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Fantasy After The War (1x1 with Saffron_Majesty)

Rayvin nodded before expelling a cough. She didn’t want to shed any tears. Her eyes hurt already and.. she felt like she didn’t like to. Already, she was a mess. To her, crying would only make more of a mess. There was a sniffle though that she couldn’t stifle.

Her eyes closed as she fought the urge again to choke on her tears. Why was it so hard? A shudder traveled over her body as she lifted her chin. Water sounded good. That was something she could get down comfortably.
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Anthiny took the glass of water from the member the member that brought it and placed it in Rayvin's free hand. When she took the glass he touched her shoulder. "Its okay to feel how you feel. We've all been there." Anthony said, his eyes shifting emotions constantly. Anthony was doing a good job of holding it in, but he could feel it, his emotional core and powers were destabilizing.
Rayvin nodded hastily before taking a long swig of water. “I-I’m alright.” She whispered. She wasn’t very focused on his own face until she finished the water. Her shaky hand moved to set it on the small cart next to her bed. “I’m.. feeling better.” In more ways than one.

Her eyes came to rest on the large, rough hand that enveloped hers. As her thoughts cleared some she noticed how gentle as composed he was. Her hand shook a little in his but he held it steady.
"Thats good. Very good." Anthony said. The big man stood and took Rayvin's free hand with his and peered down at her face. "Its a beautiful fall day outside. Im sure the north wind would love for you to come out. How about a walk... Rayvin?" Anthony asked, his smile crawling slightly higher.
Rayvin’s shoulders rose slightly as her hands were held. There was a slow and steady inhale as her eyes traveled up his towering form. As she heard him speak she anticipated what he would say. Once he mentioned “a beautiful fall day”, she hoped he meant outside. Her eyes, once again looked up hopefully at him. When he asked her about going for a walk she nodded eagerly! “Y-yes!” There were no windows down here and she hated that.. she wanted to see the sky and feel the sun. No walls.. that would be nice.
Rayvin's excitemnt made Anthony happy. He realized this a moment too late. His eye twitched and and Anthony let go of both Rayvin's hand covering it uncertainly. This isn't good. Something bad is going to happen, and I need you to leave the containment cell for a moment." Anthony said, his breathing elevatong quickly. "Get her out of the room and make the glass opaque." Anthony shouted at the microphine over his shoulder. A team of four members rushed into the room and grabbed the bed and nightstand. The last of the squad grabbed Rayvin by the arm and guided her put of the room. "I'll be fine Rayvin just hold on for a moment." Anthiny said covering his other eye. The door closed rapidly and a woman from the team ran over to an intercom panel in the walp and pushed a button. "Code-5 medium lock down." She said in a soft tone. She turned to Rayvin. "It happens once in a blue moon and it'll be okay." She said reassuringly.
The abrupt change of tone startled Rayvin and she watched him closely. Then with 4 people rushing in she grew more worried. “What’s happening?” But her question went unanswered as someone grabbed her and lead her out. Her feet dragged some but once the door was shut she leaned against the wall.

Just as she crossed the threshold she saw the windows go opaque. “Wait.. those are windows?” Why did they have windows out here? She hadn’t noticed them inside the room..
Anthony's breathing became ragged and for a moment he uncovered his eyes. His roght was still the ice that it had been before, but his left was blazing orange illuminating the now darkened room. Anthont dropped to his knees and feverishly removed his short and jacket. Blood began to drip from his nose and all of the sudden his head flung back and his back arched at an excruciating angle caused him to wail in pain, the microphones had been neglected and still projected the harrowing sound into the hallway causing the female member to rush to the board in attempt to turn of the noise.. Still arched, anthony shrieked and massive gashes carved themselves into his torso and shoulders. Anthony was back on his hands and knees, blood dribbling to the floor. When he looked up both irises were now as bright as the sun and ice was forming around the room as the temperature dropped well below zero. "I need medical." Anthony grunted out before collapsing on the floor unconcious. The woman who was trying to turn off the microphones respnded by pressing a red button with a cross.
The haunting wails echoed in the outside hallway and Rayvin froze. “Is that him?” She pushed her voice to speak through its rasp. “What’s happening??” She tried to get someone’s attention but no one seemed to acknowledge her.

More screams cane from the intercom system and Rayvin felt helpless here. Why couldn’t they see him. “What’s happening!! Please?” She begged one of the members. Had she done something? Was there nothing they could do?
A team of six members, all large men dressed in white with the Regime symbol on the back of their uniforms rushed out of the elevator with a large stretcher and down the short hall. The door to the containment cell slid open and frosted air full of ice crystals poured out into the hallwag dropping the temperature of the entire floor. All six men hurried into the cell and came back out carrying Anthony. The members laid him on the big stretcher. Anthony's hair had become unbranded and his skin was bone white. His eyes glowed beneath his eyelids even though he was unconcious. Massive ripping tears went from his lower left abdomen to the top of his right shoulder, bleeding profusely. The team of large men bustled past with Anthony in tow. They got on the elevator and the door closed behind them. A male member who had been on the level pressed a button on the control panel and the door closed to containment room. Running water could then be hear. The female member trying to shut off the microphines before gingerly approached Rayvin and put her hands on her shoulders. "Its nothing you did. As scary as it is, these episodes just happen. I can't explain them so you'll have to ask him. He might be... different when you see him next." The woman said, letting go of Rayvin.
Rayvin backed up put her back to the wall hastily. As the cell door opened she could feel the icy air flow over the floor to her bare feet. It was so cold, not to mention the crystals hitting the ground. Her mouth was agape as she watched the scene unfold. The cold quickly traveled up her body until she felt a chill overcome her.

When she saw Anthony being brought out she tried to reach the stretcher but the medical team had a precise and tight routine. Why had he paled so much? "Anthony!" She called his name but there was no response from him. She had to brace herself against the wall before she got the strength to hurry after the medical team. Her attempts to follow were denied as she saw the elevator door slide shut. Hands touched her shoulders and she saw the female member in front of her. "Why can't- ugh, what do you mean??" There were so many questions at once that it only piled on more frustration. She saw blood on the hallway floor that had been smeared in the fiasco and she stared at it... Was she wrong about him?
Anthony jolted awake covered in bandages and gasping for air. "Are your functions alright? Anything beyond repair?" Boss kris asked, stading on Anthony's bedside with a nervkus face. "Yeah I'm fine, that last rip got really close to my heart. Nothing can be done though." Anthony contemplated as he leaned the top of the bed up with the side controls. He cracked a big smile. "But atleast I'm on this side now." He said cheerily, his deeply intense glowing irises casting light on the boss's face. "Where's Rayvin?" Anthiny asked becomijg serious. "You mean the woman? I'm not sure. I'll have someone bring her. Don't be stupid." Boss kris said softly rapping her knuckles on Anthonys big head. With that she exoted his care room. A young member ran through the halls to the containment level so after that and found Rayvin. "Anthony is awake and asking for miss. I'll take you to him if you follow me." The young boy said turning to the elevator.
Rayvin was sitting on the floor while the sound of water came through the walls of the cell. When the younger member came up to her she stood slowly but with the determination to push herself. Nothing was said as she followed and got into the elevator. She seemed calm but internally the questions kept piling up. It felt like she was in the elevator for ages. When the door opened she shifted her feet anxiously until she could get past it. She stepped into a new room with Anthony and a woman she hadn't seen before. "You're awake?" she asked him before even reaching his bed.
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Rayvin burst into Anthony's room obviouslt surprised that he was awake. "Twas but a flesh wound." Anthony said with a gleaming smile. His skin was still bone white and his irises glowed a fiery orange and yellow, casting light on Rayvin. "Rayvin, this is boss Kris." Anthony said gesturing to his right. "She's busy however and we'll get you two introduced at a later date." Anthint explained as boss Kris nodded politely and exited the room. "I'm sorry you had to witness the accident Rayvin. It mustve been unpleasant." Anthony said, his smile fading a little.
"I beg.. to differ." She breathed deeply mid-sentence. There was a look of concern as she approached slowly, her eyes focused on his own. Rayvin nodded at Boss Kris in return and watched her leave. When the boss left she whipped her head back around. Subsequently, it threw her balance off slightly and she put a hand on the bed. With her brow furrowing and head tilting, she braved to ask him. "What happened?" Her eyes carefully traveled over his torso at the bandages.
"When I was a lab experiment they forces my personality to be cold and calculating and they aligned that with my power. Of course this was created with the awful side effect that if my emotional state ever became the opposite of cold and desolate, that my powers would also do the same. Unfortunately during the process my body attempts to tear itself apart in the conversion. Hence the big injuries." Anthony said, gesturing to his torso smiling awkwardly. He breathed intentionally toward Rayvin, frost forming in the air and on her hair and eye lashes. "I'm reversed." He said chuckling, his glowing eyes becomeing brighter.
The cold that came her way made her shiver and she shut her eyes. Her eyelashes felt heavy almost instantly as frost formed there and she rubbed them clean. She dusted her hair too, frost clinging to her hands. Her following expression was pure bewilderment. "So...wait." Rayvin's thoughts tried to process this bit of information. On top of that he thought this was amusing? "Does this mean.. you're powers are opposite now?"
"Yes, they are completely reversed. My emotions and my powers. How fitting it is that winter is almost here." Anthony groaned painfully and sat up a little further in bed. "Do you know what it also means Rayvin?" Anthony said, a smile spreading it's way across his face. "I can finally express how absolutely happy I am that you're here!" Anthony whispered with a happy tone and tears in his eyes. His smile somehow grew even wider.
Rayvin was visibly taken aback by the turnaround in attitude. She may have only known him for a couple of conscious hours but this was such a stark contrast. Also for his size, this attitude wasn't really expected. However, it was welcomed. "Are you going.. to be okay though?" She was a little cautious as she took a step closer. "What caused it to happen?"
"Yeah I'll be fine. This happens sometimes. It'll happen again in some months most likely, so just try not to be freaked out by it. I know that's a lot to ask." Anthony said, rubbing the back of his head a chuckling slightly. He knew Rayvin would ask why eventually and he knew that he needed to be honest with her. "Come here by my bedside for a moment." Anthony told Rayvin.
She was silent as she approached his side, standing in the same spot the Boss had been on. There was a slight lean against the bed to support herself as her eyes looked down in more worry. Her hair that had been cleaned was still a bit messy from her long nap and her clothes were a slightly disheveled. The collar of her shirt was pulled to one side, exposing more shoulder on her left side.
Even bedridden, Anthony's chin still came to about Rayvin's forehead. Anthony reached his hand over the side of the bed and took one of Rayvin's hands. "Look at me." Anthony said softly. When Rayvin met his glowing irises, Anthony gave her hand a little squeeze. "My powers reverse when I feel overpowering emotion. When it is good I become what I am now, when it's bad I turn back. This wasn't your fault. The moment I saw you unconscious in my arms , I was on this path. We are two in a rare species of human and I was so happy to have found you. Unfortunately my for at the time couldn't very well handle such emotion, so the polarity changed. Anthony let go of Rayvin's hand and brushed her hair behind her ear, smiling.
Her eyes traveled back up to his own. Her gaze was sharp and keen on his expression and eyes.. She couldn't help but stare at them deeply as she listened to him. Rayvin wasn't expecting his next gesture. As his hand rose to her face, there was a slight tilt to her head. As he fixed her hair, she felt that warmth from before. His surprising gentleness made her less nervous. The smile she saw on his face was also welcoming!

The corners of her mouth returned the favor with a small smile of her own. Small dimples appeared on her face but only for a moment as her smile relaxed. "Can you.. tell me what happened?"
"Look at that smile. The most beautiful I've seen." Anthony complemented Rayvin. He turned to the side of the bed that Rayvin wasn't on and scooted out until he was standing on his feet. Anthoy stretched and reached backward over his shoulder looking with a glowing eye. A large bandage covered his back as well as his his chest and stomach. He sighed. "Worse than last time." Anthony commented under his breath. Anthony made his way over to where a suit was hanging and quickly put on the clothes and slipped into his shoes. "I'm already feeling better, especially now that you're here." Anthony said with a friendly smile. "Let's go outside, I need to figure out where I'm at and you need some fresh air", he said walking to the door.
His compliment seemed to stop her in her tracks before she turned her gaze away from him. Her ear hadn't missed his remark. She thought about it while he dressed. "I-I can leave while you get dressed.." She kept her eyes looking at the wall to her right. As he finished she looked back over to him and thought how good the suit looked. "You should probably rest.. you sounded awful when they locked you in." Her memory recalled his howling and wailing over the intercom and how it echoed through the hall.

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