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Futuristic After All, This Is Still Our World (Post-Apocalyptic RP, Open and Accepting!)

MidnightStar said:
Casey and Shay
Casey smiled as Shay walks over with the woman. Casey wanted to yell at Shay, but she was to tired to fight. Suddenly a man came in holding the gun yelling them to put there hands up. Shay and the woman did but out of reflex she pulls the pistol out like her father taught her. "I'm... okay...just stay back!" Casey hands trembled, it was hard to hold up the gun pain shot through her body. She knew the poison would start spreading. She slide in front of Shay knowing if she shot she was bound to miss, so protecting Shay was the only thing on her mind. "I'm...not ...a...bad shot. I wont let you hurt her." she say gasping for air after each word. Shay tried to move, but Casey was much to big for her. She didn't take her eyes off the man in the armor for a split second.

Jack held his hands up and slung the gun behind him, and took his helmet off, revealing his face,(Can't find a good one, CS gives details sorry).

"I can help you...alright? I've come from a military with advanced tech, and medicine if you are in need of any." he said, trying to sound less hostile now, "Look, what's the problem, I used to be a medic where I came from." he said, he grabbed a small medkit, and held it in one hand, "Do you mind if I take a look?" he asked, offering to help, he's killed many civilians for 'mutations', some didn't have any strains of mutation, so now he's trying to help ones that look fine, since his commanders judged books by their covers, "Look, I can step out of my armor if you want. But she looks like she NEEDS help." he said.

(Facepalm, for got to tag! Sorry!)

@rooi @MidnightStar
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"Hands up! Don't move!"

The commanding voice sent Gloria into a panic. Automatically, she moved in between the girls and the suited man. She held her hands out wide, both to shield the girls behind her and to show that she had no weapons or anything else in her hands. "We mean no harm! These girls are hurt, if you can help us that'd be greatly appreciated," she said firmly, attempting to hide the quivering in her voice.

She heard noises coming from behind her and looked over her shoulder to see what the source was. Her eyes widened as she saw the wounded girl hold up a gun. The site was shocking, with the weapon looking so foreign in the girl's delicate hands "What are you doing?!" she spat viciously, whispering to the kid. "You're insane! You're going to get us both killed! Put that thing down!" Gloria felt insanely vulnerable, having guns pointed her in both directions, with one coming from an unknown stranger and the other from a girl half her age.

She has a gun?! Where'd she get a gun? Why don't I have a gun? she thought to herself. Gloria looked back at the man as he started to talk. She wanted to get closer to the girl, to further protect her, but was insanely nervous knowing that the kid had a weapon on her. She lowered her arms and stepped out of the way, giving the stranger a better look at the girls. "Yeah, sure, please do what you can," she responded to the man, her eyes warily darting between him and the girls.
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Casey and Shay

Casey eye grew wide when the man said he was from the military. That was who Casey greatly feared. She gripped the gun tighter. The man had put down the gun, was he truly here to help. Shay reaches out her hands and places them on Casey's. She looks at her sister. She was so scared, she hasn't experience this kind of violence before, unlike Casey. "Stop please, there good. Stop being so stubborn and let someone help you for once." her sister says softly. Casey had lowered the gun to the ground and let it drop with a clink. "I swear if you try to hurt any of us, I swear I'll kill you or die trying." Shay gives a small laugh and stands "She doesn't mean it." she say, but truly knows she would. Casey never goes back on what she has said, never.
@wirt[/URL] @SirGrey [/bg]

November 21st, 2220

Abandoned City

Abandoned Building - Main Floor


10 Days Until Acid Winter

Healing and patching the girl took about an hour, at one time the girl sprung to life and told Connor to search for her sister, he guessed she was just being delirious, so he just hushed her and she fell asleep/passed out again, now she was completely healed, just needing to rest so she doesn't reopen her wounds, guessing that Derek is probably worried sick about him, Connor stood up, and sneaked out of the building, but then, he noticed a figure passing by that was wearing a large red poncho, Connor immediately thought of one of those western heroes that he had read about so much in old comic books, thinking that this figure might be an actual hero, Connor decided to walk behind that figure, and poked him in the back "Excuse me, sir?" Connor asked "Are you a hero from a comic book?" He asked innocently.

@Safety Hammer
(Sorry, I was at work.)

"Huh?" Roland said turning around to see where the little voice was coming from. He smiled at the kid and crouched down to his height.

"Well I dunno, kid. Some people may call me a hero. Other people call me... well, maybe when yer older. What'd you need kid?"
rooi said:
"Hands up! Don't move!"
The commanding voice sent Gloria into a panic. Automatically, she moved in between the girls and the suited man. She held her hands out wide, both to shield the girls behind her and to show that she had no weapons or anything else in her hands. "We mean no harm! These girls are hurt, if you can help us that'd be greatly appreciated," she said firmly, attempting to hide the quivering in her voice.

She heard noises coming from behind her and looked over her shoulder to see what the source was. Her eyes widened as she saw the wounded girl hold up a gun. The site was shocking, with the weapon looking so foreign in the girl's delicate hands "What are you doing?!" she spat viciously, whispering to the kid. "You're insane! You're going to get us both killed! Put that thing down!" Gloria felt insanely vulnerable, having guns pointed her in both directions, with one coming from an unknown stranger and the other from a girl half her age.

She has a gun?! Where'd she get a gun? Why don't I have a gun? she thought to herself. Gloria looked back at the man as he started to talk. She wanted to get closer to the girl, to further protect her, but was insanely nervous knowing that the kid had a weapon on her. She lowered her arms and stepped out of the way, giving the stranger a better look at the girls. "Yeah, sure, please do what you can," she responded to the man, her eyes warily darting between him and the girls.

Jack nodded and walked slowly to the wounded girl, she still was pointing the gun at him, but she had a right, big man in armor and red eyes coming from the helmet. He knelt down next to her, and jabbed her arm with a needle and took a small blood sample, and inserted it into a little box, it had a screen that popped up with the toxins, and what was needed to cure the poison. He went into the medical box and took out a syringe, the liqud inside was pink, and kind of glowing.

"Alright, this is a universal cure, only one I got that can take care of what you got...please be mindful of the pain you will experience when it gets into your stream and starts to work, please forgive me hun, morphine will just stop the process, but after it is done, you will feel relief." he said and injected the cure into her arm. The sound of a former friend screaming as it worked on him came back, the man didn't stop screaming, until his throat was raw, then Jack gave her a dose of a
paralyzer, this was made to stop the movement of the body, and to keep the person quiet. It was made for capture missions, but was also used to keep soldiers quiet until the cure was done doing it's thing, "She will not move or scream for a good minute while it works, I'm sure you don't want to hear her screams, and I've heard enough of screams before...using this, but trust me, these never failed, and the person that they were used on make a full recovery." he said reassuring everyone.

Casey collapse into the man her body slowly becoming numb. Shay started to help but Casey shook he away. She looks at the man and woman they were defiantly older than her and could care for Shay. "Please, if something goes wrong..."She looks at Shay then back at the two. "Please, keep her safe..." she says with a smile. She felt so vulnerable asking for help but in the state she was in she didn't know if she would survive.


"Casey it's gonna be okay. You wont die you promised we would find dad." She grabs Casey's hand watching her sister. "I love you."
Gloria stood out of the way. She cringed as the stranger inserted the needle in the girl. The poor thing, but if this was going to make her better, Gloria supposed it was for the best. Her heart ached as the two girls exchanged words. They were looking for someone they loved too, much like she was. She didn't know if she should say something reassuring to the girl, or to thank the man. Instead, she remained quiet, with her eyes downcast.
MidnightStar said:
Casey collapse into the man her body slowly becoming numb. Shay started to help but Casey shook he away. She looks at the man and woman they were defiantly older than her and could care for Shay. "Please, if something goes wrong..."She looks at Shay then back at the two. "Please, keep her safe..." she says with a smile. She felt so vulnerable asking for help but in the state she was in she didn't know if she would survive.


"Casey it's gonna be okay. You wont die you promised we would find dad." She grabs Casey's hand watching her sister. "I love you."
(Jacks 16...just uh...just saying...)

Jack nodded and kept an eye on the vitals, they wnet crazy, but that was normal, since she was feeling a ton of pain, but can't scream to express them, "She's...well...Normal in a way, her vitals are as average for someone who's going under the treatment...if it starts to go any higher, I'll get her with some morphine. But I've never seen anyone die from this, and the people who went under it were around the ages of 13-17, yeah, our military was so messed up, but they needed the help, and brave souls offered their hands, most of the younger ones are still..." her vitals spiked but went back to average, "...in service, one told me he was 11 when he joined, and he was 37 when I joined up, I was 14 when I did, been a good 2 years fighting, and trying to make this world normal again..." her vitals stayed normal through the worse of it, and now her vitals were completely normal. But the cure was still hard at work, the good minute was up, and she should feel no pain, but till feel a bit weak. "Alright...I guess I should intoduce my self, since now this one can respond. I'm EX-Corporal Jackson, you can call me Jack or Max if you want...And sorry for the door kicking and gun, training is something I can't get rid of..." he said and turned his helmet and most of his suit off, since he was starting to sweat in 67 degree cold. "...My pack has some extra water, if any of you need it...I only took it if my suit could produce anymore water...trust me, you do NOT want to know how..." he said, and opened his pack, revealing some nasty MRE's he would never eat, and 9 bottles of water. "Take what you want. I don't need the water at the moment, and I ate something better than those MRE's a little while ago." he said and smiled at everyone, he grabbed a water bottle and opened it, "Want me to pour it in? It's cold..." he said as she might not be able to move.

MidnightStar said:
Casey collapse into the man her body slowly becoming numb. Shay started to help but Casey shook he away. She looks at the man and woman they were defiantly older than her and could care for Shay. "Please, if something goes wrong..."She looks at Shay then back at the two. "Please, keep her safe..." she says with a smile. She felt so vulnerable asking for help but in the state she was in she didn't know if she would survive.


"Casey it's gonna be okay. You wont die you promised we would find dad." She grabs Casey's hand watching her sister. "I love you."
(Don't you fucking kill her, dammit.)
Gloria gave Jack a skeptical look as he explained who he was. "How old are you, like 15?" she questioned. This kid was incredibly well spoken for how young he was. She remembered how she acted when she was a teenager: a complete mess, like pretty much every stereotypical teenage girl. She chuckled to herself, rolling her eyes at the stupidity of her past self. Her eyes didn't leave the girl, and she was still not completely sure this Jack guy was going to be able to save her. She unconsciously pulled down her left sleeve as she remembered the dull ache of her mutation.

"You're a corporal, hm," she muttered, putting her thumb to her chin. "I wasn't even aware an actual army was still established."
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"No, I'm fine..." Casey could see Shay kneeling beside her. "She needs something to eat and drink. Don't let her fool you other wise, we haven't ate in a week." Casey couldn't see her but she knew the woman with them was near by. "And tell her to come over here, she probably could use food to."


"You need shut up and think about yourself. Since we've left the wastelands you have refused all help for yourself. When you ask for food you just ask for me to have some and you only eat a little and then you go and use the last of the supplies last week to heal just a small wound of mind. What if no one came to help what would happened then..." She had never been this scared before, if her sister died she have no one. She grabs one of the waters and stands. "Thanks for the water. I'm gonna sit alone for a little while. She walks away and sits on the other side of the building.


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rooi said:
Gloria gave Jack a skeptical look as he explained who he was. "How old are you, like 15?" she questioned. This kid was incredibly well spoken for how young he was. She remembered how she acted when she was a teenager: a complete mess, like pretty much every stereotypical teenage girl. She chuckled to herself, rolling her eyes at the stupidity of her past self. Her eyes didn't leave the girl, and she was still not completely sure this Jack guy was going to be able to save her. She unconsciously pulled down her left sleeve as she remembered the dull ache of her mutation.
"You're a corporal, hm," she muttered, putting her thumb to her chin. "I wasn't even aware an actual army was still established."

Jack glanced at the lady a tad bit older than him, then too a second look at the arm, training almost kicked in, but he resisted, he's not a killer anymore, and she was being nice to him, "I'm 16 actually..." Jack said and took a metal plate off of his arm, revealing his blood type, birthday, rank, and family members, which, sadly enough was his mother, who was also in the EX, but she was a higher rank before she died, almost over lapping the General. "The Exterminas are a new age military, set to cleaning this continent first, then moving on to the rest of the world, bringing diplomacy everywhere they went...Mom was almost leading them, until she died in combat, overwhelmed by enemy mutants and other things alike...Bastards wanted me to join, so they went into deep detail of what they found when they arrived to help...torn to shreds, nothing but a torso...saying last words...They wanted me to hate mutants, wanted me to be a killer, but a lot of good that did them." he said and put the gel back, then the Kevlar, then the metal plate back and sealed it tight.

MidnightStar said:
"No, I'm fine..." Casey could see Shay kneeling beside her. "She needs something to eat and drink. Don't let her fool you other wise, we haven't ate in a week." Casey couldn't see her but she knew the woman with them was near by. "And tell her to come over here, she probably could use food to."


"You need shut up and think about yourself. Since we've left the wastelands you have refused all help for yourself. When you ask for food you just ask for me to have some and you only eat a little and then you go and use the last of the supplies last week to heal just a small wound of mind. What if no one came to help what would happened then..." She had never been this scared before, if her sister died she have no one. She grabs one of the waters and stands. "Thanks for the water. I'm gonna sit alone for a little while. She walks away and sits on the other side of the building.

Jack nodded and handed the wounded girl a water bottle, "She cares for you...are very lucky to still have family...unlike myself. Miss..." he looked at the lady with the burnt looking arm, "Can you go make sure her...I'm guessing, sister, is safe, I've seen some bandits a few miles back, and I don't want to know where they're going, so if you hear, and I mean it, if you hear a engine, grab her and run back in here...Those bastards are hyped up on something firce, and I don't want any of us to be their toys today..." Jack said and cracked an MRE open, it had some crackers and a sad excuse for a cookie, "This is the only good thing in that bag, have them." he offered them to the wounded girl, "Now...can I have your name miss?" he asked, he needed to know so he can talk to them accordingly.

Shay feet cracked under the rocks outside. She hated leaving like that but she hated to see her sister like that. She sat down outside and began to drank her water that Jack gave her.


Casey took the cookie and drank sips of the water. When Jacks ask for her name it made her nervous. "It's, uh... my name" How could she trust him. Sure he helped her, but he was military. What if he found out about some of the things she did in the wasteland, they weren't exactly legal, and if they found out her age they might take Shay away.
On a street near the center of the abandoned city, Sand stumbled, half asleep, half awake. His pack seemed especially heavy against his back, not aided by the metal arm scraping against the now cobbled asphalt.

"Kshnnk" "Kshnnk"

His walk was slow, making him easy prey for the mutated beasts and... unfriendly humans that were abound in Arena. He held a small pistol, a CZ-45, wedged against what remained of the suit chest-piece. Sand pressed on, making his way to a base of one of the apartment buildings. The door was locked.

"G-good..." Sand muttered, his voice coarse and rather subdued. He took a small device from his pack, like a key, but very thin. He pushed it into the keyhole, pressing his finger against the side of the key. A click signified the skeleton key's activation, and with a simple rotation of his wrist, the door found itself unlocked for the first time in a few centuries. He dragged his arm inside.

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MidnightStar said:
Shay feet cracked under the rocks outside. She hated leaving like that but she hated to see her sister like that. She sat down outside and began to drank her water that Jack gave her.


Casey took the cookie and drank sips of the water. When Jacks ask for her name it made her nervous. "It's, uh... my name" How could she trust him. Sure he helped her, but he was military. What if he found out about some of the things she did in the wasteland, they weren't exactly legal, and if they found out her age they might take Shay away.
(Was not notifed of this post)

Jack smiled a bit, "If you think I'm still with them, I'm not, I killed two of my commanding officers, and left. Been walking for a good three days now." he looked at his shoulders and saw the patch paint still there, he took his kukri knife out and started to scratch the paint off. "Trust me, I will never go back to them, they blinded me and led me down a road of sadness, made me kill innocent people, for their own gain...I even ripped the tracking device they shoved into my hand, hurt like hell getting it out, but I didn't want them to find me." he said, he took his glove off and showed a medium sized hole in the middle of his palm, "I mean, if you don't want to trust me, that's fine, I don't blame you, but know this, if you tend to survive out here, you might want to consider me, I've been fighting in battles since I was 14, killing far gone mutants, bandits." he said, trying to make My Name trust him, "So, My Name...I hope you can see that, no matter what, I'm no longer a soldier, more of a, outlaw, criminal. But, I do have a heart and a soul." he said and leaned back a bit.

(On my phone, so it doesn't look very pretty, sorry)

A scream startled Corria. She wielded the gun at her side and hurrily dashed towards the sound. The voice sounded young, so even more so she wanted to find out what happened. Being cautious of her surroundings, Corria avoided battle with mutated amalgamations and found herself looking at two people. One girl was wounded and Corria's instincts kicked in. She didn't pack many emergency kits, so she knew she wouldn't be much help, but being behind the scenes, she watched as the events in front of her unfolded. She quickly learned the situation and a little bit about these strangers, but yet once again, another loud noise startled Corria. This time, a male voice which held a gun to the girls. Frowning, Corria aimed her gun at his head and stalked her way forward. However, the man proved to be friendly and even gave the injured girl an injection of hopefully medicine.

Sighing, Corria lowered her weapon slightly and backed away deeper into the shadows, scanning the area for the parts she needs to fix the stupid generator for once and for all. She listened in on the conversation and kept her footsteps silent, slowly stepping her way around the room.
[QUOTE="Popplio Princess](On my phone, so it doesn't look very pretty, sorry)
A scream startled Corria. She wielded the gun at her side and hurrily dashed towards the sound. The voice sounded young, so even more so she wanted to find out what happened. Being cautious of her surroundings, Corria avoided battle with mutated amalgamations and found herself looking at two people. One girl was wounded and Corria's instincts kicked in. She didn't pack many emergency kits, so she knew she wouldn't be much help, but being behind the scenes, she watched as the events in front of her unfolded. She quickly learned the situation and a little bit about these strangers, but yet once again, another loud noise startled Corria. This time, a male voice which held a gun to the girls. Frowning, Corria aimed her gun at his head and stalked her way forward. However, the man proved to be friendly and even gave the injured girl an injection of hopefully medicine.

Sighing, Corria lowered her weapon slightly and backed away deeper into the shadows, scanning the area for the parts she needs to fix the stupid generator for once and for all. She listened in on the conversation and kept her footsteps silent, slowly stepping her way around the room.

(Uh...Hope you read my second post on the first page, it'll make sense)

Jack grabbed his helmet to listen to music, then on that little black map, was a white dot, 'What the hell does white mean?' he thought, but didn't care to find out, instead he undid the latch on his sidearm holster and scanned the room, "L12A, turn the red up a bit...Thermal if possible." ,"Yes user...Thermal not functioning." that didn't matter, he turned the brightness up on his red eyes, making a red hue, the white dot was a bit further away, "I hope you just leave..who ever you are! We don't want any trouble! If you want to show yourself, by all means do, but keep any hands where I can see them!" he shouted, expecting someone...or something, to hear him...mabye the white dot was just a dying rat or something, but he still called out, "If I do not see this white dot go away, I will look for you! Trust me, I want to stay peaceful here!" he shouted. "Better be a dying rat...swear to go I don't feel safe right now, no eyes on." he said glancing behind him.

(If you don't feel like being pulled into this, tell me and I'll delete this)


"Well that makes two of us. Look I'm sorry. It's just...never mind. My names Casey and my sister's name is Shay. Sorry for are fight early since are dad gone missing she's been extra stubborn." She sighs closing her eyes. "Man I can't do anything..." Jacks suddenly springs to life talking to someone. Maybe it was Shay. No, it's not her. "Hey! If your not hostile show yourself, but if you are I come a fighting if that's what your looking for!"

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
MidnightStar said:
"Well that makes two of us. Look I'm sorry. It's just...never mind. My names Casey and my sister's name is Shay. Sorry for are fight early since are dad gone missing she's been extra stubborn." She sighs closing her eyes. "Man I can't do anything..." Jacks suddenly springs to life talking to someone. Maybe it was Shay. No, it's not her. "Hey! If your not hostile show yourself, but if you are I come a fighting if that's what your looking for!"

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
Jack looked at her, "Please, stay behind me. I don't want you to get hurt..." he said and unslung his rifle, and loaded in a drum mag of 52 rounds, and cocked it and aimed around a few times and just looked around, "I knew you guys were here from a mini map built into my helmet, and right now, I see 1 too many dots on it...White means unknown being I guess...So be ready." he said and looked around, there was a window, and one door, so he led Casey to a small dead end, where a shelf unit and a solid wall was to their left and right, and crouched behind the wall that was facing the door, and peeked around with his gun aimed at the door, "I hate when I can't see what I'm talking to, and I hate when I can't get a good sense of where the target is." he said.


Casey sets up and sits on her knees. Her body was starting to feel better, but it still ached. She pulls out her pistol and stays behind Jacks. As much as she wanted to help she was useless in this condition. "Please, we mean no harm. Just come out slowly."

CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
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"Guess I'm caught, huh?" Corria thought to herself. She sheaths her weapon and puts both hands up as she steps forward, making her feet sound loudly against the floor as she reveals herself from the darkness. "I want no trouble, I'm simply looking for parts and you happened to be in the same room." She explained, her goat-like pupils surveying each of them closely. "Here, I'll even tell you my name if that gets you to trust me. I'm Corria, though some people call me the devil lady." She shared, hoping that she could soon lower her hands and gain their trust. The title was commonly used by her clients since most of them didn't care to learn her name anyway. However, the name was probably less obvious since her horns were recently cut down to fit under her hood. Extra protection from them, especially an ex-soldier, would be nice in this area. It would lessen the chance of danger if there were more fighting people with her.
[QUOTE="Popplio Princess]"Guess I'm caught, huh?" Corria thought to herself. She sheaths her weapon and puts both hands up as she steps forward, making her feet sound loudly against the floor as she reveals herself from the darkness. "I want no trouble, I'm simply looking for parts and you happened to be in the same room." She explained, her goat-like pupils surveying each of them closely. "Here, I'll even tell you my name if that gets you to trust me. I'm Corria, though some people call me the devil lady." She shared, hoping that she could soon lower her hands and gain their trust. The title was commonly used by her clients since most of them didn't care to learn her name anyway. However, the name was probably less obvious since her horns were recently cut down to fit under her hood. Extra protection from them, especially an ex-soldier, would be nice in this area. It would lessen the chance of danger if there were more fighting people with her.

Jack walked up to her, and recognized her face, from wanted posters, "Hey you...We never met, but I've heard stories of you from the EX soldiers, Casey, you can lay your gun down...just a bit, she's hated by my people, so I'm sure she's not...fully hostile." he said and flicked his selecta-fire to semi auto, it was as close to 'safety' as he was going to get with her, "So...generator, so you got like...a settlement or something around here?" Jack asked her, feeling that helping Casey find a safer place to rest would be best. "By the way, I'm not with them anymore, so you can rest a bit easy...But make a move to harm any of us, and I'll end you..." he said.


Casey recognized her to, but not from any wanted posters. She decided to not to say anything for now. "Jacks she cool. Chill out, I don't think this is the time to be fighting right now."She stands and limps over towards the two. "So, your a scavenger ,huh, do you work with someone or do you work alone?" Casey knew the girl but wasn't sure if she was working for the man she was thinking. If she was well... She just hopes she wasn't.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess

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Corria smirked. "Apparently I'm popular." She knew that she caused a lot of trouble to the authority, but she never knew that she was a common topic to talk about. Being bombarded with questions, she decided to answer them in order. "A settlement? Not really. I move around a lot and try to pass the location on to my customers. But I do have a place I'm sort of staying at. Seeing as we have an injury... probably want somewhere to rest? And the generator is for a customer. And yes, I work alone. I haven't worked with someone in... years. And calm down, Mr. Ex-Soldier. I'm not planning on harming anyone. Quite the opposite, really, I'd like to help you guys." She decided that it was alright to rest her arms, so she lowered them, still looking at every character in the room.

@MidnightStar @CERBERUS177

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