Academy for the Unknown


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Morgan Williams had only just started the Academy and everyone around her were complete strangers. Her parents had sent her to the supernatural school in Greece to keep her away from the people who they thought were bad news for her.

Morgan stood on the front steps of the academy taking it all in, watching the other students around her mingling with friends of like her stood not having a clue what to do. 
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Caricon looked at the school from the bushes. It reached of magic. He was about to go to it when he heard a scream from overhead. He looked up and saw a giant bird flying through the sky. He heard a honk and looked at the side to see some horseless carnage. Something was defiantly wrong here. Staying in the shadows Caricon entered the school. Once in he quietly walked the halls his bow drawn.
Morgan was still alone on the steps of the school. No one had come up and greeted her or made her feel welcome in anyway, so she entered the school in search of her dorm and find a chance to explore the school and hopefully find someone to get through the next six years with.
Caricon looked out a window to the sound of a weed waker. As he looked back he ran into someone. Quickly lading his bow he bad up. "Who are you and what have you done to Rome," he yelled the walls shacking a bit.
Morgan saw the, well she wasn't sure what he was. Something she had noticed while being here so far was that nothing what was what it seemed. "Me? I'm Morgan and we are no where near Rome" She laughed though still weary of the bow.
"Nowhere near Rome!!!! Where are we then," he said pulling his bow farther back. "And what are those magical being outside. At the sound of a weedwacker he looked aside. "Like that!!!"
Morgan laughed at him, she couldn't help it. It was like he wasn't from this century. "Look lower the bow and I'll explain anything you want to know, okay?" Morgan took a few steps away when she saw him moving the bow about. She may have been good at hand to hand combat, but objects that could technically move faster than her if shot correctly, worried her.
He lowered his bow to her leg. "Where are we and that are those magical being." His eyes showed fear. "What time is it and what happened to the Romans!!!"
Morgan let out a breath at the site of the bow being lowered. She stepped closer and sank to floor, sitting down. "So first, I have no clue where exactly in Greece we are I just know it's no where near Rome. That 'Magical Being' was what I call a strimmer. The time is 2013 and the Romans, as in the army?" Morgan listed off all his answers hoping she explained them all enough for him.
Daeneth slowly opened a wooden box, filled with the measly possessions she owned. After carefully placing them on the shelf by her new bed, she walked to the window and glanced outwards, seeing all the others meandering around the large campus.

She giggled as she opened the window, the clean air washing over her.

"This place, it reminds me so much of home."

She then frowned.

"And I hate it" she hissed, slamming the window closed.
Molly dumped a large duffel bag filled with her belongings down on her dorm room bed. She sighed loudly at the thought of all the unpacking she was about to endure, but she unzipped her bag and began anyways. It was books that created most of the weight in the bag, then there where clothes, and a few other trinkets which she decorated her room with. Crystals, vials, a little toad statue. They soon adorned the shelf by her new bed.
"2013," he said pronouncing it like a foreign word. "What may this be. Tell me of this 2013." He then put his bow away altogether confused.
(Really quick out of character question, what exactly do witches do? Is it work with a wand? Alchemy? Sorry for disrupting things. :()
Morgan really now started to believe that this guy was from this year . "2013 is the yea, what year were you last in?" she asked looking up at him.
Daeneth walked back over to her bed, sitting down.

She glanced at the other beds in the room.

"Are other beings supposed to be here too? Did I scare them off? Oh I hope they like me.." she mumbled to herself, laying back on the bed, her periwinkle hair spreading out around her, its silky texture enveloping her shoulders gracefully.
Morgan shot up from her spot on the floor and managed to put some space between her and...Well she didn't know who he was. "No I don't know 270, as I said this 2013 you've obviously skipped time and ended up here sadly," Morgan said taking steps back when she saw him moving his sword. "Now put the sword away."
"Please just take me to somebody who would know what they are doing." He then put away his sword and looked at the girl.
Relaxing again, but not stepping forwards she replied. "Well that'll be a little dificult since I don't have a clue who anyone is here, I'm new and hating it already. So sorry to love you and leave you, but I have to go," Morgan turns and walks down the hall to her dorm. Hopefully she'll be by herself.
Caricon watch her go away. He turned around and walked the hallways only more mystified. As he bumped into a adult. He didn't pull back his bow but asked one question, "I'm a elf is there a way you could help me learn about these mysterious creatures outside. (Is there any teachers?)
As Daeneth was sitting up, an adult stumbled breathlessly into her room.

"Oh! Excuse me dear, this room, there's been a- a mix up! You're not in this room, you're down the hall, I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, bowing before turning and hopping back out the room.

*Moments later*

Daeneth looked up at the door in front of her. She knocked hesitantly.

"Hello?" she called, her ear pressed painfully against the door, box balancing under one arm.

Molly jumped slightly with a start when she heard a sudden knock on the door, and a voice coming from the other end. She quickly jumped up and opened the door, to find a beautiful girl with periwinkle hair and pointed ears standing there, holding a box under her arm. "Oh! Hi, are you my new room mate?" Molly asked, stumbling over her words slightly. "My name is Molly, Molly Allister. What's yours?"
Daeneth was taken back at the friendliness of the girl.

"Oh! My name is Daeneth Mordes. A-and yes, I assume I am your new roommate." she replied, cracking a bright smile.

The box slipped slightly from under her. Daeneth pulled her other hand to grab it.

"Do you mind if I come in? My box is slipping!" she exclaimed, frowning with a smile.
The adult took him to his office and began to make the long summery of what happened when he was in ice. After that the sun was setting and Caricon went to his dorm to think over everything he had told him. He still freaked out when the lights turn on or off and went to sleep on the floor without even touching anything else. This was going to take a lot of adjusting and for it he got cut classes for the first day and one less class for the rest of the week. He needed them so he could figure out what electricity and other stuff was AKA staying in the adult he bumped into office. (He is sleeping in the middle of the day as a nap just so you know if anyone wants to jump in.)

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