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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Writer wakes up, doing her normal routine. She got up out of her bed, and groaned as she made her way to her dresser. (Too lazy to put her outfit so just look at the pic at the end) She hops in the shower, and begins humming 'Hold on 'Till May' by pierce the veil. Once she finishes her shower she gets dressed and straightens her hair and puts on a fake flower crown. She puts on her usual makeup and then smiles at herself in the mirror feeling satisfied with the way she looks. She looks over at the shelf by her bed and grabs a pencil, sketchpad, earbuds, and her iPod. She then, leaves and takes off running to the cafeteria to meet up with her friends. She has her earbuds in listening to her odd variety of music on shuffle.

(YAY I HAVE FRIENDS [emoji23][emoji23])

(Writers outfit

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1433353615.739430.jpg.fba17a4a6983b9e3254f40c36f3d55f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1433353615.739430.jpg.fba17a4a6983b9e3254f40c36f3d55f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> )



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As she reaches the cafeteria, Zoe grabs her breakfast and sits at their usual table. She sucks on her blood bag, cheerfully. She waves to Writer when she arrives.

"Writer! Come sit with me!"


Zac brushes his teeth, mentally scolds his sister for not brushing hers, and gets dressed. This actually takes him a while, as he changes his mind about every shirt he puts on. He finally decides that black can never look bad and pulls a plain black t-shirt over his head. He then puts on black jeans and stands at the mirror, poking his fangs. They seem to grow sharper every year, while Zoe's dull down from never using them. Somehow this makes Zachary angry at himself, and he trudges to the cafeteria, hoping there are donuts.

((*hugs Writer* *sticks her tongue out at Sky*))
Writer grabs her usual, a cereal kit, an apple, and chocolate milk and sits with Zoe. She sighs, she's pretty sure that Zoe already knows that she likes Zac. She felt so guilty for not telling her herself so she opens her mouth deciding it's time to come out with it. "Zoe... I have to tell you something... But uhm.... Promise you'll still be my friend after I tell you?" She questioned so she knew she'd still have one of her closest friends after telling her. Her eyes glossed over in worry, of her friends reaction. She nervously bit into her apple, awaiting her friends answer.
Nightmare looks at the clock then rolls out of bed and gets dressed into a pair of black jeans and a green shirt that says 'test me i dare!' then puts on her hoodie and her scarf, shoes then walks out with mist to the cafeteria. "Hi guys" she says as she walks tiredly to the table there at and sits down with a peach.

(*sits in corner* forever alone)
(MY MOM LOVES ME!!!!)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1433355790.671175.jpg.1ac2f741dee98abb68c633b50288dea5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1433355790.671175.jpg.1ac2f741dee98abb68c633b50288dea5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Zoe stops drinking and stares at Writer. Although sge has a pretty good guess of what the girl wants to tell her, but she doesn't want Writer to know that. She wants to see how the girl phrases it. Does she think they are dating? Does she even know that Zachary likes her back?

"I...I promise."

Zoe smiles and listens patiently.


Zac slams into the cafeteria, practically knocking another student down. All hell shall break lose if there isn't any sugar... The male walks toward the line and scans his eyes over the tables, searching for his friends. He sees his sister and smiles, glad she isn't mad at him. Then, he sees Writer, and his morning anger melts away. He stares at her, grinning and waiting for his damn donuts. The male waves giddily at the group, hoping Writer will wave back, but he is too far to hear what the two are saying.

((Fun drip >>>>>>>>))

((I'm so sorry about my grammar... I'll fix it later))
Writer turns her attention to Zac and waves then looks back at Zoe. She thinks of how to say it. "Well... Uhm... Erm... Dammit I'm just gonna say it.... I like your brother." She says, looking down at the ground as a blush spreads across her cheeks. "Please don't hate me." She says quietly, awaiting her friends reaction.
Zoe laughs and nods her head.

"I know. He likes you, too."

She smiles, but it doesn't last too long. She was still getting used to this acceptance thing...

"It's okay because I like you... and you make that stupid boy happy."


Zac decides he deserves six donuts, so he stacks them on a plate and goes to table. He stubbornly waits until Zoe reluctantly runs around the table, sitting across from Writer, so Zac can sit beside her.

"Good morning! "

Zac and Zoe have a brief foot fight under the table until the female accidently kicks Nightmare, and they are forced to stop. Zac pretends to have nothing to do with the kick and points at Writer's fake flower crown.

"That one is nice."

The siblings glare at each other, playfully, each planning to get the other back.
Nightmare lays her head on the table and looks at siblings and laughs abit but then starts to fell alseep.
Writer is still looking at the ground as the once scarlet blush turns crimson, when Zoe said that Zac liked her too. Writer giggled, and rolled her eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you that yours was good Zac?" She questioned in fake annoyance. A smile still on her face as she poked Nightmare's side. "Hurry someone get me a marker! It's time to put my artistic skills to some use. I must draw a fabulous mustache on Nightmare's face!" She exclaimed, seeing her best friend was falling asleep. Her words reminded her that she had brought her sketchpad with her to the cafeteria. She began to think of something to draw. A wide smile appeared on her face when she got the idea to draw her friends. She began to draw, and kept it close to her so none of them could look at what she was drawing.
Nightmare turns to roll over but falls out of her seat. "AGH" she yells while mist chuckles and nightmare gets back up and sits down at her seat then flicks mist's nose.
( sky that reminds me of when I accidentally made Jason fall off the bench when he was sleeping [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23])
Zoe jumps up excitedly.

"Ooh! Ooh! I'll go find one!"

She runs off, barely finishing her sentence. The marker mission seemed like a valuable way to use her energy. She is gone before Nightmare wakes up, and Zac chooses not to stop her and bring her back.


Zac shrugs and smiles, starting to believe his flower twisting skills aren't total crap... not that it really matters. He watches Writer draw, distracted only when Night falls out of her seat.

"You okay, over there? What did you stay up so late doing...? "

The male automatically thinks of sexual answers but he doesn't dare mention them. He pets the cat, trying his hardest to be nice to Nightmare. He thinks it's insane to forgive someone who almost killed his baby sister, but he doesn't want to be known as the cold-hearted kid.
Nightmare looks to zac kinda scared to talk to him. "I was out on missons as a reaper i have job to collect souls, find lost souls, and kill corrupted souls" she looks out the window with a sad look remembering what happend last night. "I feel so bad for that lost child soul......i could have helped her but she was corrupted by the time i reached her"
Writer looks up from her sketch pad when Nightmare falls. "Haha dumbass!" She exclaims teasing her friend. She tried to lighten the mood."LIES! She was probably up with her new roommate." She says wiggling her eyebrows before bursting out in a fit of laughter again. During her little fit of laughter she drops the sketchpad making her drawing, and all other drawings in there visible to anyone.

( this is what happens when me and my friends see a rat... Sometimes...

Friends 1: *sees rat* AAAAAHHH RAAAATTT!

Friend 2: *screams like a girl*


Friend 3: *kills rat*


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