According To The Wind *Wolf War RP*Open*


One Thousand Club

The wind carries from the Massak pack. The members of the swift Suka pack shake their heads at the sound. For you see, these packs can never seem to get along. They have fought for two generations, over many things. Fertile hunting grounds, talented loners, even she-wolves. The alphas of both packs scrape and struggle to keep from a potential, war, but even they cannot control the obvious.

Will anyone rise up to stop the blood from staining the soil? Who can convince the wolves to stop fighting, and get along? Will you be sucked in to the slaughter?


~ Please reserve your ranks with me through PM

~ No godmodding

~ Good spelling and grammar please

~ Please keep posts up to a 5 sentence minimum

~ She-wolves can become inpregnated, and there can be blood, but please keep this at PG 14

~ Real photos only, please

Reserved Ranks


Alpha - Odd - Atalanta

Beta - Open

Hunter - WalkingDisaster - Kyanos

Hunter - Open

Hunter - Open

Fighter - Open

Fighter - Open

Breeder - Open

Juvenille - jabberwocky - Baron

Juvenille - Odd - Kora


Alpha - WalkingDisaster - Khazri

Beta - jabberwocky - Chastity

Hunter - Open

Hunter - Open

Hunter - Open

Fighter - Open

Fighter - Open

Breeder - Open

Juvenille - Open












--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Kyanos

Age: 5

Personality: Devil-May-Care, icy creature with fire in his belly. Kyanos will be very cold towards you, and has a fast-acting temper. He can be a bit sweet, but mostly tends to hide this characteristic under a thick icy lair. As loyal as he may be, he can be very rebellious and, unless you are his Alpha, he will show disrespect.

History: he was not born into this pack. His old pack was weak, and soon scattered. He was a loner from the time he was a juvenile to until about the age of 4, when he found this pack. He wasn’t too quick to join, but eventually did. He is a bit ashamed of his broken history, and most wolves in the pack only know the important details - that he left his old pack and drifted as a loner before finding this one.


Psh, no

Mate: none

Rank: Hunter

Pack: Suka

Pups: none

Other: very swift

Name: Khazri

Age: 7

Personality: Khazri is a classic pack leader. She is a caring, loveable sweetheart with a heart of gold - until you challenge her leadership, then that golden heart streaks with black, and she’ll fight until she falls.

History: Khazri was born into the pack, and will do absolutely anything for it. She grew up watching it go through hardship, and promised herself that when and if she ever became Alpha, she would do her best to protect it. So far, she has kept this promise.



Mate: Win her heart, and we’ll see

Rank: Alpha

Pack: Massak

Pups: NoneOther:

Name: Chastity - Latin for Purity


This she-wolf is a big ol’ flirt. She will take a brute’s heart, chew on it a bit, and spit him out. She goes through males like Paris Hilton goes through clothes. Chas is a good leader, being as outspoken and daring as she is. She is not afraid to take charge and show no mercy. If Khazri isn’t present - or is - she’ll take charge when things get a little nuts.

Her mother was a pregnant loner that needed a pack for her pups to birth into. She soon found Massak, who took pity on her and took her into. Chastity was born only a week later.





Rank: Beta



Name: Baron


Baron likes annoying other wolves. He is nothing irresponsible and puerile, shirking his responsibilities to sleep and irritate his pack members - mostly Kyanos.

Born into the pack


Pack: Suka




His favorite victim is Kyanos

Name: Rose (as always lol)

Age: 5

Personality: Rose keeps to herself most of the time but when it comes to the good of her pack she is very outspoken.

History:Rose was born into the Suka pack her Great Grandfather had been an Alpha and her father was a Beta. Her mother died giving birth to her three pup and Rose and her sister are the only ones left. Her brother died defending the pack. Rose hardly sees her sister, Moss, because Moss is too busy caring for her pups in the nursery.

Appearance: Rose looks like a grayish white wolf with cinnaman scattered all over her coat.

Pack: Suka

Mate: None yet

Rank: Fighter eventually Breeder

Pups: none



Name: Atalanta's name means "swift huntress" in Greek.

Age: Atalanta is around five years of age.

Personality: Although Atalanta does not leave anything untouched, she jumps at opportunities. As her name suggests, she is a swift huntress. As she believes in forgiveness only to a certain point, she holds grudges. Being put into a list, she acts ambitiously, competitively, confidently, courageously, creatively, determinedly, intelligently, kindly, persistently, and persuasively. If wolves challenge her leadership, her previous heart of pure gold turns into pure black.

She has a heart of a heart of pure gold.

History: Atalanta was born into the Suka pack. She vowed that when she became older, she would become the Suka pack's alpha.


Pack: Atalanta belongs to the Suka pack.

Mate: Atalanta does not have a mate.

Rank: Atalanta is the Suka pack's alpha.

Pups: Atalanta has not given birth to pups.


Name: Her name is Kora.

Age: Kora is around two years of age.

Personality: Being put into a list, Kora acts carelessly, and playfully. She constantly bothers wolves about taking her hunting. She hopes to hunt with the Massak pack one day.

History: Kora was born into the Massak pack.


Pack: Kora belongs to the Massak pack.

Mate: Kora does not have a mate.

Rank: Kora is one of the Massak pack's juveniles.

Pups: Kora has not given birth to pups.


Name: Lucid

Gender: Male

Age: Approximately 4 1/2 Years Old

Personality: Calm and willing to listen to both sides of the story. He often settles disputes with words, but if prompted, will slaughter an unruly foe on the spot.

History: Grew up a ways east of the two packs. Lived a rather ordinary life--father left after he was born, mother gunned down by hunters, siblings perished from fatigue and malnutrition (or so he thought). Wandered at an early age into the Suka territory seeking acceptance.

Mate: None

Family: Damien (

Pups: None

Pack: Suka

Rank: Beta

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Name: Damien

Gender: Male

Age: 5 Years Old

Personality: He's very apprehensive, not too mindful of what he says, and vociferous once he has settled. For growing up on his own, he is incredibly under fed--to the point where his skeletal make-up is partially visible beneath his fur, which adds to his quick temper and aggressive behavior over food. He has the potential to command others, but loathes taking orders himself.

History: To sum it up, he managed to provide for himself and his siblings for a short while, but after illness gripped his sister and took her away with its unrelenting grasp, he knew he could not be trusted to watch over his brother. So, doing what he thought was best, he pushed the young pup into Suka lands before departing on his own 'adventure,' which now barely passed for a crummy life.

Mate: None

Family: Lucid (BROTHER)

Pups: None

Pack: Loner

Rank: None

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He was sprawled on his pale underbelly, gazing wistfully up at the sky as the vibrant blues had begun to change to black. He felt...lazy. Yet, he hadn't done much all day. How incredibly peculiar. After renewing the scent markers, the brute simply took up residence under the crippled mid-section of a tree. Eyes half-lidded and partially sheathing his spectacularly pigmented irises, he couldn't quite understand why he was so out of it. His stomach had been pitched into a fit early that morning, and his head swam in thought, ultimately resulting in an acute pain at either of his temples. Plush tail curled neatly at his side, he remained panting in the shade of the organic (pine)needles, taking comfort that he was surrounded on three sides by thickets of horse-nettle--no wolf in their right mind would dare walk through the toxic flora. "Keke," he chortled, resting his head on his outstretched forelegs and sighing at the reality that he had to go back and keep order. His poor alpha was probably losing his/her mind.
Kyanos sniffed around the borders of the camp, then, deciding everything was as it should be, trotted back to his spot under the juniperbush. He sat on his haunches, licked his paw, and then lay down completely. With a yawn, he rolled over on to his back, decided he hated the vulnerable position, and hen completed theroll back on to his belly. The silver-grey brute lay his head on his paws, then caught sight of Lucid. He twitched his nose and raised his head. "And, how much have you done today, oh Exhausted One?" he taunted, stretching out his legs and rolling on to his side, quite comfortably.


Khazri looked up as the day's sky crept into night's. She shook her pelt and settled back on to her haunches slowly, finally setting in a loose position. She looked around, wondering if she was needed any where. The fey wasn't happy unless she had something to worry about. She was the kind of she-wolf who made a great moher, or alpha - Khazri needed to be needed. She ruffled her pelt and wrapped her tail around her body, looking around one more time.
"Well, if you exclude my general obligations to keep an intruder from dispatching you, then not much," he remarked sharply, voice a groggy monotone. As far as Betas went, he was not very strict when it came to respect--he fancied himself an older sibling, just watching over and protecting them when ever possible to ease Atalanta's burden. Twitching his ears, he slowly stood, pads flattening to embrace the grooves in the ground, black nails driving holes with dwarfed circumference into the soil. Daintily shaking out his voluminous manila pelt, he glanced towards Kyanos, antagonizing him with equal smugness, "And what kill have you brought to us on this fine day, Sir Smart-ass?"
Rose plodded along the border her nose grazing the ground. As she neared the end of the pack's border Rose caught scent of a rabbit. "Dinner," she whispered. Rose had just finished her border patrol for the evening and she might as well return to the pack with something. Lowering herself into a crouch she crawled forward. Her muscles bunched tensly begging to spring. The rabbit noticed her a second too late and before the animal knew what had hit it, it was already dead. Grasping the creature by the neck Rose padded back to camp. As she passed the nursery Rose dropped the rabbit in front of one of the expecting she-wolfs. Rose plopped down underneath a huge pine tree. Her tongue lolled tiredly but the she-wolf knew that if she did begin cleaning herself now her beautiful coat would become matted.
((Wolves don't intentionally clean themselves other than their muzzle and their genit... *cough cough* o-o That would be a feline attribute...))

Damien growled as he began to ravage the bones left behind by a passing predator, snorting and snuffing the rotting carcass that would sure take its toll on his stomach. Nevertheless, it was food. He was hungry. When putting two and two together, it is only natural that he would feast on the mangled remnants. Ears erected like Egyptian monuments, he remained vigilant while dining, for when one was alone, such as he, they must keep watch. He felt paranoid sometimes, but then again, if you were straddling the boarders of two feuding wolf packs, wouldn't you?


Atalanta's stomach grumbled with hunger. As she had not eaten for a while, she was hungry. She wanted to hunt. She thought, Where is Kyanos, and Lucid?

Grumbling gingerly, Lucid's stoic amber oculars set on Kyanos. "Let's head home," he remarked, managing to contour his orders, allowing them to sound like a question. Sides slowly expanding and contracting with every measured breath he took, he was finding the other wolf to be quite droll. Lips quivering in a gentle sneer, he couldn't help but note the degree of hunger that plagued his stomach and indirectly fogged his mind.

>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <<

Kyanos sighed. "Alright," he said, ruffling his pelt, and stood solemnly. He let his fur fall slowly, and looked at his beta. The grey-streaked-silver brute squinted his amber eyes and flicked his ear. "You're acting a little weird," he informed his beta. "Are you alright?" He flicked his tail and started walking towards camp, his eyes on the next-in-line as he kept his steady pace even.

(Total crap post U__U)
((X3 I dunno about you, but I don't want to hunt right now. It took 10 minutes for me to let Ari kill a freaking bird, I can't imagine anything larger... xD ))

Nodding blandly, he loped up alongside the brute, nostrils flared while he dutifully ignored the question. "Last one their has to hunt for Atalanta," he scoffed, soaring through the overgrowth with renewed urgency. That was one fem he didn't want to mess with when she was hungry. Sinew rippling finely beneath his fur, he took no leisure in the task of rocketing towards camp. However, he sympathized for Kyanos. It would be unfair to just dump such a task on a subordinate. Pace collecting in length to a brisk trot, he knew he'd have to set out with a hunting party as soon as he reached camp. Perhaps the Alpha would accompany them.
Kyanos pricked his ears at this statement. He blinked as his pakc's beta took off, then, snapping out of his daze, took off after him. Muscled rippled like water under sinew and skin and a handsome pelt. Okay, it was very obvious that Lucid was ignoring and avoiding the question. Kyanos made a mental note to ask it again, later. Lucid was not gonna escape it so easily. He literally ran away from Kyanos's question. Kyanos shook his head as he ran, dodging bramble and shrubbery to keep up with more-or-less puerile beta.

(Ha ha X))
Sniffling, absentmindedly, he weaved back and forth, taking his time as he was not quite ready to step back into the role of Beta. He had spent the day lollygagging. Now it was coming to an end. Murmuring vaguely, he knew Kyanos would not let him slip through without answering him accurately. Whatever. Progressing into the outskirts of the camp, the mingling scent of his family bloomed in his nares. They were home.

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