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Futuristic After All, This Is Still Our World (Post-Apocalyptic RP, Open and Accepting!)

CERBERUS177 said:

Jack smiled, he was glad to hear

Jack smiled, "I guess so huh? Well now you don't have to do it alone, I got your back." he said, he was happy to finally be helpful to people for a good reason now. He is no longer part of the Death Squad that was sent to kill mutated people, he'll never do it again, "What about... The special people? Do you think we can live in harmony with them? I think we can, some are just misunderstood or look scary..." he said, if everyone can see that some mutants are pretty normal.


"What's so different about mutated people and us. I judge on who a person is, not what they are. I mean I HATE the military, but after seeing who you are I came to trust you." She glances over her shoulder to check on Shay, she sleeps like a little baby. "Shay's never been scared of mutants, she always been interested in them. I hope one day she can make a difference in the world. As for me, well I think it's to late for me to make a change."
The sudden mention of her presence shocked her a little. Rarely do people notice her and even so they almost never pointed it out because of her reputation. Lowering her gun after him, she watches them silently with irritation. Walking back to her resting spot, she watches them converse.

Then Corria finally snapped. "Um, hello? I'm right here. Not sure if you know, but it's really rude to talk about someone in front of them." She growled at Jack. Taking a deep breath, Corria turns away and dashes to disappear into the dark once more with a hidden door that only opened with a secret switch.

Keeping her pace quick but silent, she makes her way to the top of the dying church. Up here, she looks out into the raining night getting ready to turn into day. The moon was high in the sky, already on its way to the other side, and the sun was going to make its entrance soon. Sighing, Corria hums softly to one of the few tunes she knew.

(On my phone rn)
MidnightStar said:
"What's so different about mutated people and us. I judge on who a person is, not what they are. I mean I HATE the military, but after seeing who you are I came to trust you." She glances over her shoulder to check on Shay, she sleeps like a little baby. "Shay's never been scared of mutants, she always been interested in them. I hope one day she can make a difference in the world. As for me, well I think it's to late for me to make a change."
Jack shook his head, "It's never too late to make a change Casey...Look at me, I used to work for a military that wanted to own the world and purge all mutated people...I changed, you can too. Remember that, nobody can change who you are, but yourself, but it's who you change for, that matters." Jack said, feeling her pain, he was in her shoes with the military, and has killed many innocent people, most were mutated beings...other's were people hiding the mutated people. He regrets doing it, since half of the mutated people, still spoke, and looked normal enough. "Casey, if you don't want to change, that's fine, but if not for you...do it for Shay. Your sister, the younger they are, the more they look for someone to look up to, and follow. Mom was military, and I was too, I followed in her footsteps, but diverted my path to be a better person." he said, and laid a hand on her shoulder, "Shay might become you, do you want her to be like you in the future?" he asked her.

CERBERUS177 said:
Jack shook his head, "It's never too late to make a change Casey...Look at me, I used to work for a military that wanted to own the world and purge all mutated people...I changed, you can too. Remember that, nobody can change who you are, but yourself, but it's who you change for, that matters." Jack said, feeling her pain, he was in her shoes with the military, and has killed many innocent people, most were mutated beings...other's were people hiding the mutated people. He regrets doing it, since half of the mutated people, still spoke, and looked normal enough. "Casey, if you don't want to change, that's fine, but if not for you...do it for Shay. Your sister, the younger they are, the more they look for someone to look up to, and follow. Mom was military, and I was too, I followed in her footsteps, but diverted my path to be a better person." he said, and laid a hand on her shoulder, "Shay might become you, do you want her to be like you in the future?" he asked her.


"What if I can't!? I want to just run away somewhere safe, where they can't hurt any of my family again." She covers her face with her hands hiding the tears forming in her eyes. "Can I tell you something? Something you can never tell Shay."
MidnightStar said:
"What if I can't!? I want to just run away somewhere safe, where they can't hurt any of my family again." She covers her face with her hands hiding the tears forming in her eyes. "Can I tell you something? Something you can never tell Shay."
Jack put a hand on her back, trying to calm her down, he hate's when someone cries, "Go ahead, you have my word that I won't tell her, promise." he said, Jack didn't know what she was going to say, and was hoping it wasn't anything life threatening, that'd devastate him, since he HAS to tell Shay about that, since that's something she needs to know.

CERBERUS177 said:
Jack put a hand on her back, trying to calm her down, he hate's when someone cries, "Go ahead, you have my word that I won't tell her, promise." he said, Jack didn't know what she was going to say, and was hoping it wasn't anything life threatening, that'd devastate him, since he HAS to tell Shay about that, since that's something she needs to know.


She rubs her eyes then looks at Jack. "Six years ago I joined an notorious group of criminals called the Black Cobra. Well I was forced into the group. Dad was out on a job and Shay was at school, I stayed home that day. Well, I left the house to go to a market to get food for supper and was kidnapped by a couple of the Black Cobra's. I found out later they were trying to recruit children to train and do jobs for them. They threaten to kill Shay and my dad if I didn't help. There wasn't much I could do being a ten year old girl, so I agreed. Everyday I would drop Shay off at school and go to there hid out in the wastelands to train. I wanted to tell my dad, but if I did he might have went to the military. About two months ago they ask me to do something, something worst than they ask me to do before. I've killed people, tortured, stole,... but this I just couldn't do. I guessed it just clicked that day for me. That I could be a better person. The person Shay sees me as. However, ever since we left home we just keep running into Black Cobras. I tell her they're just bandits, but we cant keep running forever." She turns and looks out the window. "The reason I came to the arena was to find someone that might be able to care for her without any danger." She sighs, finally she had someone to share her feeling with.
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MidnightStar said:
She rubs her eyes then looks at Jack. "Six years ago I joined an notorious group of criminals called the Black Cobra. Well I was forced into the group. Dad was out on a job and Shay was at school, I stayed home that day. Well, I left the house to go to a market to get food for supper and was kidnapped by a couple of the Black Cobra's. I found out later they were trying to recruit children to train and do jobs for them. They threaten to kill Shay and my dad if I didn't help. There wasn't much I could do being a ten year old girl, so I agreed. Everyday I would drop Shay off at school and go to there hid out in the wastelands to train. I wanted to tell my dad, but if I did he might have went to the military. About two months ago they ask me to do something, something worst than they ask me to do before. I've killed people, tortured, stole,... but this I just couldn't do. I guessed it just clicked that day for me. That I could be a better person. The person Shay sees me as. However, ever since we left home we just keep running into Black Cobras. I tell her they're just bandits, but we cant keep running forever." She turns and looks out the window. "The reason I came to the arena was to find someone that might be able to care for her without any danger." She sighs, finally she had someone to share her feeling with.

Jack looked at her, "The Exterminas have them in their sights Cas...When the EX get a beat on a gang or bandit camp, sometimes bases, they're ruthless. Tank's, ships, and numbers, I've fought multiple times and they never lost a battle! Casey, The Black Cobras are nothing compared to the EX, have you seen my armor?" he smiled, "These guns," he grabbed it and held it, "they can go through armor like mine in a few hits...I'm sure the EX and Cobras will be at each other for a while...if the Cobras don't die during Operation Mongoose..." he said, remembering a room he was snooping around in, the room had the name of the Cobra's, some of the leaders, since question marks sat in the hierarchy too, "I don't know if the EX can take them out, but they'll deal a good blow if they go through with the operation..." he said, trying to calm her a bit, the EX are mainly mutant killers, but if they want to take over the world again, then they might need to bring down other armies to get to the top.

(If you think this is a huge plot cutter, tell me, and I'll edit it to aline more with your plot. Because I don't know if this will ruin what you want with your two people, but I can fix it to something better if you don't want this)

CERBERUS177 said:
(If you think this is a huge plot cutter, tell me, and I'll edit it to aline more with your plot. Because I don't know if this will ruin what you want with your two people, but I can fix it to something better if you don't want this)
(It's a major plot with my two characters, but I think your post will be fine.)
CERBERUS177 said:
(Are you sure? I don't want to ruin anything for them...)
(I can make your post work.)


"That's why they're hunting me. They need all the Black Cobra members to go through there latest plan. I was part of the plan and running out on them put a huge dent in their plans. They've gotten ahold of weapons that even the EX hasn't seen. They have had a few battles, but the true war hasn't even started yet." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a tiny chip. "This is what the Cobras want. It's maps of every single Province. Every road, alley, home, anything you can think of it's in here. This could be the key to begin the war between the EX and Cobras."
MidnightStar said:
(I can make your post work.)

"That's why they're hunting me. They need all the Black Cobra members to go through there latest plan. I was part of the plan and running out on them put a huge dent in their plans. They've gotten ahold of weapons that even the EX hasn't seen. They have had a few battles, but the true war hasn't even started yet." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a tiny chip. "This is what the Cobras want. It's maps of every single Province. Every road, alley, home, anything you can think of it's in here. This could be the key to begin the war between the EX and Cobras."

Jack smiled a bit, "Wait a second..." he grabbed his helmet and checked some of the ports, nothing really matched, "Dang...I was going to say we can use it...But nothing matches that chip...I'd have to take this whole helmet apart, and without it, we're blind for God know's how long...But, if you want, I can give it a shot at downloading the maps...Say...Why carry it around? Why not smash it?" he asked, he gave some ideas of how they can use it to their advantage, since his suit can detect things within a half mile radius if given the chance. But if she chooses to smash it, that's equally good for everyone...But they'd still come after her. "Then there's another idea...but you wouldn't like it..." he said, his other idea consisted of giving the chip to the EX, so they can use it to take out the Cobras, but when they do, then they'd move onto the rest of the country.(?)

Jack grabbed his helmet and checked the ports it had on the inside, that chip matched a port, "We can use that, we can easily evade the Cobras, my suit can detect anything within a half mile radius, using that can give us a chance to survive out here without having to worry about being snuck up on." he said, he would like to help her and her sister out, "But there's one problem, anything that goes into that port, goes to the EX main frame, so the EX will have everything known, and might mobilize to take control, and they can do it fast." he said, feeling that it would be bad both ways with that chip.

"If your talking about giving it to the EX than forget it! They are just a bunch of liars hungry for power." she takes back the chip and sticks it into her pocket. "And I don't plan to destroy it. It took over 25 years to get all this info into the chip. Destroying it might sever and chance of a better world." The sun broke out over the horizon. She would never trust the military again. Not when there killing innocent people.

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MidnightStar said:
"If your talking about giving it to the EX than forget it! They are just a bunch of liars hungry for power." she takes back the chip and sticks it into her pocket. "And I don't plan to destroy it. It took over 25 years to get all this info into the chip. Destroying it might sever and chance of a better world." The sun broke out over the horizon. She would never trust the military again. Not when there killing innocent people.

Jack nodded, "Then let's use it for our own good until we find people to use it correctly, do you want me to take my helmet apart, and put that chip, in here?" he tapped the helmet, "Combine that chip, and the map system in the helmet, we can use it, and find a safe place to be, we're both running away from something, except one of us, has something the other wants." he said, and waited for her answer, hoping that if given the green light, he can take the helmet apart, and put the chip in so they can use it to get around the area.

Sand was now fast asleep against the cleared building walkway, his clothes soaking in a dark crimson.

He didn't seem to be losing much blood, though he would have likely preferred blood loss not to be an issue. He made little noise, and was rooted to place by the metal surrounding his arm and waist.

Casey pulls out the chip and holds it out in front of Jack. 've never trusted someone this much in my entire life. Please.."She gives him genuine smile.

"Don't let me regret it." She hands him the chip and leans her head back on the wall. "How long will it take? We need to get moving as soon as your finished."
MidnightStar said:
Casey pulls out the chip and holds it out in front of Jack. 've never trusted someone this much in my entire life. Please.."She gives him genuine smile.

"Don't let me regret it." She hands him the chip and leans her head back on the wall. "How long will it take? We need to get moving as soon as your finished."
Jack smiled, "Not that long." he said and took the chip to a table with tools around it, he set his helmet down, and started to unscrew the top, after he did, he saw a few chips already inside, so now he had to experiment, he took one out, and put the helmet back on, no music played, and his personal AI and mainframe were still running, "Or...a few minutes..." he took the chip, and slid it into the slot. Then the screen went black. "Uh..."...After a few minutes of pitch black, the screen came to life, with a large map in front of him, "L12A, sit-rep." he said, "System running, loading map..." she said, the map filled up...It was half of the country, old city names, and a perfect lay out of the whole area they were in, the map flew over to the left, showing a counter from where he stood, when it stopped it hovered over around 25 red dots, bandits, they were going away from the area, maybe because of the ran. He took his helmet off and walked back to Casey, "It worked!" he said, "This thing needs to be kept away from anyone who intends to use it for their own good...If it comes down to it Cas, we destroy this...I have half of the damn country showing on a tab, and I'm pretty sure, this needs to be kept away from the EX, and Cobras." he said, "We can go anywhere safely, map will give me exact locations of targets and..." the map started to get a bit fuzzy, then it was gone, as the storm picked up too, only one thing does that when there's a large storm. A satellite, this chip, goes to a satellite, God know's what else that thing has...Bombs? Nukes?! He didn't want to know, "Cas..." he said and sat next to her again, and took the helmet off, and looked at her, "This is going to help us a ton...you know that right?" he said.

Sand half pulled himself to his feet, deliberately blinking a few times. He moved to his feet, his arm cracking against the asphalt. Though, with the mild blood loss and overall disorientation of the situation, he fell back down halfway across the street.
CERBERUS177 said:

Jack smiled, "Not that long." he said and took the chip to a table with tools around it, he set his helmet down, and started to unscrew the top, after he did, he saw a few chips already inside, so now he had to experiment, he took one out, and put the helmet back on, no music played, and his personal AI and mainframe were still running, "Or...a few minutes..." he took the chip, and slid it into the slot. Then the screen went black. "Uh..."...After a few minutes of pitch black, the screen came to life, with a large map in front of him, "L12A, sit-rep." he said, "System running, loading map..." she said, the map filled up...It was half of the country, old city names, and a perfect lay out of the whole area they were in, the map flew over to the left, showing a counter from where he stood, when it stopped it hovered over around 25 red dots, bandits, they were going away from the area, maybe because of the ran. He took his helmet off and walked back to Casey, "It worked!" he said, "This thing needs to be kept away from anyone who intends to use it for their own good...If it comes down to it Cas, we destroy this...I have half of the damn country showing on a tab, and I'm pretty sure, this needs to be kept away from the EX, and Cobras." he said, "We can go anywhere safely, map will give me exact locations of targets and..." the map started to get a bit fuzzy, then it was gone, as the storm picked up too, only one thing does that when there's a large storm. A satellite, this chip, goes to a satellite, God know's what else that thing has...Bombs? Nukes?! He didn't want to know, "Cas..." he said and sat next to her again, and took the helmet off, and looked at her, "This is going to help us a ton...you know that right?" he said.


She smiles happy the chip works. Her rational side wanted to keep the chip and hide it, but the other part of her trusted Jack. She didn't know why she just did. "So, I guess we're officially a group?" Saying group made her stomach clench up. The last group she was one of Black Cobras squad forces. Some of the people we're like her forced to work because Homage was threatening someone they loved. Maybe one day she could free them. "There also some encryption code in there. I only got time to decipher the map, but there's other stuff to. One file listed under EX, but each file requires a different password to get in to."
MidnightStar said:

She smiles happy the chip works. Her rational side wanted to keep the chip and hide it, but the other part of her trusted Jack. She didn't know why she just did. "So, I guess we're officially a group?" Saying group made her stomach clench up. The last group she was one of Black Cobras squad forces. Some of the people we're like her forced to work because Homage was threatening someone they loved. Maybe one day she could free them. "There also some encryption code in there. I only got time to decipher the map, but there's other stuff to. One file listed under EX, but each file requires a different password to get in to."

"L12A, start decoding things, scan before attempting." he said and his AI went to work, "Files might take a week or so to unlock so-"

11254man said:
Sand half pulled himself to his feet, deliberately blinking a few times. He moved to his feet, his arm cracking against the asphalt. Though, with the mild blood loss and overall disorientation of the situation, he fell back down halfway across the street.

Jack stopped when he heard something, "Wait here..." he stood up and took his handgun with him, fully drown, when he got outside, there was a trail of blood, leading into the road(Yes, this is a cliche), he followed the trail and when the lighting and thunder cracked, he saw someone lying in the road, "Dammit! Medic!" he shout out of pure instinct and ran to the person lying in the road. When he reached the person, he saw that it was a man, bleeding and mutated, "Casey! Devil? Anyone!" Jack shouted and lifted the mutated man up and walked him back to the church.", and laid him down on the ground and grabbed his medkit.

(If you don't want me to interact with Sandman, let me know.
Sandman let his eyes creak open into a squint, and quickly found himself in the run down church he had passed on his way towards the voice. He attempted to muster his voice, but, as he was usually too weak to talk, he could only muster up a dry exhale. He turned his head in a very small motion, attempting to assess his situation overall.
11254man said:
Sandman let his eyes creak open into a squint, and quickly found himself in the run down church he had passed on his way towards the voice. He attempted to muster his voice, but, as he was usually too weak to talk, he could only muster up a dry exhale. He turned his head in a very small motion, attempting to assess his situation overall.
Jack looked for a vain to put a small IV in to get blood and water to the man, and found one in his large arm, after plugging the hole(It's a gun shot right?) he patched it and then inserted the IV of the universal blood. "Got a pulse, it's slowly gaining normal speed again...Sir, can you hear me?" Jack asked, he had no idea if the man was awake or not. "My name's Jack, I'm helping you, so please stay calm alright?" he said, the mans arm was very large, and if it was able to move, it can cause some serious damage to everyone else, as Jacks suit it tough. "Alright..." he opened the mans mouth and saw that it was very dry, "Christ almighty..." he said when he saw it, he closed his mouth and modified a water bottle if the water IV ran out.

(his arm was fused to that of a metal exoskeleton, his arm is technically normal sized. Sorry if I was confusing, or if you knew that and I'm being stupid)

His mouth also held within it a large, blister-like growth, almost completely stopping any release of air to his mouth.

Sand blinked a few times, slowly nodding to the man. He forced his eyes the rest of the way open, attempting in vain to produce a "hello". He attempted to move his suitless arm, half tossing it over his blood-spattered chest.
11254man said:
(his arm was fused to that of a metal exoskeleton, his arm is technically normal sized. Sorry if I was confusing, or if you knew that and I'm being stupid)
His mouth also held within it a large, blister-like growth, almost completely stopping any release of air to his mouth.

Sand blinked a few times, slowly nodding to the man. He forced his eyes the rest of the way open, attempting in vain to produce a "hello". He attempted to move his suitless arm, half tossing it over his blood-spattered chest.
Jack was startled by the sudden movement of the mans arm, "Oshit!" he shouted and fell back a bit, but got back up to help, "Alright buddy...I'm going to try and use a needle to get..whatever is in that bubble, into the syringe..." he said, "If it pops...Hate me later..." he said and inserted a syringe into the bubble and took out(EWEWEWEW!!!)puss, the bubble went down in size a bit and air was starting to go down. Jack ran to a corner where nobody would ever think to sit or stand near, and pushed the gunk out, and returned and repeated the process until the bubble was low enough, "Alright, gonna have to keep an eye on that, might swell up." he said and had no choice but to have a tube on hand for breathing. If it started to swell, Jack would insert the tube down the mans throat, clearing an air way.

Sand's right hand clenched into a fist over his chest, his arm becoming rigid in reaction to the pain of the needle. Sand held as still as he could, loudly breathing from his nose. Having had the growth for so long, every feeling within his mouth began to feel quite strange, Down to being able to move the base of his long-numb tongue around. Sand sputtered up noises, air finally escaping from below the growth, now relatively small.
11254man said:
Sand's right hand clenched into a fist over his chest, his arm becoming rigid in reaction to the pain of the needle. Sand held as still as he could, loudly breathing from his nose. Having had the growth for so long, every feeling within his mouth began to feel quite strange, Down to being able to move the base of his long-numb tongue around. Sand sputtered up noises, air finally escaping from below the growth, now relatively small.
Jack Smiled a bit when the man came to life, "Alright, he'll be fine,just needs to rest for bit, and he'll be fine." Jack said to everyone and left a extra Water bottle next to the man.Then he sat back and went back to the map, while keeping a close eye on him.


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