After Death [Inactive]

"It was your fault?" Henry questioned in a puzzled tone. "I don't understand how it is your fault for your species creating or being given the Gate whatever that might be." he said contemplating the possibility of the tree being like the gate mentioned. He looked at the still spinning world in his hands and informed the stranger with an obvious somber voice "The world I came from had no gate or ether. Many humans were never happy and always looked for power to obtain and abuse so they could live out their foolish fantasies. War and betrayal were horribly commonplace between kingdoms, but it never stopped the hope I felt for humanity."
Denik thought about this, and decided this man was far too sane. He turns his attention back to the horns before him, and runs a finger over one. "Yes. You will do. You are whole. You are strong. You have what I need." Denik was certain it would work this time. He just need some extra leverage. Then it would work. Yes.
Eshi watched the two from her home... it really was just across the way... but not close enough to hear them. The new creator didn't seem as disturbed by the masked man as she was... sighing, she wished she could trust people again. A small creature slinked its way into her lap. Honestly, it was an ugly thing... but it had been her companion since the first moments she woke up on the outskirts of the village. The creature was an odd looking ball of fluff with beady eyes and a huge expanse for a mouth... full of sharp... pointy teeth. "Fizzgig..." Eshi purred to the creature. She couldn't quite remember where she knew of its existence, but in one of her darkest moments, she was able to bring it to life... before the stupid silver bands. Eshi glanced towards the street away from the two talking men, and she saw a striking woman riding a horse. Watching warily, Eshi was always on the lookout for people who were trying to mess with her house... although the woman didn't look like the prankster type.

*What do you guys think about me editing the way time works? It feels like I'm rushing the day to night thing, with one day morning hours, the next day afternoon hours, and the third day evening hours? So that way we're not too pressured to do things, just let it flow. If you have any suggestions about time, just... let me know I guess. xD
Henry heard a strange noise in the distance. 'Is that a horse?' he thought surprised. He turned his head to see a white haired woman on a tall black horse riding by. Filled with a strong curiosity he jumped up ignoring the stranger and began to create a white palfrey around 15 and half hands tall. Quickly creating a stone half the height of the horse Henry jumped from stone to horse and nudged her with the heel of his shoe. The horse took off after the two with Henry urging her to get closer. "Hey!" he called out to the girl "Did you make that horse?". 'A horse!' he thought 'It's been so long since I have seen an earth creature not of my making'.

(Henry has been away from people/beings for oh I think a century or two)
The fact that his new test subject just left did not make Denik happy. And he was just about to test a theory, too. Denik watched him go, frowning. He turned towards a Native near him, noting a club in it's hand. He looked up at the Native's face.

"Do you mind if I take this? Oh, why do I care if you do? It is mine now. Perhaps you did not care, perhaps you did. It down not matter." With that he took the Native's crude wooden club and began to walk towards the gathering group of people. Two creators... Could be a problem. No matter. He dealt with many problems in life. Why should his death be different?
As Apollos steps made a rhythm of beats, her worn down cloak blew from behind like a sail. Her hood still on, as silver long waves hugged her face, falling down each side. His black fur, softly rubbing against her pale legs yet, it wasn't in pain at all. The horse and her moved together so well. Looking forwards she noted that it was at least 6 to seven more miles. Sighing she smiled, her lips light as they pulled back to show white teeth. She was all pale and silver haired except for her eyes, as well as clothing. Which seemed almost of a fire in her eyes. Silence was what she heard, peace, I mean who would she expect all the way out here. And then a voice broke through, turning slightly she noticed a man, on a white horse galloping behind her. Lightly pulling on his black wavy mane , Apollo came to a complete stop. Dust flying in the air, blocking her vision of who the man was. A big gust of wind went down the land as she turned her horse to face the stranger. His hooves sounding of drums at each step. Her old cloak, blowing in the wind from behind her, as her hood was still on. Her silver wavy hair draped down each side of her face she spoke " who's there?" She tried to sound intimidating yet she new she didn't. The most intimidating thing was Apollo, yet she knew that he would protect her. She waited, as the dusk cleared, for a answer as well as a picture of who might this stranger may be.

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The horse and girl he was catching up to abruptly stopped and cast dust in the air around her. Slowing down the mare to a walk Henry heard the girl ask "who's there?". "I doubt you know me, but my name is Henry" he said casually as the dust started to clear. "I guess you didn't hear me before. That's understandable I guess" he spoke with slight disappointment that he had to ask her again. After coming to a stop he told the girl "I wanted to know if you created that horse. I haven't seen an earth creature in a long time... well besides the ones I have created."
Looking at the man, she turned her gaze to Apollo, her hand falling down his neck, she gave him a pat "Apollo? No he came here the same way I did. We died." He gaze traveled back up to the boy and his horse. Laying a hand on Apollos shoulder he bowed. Letting her get of with ease. Stepping on the ground her feet were bare. Apollo standing back up to his full height. Walking forward she came to a halt a few feet away from the boys horse "may I pet her?" She said with a small smile her hood still covering her face slightly.

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"Sure" he answered as he jumped of the horse's back. "I do not own her, She is only allowing me to ride her because I made her" Henry informed the girl while walking over to the tall black horse. Scanning the horse he told the girl "He is built like a destrier. Looking at him brings me back to when knights rode out of the kingdom for war". "What time did you come from?" He asked with interest.
"As she pet the white horses nose gently" she sighed looking back, "I'm not sure, I don't remember any of my past. But I have been here for a long time. Me and Apollo met after some time when I was here. I met him in the forest, so I'm not sure when he got here either." Looking up at Apollo as she smiled. He stood tall, and looked at the stranger in interest. Not sure weather to call him a enemy or friend. He was brave and she could tell.

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"Are you looking for something here?" Henry asked them "You both could leave this place and be reincarnated. I can't say you will be together in the next life you are given though". He stared into the stallion's eyes trying to see the reason. 'Surely animals can be reincarnated. Their souls are as vibrant as any other being' he thought then looked over at the tree.
Turning around she dropped her hood, her silver wavy hair being thrown back behind her. Walking to Apollo he turned his face nuzzling her as she stopped be fore him, she said in a calm voice "you are right Apollo can leave, and I don't know why he won't. Yet...I can't. I don't know why, considering I am not searching for anything, I'm just living here I guess. But something is holding me back. I have tried to...but it never works." She looked over to the boys horse, "she is beautiful by the way, what her name?"

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Henry froze for a second not knowing how to explain, but then decided that a straight forward answer would work "I did not name her and I probably won't... I created her for the sole purpose of catching up to talk to you. I will be letting her do what she will soon. She will most likely go off to experience an interesting life. Naming an animal that is going to leave is not something I wish to do with every living creation". "Where are you venturing to?" he asked not wanting to dwell on a sour subject.
Looking up at him she smiled "I'm going to town. Would you like to come?" She pet apollos nose as she waited.

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"Sure" Henry smiled. 'A town? I.. don't think I've been to a town in this world.. I doubt anything can go wrong' he thought while walking over to the mare. "You may leave now if you wish." he told the white horse. She made whinny and nuzzled his head. "Oh," he let out "goodbye to you too". The mare lowered her body for him to get on. Confused, Henry looked over to the girl then the mare again. With an unsure tone he said to the mare "If this is what you want". After mounting the mare, She stood up and walked over to the side of the stallion. "I guess we are ready" he said looking slightly up at the girl
Smiling at the boy and mare, she gently pushed against Apollos sides he burst of into a gallop, she laughed "race ya" running down a trail through the woods, Apollo was quick and Agile, her silver hair blew

From behind. As her cloak sailed.

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"Race? I just wanted to have a nice canter through the forest" he said to himself. Henry lightly nudged the mare's side with his heel and she almost threw him off with a quick gallop. Grabbing a hold of her neck he was about to scold the mare, but instead he decided to let her be herself. He thought to himself as he heard the calming noises of the forest ' I guess I should think of a name'. After browsing through names in his head he asked the horse "How about Luciana? It means light in Italian which fits with the color of your coat". She made a joyful whinny and Henry smiled "Luciana it is then."
Roe smiled at the picture of the two on horseback. This is what she wanted Creators and Natives to be like! Forget all the nonsense politics and just co-exist until they were ready to move on. A movement from Ladix caught her eye... was that a... club in his hand? Where the hell were the guards around the field... they weren't supposed to let anyone in... she'd have to go over a few things with her ranks. Looking at the make-shift calender, it was only a few days until she went on her yearly journey... the only time she wasn't under the thumb of the counsel. Slicing her palm, Eshi quickly made an intricate bow and a few arrows. She'd wasted a little too much blood today... but it would be enough to stop any issues from progressing... she hoped.
Denik walked up to where the two were a moment ago. They were gone, and on four footed creatures. If only he had his Rok now, he could catch them and remove their horns. Denik stood there for a moment, not sure what to do now.

He sat there, considering what his man was so that he might catch him. With a start, Denik realized that he had told that man everything. He had told him that it was his fault. The man knew. Denik felt something he hand 't felt in a long time. Just beyond his impassive insanity, there was anger. He dropped the club, and began to walk towards the town. He knew where it was. He knew that they were headed that way. He was going to need a knife.

He ignored he the female Creator. She was unimportant. She was broken. As he walked away from the club, he was unaware of it slowly deteriorating behind him.
Looking forwards, Apollos mane moves in the wind, his beats smooth. Closing her eyes, she smiled, her hair blowing in the wind. Opening them, she looked forward. Seeing a cave coming up she sped up Apollo. His beats spreading up, he knew exactly what was about to happen. Entering the tunnel, light shined through the ceiling. Ahead a form of water was on the wall, yet not on the ground, literally on the wall ahead. As they neared the wall, there reflection showed them riding together. Tapping her feet, Apollo jumped, a splash forming, yet on the other side she was completely dry. Coming to a walk she looked out to the twin ahead, her gaze moving back, she waiting for the boy to jump through.

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Following the girl with a steady gallop, Henry saw the horse speed up as it aimed for a cave. "Be careful Luciana. The cave might be slick" he warned the mare. Slowing down to a canter they followed them into the cave to see the stallion jump through the water at the end of the cave. 'A waterfall?' he thought confused. He nudged Luciana and she galloped to their reflections. After jumping through, She came to a stop and turned her head to look at Henry. "Yeah, that was not water." he said while feeling his clothes. "It must have been a creation by someone" he said looking back at the wall of water covering the exit of the cave.
She chuckled "no it is not a waterfall. And you are correct it is a creation. You have to travel at a high speed for it to even work" looking forwards, she saw the rather large village filled with creators. Reaching back she grabbed her worn down hood, now a shadow from the hood covering her eyes. Her white wavy hair falling at each side. Thinking "if they saw a native here I would be dead." Her gaze falling back on the boy she turned around thinking "oh god does he even know I'm a native. I guess better to keep it secret is the best way. She asked him "so I never got your name, I'm Una by the way. Oh and this is Apollo." She said motioning down to the stallion. As they walked to the village.

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Looking at the village he saw humans and other beings with horns. ' They all seem to have horns' he analyzed in his head. Henry listened as the girl told him that her name was Una and the stallion's name was Apollo. He replied shortly after "My name is Henry and I decided to name her Luciana". Looking over to the town he asked the girl "why are there so many beings with horns together in one place?"
"You don't know?" She said confused "This is basically the city, the capital of the creators. This was built by them. Here there stuck up, and believe they are better then anyone else. So natives don't come here, or at least if they do, they disguise them selves. " she looked back to the city "if one was caught, who know what they will do. But I have been coming for years, and the only ones caught are the newlings." She continued walking "nice to meet you Henry....I'm glad you named her, nothing is never whole with out a name."

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