• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Afflictions of Atavaria (ooc)

Faydflowright Faydflowright Terrier B Terrier B animegirl20 animegirl20 Megilagor Megilagor
mizton mizton AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Lost Echo Lost Echo

Hey, hope everyone had a good weekend! Here's a quick update:

-For everyone who hasn't yet gotten me their reserve code(s), please do so by Wednesday. Again, if you have trouble with the code or finding an FC, lmk and I'll help you out.
Reminder: Heirs need a first AND a last name, as well as some background info on their family for the Lore page. Also races and genders have been listed in the roster- please make sure your characters are aligned with them ^^

-Once you post your reserve code(s), please plot with your Guide or Heir, as well as with the other member of your character's race, and at least one other person (though the more, the better).

-Once your reserve(s) and your plots are done, you're free to post a full character sheet in the CS page.

Since Savannah has pulled out of the RP, we are also in need of a Mer Heir. Does anyone have a friend they would like to recruit for this? If not, I will go ahead and post an interest check to fill the spot.

Current reserves can be found below- happy plotting!

Human - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 6
Current age: 18

Ever since she was a baby people had always said she had a doll like appearance. Her mother use to call her, her little Doll. When she was 3 Kara went through a traumatic experience. She was kidnapped by some crazed occultist group and unfortunately she did suffer injury from it. They were using her to try to perform strange rituals and summon spirits which ended up her losing her right eye and left leg. She has a glass eye that looks identical to her left one and she has a prosthetic leg that goes to up her midthigh. People later started calling her the Porcelain Doll seeing her as fragile. Because of what happened they hired a maid that was with her around the clock to watch and take care of her. Every since that happened to her she started see spirits. Things the regular mortal eye could not. She tried to tell her parents however they never took it seriously just thinking she was playing with imaginary friends. She see's good and bad spirits which she would call the bad ones the monsters under her bed. Also every now and then she has nightmares of that day and nightmares stemming from evil spirits. She hates what happened to her she feels like a burden and doesn't like it when people treat her as if she's fragile.

Cheerful and high-spirited, Kara is a playful, active, and generally positive girl that always finds something to be excited or passionate about. She struggles to read the mood of a situation, which means she sometimes does or say things that don't help or make no sense. She loves reading, she mostly tends to read romantic books and tearjerkers. She enjoys making and eating sweets. She also likes cute things like clothing and stuffed animals but she wants to be seen as cool, strong, brave and grown up by others.


Theriander - Male

Age on the day of the attack:
Current age:

Little blurb about who they are- their family/personal history, and their personality.


Mer - Female

Age on the day of the attack:
Current age:

Little blurb about who they are- their family/personal history, and their personality.


Mer - Maid

Age on the day of the attack: 18
Current age: 30

That night, Talora wasn’t the strongest in illusions or enchantments. Her strength was her knowledge of the human world. She’d begged to come to learn more about them: she took every chance to mingle whenever they stopped on their journey to the capital. So when it was time to flee, she was the fastest, then the best at blending in on their journey to the sea.

She’s a performer. Each day she wakes up, pretending to know what she’s doing and hasn’t failed the act yet.


Rosetta "Rose" Beatrix
Human - Female

Age on the day of the attack: 13
Current age: 25

Rose hails from a family that served the royal family of Muliah for ages in many different ways. Some were knights, others were servants, and some were even mages. Rose although not related by blood to the family, for she was a foundling, was raised by them as one of their own, and upon becoming seven years old was sent into the capital to be a loyal friend and servant to the young Espen.

Rose is a calm collected and caring person although the ways she shows it to the world might appear weird for the many times she nagged at Espen as if she was his elder sister. Although she tries to appear as ladylike as possible sometimes she forgets about it and slips back to her tomboyish days of early youth. Her biggest weakness is being honest to a fault which at certain times does lead to trouble, but her being her means any trouble that comes her way makes her life a bit more fun. She might seem unapproachable at times but its just her not knowing how to properly convey her emotions to others.


Orc - Female

Age on the day of the attack:
Current age:

Little blurb about who they are- their family/personal history, and their personality.


Djinn - Male

Age on the day of the attack:
Current age:

Little blurb about who they are- their family/personal history, and their personality.


Elf - Female

Age on the day of the attack:
Current age:

Little blurb about who they are- their family/personal history, and their personality.


Orc - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 9
Current age: 21

Vir is the Heir to the clan of Fen'Ilar (meaning 'Great Ones', in orcish)- a legendary clan of warriors and leaders that has led the orc tribes since the start of the Great Peace. When his parents were killed, the other tribes immediately tried to take the throne and, if he ever returned to Dur'Fen, he would almost certainly be killed.

Vir is a rather gentle soul, who doesn't really fight or stand up for himself, though he will protect others if they are in need. This sort of attitude is frowned upon in orcish culture, and he's always been a bit of an outcast among his own kind. Outside of Dur'Fen, the assumption is that all orcs are savage brutes, and he has a hard time convincing anyone that he would prefer to grow flowers over tearing them limb from limb.


Elf - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 8
Current age: 20

Little blurb about who they are- their family/personal history, and their personality.


Theriander - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 10
Current age: 22

Dae is a member of the Feralhearts- the wolf clan that took over Muliah when the bears were killed. He sided with the bears and was cast out by his family to roam the wilds alone.

He's a rather reserved, quiet person, though when roused he will lash out with the fury of a thousand angry wolves, and only a few people are able to cut through the haze and calm him down.


Djinn - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 8
Current age: 20

Sa'id is a young Djinn, though he tends to forget.

He's restive, seeing mortal toils as his own and tends to take matters into his own hands, instead of letting things run their course. He has yet to mellow out in a way that's characteristic of immortal beings. Since the incident, Sa'id has only ever known a life of uncertainty. Despite this, he often finds humor in dim situations. He's adaptive & socially confident, able to talk circles around his odd jobs' employers in order to sway his pay or other conditions.

His been able to support his heir and himself for so long thanks to his own resourcefulness. He finds it difficult to trust people, so he's become highly perceptive of others, if only to protect himself. As a result, there are often times when he'll carry an otherworldly, all-knowing air about him; these are perhaps the only time one is reminded of his nature as a Djinn.
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did the blurb! image don't fit so: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOEmn2jaMAA2U5c?format=jpg&name=large :3c


Djinn - Male

Age on the day of the attack: 8
Current age: 20

Sa'id is a young Djinn, though he tends to forget.

He's restive, seeing mortal toils as his own and tends to take matters into his own hands, instead of letting things run their course. He has yet to mellow out in a way that's characteristic of immortal beings. Since the incident, Sa'id has only ever known a life of uncertainty. Despite this, he often finds humor in dim situations. He's adaptive & socially confident, able to talk circles around his odd jobs' employers in order to sway his pay or other conditions.

His been able to support his heir and himself for so long thanks to his own resourcefulness. He finds it difficult to trust people, so he's become highly perceptive of others, if only to protect himself. As a result, there are often times when he'll carry an otherworldly, all-knowing air about him; these are perhaps the only time one is reminded of his nature as a Djinn.
funnily enough I was gonna give al-Najud as my heir's last name :0

is that fine? i can always change 😤
also i found a good fc i think

funnily enough I was gonna give al-Najud as my heir's last name :0

is that fine? i can always change 😤
it wouldn't be uncommon that they're both referred to as from Najud! in your case as like an heir, maybe it'd be more proper to mention his pedigree, like ibn [parent's name]?

it'd be like [given name] ibn [parent's name] & then a cool laqab if you want lmao
Wait I thought we could choose the guide roles gender?
Ayama Ayama
We didn't set the genders specifically as we wanted to see variety in the pairings more than absolutely needing one female and one male of each species, but we still wanted an even split between genders, so the top three guides are female and the bottom three are male.
Well....I'll have to drop the role for the guide of Najud then cause I only do females.
We didn't set the genders specifically as we wanted to see variety in the pairings more than absolutely needing one female and one male of each species, but we still wanted an even split between genders, so the top three guides are female and the bottom three are male.
Could the elven guide (male) switch with the orc guide (female)? So that animegirl20 animegirl20 would be able to keep a female guide? It'd keep the balance?
Could the elven guide (male) switch with the orc guide (female)? So that animegirl20 animegirl20 would be able to keep a female guide? It'd keep the balance?
Nah 'cause Bee has the Orc guide. If they had the elf guide they would be playing both elves.
It's all good- we need a new player for the Mer heir anyway~
I dont mind that!! Cause do you mean just switching the genders, or switching actual chars??
I've mentioned this to Ayama, but while I'm happy to play the Orc Guide for the sake of the RP they are admittedly a type of fantasy rave I haven't really played or written for before!! haha
I dont mind that!! Cause do you mean just switching the genders, or switching actual chars??
Either way it wouldn't work, as the orcs are kinda the only ones not matchy matchy so keeping that is important. Y'all need to calm down- AG isn't leaving the RP and is not freaking out about anything, so there's no reason why the rest of you should be xD
It's ok guys! I swear! XD

Honestly its probably for the best I stick to one character cause I might have over did it with joining to many rps......so yeah 😆
that will definitely not be today for I'm barely keeping myself awake right now, maybe in a day, max two.

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