Act 1a: The Shamans [Sands of Glory]

Perception (2) + Awareness (1) at target 7 yields 4,0,7 for 3 successes

Intelligence (2) + Lore (1) at target 7 yields 9,9,6 for 2 successes
Ivory rolls 3 dice to Per+Aware 7,10,2 (3 successes)

Ivory rolls 7 dice to Int+Lore 9,3,7,9,3, 7,1 (4 successes)
The two of you hear a faint sound, like plates of metal sliding on one another, just off to your right.

Ivory also notices that the walls on this part of the cave, despite their seeming earlier are actually a silvery highly reflective metal.

A few seconds later, and in the wall to your right, an opening appears, leading to a small room, all made with this same silvery metal as a lining. You cannot see the entire room, but it seems bare from your vantage.
Ivory raised a brow at the sudden changes and his own curiosity was piqued. He began to head to the new room, interested to see what lay within. "Well, if we're stuck in here then we might as well explore the interesting places.", he said mostly aloud to himself than anything else.
While the room seemed bare from the outside, once you step inside you can that on the walls that were hidden from your view there are stacks of shelves. All of them are filled with glass jars, and the contents of the jars are varied, but appear to all be preserved hearts.

As the two of you approach closer, you see that the hearts are still beating...

Gimmie a Valor check
"What in the..... This is not right. This is unnatural." He was both disgusted and fascinated at the same time. He did not enjoy this at all, but worried more so about what might be done if he destroyed such things.



Ivory rolls 3 dice to Valor (used willpower) 9,9,4 (3 successes)

-I can't help but notice that it seems that every other post, if not almost every post, has been a dice roll of some kind. Everything ok?
The sight is somewhat disgusting, yet among the many jars, and you can see dozens of them, you also notice other things.

Lying among the jars are coins, of various sizes, and also all sorts of objects made from the cured leathers of what appears to be animals. The objects range from small purses made from lizard skin, to a small coat made from leopard hide, and adorned with a fur of some other animal.


Everything's fine
Endeavouring to ignore the still beating organs, Tiger peers more closely around them.

"Say... this stuff looks kinda valuable. Who left it here, I wonder? You don't suppose raiders could be using this as a stash somehow?"
Ivory was looking about. There were so many wondrous items here, but greed was the least of his worries as it tended to be tempered by healthy dose of paranoia and intellect. "I doubt it. This is a sacred place, these are still-beating hearts outside of creatures bodies, and this passage was found as if it wanted to be. No, this is a place we must keep aware of lest we possibly fall prey to something.", he said to Tiger as Ivory paced around the room visually examining everything.
"Fair argument" Conceded Tiger, also proceeding with a purely visual examination of their surroundings.

"But seriously, what a weird collection of objects. Who on creation put them here?"

Not sure what to do to be honest. He is in a sacred place and just wants to accomplish his mission but the blasted storm is fencing them in.
He found no interest in the hearts, but he did find fascination with the other assorted items he could relate to. He ran fingers along the cured hides, looked closely to study intricate handiwork, and so on.
The cured leather items are very finely crafted. And while you're not much of a merchant you're sure they can fetch a hefty sum of money.
"Well, the storm does seem to be dying down now, and I'd rather not be late back. Interesting as a chance to explore here is, I refuse to risk missing the expedition to Harbourhead. Besides, you mentioned it might be unwise to linger here, right?"

He glances around.

"So, practical question, these look to be of considerable potential value. Do we take them, or simply report their presence to the elders? Given that we've no idea who put them here or why, I'm leading towards the latter option."
He simply nodded in agreement to Tiger, "I'm liable to agree with you. And I really do not want to test any more limits that may have already been pressed by circumstances beyond her control."

He then started for the exit.
The storm outside has abated, and the way back to the village is clear. It's taken you the better part of the day, but you finally make it back.

OOC: we'll stop here for a bit for the others to catch up to your time...

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