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Futuristic After All, This Is Still Our World (Post-Apocalyptic RP, Open and Accepting!)

MidnightStar said:
Casey recognized her to, but not from any wanted posters. She decided to not to say anything for now. "Jacks she cool. Chill out, I don't think this is the time to be fighting right now."She stands and limps over towards the two. "So, your a scavenger ,huh, do you work with someone or do you work alone?" Casey knew the girl but wasn't sure if she was working for the man she was thinking. If she was well... She just hopes she wasn't.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
@MidnightStar[/URL] @CERBERUS177

Jack slid the safety on and slung the gun behind him, "Alright, my name's Jack by the way." he said and smiled a bit, "Alright, let's pack up, and get going, Casey, take a seat, I'll go pack what's needed." he said and packed up the food and water, and packed the medical gear too, and clipped them on his back, and took his helmet off and stood with the 2 girls. But was going to stay quiet for a bit, and just help them out to the safe place.

(I'm going to bed, Jack will follow you guys, since well...I'm going to bed and all, Goodnight everyone, I'll be on tomorrow.)


Shay yawns and stretches her arms. She most've fell asleep. 'Was Casey, okay.' She looks at her watch. It's Been about thirty minutes. She decided to for a little longer before going back inside. She decided to take in the clear air that back in the wasteland was ever this clean. Always a chance of getting sickness. How here and Casey had survived this long she wasn't sure.


Casey walks slowly to a window hoping to see her sister. She was outside with the woman both of them just resting. Casey sighs. "Gosh, I'm so glad you okay." She says leaning on the wall.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
(I'M BACK, sorry, sadly I have a life, and therefore I have to sleep, but Jesus Christ, it amazes me how much you people can write in one day, give me a second to read all the new responses.)
MidnightStar said:
Shay yawns and stretches her arms. She most've fell asleep. 'Was Casey, okay.' She looks at her watch. It's Been about thirty minutes. She decided to for a little longer before going back inside. She decided to take in the clear air that back in the wasteland was ever this clean. Always a chance of getting sickness. How here and Casey had survived this long she wasn't sure.


Casey walks slowly to a window hoping to see her sister. She was outside with the woman both of them just resting. Casey sighs. "Gosh, I'm so glad you okay." She says leaning on the wall.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
Jack was done packing the food and water, "Hey, is Shay ok? Haven't heard from her in a while." Jack asked. Then he took his helmet and laid in on a chair, turning the helmet off so the red lights wouldn't shine on everyone, Jack wanted to get going, since he wasn't sure if it was safe there, and he was pretty tired himself, he hasn't slept in a day, and is in need of some rest.

"Damn... I really need to find those parts..." Corria thought to herself, pinching the bridge of her forehead. Sighing, she looked at the others. "Ready to go? It'll take us about an hour to get there... Probably more since we can't take the shortcuts." She explained. She surveyed the area one more time, noticed a particular part nearby, and dashed to it, grabbing the first of quite a few missing parts she needs to find. "Alright, lets go before we run into trouble." Corria waited for all of them to be ready and then started to lead the way, making sure the tread slowly to avoid confusion while taking the countless winding back alleys.

@MidnightStar @CERBERUS177
@MidnightStar[/URL] @CERBERUS177
Jack smiled and donned his helmet, and turned it on so they could use the map as a detecting system, "Um...Are there any radio towers nerby or something alike? That'd help me, and I guess us a ton. When I get to it, and hack into the frame, my map will reveal the whole area, buildings and all." he said, and grabbed his gun and stood with Devil, checking the gun he has, making sure that it will work when needed. "Alright, I'm ready, locked and loaded, just need targets." he said, his voice electronic coming from the helmet.

Casey and Shay

Casey came out of her daze. "Let me grab Shay and that woman, it will take just a second." She opens the door a motions for the two to come inside. As the three walk in Casey gives Jacks and Corria a nod. "Guess we're ready." As the words come out of her mouth Shay tugs at her arm. "I don't want to Casey. We will be fine on are own, please I don't want to go with them." Casey sighs and kneels down to get level with Shay. "Do you remember what dad always told us." Shay nods. "He says to go with you heart and my heart says we should go with them. It will be our own new adventure with a few friends." Shay smiles and hugs her sister. "Okay, Ill trust you heart." Casey stands putting her backpack on her back. She grips Shay hand tightly and nods towards Jacks.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess

(I have to go to a softball game tonight so I wont be able to reply until way later tonight.)
[QUOTE="Moon Star](I'M BACK, sorry, sadly I have a life, and therefore I have to sleep, but Jesus Christ, it amazes me how much you people can write in one day, give me a second to read all the new responses.)

(I stayed up really late last night posting. Probably wont get to post till late tonight or tomorrow morning, though.)
MidnightStar said:
Casey and Shay
Casey came out of her daze. "Let me grab Shay and that woman, it will take just a second." She opens the door a motions for the two to come inside. As the three walk in Casey gives Jacks and Corria a nod. "Guess we're ready." As the words come out of her mouth Shay tugs at her arm. "I don't want to Casey. We will be fine on are own, please I don't want to go with them." Casey sighs and kneels down to get level with Shay. "Do you remember what dad always told us." Shay nods. "He says to go with you heart and my heart says we should go with them. It will be our own new adventure with a few friends." Shay smiles and hugs her sister. "Okay, Ill trust you heart." Casey stands putting her backpack on her back. She grips Shay hand tightly and nods towards Jacks.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess

(I have to go to a softball game tonight so I wont be able to reply until way later tonight.)
MidnightStar said:
(I stayed up really late last night posting. Probably wont get to post till late tonight or tomorrow morning, though.)
(Take your time, no rush)

Jack smiled under his helmet, "Alright, let's head out...I would say I'd take point, but...where are we going exactly?" Jack said and looked at Devil, "I mean, if you want, I can take point, since I have armor that out does most here...you guys only go..jeans, hoodies and t shirts..." he said, he wanted to be first, just in case they ran into trouble, he would take most of the attacks and then be able to deal it back and kill the targets with ease.

After over an hour of taking continuous winding back alleys and avoiding as many crowds as possible, the group finally made it to their destination. "We're going to what I've called home for abouttt... a month. So don't touch anything." Corria warned, leading them all to a secret passage into what seemed like the ruins of an old church. Streams of sunlight poured in through the windows, lighting up the building with many hues from the stained glass designs. Rubble and destruction was littering the area and only a small area of the room was somewhat tidy with a single sheet laid out as a crude bed and the rest of the spot was scattered with tools and scraps of all sorts of strange creations. "It isn't much, but it's keeping me alive, so I think that should be enough." She said, leaning on a broken pillar and staring at them. "I don't have any medical supplies, but you can use the bed for now. Just try to make yourself as comfortable as possible." She turned her back on them but yet tried to keep an eye on the strangers to make sure they weren't up to anything. Corria dashed to a workbench where a generator stood on, broken and missing several pieces. Keeping herself busy, she started to work on adding the new part she gained from the haunted building.

@MidnightStar @CERBERUS177
@MidnightStar[/URL] @CERBERUS177
Jack helped Casey to the bed and laid her down and put another bottle of water next to her if she needed it, the Jack looked around, he saw a ruined cross and broken art windows consisting of pieces of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Marry, "Kid of uh...un holy for you to be in here don't'cha think? Your name and all that kind of...explains it too." he said as he took a seat on a long bench, he forgot the name of it, since it's been forever since he's been to a church, "Any like...Area's for STAG? I mean, guarding? I can stand guard somewhere, just in case one of the crowds saw one of us. Bandits are sneaky that way..." he said.


As soon as Casey laid down she fell instantly asleep. She hadn't sleep well for several days, it felt nice to get some rest without worrying about bandits or the military.


Shay walks over to Jacks and taps him on the shoulder. "Hey, um, Jack can I talk to you for a moment." she asks. She was afraid he wouldn't take her seriously only being eleven, but there was somethings she needed to ask him.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
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MidnightStar said:
As soon as Casey laid down she fell instantly asleep. She hadn't sleep well for several days, it felt nice to get some rest without worrying about bandits or the military.


Shay walks over to Jacks and taps him on the shoulder. "Hey, um, Jack can I talk to you for a moment." she asks. She was afraid he wouldn't take her seriously only being eleven, but there was somethings she needed to ask him.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
Jack smiled at her, "Sure sweetie, you have my full attention." he said and knelt down in front of her, and took his helmet off, and put it under his arm and set his gun on a chair next to him. As to seem not too threatening to her.


She gives him a smile happy that he was listening to her. "First, I wanted to say thank you for helping my sister. Second, please try to be carefully with my sister. She has been through a lot. And well I feel bad she's hurt and all. To be honest, I'm kinda happy we decided to come with you. Casey has never had a friend her age before unlike me. She was always busy doing jobs and stuff. She dropped out of school last year and has been teaching herself as well. So what I'm trying to say is... just don't hurt her." Shay lets out a breath waiting for Jacks reply.

MidnightStar said:
She gives him a smile happy that he was listening to her. "First, I wanted to say thank you for helping my sister. Second, please try to be carefully with my sister. She has been through a lot. And well I feel bad she's hurt and all. To be honest, I'm kinda happy we decided to come with you. Casey has never had a friend her age before unlike me. She was always busy doing jobs and stuff. She dropped out of school last year and has been teaching herself as well. So what I'm trying to say is... just don't hurt her." Shay lets out a breath waiting for Jacks reply.

(I would never!)

Jack felt a bit shocked, "I promise, I will never hurt her. You have my word." he said, "I an relate to her too, never had friends at the academy, or in my platoon, well, the one I ran away from, those guys would kill me if given the chance, "But yeah...I was glad to help, and I'm happy you think that..." he said and stood back up, grabbed his gun, "I'm going to go keep watch alright? Feel free to come talk to me if you need something." he said and put his helmet on, and walked to a window that had a small slat of light coming through it.


After Jacks walks off Shay walks over and sits on the floor beside the bed her sister laid in. She opens up her backpack and pulls out a coloring book and crayons. They were very rare to get these days and Casey was able to get her hands on two of them. The go for a collectable item, but Casey said she hated to sale such a good thing. She stretches out on her stomach and begins coloring humming to a random song.


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In no time at all, the new addition is added to the still broken generator. "I'm not a holy person. And the devil thing is only a title my clients use. Feel free to use it, though." Corria responded to the soldier man. He conversed with the girls and soon left. She watched him leave before she headed to a small box. Popping open the cover, she grabs a cylinder and closes it again. She cracks it open and takes a long drink. By the time she's done with her large gulp, she sits down somewhat near the two girls, one which is now sleeping. Watching them for a bit, she asks, "So why were you two in a dangerous place such as that building?" Almost no one entered it and now there was a whole group of people who happened to go at the same time. Hopefully, she could learn more about these people to at least not have to call them strangers.

@MidnightStar @CERBERUS177
MidnightStar said:
After Jacks walks off Shay walks over and sits on the floor beside the bed her sister laid in. She opens up her backpack and pulls out a coloring book and crayons. They were very rare to get these days and Casey was able to get her hands on two of them. The go for a collectable item, but Casey said she hated to sale such a good thing. She stretches out on her stomach and begins coloring humming to a random song.



Jack sat on a barrel that was by the window, it was big enough to shove his pistol out, but the wood was rotted, so he can easily bust it out. He also started to sing, but very quietly, hoping nobody hears him. A good song from an old world band back in 2015, he was happy his helmet was able to find songs from back then.

"I spoke to God today, and she said that she's ashamed. What have I become? What have I done?...I spoke to the Devil today, and he swears he's not to blame, and I understood...Because I feel the same...Eye's wide open! I stand alone! I'm no Hero, and I'm not made of stone!" he sang softly, thinking about the good days with his mom and him, going to the city to see the lights, and go to the restaurants that were there too...when she wasn't at work that is.

(Edited with a better song fit for Jack)
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"Well, are father went missing about a month ago on a job. We were kick out of are shack because are father was assumed dead. The only reason we had a home was because dad was able to get parts to help the military." She scribbles something in her book and continues. "So we left the Wastelands hoping Casey could find a better line of work. Let's just say her work back in the wastelands wasn't well..." She stops and continues drawing. "You have a mutation right. Can I see them?" She says pointing at her head.


Casey moans a little but turns over and continues to sleep quietly.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
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Corria sighted sadly, thinking back to her past. She was also kicked out, though it was by her own mother. That bitch couldn't care less about her, and since all she wanted was her greedy possessions, it wasn't long till Corria was kicked out. Only a month after her father's passing, and her mother didn't even shed a tear for him. Her father... she missed him everyday. But after he died and she was kicked out, she had to learn fast how to survive or else she would die too. Corria hopes that she could help these girls have a better life than she had growing up. Maybe, that was why she survived for all these years: to make the life of even one person a little better.

Looking down on Shay after her question, Corria smirked. "Most kids are scared of my mutation, yet they all still ask that question. If you really want to, go ahead. Be careful though, I just recently cut them off." She said, kneeling next to Shay and pushing off her hood, exposing two stumps on her head. It raised about two inches off of her head, already growing back after a week of being cut off.


"Don't worry I'm not scared." Shay sets up to get a better view of Corria's horns. She looks at them mesmerized. "Wow that's amazing!" she says grinning from ear to ear. "Why do you hid them? I bet they are beautiful when they aren't chopped off." She picks up the coloring book and continues to color. She glances over at Casey, the girl can certainly sleep when she let's herself.

CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
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Corria sits next to Shay, smiling. "Because adults get scared. And if people are scared of me, then I won't get as many jobs. Besides, then I wouldn't be able to put my hood up." She rubs her thumb gently against the freshly cut horns, wincing a little. It was a part of her, so it's understandable that it would hurt like hell to cut them off. "So, any other questions you have?" Corria asks Shay, watching her color in her book.


Casey sets up and let's out a yawn. She sees Shay sitting on the floor coloring and beside her sat Corria. She reaches down and rubs Shay on the head. "Having fun there. Don't mess it up, those things are priceless." She looks over at Corria with a small smile. "I don't think I've introduced myself properly." she extends a hand toward her. "Names Casey and this fuzz ball here is Shay, but she probably already told you that huh. I hope she isn't talking your ear off. If she hasn't yet surely she will." She let's out a laugh.


Shay ignores her and continues to color.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
MidnightStar said:
Casey sets up and let's out a yawn. She sees Shay sitting on the floor coloring and beside her sat Corria. She reaches down and rubs Shay on the head. "Having fun there. Don't mess it up, those things are priceless." She looks over at Corria with a small smile. "I don't think I've introduced myself properly." she extends a hand toward her. "Names Casey and this fuzz ball here is Shay, but she probably already told you that huh. I hope she isn't talking your ear off. If she hasn't yet surely she will." She let's out a laugh.


Shay ignores her and continues to color.

@CERBERUS177 @Popplio Princess
Jack walked back over, and sat on the floor by everyone, "Nothing so far... Permission to pass out ma'am's?" he asked, ready to fall back and fall asleep. He hasn't slept in a day, and needed sleep.


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