Academy of Possibilities

UnwantedTruth said:
Name: Song Rest
Age (13-19): 15

Gender: female

Appearance (Picture): normal form:

View attachment 90753

Difference: talking to animals telepathically and shapeshifting.

Classes (3-4):


Herbs and medicine


Normie society

Personality: she is very kind and loving. She hates seeing her friends in pain. Her favorite thing to do is nurse weak animals back to health. But, she is very vicious to her enemies.

History (Optional):
Approved. Room 206
UnwantedTruth said:
Kk! Thanks!
So should she come in like it's her first day or something?
Well, it's only the first day of students moving in now. Classes start in a week. Check the Overview if you want to know about the rooms and stuff.
Name: Kaylene (pronounced "Kay-Lean") Hope Blackthorne

Age (13-19): 17 yrs. old

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture):


Difference: Has ability to control phoenixes, has strong resistance to fire. Inner spirit is a phoenix. Has super-sonic voice (she calls it shrieking). Has ability to communicate to all birds through whistling.

Classes (3-4):

8:30-10:00 -- Herbs and Medicine

10:10-11:40 -- Control

11:40-12:50 -- Lunch

1:00-2:30 -- Mythology

2:40-4:10 -- History

Personality: Sassy, prefers to do things alone. Quick to ignore commitments (doesn't like to be tied down). Values freedom the most. Loves the outdoors. Daredevil. Tends to get herself into trouble, needing help to get out of it.

History (optional): "I'll reveal more about myself when we become friends."
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PrincessKarai8 said:
Name: Kaylene (pronounced "Kay-Lean") Hope Blackthorne

Age (13-19): 17 yrs. old

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture):


Difference: Has ability to control phoenixes, has strong resistance to fire. Inner spirit is a phoenix. Has super-sonic voice (she calls it shrieking). Has ability to communicate to all birds through whistling.

Classes (3-4):

8:30-10:00 -- Herbs and Medicine

10:10-11:40 -- Control

11:40-12:50 -- Lunch

1:00-2:30 -- Mythology

2:40-4:10 -- History

Personality: Sassy, prefers to do things alone. Quick to ignore commitments (doesn't like to be tied down). Values freedom the most. Loves the outdoors. Daredevil. Tends to get herself into trouble, needing help to get out of it.
Approved. Room 207
Name: Zander Isiah Meade

Age (13-19): 18

Gender: male

Appearance (Picture):


Difference: phantomkinesis (the ability to control and manipulate spirits and grim reaper powers, can reanimate the dead), Madness needles (sewing madness in a persons mind)

CLASSES (3-4):

8:30-10:00 -- herbs and medicine

10:10-11:40 -- fighting and weapons

11:40-12:50 -- Lunch

1:00-2:30 -- mythology

2:40-4:10 -- control

PERSONALITY: very mysterious, prefers the darker side of life and normally chooses negative and evil sides. other than that he is a pretty friendly and kind boy who likes to make friends. he fears his own powers, mostly because of the corpses he reanimates terrifies him. his powers come at a cost because the spirits he commands can manipulate him as well. he can be very neurotic, taking things to seriously and lashes out with little reason. most find it hard to maintain a friendship with him. he wants to become the next Grim reaper.

History (OPTIONAL): "I might have killed my village leader! I don't really know!"
Name: Elliot Miller

Age (13-19): 17

Gender: Male

Appearance (Picture):



  • Can tell when someone is "different"
  • Holy magic (He's basically a paladin)
  • Can shut off people's "difference" with a holy EMP for about ten minutes
  • If he prays he gets a burst of power for a short amount of time

Classes (3-4):

  1. Fighting
  2. Mythology
  3. Lunch
  4. Control
  5. Herbs & Medicine

Personality: Calm, Seems arrogant, Kind, Solitary, Thinks about things before acting but still great at thinking on his feet.

History (Optional): TBR (To Be Revealed)

(Holy crap a holy person and an unholy person! xD This is gonna be good!)
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Princejonah39 said:
Name: Zander Isiah Meade
Age (13-19): 18

Gender: male

Appearance (Picture):


Difference: phantomkinesis (the ability to control and manipulate spirits and grim reaper powers, can reanimate the dead), Madness needles (sewing madness in a persons mind)

CLASSES (3-4):

8:30-10:00 -- herbs and medicine

10:10-11:40 -- fighting and weapons

11:40-12:50 -- Lunch

1:00-2:30 -- mythology

2:40-4:10 -- control

PERSONALITY: very mysterious, prefers the darker side of life and normally chooses negative and evil sides. other than that he is a pretty friendly and kind boy who likes to make friends. he fears his own powers, mostly because of the corpses he reanimates terrifies him. his powers come at a cost because the spirits he commands can manipulate him as well. he can be very neurotic, taking things to seriously and lashes out with little reason. most find it hard to maintain a friendship with him. he wants to become the next Grim reaper.

History (OPTIONAL): "I might have killed my village leader! I don't really know!"
Approved. Room 218


[QUOTE="The Master]Name: Elliot Miller
Age (13-19): 17

Gender: Male

Appearance (Picture):



  • Can tell when someone is "different"
  • Holy magic (He's basically a paladin)
  • Can shut off people's "difference" with a holy EMP for about ten minutes
  • If he prays he gets a burst of power for a short amount of time

Classes (3-4):

  • Fighting
  • Mythology
  • Control
  • Lunch

Personality: Calm, Seems arrogant, Kind, Solitary, Thinks about things before acting but still great at thinking on his feet.

History (Optional): TBR (To Be Revealed)

(Holy crap a holy person and an unholy person! xD This is gonna be good!)

... Um... Your classes... There are only two periods in the morning, and lunch is always at the same time...?

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xXxAnimeBellxXx said:
Approved. Room 218

... Um... Your classes... There are only two periods in the morning, and lunch is always at the same time...?
Sorry, my computer was lagging the hell up. It took me two hours to actually to all that and not have it look wild and weird. I'll fix it.
[QUOTE="The Master]Sorry, my computer was lagging the hell up. It took me two hours to actually to all that and not have it look wild and weird. I'll fix it.

No worries, but should I assume that Control is in the Period 3 slot and you don't have a Period 4 class...? ((Why can't people just make it easy for me and put in the extra little bit of typing so I know what class is in what Period...? T-T ))
xXxAnimeBellxXx said:
No worries, but should I assume that Control is in the Period 3 slot and you don't have a Period 4 class...? ((Why can't people just make it easy for me and put in the extra little bit of typing so I know what class is in what Period...? T-T ))
Well I finally fixed my damn pc. I put them in order btw from first to fourth. I will put in a fourth and mark it for you. So no need to worry your little head ^_^

Name: Ana 'Anarchy' Jackson (A.J)

Age (13-19): 17

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture):


Difference: Super strength, strong enough to jump high and stop an incoming missile, punch through steel and break a diamond with her bare hands. Gets stronger after every hit until she bursts into a hyper rage in which she is a juggernaught.

Classes (3-4):




3-Fighting and Weapons


Personality: Ana or Anarchy, if you know of her, is a spunky girl, she loves music, heights, clean air, animals and sunshine. She prefers to be called A.J if she likes you well enough. She loves to run, jump and occasionally (if she jumps really hard) fly. She loves the outdoors and her favorite thing to do is spend her time in a tall tree looking out at the world. However she has quite a temper, let's just say, you wouldn't like her when she's angry. She tries her hardest to calm down with music and sweets, but sometimes the anger boils up her body illuminates and her eyes glow red and disaster happens. She is somewhat klutzy and easily startled. She tries to limit her strength, but sometimes you will see her accidentally denting a wall or cracking a desk, nothing a little duct tape and closed eyes can't fix. She ALMOST always takes responsibility for her actions and apologises. She has a rebellious nature and is always interested in people who peak her vast curiosity. Although she may be part of a crew, but you won't find her on the front line. She will almost always be the one saving your sorry behind if you get in a pinch.

History (Optional): "You wanna know how I got the nickname Anarchy, right? Everyone wants to know about that,*sigh* doesn't anyone want to know about the city I grew up in? Or my first free climb up the old radio tower? What my rents do? Anybody? Geez, I always end up telling this story... but since you asked nicely I'll tell you... *Bell rings* Oh that's the bell! We better hurry to class. Huh? The story? I'll fill you in later we've gotta hurry or we'll be late!"
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Name: Sorcha Fujiyama

Age (13-19): 19


Appearance (Picture): (Image is screwed so I have to put a link) forms/MsHiguchi.jpg.html?o=1

Difference: Rune Mistress/ Spirit bender

Classes (3-4):

1. Herbs and medicine

2. Control


3. Fighting and weapons


Sorcha is a person that doesn't say much but is quite a chatterbox when talking to someone . She loves to write and talk to spirits that hang around the school. She doesn't care much for 'normies' but in a society that is overrun with them, she has to tolerate them. She plays the flute to play for the spirits as she may not be the only be person to see spirits or control them but what is different is she can't 'control' spirits, she can bend them to her will. She writes runes down as well since she is a runic mistress, not a master yet. She is limited since coming to the academy as the runes would make things way to simple.

History (Optional):
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(Here comes a long character sheet. Sorry, it's a habit. )


Kou Mikami

"My name is Kou! Nice to meet you~"

Age (13-19):


"Eh? I look younger? Hehe, people always say that."



"Do I look like a female to you?! Hmm...Maybe I can dress up as a female though..."

Appearance (Picture):



"Damn, my pictures are gigantic and you put two? Hold on, this is actually a bit embarrassing...!"

(Same person, just thought that the first didn't really show his outfit, so posted the second full body one up. ^^)


Hallucination-the ability to make people hallucinate, or to bring them into a space of illusion. It can be both good and bad, appearing as horrifying nightmares or fluffy bunnies. He himself can appear in the hallucination or space of illusion as long as it's created by him. He also has the ability to make people dream. However, for hallucination ability, he can only do it to as much as 3 hours, and it costs his own strength greatly so he rarely use it for that long. In fact, all his powers require his strength, therefore restricting his powers.

Preferring throwing knives as weapons of choice, he has good aiming skills but nothing too special to be particularly stood out among other peoples.

"Did you just tell them the weakness of my power? Aye...Now they know..."

Classes (3-4):


Fighting and Weapons




"Hmm...Who do I have classes with...."


Cheerful, bright, playful, and usually happy, he's friendly and kind among people and tends to have many of them open their hearts to him. Kou is quick on his feet and smart on his words, acting like a kid from time to time but in fact does have a mature understanding of his surroundings and behaves his age. Kou is also gentle and nice, can acts surprisingly like a grown-up at times. He is curious, helpful, and can be teasing. However, people may once in a while spot him as solemn and quiet, expressionless when left alone, as if in deep thoughts. Moreover, when he's angry, which rarely happens unless something he really hates happen, he becomes cold and even heartless. He likes to be surrounded in places with lots of people, as it makes him more comfortable. However, he does have the habit to keep a certain distance every from people he knows, not wanting them to find out too much about him, unless till one really gets real close to him will he really open himself up to him or her.

"Ain't I the most fabulous? Haha, just joking! You're ten times more fabulous than me! I'm not kidding, I'm serious!"

History (Optional):

As a child, Kou witnessed the tragedy of his parents as his father killed his mother then committed suicide himself. Because of his, his mental condition had been gravely wounded and for a period of time, soulless like a doll. To make it even worse, at that time when his mind could see nothing but nightmares, his disability to control his hallucination powers led to much chaos as people got innocently affected by his terrifying hallucinations just by talking to him, or even walking past him when he's intensively angry or sad. Because of this, his existence became a huge problem. It wasn't until a young lady, Astreil, approached him and lent out her hand to him, did Kou's situation began to change. Her gentle and motherly treatment to him as he started to raise him, bringing him into her family of many siblings and children she adopted, each with their own sad past and stories, did Kou's situation started to improve. He started to open himself up, becoming friendly and playful, and grew into the personality he's supposed to have, the cheerful happy guy he's supposed to be. He also eventually learned to control his powers, and after receiving invitation to join the academy, left the family with much warm goodbyes. He is most afraid of losing Astreil and her family.

"To share my story...? Ah...It's a secret but...Fine, you're special. It ended nice anyway, didn't it?"


Loves cakes and sweets, happy cheerful people and children. Hates it really much when people hurt kids or when people are being bullied.

"This is not even in the character sheet! Eh, but if you want to add it in I don't really mind..."
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Name: Israel Fowler

Age (13-19): 17

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/d05ddef1f7ccaa906927c41b5c3449ed.jpg.60b93f8da3dd6f6c78b92721857664d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36667" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/d05ddef1f7ccaa906927c41b5c3449ed.jpg.60b93f8da3dd6f6c78b92721857664d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Difference: Can absorb the energy or powers of things and people and use it for herself

Classes (3-4):

English Literature

Fighting and Weapons




Personality: Israel has always been a bit disconnected from reality, and uncomfortably optimistic about everything. She's not very good when it comes to dealing with people and their emotions, they're like a puzzle she can never solve no matter how hard she tries —or a Rubix Cube. Israel tries to distance herself from others out of fear of draining them with her powers, even though she wears gloves there is still the risk of other parts of her body touching someone. She's quite a bubbly girl and looks forward to everyday of her life, but everything she does is always being overshadowed by her fear of injuring someone or accidentally draining them.​



  • d05ddef1f7ccaa906927c41b5c3449ed.jpg
    62.2 KB · Views: 58



Benevolence Tenor






Ben has the ability to speak to and understand inanimate objects. She can also animate said objects and give them personalities as well as deactivate or activate them. However, Ben also gains the ability to decay them as well as fix them to a pristine conditions. For defending herself, Ben is able to turn objects into anthropomorphic beings to protect her. She can only summon one at a time, but she often does it so she can talk to objects without seeing batshit crazy.


Period One: Control

Period Two: English Literature

Period Three: History

Period Four: Herbs and Medicine


Because of her "Difference", Ben is a very distanced girl, like creepily distant. Ninety-nine percent of the time, she is talking to walls or the most random of objects, making her seem crazy to a large amount of people. She can isolate the sound that the objects make, but does not feel the need to do so. Instead, she simply ignores the people around her. However, there are times when Ben appears normal because of her object personifications talking to her. Ben will state things quite bluntly with people and not hesitate to tell them when their wrong, always answering to questions as to her conclusion with a "Because the walls told me so". She is very mysterious and most people can't tell what's going on in her head. She is also very secretive and avoidant of gossip. In truth, Ben is afraid of getting attached to people because she can learn anything she wants about them and she's afraid of what she might find.

Anthropomorphic Friends:

Earl Grey




Carbon Monoxide

Liquid Nitrogen

Name: Damien Alemore

Age (13-19): 19

Gender: Male

Appearance (Picture):

Difference: Demon blood gives him super strength and the ability to wield demon magic without the risk a human would have

Classes (3-4):

1. Control

2. Fighting and weapons


3. English

4. Mythology

Personality: To put is simply. He is basically a neutral type of guy, unless he is around friends or someone he cares for.

History (Optional): Maybe he'll tell you that story another time

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