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Fandom Adventures in Wonderland


Forever Dreaming

Character Sheet Form

Fill this out as best you can to join. The more details the better.

{Insert an image here. Preferably not realistic, but anything works}

Name: {No names from the book}

Gender: {Male or Female, obviously}

Age: {13 to 18}

Sexual Orientation: {Straight, Bisexual, Pansexual, etc}

Personality: {At least a decent sized paragraph, details}

Likes: {3 or more}

Dislikes: {3 or more}

Extra Notes: {Anything else you want to say}

History: {A detailed paragraph or more explaining their life so far}

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Name: Bree

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Thinks she's straight, but still unsure

Personality: Although fairly intelligent, Bree doesn't really realize yet (or doesn't appear to yet, on the surface) some harsher aspects of life, and isn't in a hurry to do so. She instead prefers escaping uncomfortable situations, and living in her own "bubble" of sorts. This makes her quite a positive and easygoing person overall, however also makes her advice for others who are going through rough times nothing much more than, "Just take it easy!" (her advise for those who encounter misfortune isn't too great). Although Bree's advise may not always be spot on, she has a pure heart, and really does want the best for everyone she meets. Bree is fairly outgoing, however her unique outlook on life often makes it hard for her to form close friendships - she tends to have many acquaintances with whom she is friendly with.

Likes: Reading, graphic t-shirts, decaf coffee diluted with TONS of sugar and cream, running, and owls

Dislikes: Upper body workouts, hot cocoa, and metallic transfer tattoos

Extra Notes: She would have much better vision if she didn't read so much

History: Bree was born the youngest of a family of three children - she has one brother and one sister. Her family lead a pretty stable life until her parents divorced after her father's affair was realized when Bree was five years old, when not only did Bree lose her father, but her older sister also left for college across the country, and never returned since (she likely did so partly out of hatred for her father and her now broken family). Bree then lived with her mother and brother until she was 10, when her brother was killed in a car accident. Her brother was put in a hospital for a while, and even underwent some surgery, however a few months later, he passed away. Even before the accident, Bree's mother had been struggling to keep her family afloat economically, however her brother's medical bills made doing so even harder, even with the money Bree's father sent. In addition to the tough economic situation Bree's mother was in, the loss of her son combined with not having Bree's father around to help her brought Bree's mother into a helpless state, and a year later, when Bree was 11, her mother died by driving off of a bridge while under the influence (it has been thought that her mother intentionally did so). Bree moved in with her father and his girlfriend soon after her mother's death, and began to deal with her mother and brother's loss by ignoring it, and attempting to continue as positively as she could with her life. She has continued to live with her father and his girlfriend for four years, and being that there is much distance (and an underlying current of tension between herself and her father and his girlfriend), she has instead looked to books and schoolwork for comfort. Although she is not sure what her future will bring or what she wants her future to bring her, she believes that academic success and reading will help guide her.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/768aa283b222e0466950e99fe85ea0c1.jpg.cbe5de0260cdefca871d9901021a2c88.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61337" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/768aa283b222e0466950e99fe85ea0c1.jpg.cbe5de0260cdefca871d9901021a2c88.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kel

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Straight, but comfortable enough with her sexuality that she comes off otherwise at points.

Personality: Kel is a misfit of a girl, but with more of a heart than she lets on.

She's been hurt one too many times and she isn't about to let that happen again, no sir.

She's often seen speaking with the police, or rather they speaking to her as she rolls her eyes and cleans her already primp nails.

While often in trouble of one form or another, she see's herself as a modern day Robin Hood. What she claims from others she often gives as gifts to those in need, or want in exchange for this or that.

A secret she can keep til she's buried, and many a secret does she stow.

But the secret of her own? Oh, no one will ever know.

Likes: Sarcasm, tea, secrets,

Dislikes: Loud noises, anything slimy, authority

Extra Notes: She has a knack for telling stories, some may even say enough to seem innocent in the most absurd situations.

Loves to dress as random as possible, including wearing animal tails and ears on occasion.

History: Kel grew up in a well off family, and she was a very happy child. In her pre-teen years her parents got a divorce, and that's went it all went down hill.

She knew that it was going to happen, she had caught her father more than once with one woman or another. She's caught her mother too.

Both bribed her to stay silent, so she did. That's when she knew she had found her calling. Blackmail.

Soon after, she started getting into trouble. Her parents "just can't understand why" she's taken on such a life. It doesn't matter either way, she does what she wants to and will talk her way out of or into anything she pleases.

Her promiscuity was labeled as parental neglect which led to the schools making her parents have to take courses on how to parent. That led to nothing but trouble so away with that. She dropped out in her Sophmore year and now ventures into the woods to attend to her small secret that even she can't not care about.

Currently she has the house to herself, her mother is out of town on some trip, and her father never bothers to call. So here she is in an empty house, bored, and antsy to find adventure.

( Please let me know if anything needs to be altered etc to fit into the story)



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Sexual Orientation:

Too young to think about that stuff yet (Asexual)


Melody has a quiet and meek little personality, since she is so meek she isn't really able to say many lies towards others, as she ends up being honest whether or not she wanted to. Also she would usually keep by herself when she can, when she is talking to by other people than who she already knows she would often stutter. Although she is not someone who would easily trust someone else, although when she does start to trust a person Melody would start to stay around said person for a long time, clinging on them until she finds someone she would know better.

She would instantly change from her quiet and meek self when she finds someone that she deems "Cute" , that doesn't mean she 'likes' them it just means she finds it cute, she would instantly would open up for some reason and try to pet or hug them. Then she would revert back to her meek and quiet form once someone else has come or she realized that others are watching.




- Sweets

- Drawing

- Sleeping

- Games

- Cute things

- Hugs

- Company


- Annoying people

- Liars

- Bitter food

- Sour food

- Prying people

- Violence

Extra Notes:

She has a amazing drawing/painting skills

She can make chocolate out of raw materials

Melody can play piano


Melody was born in a family of four : Her Mother, Father, and her Big brother, she was usually taken care of by her Big brother since her father and mother had to go on business trips around the world leaving her and her big brother to be alone, her big brother much like a parent to her. As time went on,around when she stuck to her brother much like glue in her classes, sometimes skipping school so she could stay by him. Much to his dislike, he would then bribe her sister to stay in school, her school, with cherries. When her actual mother and father found out about her skipping school to go her brother, they said that she couldn't go there unless she goes to that school herself.

This is when she found out about her drawing skills, at the age of 10, she started to paint and draw enough to make some of her best pieces to go up for 25 grand, she could go to her brother's school then. However when her parents saw her talent, instead of sending her to a normal school like her brother, they would send her to a private art school to hone her skills at art and drawing. Melody had to since they were her parents, and she couldn't really disobey them so she had to go to leave her big brother and stay at the private school.

(Hope this is ok ^.^)

Name: Loreli Everglades

Gender: Female


Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Loreli is a, sweet, energetic and a tomboy, that stands likes an adventure and a challenge. She stands up for others and speaks her mind not caring what other people thinks. She likes to be sarcastic at times and taunts her enemies and people she doesn't like. If she got into a fight she can hold her ground and win. She is a hardworker and never gives up so easily and hate people who gives up so easily without even trying.








?meeting new people


?annoying people

?rude people

?know it alls

Extra: She has a pet cat that follows her arounds. Her name is Luka and she is smart cat.

History: Loreli great up on the streets. She didn't have a family to take care of her so she had to learn to survive at a young age. She would often steal and pick pocket rich people but later realized she cant always do this for the rest of her life, so she got a job as a waiter at a restaurant for the night and a florist for the day. She slowly saved up some money and soon got a house for herself. She smiled at her accomplishment and soon started to go to school on her own and study to be educated and get a better job in the future.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/color_anime_girl_render_by_kekuuu_by_kekuuu-d5zgxao.png.2d064268e019262466823860128e2a1b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62549" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/color_anime_girl_render_by_kekuuu_by_kekuuu-d5zgxao.png.2d064268e019262466823860128e2a1b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>







Sexual Orientation:



Risa is seen as impulsive and strong-willed, rarely willing to display her softer side. She is a tsundere. She is also very clumsy and apparently talks a lot, usually in not such a good way. Her friends say she is very funny for a girl and a fun person to hang out with. Risa has free-spirit and happy nature. She is always cheerful and happy, not wanting to reveal how much she is suffering inside. She takes high interest in fashion and hair, often wearing her hair in different styles. Because of this, she wants to become a fashion designer. Risa is also very fond of video games, always seen in her spare time playing some. Risa tends to do bad in school. She is also clueless when it comes to love and boys. Risa is also kind-hearted. She also likes rabbits a lot, having a lot of bunny shaped things.



video games







Risa lives a pretty normal life. She her dad works her mother stays home and she also has a little brother. She has good friends she trust with her life and she also has a pet rabbit. right now she is just your normal everyday high school girl.



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