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Fantasy After The War (1x1 with Saffron_Majesty)

"It matters to me because I am one of race that is few in numbers, tortured, mangled inside, and re-wired to give characteristics and abilites that cause many to call me a god." Anthony said, his eyes lost in the tank. "They are a kindred being and I care greatly about my kind despite the ice running through my veins." Anthony uttered, his eyes obviously moistened despite appearing as cold as the nether. Anthony turned his even more polarized gaze to the man. "Tell me what I want to know. I don't care if it's a secret and I don't care if whoever controls you will wish you dead. Tell me who they are and what they are capable of. You are trying my patience." Anthony hissed. "You may have misunderstood. I dislike unneeded violence, but that doesn't mean that violence against you will never be needed." Anthony stated ominously.
“Okay! Okay! Please, for the love of God!” The man nearly snapped back. “It- she was meant for the last wave but o-our facilities were destroyed before we could finish. She’s a bit younger than most..” he swallowed feeling his dry throat clench. “We couldn’t transfer her safely to the Capital so I’ve been here with her ever since.”
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"So this super is a woman? The last wave no less. I myself was designed for the first wave. We laid waste to humanity. I and my team infact were solely responsible fore the destruction of this," Anthony raised his arms gersturing around widely. It could only be assumed that he meant the land the two were on, America, "Tell me, what are her capabilities?" Anthony asked gazing back into the tank and narrowing his eyes.
"Y-yes. She was a very promising subject." Then he heard the intruder say he was a first wave soldier. Could his day get any worse? The first wave of soldiers were specifically designed to obliterate. They were ruthless and merciless when it came to combat. It made him wonder why he was being lenient with his life. The man was beyond grateful no doubt but now he was starting to doubt any possibility of this ending well for him.

"Um- well we aren't sure how to classify them. Wind pressure and air current manipulation. She was suppose to be a zephyr of sorts... for stealth missions but.. she was deemed too reckless.." The man stumbled over his words as he felt his grave being dug deeper. He was desperately trying to think of some way to resolve this where he kept his the subject and, dare he think, his head.
"Reckless. I see. She would make a fine addition to our armies." Anthony said with his standard coldness. "Doctor, and I only assume you're a doctor from the way you manage this site and the subject here. I'm going to take this subject from you." Anthony stated clearly. "You have told me what I wished to know and therefore have fulfilled my requests. I see no need to kill you." The large man said, whipping out a radio communicator and raising it to his face. "Red sky this is Starkeeper. I need a crago helicopter sent to my location ping. Be cautious, I am in the danger zone Forrest." Anthony instructed into the thin radio device. "Thats affirmative Starkeeper, initiating transport protocols. Red Sky out." Came a radio operators reply. Anthony lowered the radio and gazed threatening at the doctor. "My men are coming to retrieve this woman and I sujest you stay out of the way." Anthony said turning and walking to the tank room door. His hands became super hot and he melted the doors into the walls. "Dont try anything." The super said flatly.
The doctor only gaped silently as he listened to the super communicate with more outsiders. Time slowed down for him as he came to a conclusion. This had all happened so fast that there was some hesitation on if he should go through with his next plan. As the rogue asset ended his conversation he decided. He was between a rock and a hard place.

"I-I'm sorry... I can't let you do that.." He stepped back to a panel that was in the back of the room. They couldn't take her. If she fell in the wrong hands, it would be one more rook to the opposition, one less advantage for his employers. His life was forfeit at this point, there was no point in letting them succeed. He quickly pressed a button on the panel and then slammed a red lever. Lights on the panels turned red as a voice came over the intercoms.

"Initiating execution order." As the system started to revert its processes he lunged for a desk drawer. Just like the other room, he had stashed another gun in one of it's drawers. His duty was to the corporations.. this was necessary. As long as she didn't fall into the wrong hands, that was all that mattered. "Execution order initializing in 10-"

"9-8-" The next number from the intercom was drowned out by the deafening sound of a gunshot. Only one which was followed by a thud. The doctor's body hit the floor, the gun tumbling out of his hand. "6-" Time was running out for the subject.
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Anthony watched calmly as the series of events unfolded. The doctor slowly backed away and initiated a self destruct sequence and then shot himself with another pistol he had stashed in a desk drawer. With only six seconds, Anthony ignited, his clothes burning away like paper and laid his hands on the tank's glass exterior, easily melting through. He cleared away the molten glass which re-solidified on the sides, extinguished his arms and chest, and reached into the tank grabbing the woman. The count was three seconds. Anthony bolted, his large muscular frame barreling though the small bunker and out the door.

Just as Anthony was out of the melted steel doors of the bunker, the place exploded. Anthony pulled the woman close to his chest as chunks of debris hit him in the back, melting on contact. When it was over, Anthony carefully removed tube inserts from the woman's mouth and turned her head to the side to let the oxygen gel drain from her lungs. She was breathing and Anthony was relieved. A helicopter was on the horizon and Anthony sighed flatly.
The woman before him couldn't have been older than 20 years old. Her hair was brown with a mixture of now dirt and green gel that clung to her. Her hair looked untamed and course that would end between her shoulder blades. Moving along her frame, there were some scars already marking her skin. There was a thin, linear scar on her left shoulder and a jagged one on that same side's hip. Her torso had only been covered with wraps of waterproof bandaging and tape that secured electrodes to her chest. The wiring had been ripped away when she was extracted and left the pads attached to her, She had shorts on that were recognizable since all subjects were made to wear them. They were made of grey and black lycra and stretched three inches down her legs.

As the gel drained out of her lungs, she started to breath on her own. Her limp body started to twitch, starting in her fingers and head before her chest convulsed. Her lungs tried to expel what gel was left. There was a loud coughing fit as she weakly rolled to her stomach. Her eyes never opened and as she finished her coughing, she fell limp again.
Anthony eased the woman before him out of his embrace and supported her head as here body twitched and convulsed, ridding itself of the oxygen gel. 'She's beautiful.' Anthony thought to himself, regarding the woman's face and body with cold, unchanging eyes.

Anthony looked up and to his left. There was a Chinook helicopter setting down twenty meters away bearing the grim mark of the Red Regime. Anthony rolled the woman over and picked her up, cradling her against his chest protectively. She was one of his kind. He walked over the bumpy and rough terrain bare foot to the chopper that had arrived and was greeted by members of the Red Regime. A couple of the members got out of the massive green vehicle and took the raven haired woman from Anthony who reluctantly let go. Another member handed him a set of red exercise clothing. "Thank you." Anthony said with monotone. "Let's make haste back to the headquarters. That woman needs to be cared for properly." The big man said climbing aboard the chopper.
The woman had started to dry now, leaving coagulated spots of gel on her body. Her hair started to mat and cling together.
Her hand bled some since an intravenous catheter was pulled out in the rush to escape the lab. Her skin was clammy and starting to chill now.

Another coughing fit racked her lungs. She started to tremble now as her senses slowly started to respond to the outside stimuli.
The members had been doing a good job of keeping the raven haired woman steady, but Anthony could see that she needed a more supple environment. The huge man stood from his helicopter seat and walked calmly over to the stretcher than the woman was on much to the surprise of the members in the cabin of the helicopter. "Contact Red Sky and tell him that a level one containment room needs to be prepped in the holding level." Anthony instructed the radio operator in the helicopter. "Yes sir." he said as he went about his task. Anthony began to unstrap the woman from her stretcher as the doctor looked on worriedly. Anthony detected the doctor's stress. "Do not worry doctor greene. She is in capable hands." Anthony said as he lifted the woman into a cradling position. HE went back to his seat and began to produce heat on a minor scale, raising his body temperature to one hundred and twenty degrees F. The heat caused the remaining gel to evaporate and. Anthony watched the woman asleep in his arms.
“Nn-“ there was her first sound from her as she shivered in his arms. It was cut short by a gentle gasp. There was still the sound of gel obstructing her breathing some but she was out of danger. She was getting stiffer before the heat started to ease her weak body.

During the flight, their newest passenger would occasionally show signs of movement and discomfort. Her face would wince and her head would roll slowly.

At one point her eyes even opened to reveal a vibrant blue-green color. Her pupils were dilated due to her long slumber in stasis. Her eyes never opened fully nor did they take in what was around her. They were empty and out of focus.

It took only a few moments before her 1,000 yard stare stopped. Her eyes closed once more.
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Anthony supported the woman's neck as her head moved and her eyes opened. He knew that she couldn't hear or see him, but he couldn't resist. "Look at you." he whispered softly with his cold gaze. The only thing betraying his concealed emotion was his inflected tone.

The helicopter set down at the above ground part of the Red Regime's base. Anthony stood and exited the helicopter, walking the distance to the base entrance and passing the door man who dutifully remained at his post with an obviously fearful face. Anthony reached the center of the compound and entered the elevator there, heat waves rippling off of him and filling the base's upper floor with hot air. Anthony looked down at the control panel of the elevator. It could go down seventy floors from here, but when Anthony looked into the retinal scanner, the option for a floor 70A became available. He pushed that button and the elevator descended.

When Anthony exited the elevator he walked down a short hallway to a large 30 x 30 x 30 containment room for supers. There was a team and a bed waiting. Anthony gingerly laid the raven haired woman on the bed. "Wash her and dress her. Then leave. I'll be waiting outside the door, so tell me when you're finished." Anthony told the nodding doctors before exiting the cell.
The young woman was completely still for the rest of their flight and until she was placed down on the bed. Another gentle stir occurred as Anthony gave his instructions and left.

'What?' A thought went through the young woman's head. The drugs used to induce her coma were wearing off, slowly but surely and now the outside world was beginning to affect her senses. Her skin.. was she moving? There was pressure clasping on her arms and calves which was followed by warmth. She could feel her feet now. 'So cold..', they felt like they'd been in ice but as they were washed, that iciness was relieved by a decent margin. The sensation of a something rough touched her foot now and it caused her calf to flex.

'Why can't...I move?..' It was so hard to think... Everything was dark and no part of her body was listening. 'What's happening?'
The team that had taken responsibiliy for washing and clothing the raven haired woman exited the room and their lead approached Anthony. "We've completed your tasks sir." She said with tension in her voice. "Good. When I enter the containment cell, close it behind me and notify boss Kris of my whereabouts." Anthony commanded. The woman nodded and walked to the control panel. Anthiny stood from his seat and walked into the containment cell, the door closing behind him.

Anthony approached the beside of the sleeping woman and began releasing heat at one hundred and twenty degrees F, waves of comforting heat washing over the woman. "I am here. You are safe." Anthony said with a soft tone.
Her hearing was returning now but she only heard a couple of words. 'Please.. wake up!" Her thoughts slowly formed. She felt trapped in her own body and growing more frustrated. Why couldn't she remember anything from before? So many questions started to arise and she still had no control over her body. There was a quiet whimper from her throat before she took a deep breath.

Now she realized that the cold feeling in her feet was disappearing and there was warmth that washed over her. Her breathing slightly quicker than before. 'Why can't I move?" She was pleading with her body to move. 'Open your eyes!"
Anthony heard the woman whimper slightly and placed a warm hand on her forhead. "I am here. You've been in a coma and it will take a long time for your body to awaken. But I am here, and I will remain until you are fully awake." Anthony assured the woman.

Anthony continued to pulse heatwave across the woman's body.
It would take about 10 more minutes for the woman to respond positively to his hands. The first sign was her right hand that slowly flexed. Her fingers extended weakly alongside her body. Once both hands moved, her arms followed. Her limbs shook as sensation and strength started to return. There was a grimace on her face as she fought falling back asleep again. 'Yes, that's it! Now open your eyes!" Her thoughts went on to fight for her consciousness. Next, her legs followed by slowly bending with flexing toes. A louder whimper was heard as she opened her mouth to breath. Her breathing kept quickening until she was near panting. Now her eyes were starting to roll behind her eyelids before they finally opened!

Her eyelids felt so heavy.. She could now here a voice near here that was coherent but.. she didn't recognize it. Where was she??
Anthony stepped back quickly as the woman gained consciousness and cooled his skin and subsequently the room. The woman's eyes opened and Anthony watched keenly from a small distance. He was silent as he didn't want to frighten or disturb the super that was waking up from a long coma in front of him.
The young woman struggled to lift her head as its weight seemed too much for her neck. It cranked before she was able to finally lift it up. It wobbled as she managed to keep one eye open and look around.

She wasn’t stopping there though. She placed her hands on the edge of the bed and pushed her top half up some. Her arms trembled before they gave out and she fell to her side again. “Nn!..” she panted and looked up. Her vision was still blurry as if she were underwater. She saw.. a lot of white. She shut her eyes tight as the brightness hurt them. It was clear her frustration was building as she tried rubbing one eye roughly.

After rubbing her face she attempted to look farther and she saw a red.. figure. She stopped her attempts to move then when she realized she really wasn’t alone.
Anthony patiently watched the woman with raven hair struggling in front of him to move. One of her eyes drifted his way and when she stopped moving. Anthony walked back to the bedside hoping to be within her viewing range at that point. Anthony's figure loomed over the woman's bed and his intense but frozen stiff visage gazed into her eyes. "You have been in a coma for a very long time. I don't know how long, but it's likely been years. You are safe however." Anthony said, stressing the last words, understanding the woman's fear and uncertainty. "Do you have a name that you can remember?" Anthony asked the woman.
As she watched the red figure come forward she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. He kept getting larger until she was looking directly up at him. She had to return to resting on her back to be able to look up at his face. As he spoke she could only feel dread..

Did he say a coma? When was she.. no wait. There was a glimmer of something in the back of her mind now. Looking up at the giant man seemed to trigger an image that now burned in her mind. “You won’t feel a thing.” She heard that sentence echo in her mind. “N-no..”
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Anthony had predicted that the woman who now lay before him would suffer some sort of PTSD. Most of the supers created had it. Anthony supposed that he didn't experience the disorder due to his modified emotional output.

Never the less, after the woman had lied down and looked at Anthony in the face, her demeanor changed from confused to panicked she mutter "N-no." And Anthony knew that something was about to happen taking his cue, the big man again stepped away from the bedside and removed his coat an shirt. He wouldn't hurt the woman but he needed to be able to handle her power.
His prediction would be spot on as she spiraled into a frightening memory. She couldn’t move.. there were needles and straps, lights and pain! Gloved hands grabbed and handled her without much care.

This room she was in looked too similar.. she had to get out.

“NO!” She shrieked. Her hand that was closest to the figure swiped towards him as if to push him away more. What followed was a surge of wind pressure that sent anything in its path flying. A metal cart with supplies slammed into a wall, a table was knocked over and skid across the floor. In her panicked attempt to defend herself, she had sent the bed tumbling over as well. She yelped in pain as she crashed onto the hard floor. She needed to stand. ‘Stand up, damn it!’ She grit her teeth and tried to get her feet under her. There was a frustrated whimper as she could only drag herself away slowly.
Anthony ignited his upper body with white heat, flooding the room with light. The bed that was sent tumbling split in half as it contacted Anthony. But the massive man did not move. He knew that to try and reason with a person going through the throws of PTSD was impossible and could result in more damage for both parties. So despite the danger, Anthony stood where he was, unmoving and silent, with his upper body ignited and his cold unrelenting gaze focused on the woman.

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