After Death [Inactive]

Pulled backwards from where he was looking at the strange horse, he turned around and saw a fish in a container. While Una was looking at fish, Henry was staring at the bowl. 'What a simple, but interesting creation' he thought while finding no flaws in the glass. Through the glasses reflection he saw a white fluffy cat. He ran over to the cat and saw there were all kinds of different looking felines in one habitat. "Many kingdoms despised cats believing they were tied to witches. Our kingdom held a neutral stance, but the people still disliked them for their reputation. I begged my father for one and he went out of his way to get one from Egypt.. It's amazing to see so many cats in one place" he rambled on while petting the cats over the little wall.
"So why don't you get one now?" She asked in wonder. Looking down at the cats. A women walked up, with yellow striped horns. Una slightly moved behind Henry, bringing up her other hand, she fixed her hood, as the women asked "hello, is there any thing I can help you two with?" Speaking Una said "um...I'm okay, Henry?"

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Turning his head, he saw the lady that most likely worked in the building and answered her "I'm fine". He caught a glimpse of a small forest with trails and metal furniture through the window as he looked back at the cats. The small forest intrigued him and he felt it was about time to move on anyway. While walking out of the animal building still connected to Una, Henry smiled as he looked up at the earthly and other worldly trees. "I might get a cat one day, but today is not that day" he claimed with a happy tone as a calm wind blew past them.
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Following him out the store she looked around, "what are you looking at?" She said confused.

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Stepping on the trail of the 'Town Park' ,which he saw it designated as such by a green and silver metal sign, he replied with an ecstatic "The trees are so different from the ones I have seen from my life and afterlife. Look at this small one here! A 'bonsai tree'. It says they can live for hundreds of years given proper care. Astonishing".
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Smiling she stepped on the trail, looking around, she took in the flowers and trees, the grass, dirt, overall it was peaceful. She loved it. Looking down at the small tree. "This thing is 100 years old? But it's so ...small? Looking back up she looked around, amazed.

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"This small sign says it is" he told her while pointing to the sign beside the tree. Gazing at the tree he wondered what Una did when she came her. He saw nothing wrong with asking her so Henry inquired "Where do you usually go when you come to this town?" while hovering his hand over the tiny leaves and branches barely touching them. Thinking about the size of the settlement, he also asked her "Does this town have a king or ruler?".
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Looking back at him she thought speaking she said "we'll I come to get some food usually, and then normally I leave. Natives are kinda band here so getting out quicker the better. This is my first time actually looking around." Looking down at a white flowers he grinned, confused on what it was. "I believe this settlement has a ruler, I mean I'm pretty sure there is a council. 5 creators in all, apparently the leader is extremely powerful, and has been here for ever. Which is pretty amazing I guess, yet he Despises natives. At least that what people say. I never met him though and turkey I don't want to."

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He lowered his gaze to the ground and thought for a second. "I feel compelled to hold court and discuss informing the public that such bigoted views are not something to wave proudly, but i'm no king or person of importance here" he said with a somber tone. Staring at the container the 'bonsai tree' was in, he informed Una "I feel that I might still try. I hope that if I do attempt to change this town that it won't come back in a terrible way". Standing up, Henry looked to the girl and asked "Shall we continue our stroll through the 'park'?"
"Sure" she smiled softly. After awhile she looked back up at him " you know, honestly I believe that you can change this..kinda war between us natives and creators. I...don't know how you will do it were a prince as well as a king. They might listen to you. I mean I listen to you, and I'm a native. " she smiled "maybe if we show that we have become friends they might see the better side to us natives".

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'Would it work?' he thought while checking the sun in the sky. Henry saw a piece of the sun disappear behind a mountain in the distance and told her "Thank you for you nice words and insight, but it seems we won't be able to talk to council today". "It's going to be night soon" He explained while looking at the shadows of the trees stretch.
Looking up, she watched the sun beginning to fall beyond the mountains. "I guess it's time to leave. Apollo is probably wanting to get back. She said in curiosity "are you staying or going back?"

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"I don't really know how to find a place to sleep here... I have been a nomad for a while so I have no home.." he confessed as he stared at the buildings.Turning around and walking back the way they came he continued in a calm tone "I will probably set up a small bed by the tree Luciana is tied to. I will wait there for you tomorrow so we can speak to the council. I can't guarantee we will be recognized or even unharmed. I know little of their influence and status so it will be a shot in the dark". He let the sound of footsteps and indistinct talk fill his ears before he asked Una "Do you want to take the risks? It's fine if you don't want to... It's your decision".
Looking up at him, they made there way back to the horses. Coming to a halt she said " yes...I'm tired of hiding, and living as a slave among the creators. It must be matter the consequence" Turning to Apollo, she untied him, he bowed letting her get on. Now standing to his full height. Out side of the city it was only them. She took her hood and brought it back down, he silver waves framing her pale face, as it blew in the wind, as well as apollos mane. Her cloak acting as a flag in the gust. As the sunset set behind her. "I shall meet you tomorrow at dawn?"

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"Till then" he smiled and wished safe travel for the two. Turning to Luciana he quickly made a thick blanket pop into existence and fall onto her back. He then created a blanket for himself and laid it out on the ground. "Night Luciana" He yawned while looking over to the mare. Henry soon after drifted off to sleep while gazing up at the night sky.
Till then" she said, lightly tapping her feet on Apollos sides he jumped into a canter, and the gallop. Jumping throughout the portal, made there way back to there home, as the moon set above.

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(GUYS. I just had to chew out the kiddo's on Supernatural Beings thread for going to fast. Please be considerate of the other RPers. Take it SLOW. Some of us still want to interact with your characters, but you go to quickly and while we are off at JOBS and SCHOOL or CHURCH you all are going on without us, making this whole thing rather difficult. Thank you. Please take this slower)
Slowing down Apollo, she brought him to a walk. The night sky above her "wow it's a beautiful night" she spoke in awe. Deciding on taking the long route home, she turned him down a trail in the forest, listening as the trees pushed and moved.

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(no one? Alright. My turn, I guess)

Denik had lost the Creator, he had avoided the Broken One, and had gotten himself lost as well. But then she came. There she was. She had interacted with Him. She didn't look like a Creator, and didn't act like one. She must be Native. She is powerless. But she talked with Him. She ran off with Him. They know each other? If they know each other, then surely they intend to meet again tomorrow...

Denik bent over and picked up a rock, hiding it behind his back as he walked forwards. He smiled. He will come. Walking up to her, Denik cocked his head.

"Excuse me, but I seem to be... Lost."
Coming to a halt. She pulled back on Apollos mane. Her hood down down now, as her wavy white hair fell behind her. Looking down at the man, she looked at him in wonder "where are you heading Sir?"

Apollo pushed his hoof scraping the earth surface, as her hand came down to comfort him. "Shhhh calm down boy"

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Denik stopped to think about it. That wasn't something he had thought about.

"I don't know." He said honestly. "Someplace... Quiet. Secure. Easy to defend, perhaps." He looked up at her again. "Perhaps you know of such a place?"
Looking down at the man she began to become confused as she thought "what man says he is lost then all a sudden dosn't know where he is going?"

Speaking "we'll there is a town a little ways a way, but I guess it is kinda loud sometimes.,,,eh if you really want a place like you described, if you keep going down this trail there is a meadow. Not many people go there so it will be quiet....if you don't mind me asking..,but.,,why are you going to somewhere so..deserted?" She asked in wonder as a gust of wind blew from the east, blowing her cloak.

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Denik shook his head.

"I expect company. But he will not arrive until I am able to offer him the right thing." Denik slipped the rock into a back pocket in is robes. Raising his hands in a gesture of defeat, he looked down. After a moment of thought, he looked up again.

"However, I know where to get it." Denik looked into the distance, as if it were in that direction. "Hmm... It will be difficult to get. And I need it by tomorrow..." He hoped he sounded somewhat normal at this point, as this would not sell if he didn't. Putting on a fake sigh, he bowed slightly.

"I suppose I have a treck before me if I want to have it by high sun. Not sure we can call it noon anymore. Either way, thank you for the advice." He turned as though to go, but hesitated as if in anticipation.
Watching the man as he turned and began to walk away, pity filled her. Pushing her legs on Apollos sides he moved forwards towards the man. "Ehh what do you need? if it's a little ways away, then I would be able to take you there if you would like?" She looked at him "I mean if it truly is that important, then I would be more then honored to take you to your destination". She asked

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