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Fandom Ace Attorney - Prelude of Fate; Past and Future

Nobody's to blame for the death of it, and if somebody is, it would be me. We could always try to start back up or start a new one though.
hmm, yeah that sounds like a good idea to reset it again. i had a whole truckload of stuff pop up, and i've just cleared it. x-x stupid irl stuff n stuff. anyone still interested in this RP? just message if you're still here. after all, it's been a few months
Honestly if we revived this I would have to create a new character because I completely forgot how to play Ivan.
If we were to revive it, we'd stick with the same cases since I don't have enough time to come up with new cases immediately. That alright? I'll get cases set up in time as we go though, so there wouldn't be unnecessary delay between cases.
I'm fine with the same cases, we just need to start afresh, as it's been a while :/

Imma updateify my CS, with a pic and last name :D
Changed a few things on my cs. mostly strengths and weaknesses, as well as added an image and a last name (almost xD )

Bam did it
I like it. Also sorry for throwing you under the bus and making you the lead but honestly that's what Ivan would do so. It'll probably happen again lmao
Ah, one thing I think I'm going to do differently when we restart. I'll probably take the role of prosecutor myself, as to make it so that there's no lack of vital knowledge on the prosecution side that would be known by the prosecution. Still deciding on whether or not to do it that way, though.
Haha lol I'm prolly gonna mess up again. I've role played a bit more, and I am better at it now :P this was one of my first ones
Kiyoko, maybe compile what you want the prosecution to know and PM it to the prosecutors (assuming they're still willing to participate in this RP)? Just an idea in case you preferred it over playing the prosecution yourself.
Well, it was more like I left the position for prosecutor open because it'd be weird to have four or five defense attorneys against one prosecutor, but if we're going to end up small in numbers, then I'll gladly play a role past judge. Not that there's anything wrong with just being the teen judge who can tell older people to shut up whenever she wants xD
Honestly I love the judge though. Also should we tag the other people to alert them and ask if they're in for a reboot? Just in case they aren't watching the thread already.
Sorry sorry... My current RP that i run, plus a few other RPs, have been keeping me busy when stacked with life matters... Also, I slept three nights in a row with stray kitty outside, but last night (which was the third) got me a cold or something >~<

Hey @Britt-21 @simj22 @AvidElmV2 You three up for starting this back up from scratch once more? Also, @ValkyrieRose & @TurtleGod, want to join in on this RP? I still haven't forgotten about you two from Gil's RP ^~^

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