Academy of Possibilities

"Would you prefer if I sat patiently and pretended like nothing was going on? Would you prefer if I didn't have some friends show up with black ski masks on? I only want a proper introduction."

Name: Nyla

"My name is Nyla... Nice to meet you?"

Age: 16

Gender: Female

"So what if I am a girl? Ill still kick your ass"


Race: Djinn/Human Hybrid

Difference: Powers of Djinns (Minor Pyrotelekenesis, levitation). Talented in fighting with multiple weapons.

"Fight me with a gun, I'll beat you with a stick"


P.1 Herbs and Medicine

P.2 Mythology


P.3 Fighting

P.4 Control

"A Schedule? sounds like home..."

Personality: Skeptical of everything, and won't spend a moment of hesitation when it comes to fighting or reacting, that is what makes her a killer. She wants to be social, but is very socially-awkward and has a hard time in fitting in. She does not know of foreign customs so she can be tricked sometimes.

"Am I really like that?"

History: Born and raised in the faraway desert, she was trained under many masters to become the best assassin possible; thanks to her djinn blood she can move faster, hit stronger, move more silent, and see better than others. She is capable of healing herself and restore vital organs and fluid, but costs a lot of energy and quickly drains her if used to much. Her mark covered by her glove is how she uses her supernatural powers, for it contains all her weapons in it and she is able to survive many harsh environments. Her mother fearing for her daughters life moved her to the school so her father, a master assassin, would no longer involve her in this dangerous life.

"My history really isn't much, but go ahead laugh while I'll slip this poison in your heart at night"

Likes: Sun bathing, cleaning her weapons, sparring, sea food and spicy foods

"I like the sun, so what?"

islikes: Cold, procrastination, technology, being tricked.

(If I'm accepted, please let me know lol)
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"....What? Were you expecting a Nice to meet you? I'm sorry, but I don't do those."

Age (13-19): 17

"Yes I know in reaper years I'm just a child....wait do reaper years even exist?"

Gender: Male

".......I'm obviously not a girl I can tell you that."

Appearance (Picture):


"Both of my sides are my good sides, mysterious aren't they? No I just don't like show you the other half of my face."


"Happy now? You got to see my whole face, boring isn't it?"


"I'm not telling you my powers plus you already know my main one isn't that enough?"

Classes (3-4)

Period 1~ Fighting and Weapons

Period 2~ Herbs and Medicine


Period 3~ English

Period 4~ History

"Well this is a school."

Personality:Rude, patient, heartless, blunt, unforgiving, cold, reckless, daring

"I can shamelessly tell you what I'm like and that will hopefully get you away from me."

History (Optional): Toru is often misunderstood and usually named the Heartless Monster, mostly because of his actions, but also the fact he can't physically feel pain. He doesn't care what other think or say about him because he will always have something to say. Toru once had someone he held rather dearly, but in the end nothing never stays the same. In others words he killed her, the rest is a mystery. No one knows what was the reason, but as a reaper who serves God he had his black wings taken away as punishment. Later God forgave him and given Toru a second chance. A few years later Toru made a doll named Ume who was a lost soul, for some reason God let him have it warning him that if he ever abused the soul his powers as a reaper would completely be stripped away. Ume became Toru's companion and is probably the only person who knows him best. After recieving a letter from the Academy Toru decided to go interested, to be honest he needed something useful to do.

"I don't want to share my history because it's a waste of time, plus it turns the conversation into a sob/horror session."

Name: Ume

"*Bows* Nice to meet you, I am sorry for Toru's actions."

Age (13-19):16

"I'm glad that I can be a younger for a while

Gender: Female

"I'm surprised how sexist people are these days."

Appearance (Picture):



"My hair isn't dyed, half of it is Toru's and the other hal-...actually I don't know what the half belongs to..................*shivers*"




~Control of water and ice


~Attach and detach most of her parts

"I'm a doll with emotions and powers fear me. Mha. Mha. Mha."

Classes (3-4):

Period 1~ Fighting and Weapons

Period 2~ Herbs and Medicine


Period 3~ English

Period 4~ History

"I think this is my first time going to school. Usually school is too expensive so it's mostly the rich who gets educated."

Personality: Kind, patient, caring, blunt, obedient, hardworking, supportive

"I wouldn't mind if we became friends."

History (Optional): Ume is Toru's companion and comforter, she was created by him after he found her soul floating in darkness. They treat each other like brother and sister even though they are not related. Toru still has visions of his past that still haunt him that is the main reason she was created, whatever troubles or spooks him he spills on to Ume for comfort (of course when they are alone). Though the only reason why Toru would rather have Ume comfort him is because she can not be easily hurt be his words or what he does. Quickly learning that everything he does has a reason. Stupid, harsh, or lame he always has his reasons. Ume usually knows him best and gently pushes him a head little by little, mostly supporting whatever Toru plans in the future. Nothing was nothing too far for Ume as long as she knows Toru is watching her over she feels like nothing can stop her. No one can be really sure if she's a doll or not theses days she acts a bit too much like a human to be one.

"Independence from China, proudly calling Vietnam a- that already past?? My husband sadly died in Civ-?? I am fighting for women's voting righ-, what, this is a different? Wait I'm confused."
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Name: Name's Takila. Just call me Taki.

Age (13-19): 17

Gender: What does it look like?

Appearance (Picture): ^

Difference: I'm a water elemental.

Classes (3-4): Control, Mythology, English, and Fighting.

Personality: In a word, I'd say feisty. Like, really feisty. If you think I'd give up without a fight, you're insane. However, I'm a buddy, and I'll only beat you up to a pulp if you manage to piss me off on our first meeting.

History (Optional): I lived on a beach for pretty much my entire life before the school found me. And believe me when I say I was pretty thrilled, because before this, I lived with nothing and no one. Just me, myself, and I, along with some starfish and seashells.
I suggest reading the last few pages before hand, as you know you MIGHT be accepted. Just in case you are and you can post as soon as you feel like it.

Oh, Imma edit my CS. Please do take a look when I'm done.

Done :3
Yeah no, I wasn't accepted. And I ALREADY looked before posting that. I think it is just common sense to look before you post.
*Looks up from book* Oh! I have chocolate chip cookies too!

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