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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

(I'm so bored and I have no lyfe so someone rp with meh! .... Unless u guys are too busy cause it's Father's Day... ;~; )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
( *hugs* ish okay... Maybe u can spend today with me and kris? Or we might go to my grandpa's.... Maybe I could see if u could come?)

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
((Hello xD I totally forgot it was father's day, but I just saw Inside Out AND OMMGGGG IT IS LITERALLY THE CUTEST MOVOE EVEER GUYZZ YOU MUST SEE IT ))

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
(Sky...My mom wants to know if u want us to take u out to go and visit ur dad #ImTheBestFriendEver )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
(My mom said thank you but we haven't talked to him so we don't know his at ;×; BUT THANK YOU WRITER *huggles*)

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Zac wakes up with Writer laying on him, and his eyes widen. After a moment he remembers all of yesterday's events and slides onto the floor, hitting his head in the process.

"Shit...! "

He quietly puts his clothes back on, so Writer, or more importantly Nick, doesn't wake up to find him half-naked in their dorm room. The male shakes his head, attempting to fix his hair, but he needs his hair gel. That's a good reason to leave.

The older sibling slips out the door to go to his dorm, closing it a bit too harshly on his way out.


Zoe is laid out, with flowers and weird artwork all around her, on the floor. Luckily, the girl had put on a nightgown of somesort, but the room is completely exploded with Zoe-related things. She had spent her time without Zac "redecorating" and now she is in a deep sleep, snoring her cares away.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Writer woke up hearing the door shut. She sat up slowly, looking around. She realized it was Zac who had left the dorm. Taking a double check of the room she had realized they never retrieved her wheelchair from the forest. "Fuck my life!" She yelled, getting off her bed. She slowly made her way to her dresser trying not to hurt her ankle. She only had a few more moths till the surgery then she'd be fine. She grabbed her white shorts, a red Sleeping With Sirens t-shirt, and her black vans. She entered the bathroom, and took a bath. After her bath she threw on her clothes and shoes, along with her black choker, and a few band bracelettes. Once she did that she brushed her hair and threw it into a low ponytail. She put on her usual makeup, that she suddenly felt the need to start wearing again. Once she felt satisfied with her appearance she exited the bathroom. She suddenly felt pain shoot through her back, and remembered flying around te forest when she was looking for Jasmine. "Why am I so fucking stupid?" She mumbled to herself exiting her dorm. She limped all the way to the cafeteria.


When Ashton arrived at the cafeteria, he got a sandwich and water. He wasn't much of a breakfast food person. That was one thing that him and Writer shared. He headed to a table, and began eating.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Nightmare walks to the cafeteria and grabs a peach then sat down at a table while reading a book. "Night" mary runs up and sits next to nightmare.

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