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Fantasy Aisha's Slave Manor

Lover?.... It sounded nice, yet strange at the same time. As far as she was concerned, Nazar was nice. Maybe she had a couple of demon powers too? It had never really crossed her mind. "I must say, you've really impressed me with your kindness. Something I never expected, honestly."

Nazar Keller

Land of Fire-Phoenix Eye Cafe

"I find being honest with my slaves about why they are purchased helps to gain their loyalty," Nazar said. "It's because of that my slaves have never betrayed me and I've never had a reason to sell them to vendors or other masters. Sadly my last slave died in a fight a while ago." He looked at her. "But you are a rare breed. You should have inherited powers from both your demon and angel parents. With that bracelet on you...it may take a while to access those powers or they may come out at all once. But I am not sure when a Nephalem's powers develop. My powers didn't develop until I was seventeen even though I was born a pure demon." @PokemonGirl
"Thats very smart. I doubt I'll ever have a reason to leave you." She smiled. "Actually, I was wondering about my powers right as you said that. It would definitely be interesting to see what I can do, after that stupid bracelet's effects wear off."
Nazar Keller

Land of Fire-Phoenix Eye Cafe

Nazar created a flame in his hand. "This is my second power-fire manipulation. As a Nephalem you may be able to manipulate the fires of hell and the fires of heaven but I'm not sure. Another possibility may be you could resurrect dead people which is an Angelic ability. I only have three of my powers unlocked so far." He adjusted the flame a bit high before lowering it and then created a fire bird which flew over to Lilith before vanishing into flames. He would see if Lilith could guess his third power before showing her. "Did you have a childhood at all or were you always a slave?" he questioned as he went back to his meal. @PokemonGirl
Lilith was amazed by Nazar's powers. Listening to his description, she froze at the end. Sighing, she decided to tell him. "I wasn't always a slave. I lived with my mother in heaven as a child. I wasn't allowed to leave the house. A few days ago, someone found out about me, and I was instantly sent down to earth to fend for myself. No one wanted me." She held back tears during her explanation. Lilith's only wish was to see her mother again, alive and well. She never met her father.
Nazar Keller

Land of Fire-Phoenix Eye Cafe

"You've lived in heaven all your life until four days ago because some hateful angel didn't want a half-demon living in heaven? Well I can't see you being allowed in hell either because of your angelic blood which is good. It might destroy your sanity."
He stood and walked around to Lilith. "This is my third power," he said and shifted into a giant white wolf that stared at Lilith with amber eyes. @PokemonGirl
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.3d70918a42ca90c4d500b109a2c2af59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.3d70918a42ca90c4d500b109a2c2af59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ashley Carbon


Ashley scoffed "I don't care if anyone is free or not. I don't need to care about them, they are bugs that only get in my way. I would...Love to kill you but...Your smell..Its intoxicating.." Ashley murmured as she rubbed up against Indigo. Her mind was overtaken by the other creatures scent.

"Maybe your right?..." Ashley said almost to herself as Indigo's musk clouded her brain.




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Indigo Soulton


Indigo swished her tail like she was batting away a fly and ran her claws along the stone floor. "I know I'm right but it's up to you to believe if I'm right or not. We can always wait and see what the robots do about the escaping prey," Indigo said. "Then we'll see if slaves who don't want to be here can truly be free to leave or if they are hunted down like dogs." Truthfully all Indigo wanted was to hunt something warm and living down. Not being able to hunt or shift into her wolf form was making her irritable and upset. She needed raw meat and blood to make her happy. "You kill me? Do you know how to hunt and survive on your own? I lived on the streets for a year before I turned myself into a demon to get sold. The human is not a host. She's a slave driver and seller who likes owning people against their will." Indigo licked her fangs as she watched Katie. The girl smelled appealing but there was also fleeing prey and fleeing prey was much more fun to hunt. "Someone needs to teach you survival skills," Indigo said. "If the humans found out about this place they might shut it down and you'd be left stranded because they don't allow slaves in jail with their master or mistress." Chances were if Ashely had been a slave since birth she had no idea how she could use her body to seduce people, how to hunt and survive without a human watching 'out' for her. It was a bit sad when one thought about it and she let out a whine at the thought. "This sucks. I haven't hunted since I've been here. Oh you like my scent? I use a mixture of coconut, heather and rose oil in my hair and it ends up shifting to my fur when I shift." @TerrinX
Nerwen Greenleaf

Wandering The Manor

Nerwen used her elven speed to keep up with the pretty fairy who was now an angel which confused her a bit but the fairy seemed powerful. Now if only she could figure out how to get this stupid bracelet off. "You're new here right?" Nerwen asked the angel. "I can take you to the outdoors but you'll have to break through the wall to get out and then there's a giant wall you need to get over. But you need to get my bracelet off and destroy it first." @NightCasterZ
Nerwen Greenleaf

Wandering the Manor

Nerwen frowned at the fairy who was an angel's words. "Door...door... I passed the buyers when I was here. Follow me," she said and began walking towards the waiting room, at least she hoped it was the waiting room. She fiddled around with her bracelet and her hands ran over a small pin that she hadn't noticed before. Twisting the pin until it clicked, she pulled out and sent a short electrical burst through the bracelet, frying the inner components and wires before setting it on fire, increasing her magic over the bracelet to get it to crack into pieces. Accidentally overpowering the spell, the bracelet explodes into tiny pieces. "They won't let us leave," she said. "They keep us here until we're bought," she said as she went through a couple corridors until she reached the waiting area. "There...there's the door but I think there are robots on the roof so you'll have to fly to get out and watch your wings," she said. She opened the door and walked outside, looking around the manor. @NightCasterZ
Nerwen Greenleaf

Outside the Manor

"Because those robots might come after us when they try to see us escaping. They'll have to be destroyed and then who knows who we'll have to deal with,"
Nerwen said before. She followed after the Goddess, not sure who Lilo was, but it wasn't the time for questions. "We need to be quick we're going to get out of here," she said, charging up her fire and setting the ground around them ablaze. "Stay in here and you'll be fine," she said erecting a shield around and over them though she wasn't sure how long she could hold it up with her powers being restrained for a couple days. @NightCasterZ
Nerwen Greenleaf

Outside the Manor

"I don't understand how you are a sort of slave," Nerwen said, confusion showing in her voice. Instead she restricted the shield to herself and the Goddess's wings which made it slightly easier on her recovering magic. She continued walking, setting fire the ground as she went and creating a blazing inferno behind them across their path so they would be safe from anyone who might come after them. Nerwen was going to take this chance to leave and do her best to get away from this place. She knew it was only this country's government that enslaved people and other countries still had freedom for people. @NightCasterZ


Time of day: Afternoon

Weather: Sunny with some clouds



Gunner3PO Gunner2GB

If the Gunners could laugh they would at the slaves attempting to leave the cafeteria. The Gunners looked at one another, understanding the situation and deciding Gunner1FZ should take down the Slaves effortlessly.

Gunner1FZ looked at the slave as they walked nonchalantly pass by her. Without second thought, the Gunner shot a tranquilizer at the escaping slave and grabbed her. She hurled the slave over her metallic shoulder and went off to her assigned bedroom. Gunner1FZ suddenly realize the slave had no assigned room. Immediately after transferring this new-found concern to Surveillance504. She was immediately order to send Lilo to room 102. Gunner1FZ followed Surveillance504's order and left the slave on their bed. She'll be resting there for a while.

@Inritz @Aqua @ConnorX @MistahJ @Xylona @RoyalPhoenix32

I'm too tired too post for today. No one else walk out please. Please follow the RP rules @NightCasterZ and both you & @eclipsehowls reread the mechanic of the slave bracelet.

Thank you
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Nerwen Greenleaf


Nerwen watched as the robot shot at the Goddess, dropping the shield as her energy wore out. Rubbing her wrist she walked back to her room and shut the door before sitting in a corner. "I told her that nobody would get out of here," Nerwen said to the room's stillness. "I don't understand this country either. Don't throw the homeless in jail. Don't try to help them. Throw to the wolves is better. It doesn't make any sense to me. If you wanted to help the homeless wouldn't you help with housing and getting jobs? Let the ones who want to be slaves for whatever reason be slaves and leave the rest of the people alone. All the slave thieves need to be thrown in jail for human rights crimes," she muttered to herself. "Still...I have that stupid bracelet off which is a relief." But then again is slavery a human rights crime and if so it probably only applies to humans. Not to supernatural beings, she thought to herself. Nerwen's body ached all over and it hurt to move much. She lifted up the shirt and examined the large bruise on her stomach that was beginning to turn green. "Gosh I hate it here. And that vampire lady is pathetic and so is that vaewolf. Who in their God forsaken mind wants to be a slave anyway?"


Time of day: Evening

Weather: Slight drizzle



Server627 escorted all the slaves out after the whole commotion with the escaping slave. The Gunners aided them. When they arrived, they unclothed the slaves one by one, except Tali. She was just let in.

Server105 assisted Server627 in escorting the slaves. As they arrived, she also helped unclothed the slaves.

Server823 joined her sisters to escort the slaves. Once at the shower, she turned on all the stalls and prepared the soaps.

@Inritz @Aqua @ConnorX @MistahJ @Xylona @RoyalPhoenix32

Super tired. Forgive my lack of words. Have fun naked in the showers.
Indigo Soulton


Indigo watched as one of the robots shot the new slave and took it away. "Huh. Looks like we can't leave here after all unless we die or are bought," Indigo said with a shrug. She shook out her pelt again and began walking around the cafeteria for something to do, sniffing at some of the slaves she passed. Female human, female, female, female...her mind went. "Wonder what is next on the agenda?" she asked herself. @TerrinX Seeing all the slaves being escorted out, she followed them and the robots, her wolf half relishing in the fact of being free and kept up easily on her four paws. She snorted and hopped underneath one of the shower heads when it was turned on, claws ticking along the floor as she lapped at the water forming by the drain, not even minding the water soaking her pelt. Shaking out her pelt and spraying water everywhere she concentrated and shifted back before removing her clothes and grabbing some soap and a rag to wash her body and hair out, snapping her teeth whenever someone came near her.
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Nerwen Greenleaf

Room 101/Showers

Nerwen was doing sit-ups in her room. She didn't need too, elves seemed to always be skinny and beautiful, but she liked the exercise and her father had expressed the importance of eating a healthy diet. Nerwen counted the sit-ups in her head. Murder was a wonderful thing though it wasn't murder when you were killing to protect yourself. No it was called self-defense. She didn't like anybody here and she sure as hell was beginning to hate this country. "Disgusting humans and other creatures," she growled to herself. "What dumb idiot enslaves a predatory animal? That's all vampires, werewolves and vaewolves will ever be. Predators who can't be reasoned with or controlled." Then a thought popped into her head and she laughed to herself.

Nerwen had just finished her fifteenth sit-up when a robot came into her room and stared at her. Nerwen snorted in disgust at the creature and spat at the floor before shoving past the robot and making her way to the showers. Go ahead and shoot me with your bullets. You'd be doing me a favor and giving me TRUE freedom, she thought to herself. Reaching the showers she ignored the robots and picked the shower furthest from the door before stripping and letting the water run down her body, her bruises evident on her body, not that it mattered. There were a few scars on her body as well. This was her life as a breeder and all she was good for. "Give me liberty or give me death. Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Lilo woke up in Fairy Form. "Looks like you didn't get any fun, eh Goddess?" She asked herself before shaking her head. "That was bad of them to attack me though... They've just annoyed Unknown..." Lilo was then escorted to the shower and Goddess instantly recognized the girl, walking over to her. "Hey there again!" She said in Fairy Form, her wristband back. @eclipsehowls
Nerwen Greenleaf


"Hello," Nerwen said. "I told you they wouldn't let us escape here but glad to see you are okay. Guess they don't want to kill the merchandise. I thought that drug they shot you with would make you stay out for a few hours. The human's a freak. She likes brushing peoples' hair. If you don't show any emotion she gets upset like a pathetic child," she sneered in disgust. "They're doing this to degrade us you know. It's all the government's fault. You're better off going to a country that actually gives people rights if you are set free by your new master." @NightCasterZ

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