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Fantasy After The War (1x1 with Saffron_Majesty)

"Well, it was bad. I recover quickly though." Anthony stopped just at the door. "I am among the most powerful of us that were created." Anthony said, his eyes on the floor. "It comes with a price. My episodes are the greatest pain I've ever felt and it's just part of being me. When my polarity shifts my body doesn't know which way to go so on half goes in a direction and the other half goes in the opposite direction until one side wins. When the polarity is decided, I have opposite powers and personality. Usually the power is a bit stronger as well." Anthony remarked sullenly. "The reason my body is so large and strong is to contain this force. One day this body won't have the strength to contain the reverse pull. But that day is long in the future." Anthony said raising his head and taking a deep breath. "Let's go outside, I'm suffocating in here." He joked, a smile returning to his face as he held the door for Rayvin.
That was huge downer to think about.. Was it the same for her? "Will the same thing happen to me? If we're the same?" Her voice was still gravely and strained. As they walked, her gaze seemed to be fixated on the floor and out of focus. "Please.. tell me what you know. What happened to me?" She asked him again. There was no way she was going to let go of this conversation that quickly. The thought of going outside was pulling her train of thoughts away though, fighting for the spotlight in her mind.
Anthony sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He walked back inside the room and took Rayvin by the shoulders gently. "I'm sorry I made you worry I talk to much when I'm in this state." Anthony say with a soft smile. "The same thing wont happen to you. You will have costs. I don't know what they are going to be, but they will be small because your body isn't designed to hold power like mine." Anthony pulled Rayvin into a loose hug. "I can only assume what happened to you is similar to what I went through, but I don't know details. We'll find out one day." Anthony said. "Let's go outside and ease our minds." Anthony suggested, still holding Rayvin.
Rayvin had to look up to meet his gaze. His hands covered her shoulders and she stopped her questioning. His warning about the costs had her worried again though until she felt herself being pulled into him. An audible inhale could be heard in quiet surprise. Her hands got stuck at her sides and she didn't know how to return the hug.. "Alright... but can you at least tell me what happened?" She paused before clarifying. "The day you found me?"
Anthony let go of Rayvin. "I'll tell you. There's not that much to tell but I would want to know too. One of my members followed a man to a bunker so the next day I went there and melted through the doors. Once inside and very surprised man greeted me quite uncomfortably. Until I threatened to kill him, he kept you hidden. When I did see you, you were in tank being sustained. If you hadn't been in that tank you'd probably be around thirty like me, but you've been in stasis for a decade probably. When I told him I would take you, he initiated a self destruct sequence and shot himself. I had six seconds to break the container, pull you out, and leave the bunker. It's why you're so bruised." Sorry about that." Anthony sad scratching his head. "What I learned from the man is that a government is responsible for your powers just like the rest of us. It might even still be active but that isn't known now." Anthony said turning slightly toward the door. "It's likely that your memories will still return, but if you'd like me to tell you what life was probably like, then I can do that." Anthony offered.
As she listened her brow seemed to furrow deeper downward. His retelling sounded like a work of fiction almost. Her eyes went to her hands and arms which had a couple of bruises on them. "So.. you actually saved me?"

The smaller young woman followed behind him with her feet softly padding the floor. "I would like that. It might help my memory." She caught up with him and tried walking at his pace but she stumbled once.
The two made it to the elevator and when inside, Anthony pressed the ground floor button. They began to ascend. "Yeah I saved you. It was.... one of the more strange life events for me." Anthony said. The elevator dinged. The two walked out and toward the large bunker door that were the main entrance to the Red Regime. Anthony nodded at the door operator twenty feet away and the fifteen foot tall doors opened enough to let them through, daylight streamed in and that air was crisp with fall smells. "I'll tell you about the past once we get a little further into the forest." Anthony said, the bunker doors closing behind them.
Rayvin realized she owed him his life. Even if the story seemed a bit unbelievable. As she stepped out of the elevator, she slowed her pace to look around. There were a lot of people around and the doors were huge! As they cracked open she felt a rush of air and sunlight. It tingled across her skin and the smell was refreshing.. Goosebumps once again covered her body as she felt the rush of wind. She was first to step outside this time and she couldn't help but stop once more and stare around her. It felt wonderful out here!

Her eyes closed as she felt a breeze blow over her. A soft and deep inhale could be heard as she filled her lungs with the crisp air. It was the deepest breath she'd taken since waking up. A few coughs interrupted her but it didn't stop her.
"It feels good doesn't it? I would wager that you've never actually been in the outdoors." Anthony as he walked. The big man noticed the fast pace and tripping that Rayvin was doing and tried to slow down a little bit.

"Look up there." Anthony said, pointing to a clearing a quarter mile away that sat up on a small mountain, wreathed in gold leafed beech trees and encircled on one side by a small slow flowing brook. The grass in the clearing was short and browned. "That's where we're going. It's my favorite place to be out here." Anthony admitted, wind blowing his white hair all around his smiling face.
His smile was still something that made her stare in wonder before looking to where he directed her attention. It reminded her of his expressionless appearance only a few hours before and it stayed on her mind.

Once she saw the clearing, she started to slow. Her wonder started to shift from his curious personality to the scenery ahead. The colors.. "This is.. this is natural, right?" She asked quietly as if to not disturb the rustling of the leaves and babbling brook. The wind swept behind her and rushed up her back beneath her shirt. It was cool as it swept her hair up and around her face. That feeling was wonderful, she thought. Her head tilted back as she walked. They sky was so open and clear. Her eyes strained to stay open since they hadn't seen the light in a long time.

When she couldn't fight the urge to close her eyes anymore she turned her head and rubbed her eyes. She had to hurry her pace to catch up with him, her feet feeling the dirt and bristly grass underneath.
When the pair reached Anthony's favorite spot, the big man sat down. He sighed and laid back into a lying position, sinking into the short grass an inch or so. "We are lucky to be alive and to be here." Anthony said with his eyes closed, his big chest moving up and down rhythmically. "We've been through a lot you and I. To begin with, we don't have mothers. We were grown from egg cells that were deemed to be genetically superior." Anthony's tone was solemn. "For our entire lives we've been forced through scenario after scenario, run through brutal training that even the greatest soldier in history didn't have to endure, dissected and reconstructed, and most of all, we were isolated." Anthony explained with hate in his voice. "I was twenty-five when I met another human besides my handler. It was boss Kris. She is why I am here. She wan't the leader then, she was on a team raiding a bunker much like the one I rescued you from. That is the short of it. I almost envy your amnesia." Anthony said yawning and propping his head up with both hands.
Rayvin followed his actions and sat down too. She was uneasily silent as she listened. “How many were there?” She asked him as she pulled some grass out of the ground.

How much longer would her memory fail her, she pondered. Her eyes fixed on the brook soon after a couple of handfuls of grass lay in front of her. There was a long sigh as she tried to not get frustrated. “And your boss. She knows about this too? Or more even?”

She slowly went from sitting up to laying on her back. The dry grass crinkled as her back smoothed it down underneath her. The ground felt cool and the sun warmed whatever it cast it's light on. It was a nice sensation despite the information she'd been told. It was still horrible though.. Her smile was gone as she stared up into the sky aimlessly.
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Anthony sighed. "There were not many of us. The biggest influences of the war like the United States or Russia had ten supers at most. I was made by Russia." Anthony rolled over on his side to face Rayvin, his large form like a mountain range relative to Rayvin's small form. "The boss knows next to nothing, and I only know what I remember. I know it's hard." Anthony affirmed, looking bemused to Rayvin's pile of grass tufts. "But the grass didn't do anything to you." He said with a mischievous smile. Anthony blew a breath of frost at Rayvin's face frosting her eye lashes.
Rayvin didn’t turn to him right away as he rolled over. It was unfortunate that his boss didn’t know. Deep down, she’d been hoping the boss would have had some answers. “I’m sorry... Is there anyone-“ she was cut off by the feeling of her eyelashes becoming heavy with frost and her face chilled by the cold breeze.

There was a quick shake of her head before she rubbed her face. The frost melted in her hands and ran down her wrists before she flicked it off. “Is there anyone else that might know?” What about the other 9 you mentioned?” She sat up with her anticipation rising.
Anthony grumbled to himself when Rayvin just shook off his frost. But when she mentioned the other supers from Anthony's country his face became gaunt. "They're all dead Rayvin." He said, his voice only a whisper. "I killed them all under orders only months before being rescued much in the way I rescued you." Anthony rolled back onto his back. "The Russian government division responsible for research and development was losing control of us. I was the only experiment with tampered emotions and therefore I was the only loyal one." Anthony covered his face with his hand. "Some of the American supers are still alive. We track their movements. Most of them are not very careful." Anthony said, his body covered in a think layer of frost.
Rayvin felt another chill rush over her as he spoke. "At-at least you're honest... brutally honest." She rubbed her arm that was closest to him. Was it possible to say someone was radiating cold? "Do you know where some of them are now?" She perked at the thought of finding one of them. What answers would they hold? She slowly leaned over to look at his face which he still had covered. She tried peering under his hand while maintaining a somewhat warm distance.
Anthony sat silent for a moment before he lifted a finger revealing one eye that stared deeply into Rayvin's own prying eyes. Though the ground under the Anthony was frozen solid, the eye was like molten lava. "I do know where some of them are." Anthony said, covering his eye back up and sighing. "The only reason I'm not shutting this down right here and now is because.... I know..." Anthony whispered. "I know how you feel. The desperation of identity and to know your past." Anthony removed his hand and sat up, his suit just barely managing to not tear as it was stuck to the grass. He look over at Rayvin with empathy. "The likelihood is that the surviving supers know you or at least know of you. You never saw action so it's not for sure." Anthony said scratching his head. "But I might be able to convince the boss to let us go talk to one." Anthony let out, his shoulders slumping slightly.
Seeing his eye peer back with such sharpness caused her to retreat back to her spot in the grass. As he spoke, she seemed to look back up at him with that same look of hopefulness she had before. It had almost been dashed but upon expressing his empathy, she awaited a more positive answer. "Do we need her approval? Why can't we just go?" She started to stand but one of her knees gave out. After a quick stumble, she regained her balance and stood by him.
"Patience young grasshopper." Anthony said looking out across the grass. "I belong to the Red Regime. Not only does boss Kris work around the clock to expand her empire and help people, but I am indebted to her." Anthony said, his shoulders straightening and his frost beginning to melt. "Additionally, the nearest American super is hundreds of miles away. We need supplies and a means of transport. You also can't forget that my organization relies on me. I'm very powerful and I handle many otherwise difficult situations." Anthony said getting to his feet and looking down at Rayvin with a soft gaze despite his burning eyes. "Boss Kris will want something in return." Anthony said, looking to the sky. "I promise to help you and take you as far as we can go, but you must promise to use your head and stay by my side, for I fear that you might come to harm." Anthony demanded, looking back to Rayvin, boring into her soul with his eyes.
"We can prepare until I'm able to travel, can't we?" Rayvin found it hard to believe they didn't have any form of reliable transportation with all of the high tech equipment and resources they had in their headquarters.

"I don't have anything to give her.." She sighed.. "I.. don't think I need a babysitter either... I'll regain my strength and head out on my own if that suites everyone better." Rayvin cleared her throat once more and could feel his eyes burning a hole into her. "If I'm like you than I shouldn't have a problem right?" Her tone sounded genuine as if she were trying to come up with a solution. But it was a solution to a problem she wasn't in control of.
The intensity of Anthony's gaze intensified if that was possible. "You are like me. Yes. You have powers. You were experimented upon, tortured, and then that government threw you away. Yes there we are the same. But based on your situation and the state you were in, your government completed your powers but failed to train you." Anthony maintained eye contact with Rayvin as he took her arm gently and felt along the wrist and forearm. Your tendons are soft and unscathed like that of someone who has recieved training. Even if you had it though, you don't remember." Anthony said looking away from Rayvin and dropping her arm. "This world is dangerous." He said putting his hands in his pockets. "And your wrong. You have much to give. Like your life. Servitude. They are apt payments. You must be patient. I will have to go with you or you will have to wait the years that it will take to train you." Anthony said seriously knowing in his mind he'd never let her leave without him. "Either way, I must speak with the boss." Anthony said.
She kept her gaze locked too but she did a double take as she felt her arm being taken. She was starting to resent having lost her memory... and his next statements filled her with a slight amount of indignation. "My life?.. Servitude??" She started to stumble over her words, sounding a little upset about those terms. "I.. I don't want that.." She felt her head get a little dizzy before she shook her head. Why was she feeling this way? Her face felt warmer now as she looked down. Was she getting... angry?
"Yes your life. I know its a difficult subject to think about, but personnel and resources are hard to come by. You would make a valuable member of the Regime." Anthony said, his eyes becoming very tired. "I'm sorry Rayvin. Nearly everything about this is completely unfair." Anthony turned in the direction of the bunker. "I shouldn't laid my pessimistic mind on the table. The boss is a fair woman and I'm sure I can work something out. All I'm asking is for your patience. Can you lend me your patience?" Anthony asked looking at Rayvin with a soft expression.
There was a feeling in the pit of her stomach. "I don't have much of a choice do I..." She sighed after taking a deep breath. The breeze picked up some, lifting her hair off of her back. His eyes could be felt but she didn't want to look up. Yellow leaves swirled around once more, getting a couple stuck in her hair. After some internal debate and frustration she gave a gentle nod of her head.
Anthony sighed in relief when Rayvin nodded. "We'll uncover your past." Anthony said reassuringly. "Look at me when i tell you." Anthony said, his eyes focused on Rayvin. "I know how you're feeling and why you want to rush off, but if you want he best possible result, patience is required." Anthony said looking toward the bunker. "Lets get back to thebunker he said, the wind whipping his hair around.

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