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Fantasy Aisha's Slave Manor

Tali just shrugged so the woman was a lair, she didn't really want to die because if she did killing yourself by magic would not be her only option. Either that or she was a coward who wanted out easily not matter what to Tali she was a liar, perhaps that was the appeal she was going for. No matter what Tali was glad she was not sharing a room with the half elf humans where at least pleasant conversation not constantly apologizing and telling lies. Well there were others to talk to and it looked like some guy was buying slave so many some more people would come.
"I technically serve Mi'Lord Lucifer directly, though I've had no orders since 1985. I hold the rank of Duke, though most ignore me, instead choosing to sic me on the occasional irksome angel. I rarely play the Infernal Game, so most Devils and Demons chose to ignore Tiro The Many Faced. However I make my mark in other ways. I have quite the amount of souls in my possession, as due a Devil of my rank. I was given more important duties thousands of years ago, but that was then."

He took another glass of water, and downed it. "A glass of ice water in hell." He said amusingly. as he stared at the ice cubes. "Whom do you serve, or are you own man?" He asked Nazar.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.19016dc1408df0c5aba6edd42f9948d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71785" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.19016dc1408df0c5aba6edd42f9948d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

shley Carbon


Ashley's short song finished as the other girl walked up to her.

She was intrigued by this new slave. "Hello I am Ashley Carbon....You....Smell different, what are you? Not a vampire, yet not a werewolf. Half breed perhaps?"

This girl was beautiful, that exited Ashley.

Taking a handful of her black hair and feeling its smooth sleekness before leaning in and kissing Indigo on the lips softly.

"I like that. I have never kissed anyone before, I like you. For now" She said staring into the other girls eyes, "Im sorry for being so...Rude...Im not used to these...Feelings I think they were?"

Ashley stated honestly.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/katie_douglas_alphas_DqQ2dotL.sized.jpg.30f219d438d483dc11d58df2d19ff3c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/katie_douglas_alphas_DqQ2dotL.sized.jpg.30f219d438d483dc11d58df2d19ff3c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Katie Carbon


Katie looked up at Lilith and smiled.

"I'm glad to see you again....I think...Ill be ok for now. Im just getting used to things"

Katie said honestly, motioning Lilith to sit beside her.

"If its not to much to ask...What are you exactly?"



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Lilith slid her back down against the glass wall, next to Katie. "I don't... really know what I am..." She sighed. "That elf girl told me I was called a Nephalem. Its a strange name, but to be honest, I thought I was the only demon angel hybrid that existed..." Her voice trailed off as she looked out into the yard. "I'm sorry... I just don't like to talk about it."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/angel-demon-hybrid.jpg.35dfa6b035a445c69848d77cf6f26d8a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71798" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/angel-demon-hybrid.jpg.35dfa6b035a445c69848d77cf6f26d8a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Nazar Keller


Nazar hummed to himself as Tiro talked. "No I do not serve His Highness nor any other demon or devil but my parents were faithful followers however their curiosity is what got them killed sadly. They were mid-level demons and were intrigued by the occultists who performed rites and worshiped King Lucifer, well they thought of him as their king. Everything was fine until I was sixteen and some religious humans came to our home and butchered them while I was forced to hide as I hadn't come into my powers yet." He smiled then. "But I made sure the humans suffered for taking my parents away. I made a deal with a vampire when I was twenty-two to turn me, unintentionally killing the vampire after my turning. Apparently my blood is poisonous to vampires. Well after that I wandered the world and built up my wealth, taking various odd jobs for humans to get where I am today." @Inritz Nazar continued watching the Nephalem and the human girl who resembled the one in the pamphlet he had looked at. "Interesting. I had thought the Nephalems had all died out but it appears I was wrong in my assumptions," he said to himself. "Have the human and Nephalem-the girl with the wings-caused any problems why they have been here?" Nazar asked Server823. @SachiGrl


Time of day: Morning

Weather: Sunny with clear skies



Donathan's stomach grumbled as she offered him one of her bigger pancakes, "Alright... deal." He took her plate and ate the cake. As he finished, he gathered their plate, the used pan and utensils and washed them in her sink. Suddenly, a knock was heard from Alex's front door, "Oiiii!! Ye expectin' anybodeh?" He walked up to the front door and heard a gentleman asking if the WW4 was over. Was that a passcode or something? He opened the door, "Eyyyy, Andres!" He smiled from ear to ear. "Oiii, here's another henchman 504 mentioned, Alex!" Now, that he thought about it, she probably didn't know who this guy Was as she didn't know who he was. Well, he'll see her interaction in a bit. "So, 504 told ye to meet wih us?"

@galaxyflames @RefundTheLemons
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Indigo Soulton


Indigo's eyes sparkled in amusement as her vampire roommate boldly kissed her and she smiled warmly at the other girl. "I would have to say that you have pretty hair as well. Hair like the setting sun mixed with hair of midnight or the raven," Indigo said. "It's nice to meet you Ashley. I was in another room by myself until recently so being moved somewhere with people was nice. Full moon makes me rather irritable. Ah yes I'm a rare breed known as a vaewolf. I was bought for quiet a hefty sum by the food here though my wolf half is unsatisfied being here. I'd show you my wolf form but I don't think these walking metal bots would allow such a thing," Indigo said as she looked at one of the robots guarding the entrance. Grinning she allowed her claws and fangs to extend and lightly ran a claw down Ashley's face, waiting for her reaction. @TerrinX

Andre Zeklos

Outside Alex's Home

"Females. Leave them to their own devices and they'll start another world war all on their own," Andre said to himself as he waited before the door opened. "I should have figured you would be here Don," said Andre. "Can't pass up a pretty lady can you? Aye, 504 sent me a text to come here. Not sure if I'll be working with you or not as I haven't been given any orders," Andre said as he stepped inside and then made his way to the kitchen. He pulled out a chair and sat down before pulling his breakfast out and unwrapping the croissant sandwich. "504 said something about new slaves being bought so I decided to stop by here," he said into the silence. @SachiGrl @RefundTheLemons
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Alexandra Smith

Alexandra usually showered in ten minutes or less, but she wanted to savor the warm water. It was almost relaxing for her, but remembering her and Donathan had work to do, she quickly finished and turned off the shower. That's when she heard two masculine voices emitting from outside the bathroom. She could tell one was Donathan, it was the one yelling, but she couldn't exactly place a name with the second voice. It didn't sound hostile, but she still wanted to know who was in her home. As she went to grab her change of clothing, that's when the thought hit her, she was in such a rush to get away from Donathan she forgot to grab her clothing. Sighing, she tightly wrapped a white towel around her body. Deciding to leave her wet hair down, she opened the door and stepped into the hallway. She saw Donathan and Andre standing in the kitchen. "Hello Andre." She said with a polite wave with her free hand as the other clutched onto the towel. Alexandra had worked with Andre a couple times in the past, he was easy to work with, unlike Donathan.

Jeremy Lave

Jeremy turned the volume up slightly when Sasha asked him to stop on a song. He glanced over at Sasha to see he had dozed off, he looked peaceful in his sleep. A tiny smile appeared on his face as he turned his attention back to the road. Minutes had passed before they were finally downtown. His stomach grumbled slightly, Jeremy hadn't ate since last night. Pulling in front of the new Apple and Orange Coffee House. The place opened just yesterday, but he didn't get a chance to stop by due to the appointment. Turning off the car, Jeremy turned to Sasha and gently shaked his shoulder "Hey, we're here." The words were soft, almost a whisper.

@SachiGrl @Apathetic Empathy @galaxyflames


Time of day: Morning

Weather: Sunny with clear skies



Donathan's eyes went wide as Andre attempted to kiss Alexandra's hand, "Oiiiii, she's naked! Let teh girl change will ye?" Well, this was the first time Don found himself protecting a woman, if you even call that protecting. "Course eh can't pass up teh pretty ladeh," he said as he stood in front of her. "Of all times ye come out naked now?" he directed his question to Alex unhappily, "Eh'll take advantage of ye next time 'cause eh don't like doin' a show." He crossed his arms. She came out purposefully naked for him. She wanted him. These thoughts circled around his head. Annoying him each time he thought of it again. Fuckin' cock blocker ye blood sucker ye... he bickered in his mind.

@galaxyflames @RefundTheLemons


Server823 nodded in agreement when Nazar mentioned living beings needing social engagement to promote mental growth. She watched the slaves as they did observing their chit chat. Server823 felt she too would grow mentally if she conversed more, but most of her conversations are limited. Her sisters avoided conversations amongst each other only because they knew it would displease Aisha. Aisha doesn't mind when they speak with guests, but guests only want to talk about slaves and Server823 had plenty of talk about slaves. No mental growth there. She turned to Nazar when he asked about two particular slaves, "They are both inexperienced slaves. As of yet, they have yet to disobey any orders."

Andre Zeklos

Alex's House

Andre watched as Alex came out of the bathroom. "Alex you're looking lovely as always. Sorry for dropping in like this. 504 sent me a text so I decided to make my way over here but haven't been given any orders yet." He liked Alex. She was fun to work with whereas Don, while he could get the job done, sometimes got sidetracked around pretty girls and focused less on the job. Andre went back to the table to resume his breakfast, just in case he was contacted with any orders. He looked at Don as the demon elf spoke and turned his gaze on him, mirth in his eyes. "Don't worry your precious heart Don. I'm not taking advantage of her. Just being polite," he said. Besides unlike you who acts like a hormonal human juvenile around any female you see, I at least have some decency not to flirt with every belle that catches my eye. "Anyway one of you can catch me up on things later," Andre said. He opened his bottle of apple juice and took a drink as he continued with his breakfast. @SachiGrl @RefundTheLemons
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.90f04fa3c519228b3e413462027c8717.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.90f04fa3c519228b3e413462027c8717.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

shley Carbon


Ashley couldn't but close her eyes and let out a soft moan before smiling at Indigo.

"Your intoxicating....I never felt this way before, my body feels....Weird, it feels good, I want more..." she whispered holding the other girls hand tightly, letting her claws sink into her own soft flesh.

This girl was a half-breed after all. Ashley glowed in knowing she was right, Ashley loved to be right.

A few seconds later Ashley seemed very distracted messing with her shirt again. So tight. No bra or at least support.





Were the words to describe how it felt.

Ashley snapped back to other girl "
Oh sorry I get distracted very easily.....Mistress punishes me a lot for it..."




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Alexandra Smith

Alexandra held up her free hand "Chill, I don't even want to hear it right now." her voice was stern. When did Donathan care about people being respectful towards her, all he seemed concerned with was trying to sleep with her. She turned her attention to Andre, she smiled at his compliment "Thank you Andre, you are looking dashing as ever." Andre was probably the most polite person she had ever work with. She waved off his apology as she made her way to her room "It's no problem." She kept the bedroom door slightly cracked "But i wonder how big of a job this actually is if they hired all three of us." she yelled back at the two guys as she studied the trackers locations. Jeremy and Sasha were downtown in front of the new cafe she visited yesterday, Bagan and Lucille were still at the swamp. Opening her closet door, she shuffled through her abundance of clothing. She settled on a band t-shirt with black skinny jeans, which had a few rips in them near the knees, and black hi-top converse. She felt like going casual, but still had the ability to move and work in the outfit. If anything, she kept her 'work clothes' in a duffle bag in the old car if she needed to change. She had already done her makeup in the bathroom and was too lazy to fix her hair so she allowed it to air dry. Picking up her laptop, she walked back into the kitchen and placed it on the table in front of Andre. "Trackers, two salves and two owners." she said simply.

@SachiGrl @galaxyflames
"A pity about your parents. I have spent the better part of my years since the birth of Christendom killing the zealous. They squeal like the rest. The damn angels direct them. There is one that is a thorn in my side. She killed my familiar, but I tainted her in trade. I made her kill an innocent. I would rather have my familiar but that was a sweet parting gift he left me."

Tiro looked at the Nephalim. Interesting. She would be a good addition to his retinue turning the heavens against itself was appealing. Who knew if she was an option though. He just needed someone who would kill for freedom. There would be retribution to pay for the death of his companion. He treasured all his companions, the Heavens would pay for taking from him."

@SachiGrl @eclipsehowls
Nazar Keller


Nazar didn't take his eyes off the two girls as they conversed with each other but nodded at Server823's words. "Inexperienced I can work with," Nazar said. Both of the slaves seemed to get along alright with each other though he wasn't sure the human had much confidence in herself. He went over the information on the pamphlets again. The Nephalem would live longer than the human for sure and was a multi-tasker and magic user whereas the human was a certified cook and intelligent. The Nephalem was mute and the human seemed to cry a lot which he knew from past experience could get on his nerves. Both appeared pet friendly though he didn't have any pets so that wasn't a big detail. "Right. I know which one I want," said Nazar as he turned to look at Server823. "But I can wait until this Shade gets around to picking out his slave." @Inritz

Tali took in the sun, letting herself take in the warmth as if she was trying to tan. She wasn't as she couldn't but still being warm felt better than being cold and she was often cold as the AC was always on. Still she had not found anyone she wanted to talk to that was not taken in truth she wouldn't mind picking the robot's circuits she was still unaware of how aware they were and she wanted to find out. Still with buyers about there was no way to bug her. She also wouldn't mind talking to the buyer he looked like the interesting sort, but if he didn't buy her she was sure the mistress would find some way to punish her for bugging a customer.

It was then that she got something of an idea with all this light she would try something. Tali focused on making bits of her different colors, like she had her hair and let the light move though it making her look like she was made of stained glass. Then she did the hard part she made the colors move making something of a light show for all.
<p>Alya saw the light show and instead of gawking like an idiot, she cackled softly before going into sneak mode....or lack of sneak since the robots were watching...Once she got close enough, she grinned widely before leaping towards the slime girl.</p>




Alya screamed out before tackling the slime...or tried....</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15381-karcen/" data-mentionid="15381">@Karcen</a></p>
Tali only realized she was being snuck up on when the word surprise was yelled, her survival instincts seriously needed work. Still the reason for the lack of skill or lack of need for them was apparent when the one who had tried to tackle her instead passed though her watery body making her lose her form and be reduced to a puddle of clear liquid and a core on the ground.

Tali took a second to reform and see who had attacked , it looked like a human slave, though it the half elf was anything to go by the seemingly human woman could be anything.

" Ok that was new" Tali said with a laugh " If you wanted a hug you should ask " She said making a joke not actually thinking the woman wanted a hug but really she might have.

Alya pouted but looked at the slime with a wide grin.

"Not really. I just wanted to interact with someone since almost no one wants to talk to me. I'm Alya Rosa Septim."

Alya said as she got up, dusted herself off, and hold her hand out in greeting all while having a smile.

It was then that Tali realized who this girl was, she knew her well kind of. " Oh hey I know you, I share my room with you and an orc you two were sleeping though heavy sleepers both of you" Tali said clapping her liquid hands together. " But oh yes my name is Tali Horuleh and I guess that is good we are all a little on edge" Tali continued her voice maybe soft but it was obvious she liked to talk " So what are you, I mean you look human but apparently you solids don't display your full heritage just by your looks?" she asked wanting to know.

"They certainly are spirited." Tiro said looking down. "Mi'Lord is busy but I could arrange a short meeting, Freeman." Tiro said with a smile a Nazar. "He is always looking for new help outside the Infernal Game. Fresh air is good for them. Back in Rome my gladiator used to run every day around the market. He died honoraby. A pity really. Who's to say which age is more civilized. Thousands more innocents die today than my Roman days. Slavery is not extinguished whatever that fool Abraham might have done. Though I was a plantation owner and was sorry to see that go. I moved to South Africa after that. I traveled quite a bit due to work. Tell me, what would you do with a slave?" Tiro asked the server.

@SachiGrl @eclipsehowls
Indigo Soulton


Indigo hissed in pleasure as Ashley's claws grazed her skin. "I wouldn't worry too much about the food-eh mistress-though I find her thought process a bit scatterbrained," Indigo said. "Like how she puts us in different rooms every other day. We should just be assigned rooms and stay in them. I'm the exception since I can't be around anyone when there's a full moon. I know. I'll show you what I look like in my wolf form if either of us is still here tonight when we're back in our room. My eyes become hetrochromatic then. So...Ashley, are you a willing slave or one of those illegal ones they pick up from somewhere?" @TerrinX

Andre Zeklos

Alex's House

The Dhampire nodded at Alex for the returned compliment and finished his sandwich while Alex was in her bedroom. Andre moved his food aside so he didn't have to deal with Mount Vesuvius erupting in his face and chuckled to himself at his momentary lapse of thought. "I'm not sure how big it is," Andre said when Alex came back out with her laptop and showed him the tracking devices. "Ugh I hate that lady. I'd bite her but her blood's probably as foul as her attitude," he said as he saw that Jasper Knight showed up in the Apple and Orange Coffeeshop. "I hope boss is having us only kidnap unwilling slaves this time. I swear I had to chain the last willing slave to me and break its legs to keep it from running back to its master." He couldn't really talk though. With his last master, he had been willing to be his slave and would have served him a long time had his master not desired Andre's freedom instead. Shaking his head to get rid of the fond memory he focused back on the task and flipped through the other tracker, seeing a home in the middle of a swamp and cycled back through the video of last night when the trackers had went online.

"That's disgusting," he said as he hissed in displeasure at the words on the bag that the human was forced to deal with. "We should get her out of there first. The other one seems to be doing okay for now though who knows how long the kid will be okay if Veronica Knight comes back." He sighed. It looked like his wish was being unanswered if they were freeing... "Oh he's a Neko. I haven't seen them a century and a half," Andre said. He checked his phone to see if he had gotten any orders and didn't see any missed text messages or missed calls. Maybe he shouldn't have drunk half a bottle of wine last night. "Well until 504 gives me orders I can monitor and see if we're having any more slaves being purchased today," Andre offered. @SachiGrl @RefundTheLemons
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Alya cocked her head, confused by the question.

"I've been human but...I don't know what I am. My master...he has been around for...I don't know how long he's been around but I'm supposed to be going back and well ended up here when I ran from my guards...Assholes."

Alya said before replying again.

"I'm a wizard's apprentice but even he was surprised that I have lived for 250 years. My master currently is waiting for me after he allowed to go for a year and in that year...Shit happened. Made sure a demonic lord didn't invade the realm and got a lot of farmers, lords, and villagers angry at me though, fun times."

humans didn't live that long Tali was sure of that. Tali might be young or maybe she was old well she was young like this what was before didn't matter so there was that. Still Tali didn't think that Alya was lying perhaps magic kept her alive, magic could do that maybe Tali knew magic but only certain kinds of magic.

" hmmm how odd humans don't live that long how odd" Tali said musing at the idea of a young looking old woman.

Without saying anything Tali moved her hand to Alya'a face letting her slightly warm gel like body flow over her to try to feel any wrinkles " hmmm you have smooth skin no wrinkles you look very young for such an old human" Tali said extremely confused.

Alya smiled.

"Nope! Even master was jealous of finding no wrinkles on me when I turned 50 but he worked me still. Though my guards say that there is a reason for why I have lived for so long but when I ask, they tell me. All they say is, 'You don't know till you ask someone else who knows.' I was going to ask my master when I ended up here...Stupid guards being asshats."

Alya said, muttering the last part.



Time of day: Morning

Weather: Sunny with clear skies



Donathan looks from Alex to Andre and from Andre to Alex. He didn't like this. They interacted so casually it made him uncomfortable. When Andre mentioned the idea of staying with the laptop and monitoring the slaves, Don smiled, "Perfect. So, let's use meh van. Ye'll use the comp in there while weh figure a way into teh fortress." He clapped his hands together, he was ready for action.

@galaxyflames @RefundTheLemons
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