D. Rex
Magic Eight Ball
You find The captain, a human woman with red curly hair and a deep blue captains outfit, when you inquire about taking a large party to the town of birth she inquires something about you "Hold on, did you speak to a saurian with a metal tail traveling with a less than stable Kobold?" she would ask looking at you with her head tilted.
"Gold be gold, Evora. We won't be getting ahead without taking no risks. Besides, it do be getting boring here." He replied to Evora earlier.
Toryk tilted his head at the inquiry just as she did."What?" The gnoll asked, laughing, "That lizard man in the tavern? Nay, he be talking to some half orc and a couple humans in armor, and some scrawny looking elf girl. Aye, she do be one of them magicians if my nose has any say." He lied. First rule of smuggling... don't talk about it.
He nodded at Evora and her look. "Aye, you did be right. Last thing I need right now is trouble from shady hoods. May Tempest bless the gold they take, for it likely gonna be trouble for 'em."
He turned back to the Captain. "So what do be the fare? We've had enough of this headache inducing island."