Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

He chuckled and then smirked, "Bette not let the Elders hear you say that to me. They might have us running bare foot on the hot sand while chantin mantras in time again."

He started the trek forward nonetheless.
The two of you can see no danger around and, in fact, the moment you go through the path in the red stones, you feel a calm settle down on you. It's as if the weight of the world outside is lifted off your shoulders the moment you stepped in.


Gimmie a Wits + Awareness
Stepping past the stones, Tiger sighs audibly, as a relaxed sensation flows through him, he briefly closes his eyes and settles himself. Abruptly, his eyes snap open again.

Wits (2) + Awareness (1) at target 7 yields 0, 1, 9 for 3 successes
Ivory jerked his head in response and alarm... "Damn initiation tests...."

Ivory Mole Hound rolls 3 dice to Wits+Awareness 1,8,2 (1 success)
Tiger, once you open your eyes, you realize that while the place appeared as desolate as the rest of the desert from the outside, there's more plants here, even some of the harder to get herbs Streaming Feather has asked you to gather for her.
Tiger looks around, and glances back over his shoulder in mild bemusement.

"We need these, right?" He asks, gesturing around. "Better go to work."

Tiger sets about gathering the requested herbs.
Ivory looked around and noticed the plants they needed, still impressed that even this vegetation could survive out in the desert. Maybe the magics of the elder shamans somehow managed to keep things living here since they were out of the sunlight.

Looking to Tiger he nodded, "Yeah, looks like it, although we better only grab a small amount because we do not want to further damage the gentle balance that is maintained in here."


OOC: Sorry about that. For some reason it didn't click that it was my turn and such.
Tiger nooded.

"Of course"

A few minutes of work later, the requested herbs were gathered and carefully wrapped. Tiger cast his eyes along the route to the water source, and their next objective.

"Onward then?"


OOC: No worries. I shall be away this weekend, btw, so I may not have much of a chance to post.
OOC: I assumed the path between the stones described did not terminate at the herbs. If I was in error, could you please give a description of our current surroundings, SRC?

The path between the stones was only on the perimeter. Beyond it, the entire area is open for you to explore, if you so choose. The red stones are only found on the perimeter of this Ivory Needle.
OOC: Ultimately Ivory is exploring trying to remember every detail, experience it all with his senses. Who knows if he will ever be allowed another visit
A thorough investigation may well take most of the day, and you know the shamaness will not be pleased if you tarry too long in your task, and while pregnant, she can make your life harder.
Ivory looked around and then sighed. "We better get this water and get going or who knows what torments a pregnant shamaness might pu together for us."
As they walked to the needle to get the water he joked to Tiger "Although I hear that pregnant women want sex a lot more often. Heh, kind of strange when you consider that's what got them pregnant in the first place. So why the sudden need?"
Tiger gave a derisive snort.

"Hah, while many mystries of creation are laid bare to me, my friend, don't ask me to fathom the minds of the womenfolk."
All the while he carefully gathered the water in the bucket, giving thanks as was necessary to the local spirits.
Tiger glanced up, noting the hour.

"Well, we've made good time, anyway. Let's hurry back. I'm eager to be on the road to Harbourhead, even if they are letting us visit sacred sites on our errands now."

Offering a brief prayer to the Walker, and echoing Ivory's thanks to the local spirits, Tiger shouldered his share of the water and turned to leave.

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