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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

(( cause.....it's the circle of love, you must accept. There no where to run or hide from it XDD))

((I realized we've been chatting in the roleplay area. Should switch over to OOC area))

(we should probably rp)
((YOU CANT HIDE FROM IT. IT'LL FIND YOUUUUUUUUU. And yeah we should. Ummmm.....))

Roxanne walked around the school, unsure of what to do. She was bored out of her mind. She only joined the academy because she thought it would be fun. Roxanne sighed, regretting her decision.
Nightmare sighed walking around hall mist is nowhere to be seen she had work to do in the demon and their is no why she is going back to dorm with onxy in It.
(( awww go innnnn we know you want to xD im joking, please don't kill me))

Roxanne tilted her head to look at the ceiling of the hallway. Since it's this deserted, there won't be anyone he- before she had the chance to complete her thoughts, she bumped into something, or someone, and fell on her butt on the hard floor. Roxanna let out a small yelp before looking up at the thing or person she bumped into.
((I just might kill you but i'm nice so i'll you live for now)

Nightmare bumped into someone and looked down to see it was a girl and she helped her up. "Sorry i wasn't looking where i going" nightmare says with usuall emotionless face.
(( o_o someone save me please o_o ))

Roxanne took a tiny step away from the girl. "Um..yeah....uhh....me too...." Roxanne muttered out and stood infront of the girl, not knowing what to do next
Onyx awakes to find Night missing.Awe my beloved wants to play a game of hide and seek he says to himself.He leaves the hall way searching for her.He finds talking to a strange girl.He barges right in surprising the 2 by saying"My darling Night how I have awaited this and goes in for a kiss and pulls out the last second.Gotcha again he says with a grin that would make the joker proud.
Nightmare patted the girl's head. "no need to be sscared i may look like mean but once you get to know me i'm a nice person" she said emotionless.
Roxanne's eyes widened in surprise. But before she could react to the girl's action, a boy pushed her away saying weird things she didnnot quite catch before seeing the boy kissing the girl. Uh...do i really have to be here for this? The girl backed away slowly from the......couple, ((*runs*)) not wanting the scene before her to scar her mind
Nighrmare saw the girl run away and hit onxy in the head. "Look you made her run away you idiot" Nightmare starts to follow the girl.

Nightmare sighed as she was looking for the girl. "Man onyx so stupid doong random stuff like that" she said blushing while looking for the girl. "He even scared her away"
Roxanne stopped, to catch her breath. After taking large gulps of air, she looked at her surroundings. Immediatly, she cursed at herself for being stupid. She was lost. Great, just great. I'm lost! How wonderful! Roxanne sighed to herself again before leaning against a pillar.

((Sky, you're making the ship grow XDD))

Nightmare sighed. "Hey new girl come on out i won't't hurt you i just wanna help you" she called out while walking.
(( a..ahaha...ha..... *scoots away* ;-; ))

Roxanne looked at the direction where the voice came from. Reluctantly, she pushed away from the pillar and walked towards the voice to find the girl she has bumped into earlier
((Thats what i thought))

Nightmare looks to see the girl that run away, "hey i''m sorry for onyx scaring you.....his just being.... a idiot" nightmare sighs.
((.....i'm digging my deathbed for this next reply but. HEAR ME OUT. This is what my character would really say ;-; please don't kill me ;-; ))

"No, no it's fine. I mean a couple can have their moments and it's perfectly fine. Just, not infront of me will do but other than that, it's fine." Roxanna explained, the scene flashing in her mind.
Nightmare's turns red. "M-me and onyx aren't't a c-coulpe we're r-roommates he just likes to tease me" she says rubbing the back of her neck blishing.

(Any word out that mouth of yours of this reply and i'll kill you)
(( ;-; ))

Roxanne just shrugs her shoulders before looking at the girl properly. Her eyes brightened before dimming. "You're not...human, are you?"
( :3 )

Nightmare nods. "No i'm a reaper and i have a pet cat demon but she's in the demon world getting work done"
(( ;-; i crie ;- ;) )

"A reaper? That's cool. I'm....just a human, sadly. I have pet chameleon called 'Hide'. He's right.....here." Pointing her right shoulder, a small chameleon appeared out of thin air.

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