After Death [Inactive]

"A whole town full of creators" He marveled looking at the beings walking around going about their daily routines. Henry then brought his voice into a forlorn tone when he spoke "amazing, but for the majority to be bigoted. It's not right. I'm sorry you have to hide who you are." He looked at the hood she wore and asked "am I right when I assume you are a native?"
Looking back at him she nodded. "It's okay, I don't mind anymore." Beginning to meet the entrance of the town she got of her horse. Getting a rope out, she made a rein tying him to a near by tree. She waited for Henry once done.

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Henry stopped by the same tree and jumped of Luciana. Closing his eyes and making a simple rope in his hands he then took it and tied the mare to the tree like Una did with Apollo. 'It's a weak rope so if anything happens you can break free' he thought looking at her. "Let's go see the town" he smiled to the girl.
"Okay" she smiled knowing from his interest that this was his first time possibly. Walking up the brick roads she turned and asked him "so this is your first time? I mean not to sound in shock of anything did you not know about the capital. I mean, it's literally all creators."

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"I have been away from people for a while." He laughed looking at interesting houses. Henry explained to her "When I died and came here I spent most of my time alone or talking to villagers from small settlements far away from here". In awe he gazed at the variety of buildings. Staring at a 'modern' home he asked Una mystified "Is that an earth house? It seems so familiar, yet so different."
She smiled amused that get loved the houses to much, looking up at the modern house she spoke "in a way I guess so. I'm not really sure, I don't really know what a earth house looks like" she smiled, down the corner she saw a Bakery shop. Making her way to the shop, the sweet smell went out the windows. She jumped up and down excited. She ran inside, running up to the cashier. She smiled, "a half a loaf of wheat bread please." Te cashier began to wrap it up.

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'The strange building seemed so interesting that I forget that she doesn't remember her past life' he thought feeling slightly insensitive. He watched as Una ran into a building that smelled of bread. Following behind her, He was hit with a heavenly smell that he had never experienced. Henry leaned over to her as she bought a loaf of bread and whispered "The bread here smells exquisite". He looked at the many different breads being showed and whispered once more to her "Humans have created such a great variety of food with bread. Look they even sliced it". Henry got on his knees and gazed with awe at the sliced bread in the glass.
She laughed, now holding the warm bread wrapped up in cloth in her hands. Putting a hand on his shoulder she smiled motioning to go out side to sit on a bench. She said with joy "come on, I'll split it." She walked out, sitting on the iron bench, she brought her legs up crossing them. Opening the wrapping she gently broke the bread in half. Hearing a crunching notice as it split. Handing him a piece. She slowly began to eat, savoring the flavor.

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Tearing his eyes away from the wondrous bread, he walked out of the store and sat on the bench outside with Una. Grasping the warm bread he thanked her and took a bite. "It tastes great" Henry said after swallowing the first piece of bread. Looking back at the store, He thought to himself ' how long has it been on earth? How long have I been here?'. He kept eating the bread absentmindedly taking medium sized chunks out each time.
She looked up at Henry, grinning "never had bread before" she ate it, trying to slow down yet she was so hungry it was gone in a matter of minutes.

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"No. I used to have the finest bread and meats as a prince, but the finest breads can't be compared to this" he replied then took another bite of the bread. He watched the array of strangely dressed people walk past him. 'The ones that seem human have such a variety of clothing' he thought observing a guy with spherical hair and colored spectacles. Curious, he asked her "Do you remember nothing of your past life and world you came from?"
Looking at the people as they walked by she took in the appearances. She spoke in a normal tone "truly I don't remember anything

really, every time I try to remember , the only thing I see is a blossom tree, and a figure under it. And once I try to focus in it, and unravel the story behind it. I hit a wall..and I can't get makes no sense everyone normally has there stories..just..I don't get it.."

A thought coming to mind "you were a prince?"

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"In my past life I had never heard of such a tree, but while traveling around this world I once saw one that centered a small village. I asked a native what it was and they told me it was called a cherry blossom. It was such a beautiful tree that I studied it for many days encase I ever wanted to create one" Henry recalled while observing a woman in peasant clothing arguing with a man in a strange black and white outfit.
She looked up to him "So you were a prince? What happened?" She asked curious.

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Still watching the two strange humans argue Henry informed her "I was a prince for most of my life, but a king for a day. After I was crowned, My mother set up a banquet for me. It was a great gesture, but during the banquet my uncles staged a coup and killed me. What happened after that is history I suppose". The man yelled at the woman "It's called a pompadour!" while pointing to his obscure hair. "What strange hair people have" he lightly laughed while thinking about the spherical hair and 'pompadour'.
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She frowned "I'm so sorry.." She looked away. She said softly "how old were you?"

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"No it's fine" he assured her. "My age was... ahh... 16 I believe" Henry said unsure. He made a little laugh and covered his worry with a happy tone "It seems with time you forget about things you don't think about".
She winced at the thought "so barley lived your life." She looked out at the people "well that makes two of us".

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"Lets not think about such sad subjects. We have our whole afterlife to look forward to" he smiled then grasped Una's hand and ran through the streets looking for a place with something interesting. Henry strangely didn't care about how he almost ran into people. "Just running through the streets feels refreshing" he said slightly turning his head to see her.
She laughed, following behind him, holding onto his hand for

Dear life as people began to bump in her and Henry. Afraid she

Might loose him. Each time she apologized. "Eh sorry, sorry, opps sorry." Yet she laughed. Enjoying herself.

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He caught a glimpse of an animal in a window and abruptly stopped. He turned his head to the building and saw all kinds of strange animals through the glass windows. "Amazing" he gasped as he walked into the building still holding Una's hand. Everywhere he looked he saw familiar and unfamiliar animals. Seeing a strange bear that was white and black, he ran over to it's small habitat and stared in awe.
As Henry stopped she ran into him "why did you st.." Her sentence caught off as he ran off to a pet store, still holding her hand. As they entered, she smiled, looking at all the animals. Henry stopping she walked from behind him looking down at a strange color bear "OHHH he is so cute!" She giggled, bending down slightly.

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She chuckled "you act as though you have never seen a panda." She looked up smiling. Standing up her good began to slide off, reaching up quickly with her other hand she brought it forwards again.

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He looked at her with a confused face then back at the small bear. 'Where could such a strange creature live... maybe somewhere cold..' he thought scanning the habitat. 'No...not a cold country...' He gave up on trying to guess where it came from and ran over to a large yellow spotted horse with an elongated neck. "This must have been created from someone's imagination" he asserted looking back to the girl.
Looking at the horse she nodded "yes I think your right. The things people come up with, it's amazing" noticing a fish in a bowl she running over, a smile shining brightly on her face, she bent down looking at the fish. Orangey golden scales swimming it wiggled, it's fins long and amazing "Oh oh i love these fish." She chuckled "look at it wiggle!" She said amused.

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