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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

((This child won't sleep because his uncle is letting him watch murder mystery shows and now he's scared of everything. Omg. ))

Zoe finds a metal nail file in their dorm bathroom and pushes it back and forth on the sides of her fangs, cringing at the rough sound and vibration on her teeth. The female whines, wanting to go back outside, so she leaves only partially done.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
"Wha? Wait...huh? Where......" Roxy looked around, confuse. She looked at Dru before smiling. "That is so cool! I need to get use to that..." Roxy laughed and opened a box of pizza. She took a slice and started eating it. "This is nice....though i don't think we would be able to finish all of it."
The fox glares at him and walks away. "Where are you going?" She question, the fox as usual doesn't answer. She rolls her eyes, and looks up at Zac. "My eyes still haven't gone back to normal." She sighs, looking down at the ground. "Oh, and sorry about Hollow. She's a bit protective of me, like you are of Zoe." She lays her head on Zac's chest. She opens her mouth to speak, but she decides against saying what she had in mind. 'I can't say it yet... Because what if he's not ready to hear it? I should just wait... I mean... What do I know about that... I don't want to rush anything... I mean it's true I do feel that way... But what if he isn't ready to say it in return... I don't want to rush anything... Maybe... Okay... No... Ugh... Why can't I even say it in my mind? Why can't I say.' "I love you." She says quietly accidentally saying it out loud. She covers her mouth and looks away from him. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to. You don't have to say it in return... I know you might feel rushed. I'm sorry.... Erm... Sorry." A crimson color appears on her cheeks as she apologizes for blurting out those three words she has been bottling up.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
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"Oh any amount you don't finish I shall for you." Dru smiled at her and then began eating. After a few minutes he had eaten half a pizza all by himself but began to slow down to let Roxy eat some.
Roxy's eyes widened. "Yeah....definately giving you any left over pizzas." Roxy said, finishing her second slice of pizza. She looked over the edge of the roof to see Writer and Zac. "Oh look, it's the two love birds." Roxy smiled at the sight of them.
Dru smiled at her "Watch this." Dru held his hands in the shape of a baseball and threw it at threw it at the two. It then exploded in the air over their heads in lightning bursts that shaped hearts in the air over them and made a whizzing and popping noise.
"I was just hoping you would enjoy that display. I understand fairly well what you would like although spending more time with you wouldnt hurt much." As soon as she looked back she could see a discarded pizza box and the open one was a quarter empty.
Roxy blushes a little and looked at the left over pizza. "You eat really fast...." Roxy commented, taking anither slice of pizza. "Not that it's a bad thing, it's pretty cool." Roxy smiled.

((Frankieeeeeee come backkkkkkkkkkk))

((IM ALIVE I CAN NVR DIE *gets stab* :P ))
"It's because of my metabolism as well as my lightning nature. Thank you for the compliment though that was very kind although I didn't eat all of it myself." Dru pointed over his shoulder at the little monkey made of lightning that was always with him.
"That's a very creative name for a pet like that." Dru smiled at Hide and his elemental twirled its head around once then released a mini fireworks.
Unfortunately in the end Amy had lost sight and scent of her targets and slowed to a stop, full of anger and defeat. She looked at Edgar who landed on a tree branch and glared at him. "How did you lose sight of them!" she shouted, punching the tree in frustration, causing it to splinter and crack where she had punched it. "Damnit!"

Without another word Amy left with a huff, slowly shifting back to human form with Edgar following her from behind. For added measure Amy punched a locker as she walked down the hall, leaving a nice large sized dent and not caring who's locker it was. Her hand was now bleeding and throbbing in pain but she ignored it, mentally shouting curses in her head.
(I would love to fight a werewolf though lol) "You giggling is adorable. Are you that cute often? If you are though we should hang out much much more."
Roxy started blushing. "I...um...it depends.....i guess...." Roxy said softly, petting hide with her head down to cover her face.

(( WHY? DX ))

(( writerrrrrr come intervene if you want the shiro x roxy. Ignore my pleas if you want dru x roxy XDD jkjk ))
Dru chuckled at her. "Is this another normal response for you or is there something out of the ordinary in this situation?" Dru tilted his head as the elemental tilted its head in a similar mimicking pattern. (It would be so much fun)
"Well..." Roxy started. "It's kind of my normal response when something......weird, embarresing happens to me......" Hide disappears and she took the invisible Hide and placed him on her shoulder.

((Just choose, anything is fine :) @Airagog ))
"Interesting..." Dru seemed deep in thought as he processed her reactions.

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