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Nation Building Aerenor's Fires

Okay guys so something we will be doing from now on is a Time Jump system.

Every Friday I will advance the over all time of the RP between a couple weeks to a couple months. I will write a detailed post about the world and throwing some events at each of you to help you have things to RP. However time itself will only advance a day or so during the rest of the week and with time itself advancing up to one week. Understand this is to prevent one person's post from being a week or more ahead of other people's. If you get curious look to my posts as I will maintain the day, month, and year in the RP bottom of my posts for quick reference.

Today I will be writing up a post to advance time for a One Month period. If you would like, you can message me things you would like to see in the time jump, maybe it would be your leader returning home? More forces being raised? Possibly some other things.

As GM is it also my responsibility to control those things which you guys do not, and that means you political opposition, dissent at home, religious issues, other NPC nations, etc. Also the natural world meaning natural disasters and such. Please understand I am using a very complex rolling system to determine the world events such as diseases, riots, revolts and natural disasters. I will be sure to include a detailed post about such an event and all. However be warned as time to send a message across a continent can take more than a couple weeks. ( :) ) Be wary of metagaming. Thank you all for understanding!

-With only the Highest Regards,

Maven, GM of Aerenor's Fires.

@NorbertM @Ahzek Ahriman
@NorbertM you two don't need to wait for @Ahzek Ahriman to make a post before moving forward. Remember I am going to be doing another time jump tomorrow, it will be another month long jump (possibly longer if you guys request it) but I will likely not make a jump the following week to allow us more time to develop things. I do as that you guys send me a list of actions per se that you are wanting to take during the time jump, what you want in my detailed summary and such. It doesn't need to be long but I would like something, otherwise I will just let my imagination run wild! ( ;) ) Not that it's bad but still, I tend to get rather carried away.
Timeskip is postponed until tomorrow to allow for people to make any posts today and send me their requests for actions to be put into the timeskip post.

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