Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

You notice nothing out of the ordinary.


Wow, two "shamans" with little ability to perceive the world around them ;-)
Making sure the bucket was properly covered to the best of his ability he hefted it up and began to head out. "Yeah, time to go."
You begin to walk back to camp, when the wind behind the red stones starts picking up, and gathers up speed, and sand. You are yet within the red stones' circle, so you are not affected.


Gimmie Wits + Awareness, Wits + Lore, or Wits + Occult (The difficulty is different for each, and may give different answers. you can choose to roll all three or just two)
Wits (2) + Awareness (1) against target 7 yields 4,3,7 for 1 success

Wits (2) + Lore (1) against target 7 yields 8,3,5 for 1 success

Tiger is not an occultist.
Tiger, you cannot remember a storm like that, and something it in seems a bit off, but you can't seem to point your finger at it.

Ivory Mole, your senses tell you that something weird is going on.
Ivory growled a bit and then shook his head "We'll figure this out later. In the mean time let's find shelter and get this water safe from contamination."

Ivory then began to take in the surroundings to figure out the best places for shelter to last the storm as he covered up the bucket and protected it.
Assisting in wrapping the top of the bucket in cloth to protect it from the storm, Tiger followed in Ivory's footsteps, casting his gaze around in his own assessment for somewhere to shelter.
You can either try and build your own shelter, or go into the cave at the foot of the Ivory Needle, the place where you took the water from.
Upon suggesting the use of the perfectly good cave behind them, Ivory recieved no objections from Tiger, who had no better ideas.
The cave at the foot of the Ivory Spear is large, with the pond taking just a small part of it. While the entrance is very well concealed from the outsider, there is a spot where you can stand and watch the outside, or you could explore the cave itself... After all, that storm does not look like it might abate any time soon.
Ivory shook his head and groaned. The shamans were NOT going to like this delay, but what were they to do.

Looking about he found a proper spot to place the bucket of sacred water to shield it from the wind, the debris, and anything else he could help with.

Looking to Tiger, "Let's go inside. We won't accomplish anything trying to wait out this storm outside. Besides, it is a legitimate excuse to explore the cave.", he smiled.
Tiger shrugged, and then grinned roughishly

"Glad you were the one to say it. Now I can tell Feather it was your idea. Let's go."
As you start exploring the cave, you quickly come to realize that it is all man-made. The walls, floors, and ceiling are perfectly square and flat, and seems like a very serene place, if not for the fact that the lack of any amenities makes this place not that fun to stay in.


gimmie Perception +Occult
As you go into the cave, Ivory feels a slight prickling at the back of his neck. At first it seems wierd, but then he remembers what he's learned about it. This place is a demesene, or a manse, a place of power that can warp mortals who stay in it for too long.
Ivory cusses under his breath. "So help me something is out to get us because it seems no matter where we go and no matter what we do we are meant for doom.", he growled.
He looked around and then looked to Tiger, "We are in a Manse, a place of power focused through a structure. A thing of great beauty and wonder, especially for the Princes of the Earth. And yet for us mortals it can warp and change us, mind, body, and soul if we stay too long."
Tiger frowned.

"Wonderful. Define 'too long'." He glanced behind him "Perhaps it would be wisest to return to the cave mouth and wait for the storm to pass?"

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