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Futuristic After All, This Is Still Our World (Post-Apocalyptic RP, Open and Accepting!)


She gives a salute towards Jacks. "Permission granted, sir." she giggles. "I can keep watch for now. Shay you need to rest to okay." Casey stands letting Jacks use the bed.


Shay pulls out a blanket from her backpack. She finds a small chair and curls up falling asleep.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
MidnightStar said:
She gives a salute towards Jacks. "Permission granted, sir." she giggles. "I can keep watch for now. Shay you need to rest to okay." Casey stands letting Jacks use the bed.


Shay pulls out a blanket from her backpack. She finds a small chair and curls up falling asleep.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
Jack didn't even get to the bed, he fell back and his suit shut down so he can sleep, his helmet acts as a pillow if needed, Jack passed out as soon as he hit the ground. He was really tired and was happy to sleep in peace.

(Exams? Studying? Stress? Depression? What's that? Also, sorry for keeping you waiting so long fo an answer, and also, I'm on mobile, so no colored backgrounds, sorry!)

Derek's POV

November 21st, 2220

Abandoned City

Interior - Tallest Building - 2nd Floor


10 Days Until Acid Winter

What happened next was too much of a blur to even register at once, Derek had acted instinctively, it's the only reason he even managed to survive, a creature resembling some sort of grotesque wendigo jumped out of the darkness, there were several bangs, Derek guessed one of them was from the stranger, his arm and cheek were scratched, he wrestled with the creature until they both came tumbling down the stairs, when Derek gained the upper hand, he took a stake that fell down from one of the desks upstairs, and stabbed the creature in the chest with it, in its dying moments, the creature released an ear-splitting scream, one that Derek knew too well, the scream was supposed to attract an horde of mutant creatures. The horde would take at least one day to arrive- if they were lucky, Derek was out of the building before the scream was even finished, the only thing he cared about was getting out of the city and taking Connor to safety as soon as possible, he dashed through the streets, he noticed Connor talking to another stranger, but at the moment he didn't care, he took Connor's hand, not stopping for a moment as he practically dragged Connor away.

Connor's POV

"Well..." Connor conversated happily the stranger not noticing nor caring about the new people chatting and passing through the building behind him. He learned that the stranger's name was Roland, and that he went by the nickname of 'The Gunslinger', or so he'd understood, Connor was already beginning to idolize Roland, when suddenly he heard an ear-splitting scream fill the entire city, soon after the initial shock, Connor noticed Derek run towards them at an alarming pace, before Connor could say anything, or say goodbye to Roland, he was being dragged by the arm by Derek, before he was being carried by him, despite his protests, Derek explained to Connor why they needed to hurry, not caring if Roland or the other stranger was following them or not, they ran back to their cave, promptly beginning to pack, as they needed to leave immediately, they got everything in their backpacks, Derek patched himself up quickly, putting a band aid on his cheek and some bandages on his arms, and they left, walking fastly through the forest.

Derek's POV

November 22nd, 2220

Populated City


Sometime Between Midnight And 3:00 AM

9 Days Until Acid Winter

Neither of them wanted to go to this city for a number of reasons, but it was the closest safe heaven, so they needed to find some place to stay, at least for the night, since it was late, no soul was on sight, but it looked like it was about to begin raining, acid rain on top of that, so they needed to hurry, Derek knew there were several secret passages and alleys, so that was something.

Both Derek and Connor yelled through the different alleys and passages, until they found some sort of lighting at the end of one particular passage, but they didn't enter it right away, it seemed like there were the ruins of a church, but they weren't sure... "HELLO!?" Derek yelled through the passage "IS ANYBODY THERE!?" He yelled again "WE NEED HELP!" Connor yelled this time, hoping for some sort of answer.

(Sorry if you feel like I'm dragging my characters towards your side of the RP, I'll erase this message if that's the case, if that is not case however, I'll edit it anyways later to include the colored backgrounds and more details.)
Sand moved from the building, it now being night. His chest harbored a shallow cut, and blood across his metal-encased arm.

Off in the distance, he heard a faint call, though, not entirely sure what it was, he didn't dare muster up the energy to answer. He dragged on towards the old church.

"Kshnnk" "Kshnnk"
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It was late at night and everyone was asleep. Casey decided to stay up and keep watch. Not that she didn't trust anyone she just couldn't sleep. She heard some kind of noise coming from outside. It was just a muffle at first. "WE NEED HELP!" Casey knew she heard a voice this time. She looks over at everyone asleep. They had did so much for her the least she could do was check the voice herself. She turns off the lights leaving a small desk lamp on. She picks her back pack and takes out a flashlight she had. Slowly she opens the door and quietly closes it behind her. She walks in the dark about ten feet before turning on the light. It was dim, but it did the job. She takes out her pistol in her right hand just in case. "Hello is someone there?"

@Moon Star

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Sand held his chest, dragging his suit-arm behind in staggered steps. He had made it to where he had assumed the voice had come from. He felt a bit of pride in his finally understanding the "ins and outs" of the dilapidated city. "Hello, is someone there?" A voice rang out from a good block or two away. Sand made up that it was likely someone not to fond of misshapen amalgamations, so he kept his pistol at the ready. He did his best to pick up his arm, though it still came down with an albeit softer smashing sound. "H-Hello?" His croaking voice reciprocated.
MidnightStar said:
It was late at night and everyone was asleep. Casey decided to stay up and keep watch. Not that she didn't trust anyone she just couldn't sleep. She heard some kind of noise coming from outside. It was just a muffle at first. "WE NEED HELP!" Casey knew she heard a voice this time. She looks over at everyone asleep. They had did so much for her the least she could do was check the voice herself. She turns off the lights leaving a small desk lamp on. She picks her back pack and takes out a flashlight she had. Slowly she opens the door and quietly closes it behind her. She walks in the dark about ten feet before turning on the light. It was dim, but it did the job. She takes out her pistol in her right hand just in case. "Hello is someone there?"

@Moon Star
11254man said:
Sand held his chest, dragging his suit-arm behind in staggered steps. He had made it to where he had assumed the voice had come from. He felt a bit of pride in his finally understanding the "ins and outs" of the dilapidated city. "Hello, is someone there?" A voice rang out from a good block or two away. Sand made up that it was likely someone not to fond of misshapen amalgamations, so he kept his pistol at the ready. He did his best to pick up his arm, though it still came down with an albeit softer smashing sound. "H-Hello?" His croaking voice reciprocated.

Jack came to life when his mutant detecting system went off the charts, he sat up and saw Casey at the door, "Casey! Get back!" Jack said and ran to the door to take her place as he pushed her back, "There's something out there that is off the charts on my radar, I don't know who..or what it is, all I know, it's a bit far from being human." he said, the icon was a few blocks away, but it was kind of green...Friendly? Jack just kept his rifle handy just in case his radar was wrong, "Cas...Keep Shay away from the door..." he said and opened it a bit more, Jack didn't like mutants, but if their brains weren't fried, then he can accept them as human. "Hello? Show yourself please, if you are friendly, you have no need to fear me." he said loudly, the red lights on his helmet making a red hue, "Ig-Ignore the lights, I don't have anything else to make a means of lights here." he said feeling upset that whatever was out there might get scared off by the look of him.

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CERBERUS177 said:

Jack came to life when his mutant detecting system went off the charts, he sat up and saw Casey at the door, "Casey! Get back!" Jack said and ran to the door to take her place as he pushed her back, "There's something out there that is off the charts on my radar, I don't know who..or what it is, all I know, it's a bit far from being human." he said, the icon was a few blocks away, but it was kind of green...Friendly? Jack just kept his rifle handy just in case his radar was wrong, "Cas...Keep Shay away from the door..." he said and opened it a bit more, Jack didn't like mutants, but if their brains weren't fried, then he can accept them as human. "Hello? Show yourself please, if you are friendly, you have no need to fear me." he said loudly, the red lights on his helmet making a red hue, "Ig-Ignore the lights, I don't have anything else to make a means of lights here." he said feeling upset that whatever was out there might get scared off by the look of him.



CERBERUS177 said:

Jack came to life when his mutant detecting system went off the charts, he sat up and saw Casey at the door, "Casey! Get back!" Jack said and ran to the door to take her place as he pushed her back, "There's something out there that is off the charts on my radar, I don't know who..or what it is, all I know, it's a bit far from being human." he said, the icon was a few blocks away, but it was kind of green...Friendly? Jack just kept his rifle handy just in case his radar was wrong, "Cas...Keep Shay away from the door..." he said and opened it a bit more, Jack didn't like mutants, but if their brains weren't fried, then he can accept them as human. "Hello? Show yourself please, if you are friendly, you have no need to fear me." he said loudly, the red lights on his helmet making a red hue, "Ig-Ignore the lights, I don't have anything else to make a means of lights here." he said feeling upset that whatever was out there might get scared off by the look of him.

(You didn't reply to my message, but since I posted my message first...)

Derek and Connor looked at each other, Connor had recognized the girl's voice, before it was replaced by an unknown male's voice "Stay behind me." Derek whispered to Connor before stepping forward, "Hello? We mean no harm, we just need a place to stay for the night-" Derek said before being interrupted by a rain drop of acid falling just in front of him "Or until the rain passes..." He said, "Uh, there's also a sand man here..." Connor commented, looking at the 'Sandman' walking forward with them.
[QUOTE="Moon Star](You didn't reply to my message, but since I posted my message first...)
Derek and Connor looked at each other, Connor had recognized the girl's voice, before it was replaced by an unknown male's voice "Stay behind me." Derek whispered to Connor before stepping forward, "Hello? We mean no harm, we just need a place to stay for the night-" Derek said before being interrupted by a rain drop of acid falling just in front of him "Or until the rain passes..." He said, "Uh, there's also a sand man here..." Connor commented, looking at the 'Sandman' walking forward with them.



Jack kept his gun ready to fire, feeling a bit threatened by this 'Sandman', Jack has met many mutants before, but never one like him, Jack...was actually scared, for once in his life, he was scared, but hid it a bit, "U-um, I don't know, I don't own this place...But I suppose you can come in...Just, please don't try anything...you two are young, and I don't want to kill anyone under my age..." he said and looked at the mutated...man? He didn't really know, "...Come on in...But please be weary, we have a youngen in here too, and...Sandman was it? I think she might get spooked by you...But you seem good enough, since you're with these two." he said, one kid was easily 7-9 years old, the other was maybe around his age, the other person, unknown. But if these kids are safe, then he must be an ok guy.

He opened the door more for them to walk in, "If you need water, we have about 3-5 extra bottles..." Jack said, taking his helmet off and slinging his gun behind him, "My names Jack." he said.

The offer to sleep was Heaven to Corria, so she nodded and made her way to one of the pews which had a good view of every entrance point of the room. She rested her head after pulling her hood back up to shield whatever light came in and stared up into the ceiling. The view wasn't anything interesting, just basic art designs with holes threatening to drop all sorts of things inside. Corria tried to patch the holes with whatever leftover scraps she had, but leaks still happened whenever it rained. Refusing to let her guard down completely, she kept her eyes open and one hand resting on her gun.

It didn't take long for something new to happen, as other loud noises happened once again. Popping her head up slightly, Corria saw Casey head towards the sound, so Corria silently followed in a different more secluded direction. Readying her weapon, she followed to see Casey and Jack calling out to the darkness. With her unique eyes, Corria saw silhouettes of more people. Sighing, Corria aimed her gun at the biggest one and waited to see what happens.

@Moon Star @MidnightStar @CERBERUS177 @11254man

"Try not to wake my sister up as well. If she wakes up well, let's just say she's not a morning person." Casey looks down recognizing the little boy. "Well, what a surprise meeting you here." She says kneeling down to her knees. "I never got to thank you. You know your not bad with bandages for your age." She rubs the kids head. "Your brother her was my little knight and shinning armor."


Shay moans but continues to sleep even with all the noise.

@Moon Star @CERBERUS177 @11254man @Popplio Princess
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CERBERUS177 said:


Jack kept his gun ready to fire, feeling a bit threatened by this 'Sandman', Jack has met many mutants before, but never one like him, Jack...was actually scared, for once in his life, he was scared, but hid it a bit, "U-um, I don't know, I don't own this place...But I suppose you can come in...Just, please don't try anything...you two are young, and I don't want to kill anyone under my age..." he said and looked at the mutated...man? He didn't really know, "...Come on in...But please be weary, we have a youngen in here too, and...Sandman was it? I think she might get spooked by you...But you seem good enough, since you're with these two." he said, one kid was easily 7-9 years old, the other was maybe around his age, the other person, unknown. But if these kids are safe, then he must be an ok guy.

He opened the door more for them to walk in, "If you need water, we have about 3-5 extra bottles..." Jack said, taking his helmet off and slinging his gun behind him, "My names Jack." he said.

MidnightStar said:
"Try not to wake my sister up as well. If she wakes up well, let's just say she's not a morning person." Casey looks down recognizing the little boy. "Well, what a surprise meeting you here." She says kneeling down to her knees. "I never got to thank you. You know your not bad with bandages for your age." She rubs the kids head. "Your brother her was my little knight and shinning armor."


Shay moans but continues to sleep even with all the noise.

@Moon Star @CERBERUS177 @11254man @Popplio Princess
"It's nice seeing you too, and you're very welcome, I hope you're okay, after all that happened." Connor said, happily greeting the girl he had helped heal "Thanks, I'm Derek." Derek said introducing himself, replying to Jack's comment "This little guy's Connor, he's my brother." Derek said, nudging towards Connor "Nice to meet you." Connor said, smiling a bit, but stiffling a yawn "Like I said, we only need to stay for the night, so we won't cause troub- why's that lady pointing a gun at us?" Derek immediately asked, drawing his own handgun when he noticed the lady with a slim figure and black horns aim her gun at them.

(This might be my last post for the night, just saying.)

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess @MidnightStar @11254man
MidnightStar said:
"Try not to wake my sister up as well. If she wakes up well, let's just say she's not a morning person." Casey looks down recognizing the little boy. "Well, what a surprise meeting you here." She says kneeling down to her knees. "I never got to thank you. You know your not bad with bandages for your age." She rubs the kids head. "Your brother her was my little knight and shinning armor."


Shay moans but continues to sleep even with all the noise.

@Moon Star @CERBERUS177 @11254man @Popplio Princess

Jack chuckled, "Devil, he's too young for you, quit...stalking him!" Jack said in between a laugh "That lady in the shadow is Devil, she's an alright person, so I'd put the gun down if you want her to stay that way bud." he said, and walked to his little spot on the floor and sat down, stared at the roof, and listened to music loud enough for him to hear, but quiet enough to hear them speak if they decide to.

(Hence Moon is going to sleep soon)​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-28_23-50-13.jpeg.bc08beb7b0ca4eb10f4bc053281a1a11.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-28_23-50-13.jpeg.bc08beb7b0ca4eb10f4bc053281a1a11.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Casey looks at Corria with a smile. "They're cool." She turns back and looks at the three. "You guys can sleep where ever you please. There's an extra chair beside my sister is you'd like to use it. If you need anything just ask me." She walks over to Shay and tucks the covers tight around her sister, then walks back to the spot at the window.

@Moon Star @CERBERUS177 @11254man @Popplio Princess

(Going to bed. It's 2 o'clock in the morning for me and I'm tired. See ya all tomorrow!!)
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MidnightStar said:
Casey looks at Corria with a smile. "They're cool." She turns back and looks at the three. "You guys can sleep where ever you please. There's an extra chair beside my sister is you'd like to use it. If you need anything just ask me." She walks over to Shay and tucks the covers tight around her sister, then walks back to the spot at the window.
Jack decided to go hang with Casey, he was kind of board, and didn't have anything to do, he got up and walked to Casey and sat next to her, "Do you think...there's a way to, bring the world back to it's original state?" he asked, bringing up the random question that many have asked before, "I mean. Could there be a way to bring it back to life? Green grass, and trees everywhere, birds and regular rain?" he asked, looking out of the window at the green/olive green rain drops.

November 21st, 2220

Abandoned City

Interior - Tallest Building - 1st Floor


10 Days Until Acid Winter

It had been some time since the mysterious man had killed that 'wendigo' like creature. Since that paralysing scream had come about. Gabriel had heard it before. It always seemed to bring the mutated creatures mutated friends. Unlike the other man who had left the building, Gabriel had decide to cut up the wendigo, after all some of meat didn't loom too irradiated and the creatures large pulsating head would make a good trade item. Some people in the built up cites like to have hunting trophies that they didn't have to hunt. The Scavenger finished searching the large building before he left. Some cigarettes that looked fairly undamaged, usable paper and a few other trinkets of the old world. Once outside the building Gabriel took shelter in a most destroyed garage. It would be far enough away from the horde when it came or so he thought...

November 22nd, 2220

Abandoned City

Destoryed Garage/ Street.

Morning (11:00)

9 Days Until Acid Winter

The day got off to a flying start as Gabriel had to convince a rather rabid dog that his leg wasn't food. A bullet seem to do the trick. Taking a few swigs from his fresh water canteen, Gabriel decide that one more day would do. He wander the streets for a while, avoiding the area around the tall building. The Horde would be there by now. Horde areas are dangerous but Gabriel had navigated through them enough times. He found an old convince store. It held some old world sugar filled snacks, that seem to go other well for trading. Gabriel also found some electronic parts. "Hm perhaps will stop that damn radio form blasting its greatest hits at 3:00 in goddamn morning" the scavenger muttered as he filled his bag.

(Open for interaction)
Sand had stayed back towards a run down alley. He was relatively sure the group ahead of him could easily end his life, should he frighten them. He was too stricken with fear to pick up his arm. His breaths became heavy.

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[QUOTE="Moon Star](Exams? Studying? Stress? Depression? What's that? Also, sorry for keeping you waiting so long fo an answer, and also, I'm on mobile, so no colored backgrounds, sorry!)

Derek's POV

November 21st, 2220

Abandoned City

Interior - Tallest Building - 2nd Floor


10 Days Until Acid Winter

What happened next was too much of a blur to even register at once, Derek had acted instinctively, it's the only reason he even managed to survive, a creature resembling some sort of grotesque wendigo jumped out of the darkness, there were several bangs, Derek guessed one of them was from the stranger, his arm and cheek were scratched, he wrestled with the creature until they both came tumbling down the stairs, when Derek gained the upper hand, he took a stake that fell down from one of the desks upstairs, and stabbed the creature in the chest with it, in its dying moments, the creature released an ear-splitting scream, one that Derek knew too well, the scream was supposed to attract an horde of mutant creatures. The horde would take at least one day to arrive- if they were lucky, Derek was out of the building before the scream was even finished, the only thing he cared about was getting out of the city and taking Connor to safety as soon as possible, he dashed through the streets, he noticed Connor talking to another stranger, but at the moment he didn't care, he took Connor's hand, not stopping for a moment as he practically dragged Connor away.

Connor's POV

"Well..." Connor conversated happily the stranger not noticing nor caring about the new people chatting and passing through the building behind him. He learned that the stranger's name was Roland, and that he went by the nickname of 'The Gunslinger', or so he'd understood, Connor was already beginning to idolize Roland, when suddenly he heard an ear-splitting scream fill the entire city, soon after the initial shock, Connor noticed Derek run towards them at an alarming pace, before Connor could say anything, or say goodbye to Roland, he was being dragged by the arm by Derek, before he was being carried by him, despite his protests, Derek explained to Connor why they needed to hurry, not caring if Roland or the other stranger was following them or not, they ran back to their cave, promptly beginning to pack, as they needed to leave immediately, they got everything in their backpacks, Derek patched himself up quickly, putting a band aid on his cheek and some bandages on his arms, and they left, walking fastly through the forest.

Derek's POV

November 22nd, 2220

Populated City


Sometime Between Midnight And 3:00 AM

9 Days Until Acid Winter

Neither of them wanted to go to this city for a number of reasons, but it was the closest safe heaven, so they needed to find some place to stay, at least for the night, since it was late, no soul was on sight, but it looked like it was about to begin raining, acid rain on top of that, so they needed to hurry, Derek knew there were several secret passages and alleys, so that was something.

Both Derek and Connor yelled through the different alleys and passages, until they found some sort of lighting at the end of one particular passage, but they didn't enter it right away, it seemed like there were the ruins of a church, but they weren't sure... "HELLO!?" Derek yelled through the passage "IS ANYBODY THERE!?" He yelled again "WE NEED HELP!" Connor yelled this time, hoping for some sort of answer.

(Sorry if you feel like I'm dragging my characters towards your side of the RP, I'll erase this message if that's the case, if that is not case however, I'll edit it anyways later to include the colored backgrounds and more details.)

(What the fuck are notifications anymore?! xD )

Roland followed them in, worried for their safety. He drew his revolver in case anyone was to attack and made it into the church. It was starting to rain and he needed shelter like everyone else. He noticed that they were all talking and decided to stay out of their conversation, or risk an alteration. He found a spot with roofing above him, broke off some wood from a pew and ripped pages from a couple fliers before making a fire.
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CERBERUS177 said:
Jack decided to go hang with Casey, he was kind of board, and didn't have anything to do, he got up and walked to Casey and sat next to her, "Do you think...there's a way to, bring the world back to it's original state?" he asked, bringing up the random question that many have asked before, "I mean. Could there be a way to bring it back to life? Green grass, and trees everywhere, birds and regular rain?" he asked, looking out of the window at the green/olive green rain drops.


"I asked my father the same thing and told me to make life the best know and not dwindle on the past and future. Do I wish the world was green and lushes again like in the books, yes, but right now all I want is to keep my sister safe and give her the best life she can possible have. So far I've did a poor job of it." She watches the acid rain fall and fizzle on the ground.
MidnightStar said:
"I asked my father the same thing and told me to make life the best know and not dwindle on the past and future. Do I wish the world was green and lushes again like in the books, yes, but right now all I want is to keep my sister safe and give her the best life she can possible have. So far I've did a poor job of it." She watches the acid rain fall and fizzle on the ground.

Jack smiled, he was glad to hear

MidnightStar said:
"I asked my father the same thing and told me to make life the best know and not dwindle on the past and future. Do I wish the world was green and lushes again like in the books, yes, but right now all I want is to keep my sister safe and give her the best life she can possible have. So far I've did a poor job of it." She watches the acid rain fall and fizzle on the ground.

Jack smiled, "I guess so huh? Well now you don't have to do it alone, I got your back." he said, he was happy to finally be helpful to people for a good reason now. He is no longer part of the Death Squad that was sent to kill mutated people, he'll never do it again, "What about... The special people? Do you think we can live in harmony with them? I think we can, some are just misunderstood or look scary..." he said, if everyone can see that some mutants are pretty normal.
(ahh sorry its hell week for the show im in so im p much always at the theater where theres no kind of service whatsoever but im here now oh man)

Ette didn't know exactly what was going on, but he did know that there was a LOT of yelling. He had seen several people rush out of the building, and experience told him that the best idea was to follow.

He got out of the building and tried to think of where to go next. He thought for a second, scratching the patch of scales on his face. He hated being outside where he was completely exposed. Then he heard the garbled groans of some sort of mutant. Wait, mutants. Plural. He needed to get out of there.

He crept through the streets, trying to stay in shadows and alleys. He didn't stop moving until he was decidedly far enough from the skyscraper. Nearby, there were a few small stores. Well, they were probably stores at one point. He picked one at random and opened the door slightly.

Oops. He noticed two things at once. 1) A bell had chimed as the door opened and 2) someone else was here.

He didn't take his eyes off of the man standing in front of him as he surveyed the store, looking for something within reach that he could defend himself with if he needed. You never knew how dangerous a person was until it was too late, and Ette was not willing to take chances.

After his quick search came up nada, and deciding that fighting someone who was pretty close to a foot taller than him was something he should avoid, he changed tactics. Hey, maybe he was friendly.

"Who are you?"

November 22nd, 2220

Abandoned City



9 Days Until Acid Winter

The bell was like a lighting strike. Gabriel went for the rifle. Who could it be? A mutant animal charging through? That horde would be here by now. Maybe a raider come to find his morning victim? Then he heard a "Who are you?" The scavenger let a sigh of relief. Gabriel turned around to see kid no older then fifteen or sixteen. Gabriel let out a little laugh to himself. He put his hand up to show peace, before throwing a bag of old world candy to the kid. "Gabriel, and yeah I've been through here already but you have some stuff I guess, speaking of that why come here for food, you look like you ran here" Gabriel explained while going back to his bag. "What you called then?"

Ette's nerves calmed significantly as he caught the package of candy. "Ette. Somethin was goin down where I was, so I figured it be best to get outta there. I'm not tryna be monster feed." He stepped further into the store now that he wasn't fearing for his life. He slowly pocketed the candy. He wasn't going to turn down food, but he also wasn't a fan of handouts. It went against his stubborn mentality of doing things by himself. Ette dug in his backpack and pulled out one of the old broken devices he took from the tower. He couldn't really do anything with it anyway, so he held it out to Gabriel.


(and i gotta go...lmao first i apologize for not bein here and now i gotta leave again D: )
Gabriel had a look over the device. "Hmm some sort of radio type device" He muttered while examine. Whatever it was it might fetch a high price, or make a nice project to work on. "I take by something going down it were those mutant animals?" The scavenger asked while shutting up his bag. Gabriel went to a window using his binoculars to get a look around the area near the tower. The creatures were there alright. "You must be on fast and sneaky bastard to get past though ugly mothers" Gabriel said coming away from the window. He wiped a bit of dirt of he goggles before looking over the kid again. Scales. Well Gabriel has seen weird stuff and he wasn't one to talk about it. Besides bringing it up might not be the best idea. "So where are you headed"


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