." She saw that he was still carrying the portfolios of the slaves, "Would you like a presentation of the slaves that interest you or have you chosen already?" It was irritating Surveillance504 that he was holding something unnecessarily, "Would you like me to hold these?" She gestured toward the portfolios.

@Inritz @Aqua @ConnorX @MistahJ @Xylona @RoyalPhoenix32


Server627 Server105

Both of the servers walked around swiftly, distributing the plates with covers as slaves sat down. As they placed a plate down they would say monotonously, "Enjoy." Atlas, they finished the distribution and waiting for the slaves to finish their dinners, so they can clean after them.

Server823 escorted the two eager guests into the waiting room. Well, she felt she was following behind rather than escorting, hence their eagerness. She then again stood at their side still holding up the remaining refreshments

I also changed some of your rooms. Please refer to the first page of the character sign-up.

Thank you.



In a matter of seconds, Don found himself laying on the floor, "Ow." The throw on the floor wasn't as bad as the elbow in his gut or the punch in his face she did to him before. What a lovely, nice, yummy, cookie weh got here.... he thought to himself while he laid in the floor and watched Alexandra's ass from below. It looked so much better from this angle. "Oiii, lemmeh get up now," he mutter under his breath as he pushed himself off the floor. He walked over to the driver's side, opened the door, and sat himself in. "Alright, are weh goin' East or West after weh go down dis street?" He asked as he drove down Monaster Avenue. His van purred like a kitten and cranked up with no issues. Donathan took very good care of his van. Just like how he cares for his women.

@RefundTheLemons @galaxyflames

@Barbas @Lost Valentine

We're coming to steal your slave... just saying
Tali’s meal was simple as she honestly would have expected from the start another bowel of nutrient water, yes she could eat other things but with this she just had to touch the water and she was done in seconds instead of minutes giving her bother the liquid to maintain her size and the nutrients she needed to keep functioning. This did leave her with plenty of time to think instead of eating like everyone else but she didn’t mind it was time to watch and understand them. It would take time but she would learn and that would go on to the slimes she made and those they made and so on. She had noticed the upgrades the gunners had gotten and debated talking to them she had little to fear from them but another slave might be hurt so she would just wait.
Nazar Keller

The Manor

Nazar ran a finger down Cain's scales, the snake hissing in pleasure at the comment paid by the devil, towards its sssssslithernessssss. "No I know what one I want. I want the Nephalem," Nazar said as he handed the pamphlets to Surveillance504 . He pointed at Lily's picture so the robot guard would know who he was talking about since most people still didn't know what Nephalem were. @SachiGrl
(OOC: I need to drop that second character I just made because I only have the time and patience to reply with one.)

Lilith sighed as she sat down at a table, next to that strange, orange haired girl. She looked over at her every now and then as she poked at her food. As she passed by the waiting room, Lilith had noticed several potential buyers. Was she going to be bought?
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Indigo Soulton


Indigo ate as she waited for Ashely to reply. "Looks like I got put in a new room," she said as she looked at her tray. "Room 103." Disappointing but she'd still be around company. "Did you hear there are customers looking at the merchandise?" she asked as her eyes lit up. "Though they probably won't want me which means I'll be stuck here for a while." @TerrinX

Andre Zeklos

Don's Van

"We go left," said Andre, "then head south outta town until we get to a swamp where we have to cross a moat with alligators in it," he said as he pulled up a map of the demon's land and then a map of the town, tracing a route with his eyes. "And in case you didn't hear me from down on the ground it seems like the Neko is a willing slave. You'll have to break him so he can't crawl back to his master though with that she-devil I can't imagine why he would want to do so." He grumbled to himself under his breath for a few minutes. "I don't see why we have to steal the ones that are willing to be slaves. A waste of our time and resources if you ask me but orders are orders." Whereas the slaves they stole who didn't want to be slaves were happy to be away from their masters, the ones who willingly wanted to be slaves had to be kept under strict lock and key, sometimes with broken legs and arms to keep them from going back to their masters that they had been 'liberated' from and often gave the slave thieves a heap of trouble. Andre had no clue what 504 was playing it but he hated seeing the hatred in the willing slaves' eyes towards the thieves and the gradual hopelessness that stole upon them as the days passed. The police didn't care about a bunch of 'runaway' slaves even though the government allowed the slavery of homeless people. Either way someone lost in the end though if the willing slaves went back then they might get killed for 'running away' when they had been kidnapped. Most slave masters couldn't be reasoned with Andre had found. So instead the willing slaves just...wasted away. @SachiGrl @RefundTheLemons



Time of day: Afternoon

Weather: Sunny with some clouds



Surveillance504 nodded to Nazar's decision. "Follow me. Aisha awaits you," she escorted the guest to Aisha's office. She knocked on her door before allowing the guest in. She walked back to the other guest, "What is your decision or would you like a presentation?"




Donathan turned and followed Andre's directions. As they drove, they passed by many stores and buildings, but as they neared the demon's swamp, they saw less and less of civilization. "Well, if teh cops haven't flagged him being located here then gawd knows what ye can getta way with," he thought aloud. As they neared the location, he pulled over with a decent distance, hiding his van behind a vast amount of bushes and trees. "Ye're our eyes an ears, Andre," Don said mindfully. He got out of his car, "I'll get the girl," he said with a wink. "Ye can chill teh monster, Alex." He gave her body a nice, lengthy look before closing his door.

@RefundTheLemons @galaxyflames


Aisha Coles

Aisha was in her office. The room was dim. She wore her digital lenses that allowed her access to her virtual computer. If no one new of this technology, she would appear to be acting as if she's on a computer. Her fingers tapping at the desk as she looked straight ahead, seemingly at nothing. A notification came up on her computer. Apparently, another slave was to be bought. She hated having to interact with others, but she had no other choice if she wanted to approve the buyer. If it were up to Surveillance504, anyone could have a slave. Sadly, robot can't do everything. She looked at the door as Nazar came in. "Greetings," she said plainly, loathing each syllable. She signaled him to have a seat.
Nazar Keller

The Manor

Nazar followed Surveillance504 to Aisha's office and entered. She's not very cheerful. Not good for business. He took in her Gothic style attire. So there were humans still who enjoyed such clothing. "Nice place you have here," he said to Aisha as he sat down in the chair opposite the desk. If he remembered correctly he'd be stuck here filing forms for a while. He'd never bought from here but that had been the way it was with the other slave vendors he bought from in the past. "So what do I fill out? You already have my credit card information and security deposit." Honestly he wanted to get his slave and leave. The robots were a little unsettling and he had business elsewhere to tend too before the evening. @SachiGrl
Feeling very board today due to not having much to do, Bagan places a piece of paper on the dining table with the words "To do list " written on it. Written on the paper is a list of rltasks for his slave ranging from cleaning the house to feeding the gremlins living in the basement. After placing the paper, Bagan puts of his grey coat and goes outside to feed his pet alligators.

@Lost Valentine
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Time of day: Afternoon

Weather: Sunny with some clouds



Aisha Coles

She only nodded to his compliment. She was already half way done filling out the necessary paperwork for him. She was typing away at her digital computer. "$59,000," she stated the slaves price and then placed in front of him a fake pen. "Sign," she pointed at the center of her desk. She looked at the man or what seemed to be a man. His features were impressive and he had long hair. Not many men wore their hair long. Suddenly, she wished to brush it. It may be short, but it would be different from brushing a woman's hair. She closed her eyes momentarily, imagining what it would feel like to brush his hair. Erotic, popped into her mind. Now, she doesn't want him to leave.

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Nazar Keller

The Manor/Aisha's Office

Nazar didn't even bat an eye at the price, just pulled out several thick wads of cash tied together with rubber bands and put them on the desk and took the proffered pen before signing where he was indicated. Sitting back in the chair he crossed his legs and steeples his fingers together as he looked across at Aisha. Big purchases like this he usually dealt in cash. At least the slave seemed to be worth her weight in money and it was an acceptable price for such a rare specimen. "If there is nothing else I'll be getting my slave and leaving though I'd appreciate whatever information you have on her," he said. @SachiGrl @PokemonGirl


Time of day: Afternoon

Weather: Sunny with some clouds



Aisha Coles

She will find a way to make him her slave. She wants him. "Do you not wish to cleanse her?" She asked before letting him go. She was typing in the computer a message to Surveillance504. She finally found a slave she craved. He gave her the up-most tingling feeling she has ever received in her life. She wanted him, and she will do everything in her power to get him. Even if it means risking her own business.

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Nazar Keller

Aisha's Office

"There's no point in cleaning her when she'll just have to be washed later in the evening," Nazar said as he stood and took the file on the Nephalem before putting it in his folder. "Good day Lady Aisha," he said before walking out of the office. Seems like she hates her business and that she doesn't like interacting with people, he thought to himself. He'd get his slave and then teleport out to his next destination. @SachiGrl


Time of day: Afternoon

Weather: Sunny with some clouds



Server823 was notified by Surveillance504 to escort slave, Lilith Ross, to her new owner. She left Tiro's side and swiftly walked with her noisy mechanical legs to the cafeteria where all the slaves were feasting their unique, individual meals. Alas, she spotted the half-breed slave sitting in a far corner. She did not seem to have touched her food, but duty calls, so now her food goes to waste. She attached Lilith's bracelet to herself and said, "Follow me." She escorted the slave out and walked toward Aisha's office where Surveillance504 notified her of Nazar exiting promptly. "Hello," she said upon seeing him, "Here's your new slave, Lilith Ross. Enjoy." She disconnected the bracelet from herself and gave the link to the bracelet to her new owner. "Take care. Thank you for coming," Server823 was certain Aisha was cold to Nazar. She tried her best to make up for what Aisha lacked despite her lack of emotion in her own voice, but this is due to Aisha's refusal to update her vocal programming.

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Ashley Carbon


Ashley sighed

You dont understand. You dont understand what Mistress means to you. If you did you wouldn't want to leave, I sure dont and I never will. I wont ever let someone buy me if it means being away from Mistress. Their are many out there that are not as generous as Mistress....."

Ashley sighed Mistress was her entire world and that was that.

Someday Mistress will love me.....Im sure of it...She will"




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Lilith thought nothing of it when one of the the robotic helpers attached their bracelets together. She was used to be hauled around at this point. But she was frozen in fear when she was stopped in front of a strange man. It was her greatest fear. I'm being bought... I'm being bought... Oh no, what if I get a bad master? Aisha's manor was very nice, and the thought of a terrible home sickened her.
Nazar Keller

The Manor

Nazar looked at Sever823 as she came with his new slave and glanced at the bracelet on her wrist. He didn't say anything to Sever823 as he took the link to his pet's bracelet before leaving the hallway and gripped the girl's wrist tightly before teleporting them away from the manor. He'd teleported them a short distance from a town and watched the girl to make sure she was steady on her feet. His last slave had gotten disoriented and sick when he'd done that. "Right now your name is Lilith yes?" he asked. "Can you guess where we are? And call me Master. It's what all my slaves call me." @PokemonGirl @SachiGrl
Alexandra Smith

Alexandra jumped out of the van with haste, she was not trying to catch a disease from sitting in it for too long. She shaked her head at Donathan's plan as she walked over to him. "No can do, he hates halfies. And, well..." she gestured to herself, he would smell her human scent immediately and would become suspicious. Walking to the back of the van, she opened the doors and looked down at Andre. "Can you please scan that mansion to see if there's a ventilation shaft?" There was no doubt that there wouldn't be a shaft, especially due to the size of the place. It also wouldn't be her first time crawling through one of them. If she remembered correctly, she had to this on another job with Andre, though she hoped it wasn't a thermal shaft again. She had almost suffocated from the heat of shaft, that was one of her many few near death experiences. Alexandra turned back to Donathan, crossing her arms over her chest "You could distract the demon while i crawl through the shaft and find the girl. Andre can stay here and be our ears and eyes. Sound good?" she asked the two of them. She always loved extraction missions.

Jeremy Lave

Jeremy saw the strained look on Sasha's face as he sat next to him. The place might have been a little overwhelming for the poor boy. "If you want, we can get out food to go and eat in the park?" He looked down at his watch, by now there wouldn't be a lot of people in the park, most people were at work. A young woman came over to them with a smile. Jeremy was taken back by her beauty, he had never seen her before. Was she the owner. He smiled back at her "Hello, I'm sorry to ask, but are you new here?" He knew everyone in this little town, and unfortunately everyone thought they knew him. Hopefully she hadn't heard anything about him yet, but she didn't seem the type to judge a person before getting to know them.

@SachiGrl @Polefox @galaxyflames @Apathetic Empathy @Barbas @Lost Valentine
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