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Fantasy Agris: Open World


The Enchantress



required fields are marked with *

» *name:

» nickname:

» *gender:

» *race:

» *age:

» *physical attributes:

[may be image - anime, realistic, etc..]

» *occupation:

[view 'locations' tab for job options - you may be unemployed]

» armor:

» *personality/behaviour:

[include likes and dislikes]

» *relationships:

[with other players, doesn't need to be romantic]

» alchemist/magic user, y/n? if so, list your specialty/abiliti(es):

[no overpowered abilities, be reasonable]

» weapon, y/n? what is it?:

» History/Bio:


If you wish to join, fill ^^^ out and post vvv

I'll get back to you within 24-48 hours, please let me know if I haven't responded by then!​
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Name: Æthelwulf (Can be shortened to just "Wulf"

Age: 32

Physical Attributes: Wulf is a human with an above average build for his species, though admittedly he stands about a head taller than most men. His hair is a deep shade of brown and his eyes greener than summer conifers



Armor: Æthelwulf's attire consists of traditional druidic garb made from animal hides and leathers. His ornate headdress was crafted from the head of an elk, which is a symbol of willpower. He wears green face-paint on his eyes, which further denotes his profession as a druid.

Personality: Wulf is a strong and stalwart defender of the world and his people. He has a great love for nature and will defend the forests of his homeland at any cost. Despite his rather gruff appearance, he has a warm and cordial attitude and he is very understanding of other people. He does not particularly enjoy urban cities, and as a result you won't find him in town very often or for very long.

Abilities: Mage (Druid) His knowledge of natural magic is strong, and he can also serve as a competent healer if need be.

Weapon: Magical Staff, intricately crafted with wood from his native forests

Bio: Æthelwulf hails from Caer Norwic, a village of druids deeply situated within a grand forest. For as long as they could remember, the magical powers of Caer Norwic and its people have always been deeply rooted in nature. From childhood, Wulf was brought up to be a druid, like his father and his father before him. Wulf's magical powers were quite impressive, and his skills were praised and commended by the community. As Wulf grew into a man, so did his wanderlust. He wanted nothing more than to explore the world and do good for the land. He left the village with the blessings of his family and friends, and now wanders Agris doing what he can to make his mark.

Nicknames: "Row", "Horn Head", "Flea Bag"

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Satyr

Occupation: Traveler/ odd jobs

Armor: None. In fact, most of the time, he's naked.

Appearance: Rowan is a full blooded satyr. His human half has olive skin and curly, reddish brown hair. He has a bit more hair than your typical man, his arms sporting shaggy, almost furlike growth near his elbows. His form is muscular, particularly his arms.

He was cursed with a boyish face, which he hides under a trimmed beard and mustache. His goofy, floppy goat ears don't help. He's rather big, standing at nearly 6'1". The horns on his head curl backwards and are very strong.

goat half is that of a tahr, with long, brown fur and smaller hooves. He's very nimble on his feet, faster than a human, and able to climb and balance uncannily well. As for clothing, Rowan often goes without. With his bottom half so heavily furred, he doesn't really have anything to hide. If he's attending a more proper occasion, he has a couple tunics to pick from in various colors.



Rowan is a vegetarian.

Although he has more human traits than goat, sometimes Rowan will be plagued by the urge to just mindlessly chew on something. Since bubblegum probably doesn't exist in this world, he's found all sorts of creative solutions: sticks, blocks of wood, rubber, or really just about anything.

He is quite talented at playing the pan flute.

He enjoys visitors, as long as they come peacefully.

He is a very good climber. His balance is impeccable.

Although not quite as promiscuous as most satyrs are known to be, Rowan isn't likely to turn down a good offer.

Personality: Rowan is a gentle creature, as far as satyrs go. His species is known for being trickers and theives, attacking those who travel through their forests and kidnapping young women from villages for their own brutish sport. Of course, in actuality, it's a fairly small part of the population that do these things, but they give the whole species a bad name.

Rowan tries to overlook the labels shoved on him by the people he works with. He understands that they know no better, and hopes that, once they get to know him, they'll see past the stereotypes. This isn't always the case, however. Despite his immense patience for humans and their lacking ability to accept what's different from them, Rowan occasionally finds himself getting fed up. He won't hesitate to call someone out on their crap, either. Strong spirited, hard headed (literally
and figuratively), stubborn, but loyal all things that Rowan very much is.

Relationships: None at the moment. However, I suspect him and Wulf would make good friends, considering their mutual respect and enjoyment of nature.


Fresh fruits and veggies

Strolls through the forest at night


Music (both playing and listening)

A solid group of friends


Cruelty and bigots

People who are too set in their ways

Large crowds

Days that are too hot


Strengths: Rowan is very strong. He's a durable and pretty hardy creature. His legs make him a little faster than a typical human on foot. He's quick, agile, and able to climb just about anything. Aside from his physical prowess, Rowan is pretty intelligent. He's no Einstein, but he's not a complete idiot either.

He can eat just about anything.

Weaknesses: One major drawback to hooves is the noise. He will never be able to sneak up on someone. Ever. He also can't ride horses very well either. His lack of clothing doesn't leave much room to hide weapons or trinkets. And, in general, he tends to draw a lot of attention. A group of people walking down the street isn't completely out of the ordinary, but throw a goat man in there, and your bound to get a few wayward glances.

History: Rowan was born into a small clan of satyrs, living in a forest near a human settlement. As a kid, he was a curious little thing. He was roam the forests he called home, sometimes coming dangerously close to the towns of people who might had brought harm to him. He was curious about outside cultures; he always wanted to know more.

It wasn't until, in his teenager years, that Rowan decided to move into human society that his quest for knowledge became a problem with his clan. He sought to become a blacksmith, learning under a man who worked in a nearby town. His clanmates saw this as lowly servitude towards the humans and sought to put him in his place. The next time Rowan returned to the forest, he was attacked and beaten by his own kind as punishment for his action. He was exiled from his clan. Too afraid to stick around and push his luck, Rowan left his homelands and became something of an adventurer. He's been on many journeys and has earned the respect of many different folk across the nations.

Notes: I hope it's okay that I made him a satyr. I don't know just how much fantasy you're looking for here.
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Name: Rina

Age: 15

Physical attributes:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c43a99189_ArcherGirl.jpg.9bc02da1c2f41ffeef34f421a951122b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71427" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c43a99189_ArcherGirl.jpg.9bc02da1c2f41ffeef34f421a951122b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Armour: Simple chest guard (made of leather and cheap metal, as seen in image)

Personality/behaviour: Rina is usually quiet and reserved around humans. She prefers to spend her time in nature with animals. Rina is extremely cautious of anyone she does not know, She will usually hide when she notices a human nearby and wait for them to pass. However, she will make contact when she must; such as going into town to trade goods. If and when Rina does open up to someone, she indulges her curiosity and constantly asks questions of multiple subjects.

Rina is compassionate and caring, always wanting to help. However, this does not extend to humans she is not familiar with due to her shyness. She is often conflicted due to this as she wishes to help them but fears getting close. Despite her love of animals, she understands that not all are friendly. Rina will defend herself and those she considers special in an instant's provocation.








Loud noises

Industrialised areas




Relationships: None (as of yet)

Speciality/Abilities: She has basic knowledge of alchemy; is able to create healing potions and poison which she uses to tip her arrows in. Rina is able to speak to animals who are semi-sentient.

Weapon: Wooden bow and arrows. Some arrows are tipped in poison or oil (for fire)

History: Rina was born an only child, however, shortly after she turned 6, both her parents died of various causes which Rina does not know. The house which she lived in caught on fire during a lightning storm only days afterwards. With her home destroyed and her parents gone, Rina had no choice but to try survive on her own. She went into a nearby forest to look for food.

Within this forest, Rina learnt of her ability to understand and speak to animals. With the animals' guidance Rina was able to live off the land for several years. She heard many tales from the animals of the heinous acts the humans did towards them. This made Rina weary of people since she saw herself more aligned with animals than humans.

As she grew, she began to need items that had to be bought, such as clothing. Rina gathered various items from the forest and took them into the nearest town to trade with the local merchants. After almost getting run over by a carriage, she decided that trips to town would only be when absolutely necessary.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c43a768ea_ArcherGirl.jpg.5ba478173edb3dbc0bb57cdf03c8a0b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c43a768ea_ArcherGirl.jpg.5ba478173edb3dbc0bb57cdf03c8a0b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jarl Maeric Kinswulf

» 27

» Tall and tough looking with well defined features.

» Jarl (
Occupation) ?


Plate armour both inlaid and outset with fur for warmth

Weapons: The Jarl has a bastard sword, worn by multiple generations of Kinswulf Jarls and is worn and ragged but still beautifully adorned and sharp.


The Jarl is a very quick judge of character and is not easily persuaded once he has set his mind on something, for he believes that people become harder to truly know, the longer you know them.

Likes: Sparing, wine and women.

Dislikes: Other Jarls, alchemy and quiet.

Relationships: He is neither loved nor lothed by the people he rules as he leaves them largely to their own and does not ask more of them in taxes then they can afford. (Probably not much playerwise TBH unless they are landed/soldiers in/around my employ?)
Nora 'Rednose' Suitis





Physical attributes

Lean, athletic and relatively tall, Nora sports a soldier's physique with limited damage to her feminism. Incredibly light blonde hair and savage, brown eyes.


Mercenary, Caravan-Escort, Blade-for-Hire, Bodyguard and Slaver


Nora is an incredibly determined, ruthless, yet sympathetic individual. This coupled with her flipping serious and jester mannerism makes her somewhat unpredictable, yet easily manipulated. The latter being, of course, her thirst for monetary gains. If left alone to her own devices and without external influences, Nora will act heartlessly, deviously and ruthlessly. However, she is quick to dismiss anything but her core personality traits and wants through the power of suggestion, and therefore fluctuates between chaotic and lawful. Whilst usually not directly aggressive outside of actual combat, Nora has a tendency to intoxicate herself. In this stage, she can easily become very aggressive as well as find herself lacking respect for personal space.


+ Coins

+ People who possess leadership skills

+ Bar-fights

+ Being trusted

- Preachers

- Pacifists

- Archers

- Sweets


None at the moment. If you want to set up some form of recognition/temporary meeting or incorporate some sort of background, I don't know - PM me.


Whilst she cannot harness any great form of magic, she is an adept at enhancement-magic; this means that she cannot really 'buff' herself, but she may do so to her allies in combat. These spells are always defensive and never offensive, and have limited use.



Whilst it appears to be full plate, it is in fact layered plate over light leather armor. This offers great protection and freedom in the equipment, but causes the wearer to be very susceptible to heat. Furthermore, someone with a strong piercing weapon can target the gaps in the plate and force their way through the leather. The plate armor is compromised of a mixture of steels and irons native to areas around Frigidia Vilage and the rest of the northern region.


Nora sports two distinct weapons; a sharp voulge-type halberd, and a small holster of three throwing axes that may be used as melee weapons. These two are usually not coupled together, but rather switched between whilst the other feels at home in a holster. This allows for maximum versatility in Nora's arsenal against anything except sharpshooters.



Born and bred in the northern regions, Nora was tempered by the harsh climate from birth. Having been born in a classical soldier-housewife setting, her parents wished for her to be married off to someone else in the village in order to settle family disputes and obtain a greater position through the unity of the two houses. Opposing this idea, Nora attempted to join the military under their nose, succeeding with relative ease. She was a natural, yet quit the forces at the age of twenty, picking up mercenary contracts and caravan escorts among other jobs in order to be able to move out of the northern regions. This also allowed her to escape her parents wrath for as long as she could. Eventually, she'd move down south and establish herself as a relatively well-known blade-for-hire. Whilst wandering the lands, she recruited villagers that wished to find an escape from their small community for one reason or another, and trained them in the ability of combat. She currently runs a small mercenary group known simply as: 'Mercs'. They do not have a formal name. However, not allowing herself to be tied down to one place at any point in time, Nora often allows the various members of her group to go about their own private business, until any of them feel the need arises for the party to amass. Usually, this is for a larger contract. People that lose to her in combat usually find themselves enslaved by her, depending on her wants. This may lead to being sold off or otherwise - but is a surprisingly recent habit that she has adapted due to several financial possibilities, and a strange sense of personal joy that she feels from it. Are often held for ransom and otherwise sold into labour only. Usually ends up releasing captives out of pity.

Local rumors, previous contractors and informants can easily have people obtain the following information:

Known for:

- C
ausing trouble and ruckus in taverns and inns

- Being a blade-for-hire

- Skill with her bearded halberd

- Hailing from the Northern Regions

- Occasional slave-seller

- Rednose was a nickname given to her as a reference to her often intoxicated state (at which point, blood rushes to her nose, causing it to turn a light red, pink-ish colour)

More may be added with time and exploits. Incredibly easy to track, as the plate armor usually attracts eyes from villagers etc ... unless adventurers are common through an area. Usually does not make an effort against being spotted, but may do so by using half-assed disguises.
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@Lorkhan Amiable and detailed character concept. :) Accepted!

@Metronome Nice and interesting, accepted!

@KiKi Kitsune Well-done and cute, accepted!

@General Deth Glitch Interesting and realistic character, accepted.

@ShyEra Beautiful character. very well done! Accepted.


Sorry about the few fields I stumbled over on the form, have added them now.
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