Age of Heroes

Quick two questions: One, where are the bandits against Sethos currently? Sethos is currently safely on Addai's shoulders.

Two, how could a bandit avoid being sensed by Sethos? He's using his heightened reptillian to sense any unusual heat signatures. Unless they're somehow at ambient temperature, they're going to show up. Regardless, how did they pop up at all? This is a barren town square, there is no cover!
DrBones said:
Quick two questions: One, where are the bandits against Sethos currently? Sethos is currently safely on Addai's shoulders.
On the ground, charging towards your feet. They obviously don't float like ghosts.

DrBones said:
Two, how could a bandit avoid being sensed by Sethos? He's using his heightened reptillian to sense any unusual heat signatures. Unless they're somehow at ambient temperature, they're going to show up. Regardless, how did they pop up at all? This is a barren town square, there is no cover!
Barren town square? No. Empty PORT? Yes. A port does have many buildings, crates, etc. for trades, docking ships, etc., which can be used as hiding spots. Also, Esken have no reptile senses like heat sense, etc. As I have said in the overview, they have a high tendecy to be experts in potions, nothing else.

Sent from my GT-S5830
My apologies for not posting for so long. I've been a tad busy lately.

Edit: There we go, posted.
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So, Snake-Men aren't snake like. What's the point behind that? Just cosmetic difference for humans? Why not just axe the Eskens if they aren't different from an already established race in any way other than cosmetic?
MechaGhoul said:
So, Snake-Men aren't snake like. What's the point behind that? Just cosmetic difference for humans? Why not just axe the Eskens if they aren't different from an already established race in any way other than cosmetic?
Though it may seem that they possess no special skills, they are still an important race in Verattia and that is why I included them as one of the playable races. Alchemy and potion brewing is not an easy task, you know.
Why can't humans do that? Alchemy is Fantasy Chemistry. Chemistry doesn't require special races to do things. It is a profession, not a racial mark. One that people can learn through trial and errors.

It's like let's just take say Dwarves. Dwarves are miners, and saying Humans can't mine, but only Dwarves can.

Races should be different enough, beyond mere cosmetic differences. Or else there is no point.
MechaGhoul said:
Why can't humans do that? Alchemy is Fantasy Chemistry. Chemistry doesn't require special races to do things. It is a profession, not a racial mark. One that people can learn through trial and errors.
It's like let's just take say Dwarves. Dwarves are miners, and saying Humans can't mine, but only Dwarves can.

Races should be different enough, beyond mere cosmetic differences. Or else there is no point.
Everyone can do alchemy, but not like Eskens. Just like everyone can do magic, but not like elves. Due to their "cosmetic differences", they can see how a simple concoctions works, how to make it, how to complicate it etc. In other words, without Eskens, there is no alchemy.
Trial and Error. It is how innovation comes about. Alchemy, being a version of Chemistry would come about. Same thing with magic, in a world without Elves, but magic there, they'd still figure how to do things.

A race being a 'master' of a subject isn't worth separating it.

Elves, they have reasons to be separated from Humans. Typically (in most portrayals) they are more lithe than standard humanoids, they have an enhanced sense of hearing and dexterity. They have an enhanced life-spans. Etc.

Those are reasons to separate them from Humans.

For say, Esken, all that is different is special eyes, and tongue. That's it. That isn't worth a separation.

However if they, like Snake-people, had some tendencies like snakes, such as say an expandable jaw so they can consume incredibly large prey. Or sensing heat waves. Those are valid reasons to separate the races.

Because they are different enough beyond a 'oh they are just better at X subject.'
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It's kinda like when you thought up the Earthmen. You COULD have just made them humans with rocky skin and a natural knack for mining, but you didn't. You made them something unique.
MechaGhoul said:
Trial and Error. It is how innovation comes about. Alchemy, being a version of Chemistry would come about. Same thing with magic, in a world without Elves, but magic there, they'd still figure how to do things.
A race being a 'master' of a subject isn't worth separating it.

Elves, they have reasons to be separated from Humans. Typically (in most portrayals) they are more lithe than standard humanoids, they have an enhanced sense of hearing and dexterity. They have an enhanced life-spans. Etc.

Those are reasons to separate them from Humans.

For say, Esken, all that is different is special eyes, and tongue. That's it. That isn't worth a separation.

However if they, like Snake-people, had some tendencies like snakes, such as say an expandable jaw so they can consume incredibly large prey. Or sensing heat waves. Those are valid reasons to separate the races.

Because they are different enough beyond a 'oh they are just better at X subject.'
You have proven your point as DrBones supported your opinion. I shall edit in the overview the additional ability of the Esken. It will not be heat-sensing but rather scent-tracking with their tongue. Works just like how vipers and small snakes hunt.
Just a heads up, my IC question? Applies to the OOC as well. Why are you recruiting a gang of dudes when apparently a Sentinel can do what they can but so much better. My character's special ability is being able to manage two attacks per post and your guy just did like 5 separate attack actions, though it was probably like 10 actual attacks or so. Even if he's a top tier dude in the group, why are you even recruiting 5 random chucklefucks when you could probably spare 5 actual Sentinels, because it's not like we have an army of characters over here, and have a much more effective group tailored to hunting down the source of the problem while people actually defend their own lands, hardly a rarity.

On another note, so you're actively undermining a player who decided to play a mounted knight by taking away his mount. Uhuh. Why not tell him beforehand so he makes some sort of infantry knight and avoids getting screwed instead of having a character focus taken away from him like this?
There are several reasons on why these "chucklefucks" were chosen.

1. The Sentinel, as stated, is currently busy holding off the hordes of monsters.

2. These "chucklefucks" are handpicked by the three gods, though how is unknown.

3. If somehow, The Sentinel would be sent to this quest, then this rp would have not been made.

4. The "chucklefucks"and their skills on their different fields will be of use in the end.

Why did I not warn you about mounts? In the overview, it is said that you will fight a monster that is under the sea. I thought that would be enough info.

For the mount problems, there is one reason and solution. For a mount to be underwater, is quite dumb. Why would one ride a horse, when it will just move slower in water? Now, if you still wish to use your mount/s, the mages can modify the spell, but it will delay your journey to the depths.

Sent from my GT-S5830
I think Zero's just angry at how hilariously powerful you made your character. When his god-given special ability is to strike twice in a single motion and your character does the same even faster and has even more special abilities designed solely to make it so that he's a King of all Trades, it's a little disconcerting.

Personally, I dislike the level of power you've given Sieg, since it basically makes the entire rest of the party look like chumps. When the rest of the party merely wounds their foes, you instantly kill yours and move on to severely wound the rest in one fell stroke. If some group in your universe can answer the question "Is there anyone other than the heroes we can send in?", you'd be better off nerfing them.

Plus, if you're going to bring being hampered by water physics into this, no amount of aid from the wizards is going to make us any better at fighting. Underwater is simply no place to move quickly.

Currently, I'm seeing no reason for Gaston, Garom, and Jorah to be here, since Sieg can do everything they can do but infinitely better.
1. It's 5 people the Sentinel would have to spare. It's not an army or even a big squad. I don't know about you but I'd send the monster-slaying super badass specialists to hunt down the source of the issue rather than hire 5 random guys who would probably fight that much harder defending their own homes from the creatures on land.

2. The chucklefucks were "picked by the gods" in the sense that you gave each of them a power, that's real neat. Just like I pointed out, my guy's special ability is attacking twice in a post and causing bleeding wounds, not only could this be attributed to natural skill and other abilities to simply learning some manner of magic, but your own character just destroyed that group of 10 bandits pretty much on his lonesome, severely showing up these blessings. If the rest of the Sentinel is anywhere near this level, they're the people for the most important quest, not our characters.

3. Yes, if the Sentinels were sent in then there'd be no reason for our characters to be there whatsoever. See the problem here? You're basically grasping at straws as to why these big order dedicated to hunting down and destroying monsters can't spare 5 guys for the most important monster hunting quest while the skilled militia recruits defend the lands.

4. Your own character rendered 3 characters essentially useless. Again, he might be a high ranking guy but beyond Addai, it's rather hard to believe that this super badass order wouldn't be able to send in dudes who fulfill the role of our characters just as well if not better. You've a knight, a dude that's good with a bow, a dude that got his hands on a crapload of alchemy recipes and some kind of jackal hunter man, I fail to see how an order that produced Sieg couldn't churn out dudes to replace them. In fact, Sieg can probably replace the knight already, so it'd be sparing 4 guys.

As for the mounts, yes, we're fighting underwater and that'd mean that a horse can't perform very well. You know who wouldn't usually perform very well underwater either? The entire party, because none of them are amphibian beyond perhaps Garom, though since such a trait isn't given in the species' description I have to assume he isn't. So that's a moot point, pretty sure we all figured, we're all going to be able to fight underwater swinging swords and using bows n shit because magic, it's not a stretch that someone would think "cool, I get to ride a horse underwater". Offering an IC solution to this is, however, a good answer, so kudos for that.
Sieg's supposed to be OP. But, that won't render your characters useless. He'll only fight when agitated, just like when that bandit tried to assault him. He'll also cause you troubles and arguments with his actions and decisions. He's a person with no mercy, a person who charges in with nothing in mind, a person you might not need now, but you'll value in the end. The only purpose that he is in the rp is to guide the Heroes through a series of events.

As for The Sentinel sparing 5 guys, they don't work like that. The Sentinel works like a crew of a ship, it needs to be complete and a captain to function well. And that captain would be General Eshwald. The Sentinel may be a giant army, but they don't have allegiance to any kingdom. Despite this, they are bound to defend the kingdoms. But that does not mean they would stop the source of these threats. They are made to protect, but not to destroy.

Sieg, on the other hand, is made to destroy. He is a part of The Sentinel, yes, but he was only active during The Cleansing, when the monsters were wiped from the lands of Mebios.
If Sieg only fights when he's agitated, how is that a drawback? Since we're going into hostile territory, he's ALWAYS going to be agitated! Garom, Gaston, and Jorah are perpetually going to be upstaged so long as Sieg works alongside them. In addition, there'll be no arguments or troubles against Sieg, since Sieg can just instantly kill all of us with his laundry-list of superpowers and lacks any sense of basic morality. He's a character designed solely to trivialize combat encounters and lead the party along a single line while acting smug and detached.

An organization like The Sentinel absolutely should be able to spare five soldiers for a mission of the utmost importance. Unless each member needs each other just to avoid suffering from crippling depression (in which case Sieg wouldn't be around), there's no reason to have the full army in the same area all at once. This weird stuff about the Sentinel being made to protect and not destroy is equally as silly, since it would mean that every single person in the Sentinel would have to ignore the fact that destroying a den of monsters would stop the monsters coming from that den. By making an invincible army of super-badasses (of which your character is a cliched edgy outlier) and then making them act like a legion of blithering ninnies solely to justify the existence of a group of significantly outclassed player characters, you've irreparably damaged the setting. After all, if it takes an army like the Sentinels to stop monsters INVADING, how could a bunch of pathetic weaklings compared to the Sentinels hope to invade the monsters' homeland and live to tell about it?
So Sieg, who you admit is OP, won't render our characters useless because he won't fight unless he, the apparent leader of a small group in a perilous quest to fight dangerous monsters in their very lair, is attacked. Do you see the problem here? Also, he won't fight unless attacked but he's also a person with no mercy who charges in with nothing in mind? This is contradictory and the fact remains that he renders 3 out of 5 PCs totally useless. Character conflict can come about from the actual players and it's not about "not needing him now", it's that he doesn't need a party, or at least not this one. He is supposed to be just a guide, but he's also obviously much better suited to the task at hand. Far and away.

Your explanation of the Sentinel makes absolutely no sense. It's like I said before, you're grasping at straws trying to justify why this order dedicated to fighting monsters, who actually managed to enact a purge before even, isn't entirely in charge of this very important adventure by sending 5 of their top guys along with Sieg. So by making them so super awesome and important and badass, you've written yourself into a corner trying to justify why a group of random dudes would ever be sent into this extremely important task at all.

Does the Sentinel protect by not directly tackling the source of the problem until they're overwhelmed? Can they only function as a hivemind around their General except for Sieg? Do they have absolutely no rank structure to relegate responsabilities? No small squad training whatsoever? No tactical groups? I don't see how having no allegiance to any of the kingdoms matters in this case since their job is to protect them anyway and this threat is equally dangerous towards them all. Your final bit of trying to set Sieg apart just continues to drive home how he'll continue to render 3 party members absolutely useless.
Hmm, I guess Sieg was not fit for this scenario.

So what do you guys propose? Nerfing Sieg or removing him at all?
Personally, I think it'd be best if Sieg returned to work with the Sentinels and if it was made clear that the Sentinels were working to destroy monster dens. The party's involvement would be more of a way for the kingdoms to posture themselves and demonstrate that the Sentinels aren't absolutely necessary.
Considering how these are big fuck-off monsters, I'm sure just a small amount of context clues would be necessary to lead the characters along. Like, for example, following the gigantic ruts bored in the silt.
Yeah, shouldn't be too hard to notice that stuff.

"I wonder what destroyed this fleet of ships? Don't see any rocks? Prolly sea monsters."
I'd suggest throwing in some way to seriously justify how our 5 (now 4 it looks like) completely outclassed, random dudes from all walks of life have been given this very important mission instead of 4 of Sieg's superpowered buddies. Even some manner of prophecy, cliche and boring as that is, but we desperately need a real reason why the group tasked with supposedly hunting down the source of all issues isn't made up entirely of sentinels.

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